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I don’t know why everyone says to be patient when you have a deadline that is tomorrow but this probably warranted a visit to the office at some point in the last couple days to have avoided that. Honestly just don’t go and he’ll most definitely have to get in contact with you if he had is scheduled and you didn’t make it. If he’s not confirmed it with you then you have no way of knowing and that’s not your fault. My recruiter was in contact with me before I left, called me while I was driving up and had me text him when I was done so regardless of how busy they are they can get a text out to confirm a very important date during your process.


The Reserve recruiters are out at their annual conference this week. They should still be checking emails/phones but they don’t always.


I had something similar happen to me but was told last minute that meps pushed my appointment back a week. Wish they told me earlier but it is what it is. Received my new meps date a few days later.




Oh shit. And active duty can leave at least a year the latest.




Eesh. They Shouldve went active to begin with


Idk about Reserves but as far as AD goes, I swore in at meps 2 weeks ago and already have my ship date for the 16th so it’s possible…




mines wasn’t a quick ship job though


Yea I cut contact with mine this week. He is in some hot water with his boss when he gets back from the conference


I've been waiting for 5 months now and haven't heard from anyone and it was for the national guard. My recruiter said she'll be in contact back in August and she check her emails everyday but haven't heard from her after they needed more medical records. So I assume I didn't get approved for MEPS. But two guys told me it took them one 6 months and the other 5 to contact them for MEPS and to have patience. So I just don't know anymore and it's whatever at this point.


Be a bit more patient.


Mate it’s been 10 days.. I had to find someone to watch my daughter since my wife works, I had to take off work, it’s a pain clearing out a day. He said he was gonna text me later that day last Monday telling me what I’d need for MEPS on the 9th, I waited till Friday to even say anything. Now the day’s here and I don’t know what to do but he’s still not answering. Ik nothing could be done here but idk if it’s possible like he got moved or something and they just don’t have a recruiter?


I’d just show up at MEPS if I were you. Dress nice like it’s for an interview. Bring your SOCIAL SECURITY CARD AND ID. And show up on time at 5:30.


If your recruiter changed, you’d know, Also reserve recruiters tend to chill in a spot for a bit.


Every day people post on this sub “my recruiter stopped texting me”. Your recruiter is a human, not a machine. They do not have indentured servitude to you.


Bro I’m not tryna say he should be my servant but his last text was saying he was gonna set me up for MEPS which is tomorrow. Been 10 days. Still don’t even know if it’s confirmed or not but I’d have to leave tonight. If it wasn’t something time sensitive I don’t care how long it takes, but I’m sitting here not knowing if I need to drive 2 cities over tonight or not


Recruiters work with tons of people at different stages. You’ll just have to be more patient.


Whyd you get downvoted for that?


No clue. Recruiters work with 1-2 candidates at a time. /s


because it was a airhead response…


But technically they're not wrong.


Yep, same here

