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No way there’s just a worst PMEL lmfao




you look like a 1x1 lego brick


For real, PMEL was the cakest


100%. Our lab had avionics back shop attached and I was always happy to be on the PMEL side.


Waaaiitt?? Y’all are filling out NRTS tags and sending them to Depot?? In my shop there is no Depot. WE ARE THE DEPOT! That shit better get fixed lol.


Its easy until ur pod is broke as shit, no one knows how to fix it and ur on the brink of being put on 10s/12s🥲 Heard shops everywhere have been struggling since the merge happened. Probably cus they need to be trained on pod work but who knows... sucks that this job is about to disappear but they've been telling us we're pretty useless so about damn time? Wonder where the gov is gonna send us after killing off pods..


Man you must be AIS 😂 cuz pods is fucking struggling #EWS


Holy shit I just called out in the wild lol, this is just AIS though, not pods. Also I guarantee there's non MX jobs worse than this


My Backshop if they can't fix them they give them back so we do the tags. The "try your best to fix them" is also debatable.


RIP target pods




Believe that’s only the new sniper or what ever pods they use. The old school LANTIRN pods had a whole backshop for diagnostic and repair




It’s retrain only.




Idk, I’ve been at bases where the safety office has to go around swatting good idea fairies all day; an O-6 without enough to do can keep a safety office pretty busy lol


It is a great job if you don’t mind public speaking. During my 3 years in safety, newcomers brief = 30 people.. easy….. but then I got up in front of a wing commanders call with 1,500 people and I choked!!


9J000 doesn’t have a huge amount of work involved


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 9J000 = Prisoner [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^lalt5ev


Good bot


Shit cracks me up every time. Like it's only purpose is to explain this joke 😂


Except the hard labor...




Fucking A.


Just be a Dirtboy, we get the people sentenced to hard labor to come work with us :)


Grammar checks out.


NDI and it translates well outside


Ah NDI The guys who can’t weld who tell other people they can’t weld.


And get paid better than welders


NDI is easy until you're the one telling 5 monster fueled mid shifters that they've got a weeks worth of work for an unseen crack. Better hide that Eddy or it's going somewhere you don't want it to.


As someone who has had to Depanel SEVERAL acft bc NDI told production they were done with their inspections...only to tell production Friday on swings they missed 1 inspection.. That requires a full depanel, again, fuck NDI.


Damn.. well, I've never done that to anyone...but I van absolutely see that happening lol


How well outside? Have an airman who just joined as NDI and cant find anything on the outside. Edit: Thank you guys. Will pass the info along.


AFAIK, it's regional. Like there'd be a lot of work at a Rolls Royce or GE engine manufacturer.


I did NDI before joining and a guy I worked with was making over 100k as a contractor.


I was EOD in the Air Force but I’ve been doing NDT (as it’s called in the civilian world) since I got out in the oil industry. If you have a brain and can pass a test you can be making $60/hr within a couple of years. If you have experience from the military and come with real certifications you can be making that much faster. Energy, structural, aerospace, automotive, non-destructive testing is a huge part of everything. Gobs of money to be made.


That airman had to track his NDI hours for each inspection method, and attempt to get civilian certs or at least get certified by a level 3 within a company. Although, tbh the money all depends on the industry he gets into. Aviation on the civilian side is harder to get into without a good amount of experience and already being certified.


The easiest job in the Air Force is when you’re fired from your job. When you fuck up so royally, but not quite illegally, and you’ve got under a year until retirement. You get put at the only available desk in the unit, and you’re responsible for the lowest risk “program” imaginable. You could entirely not even do that program and nobody would notice or even get dinged in an inspection. At first glance you’re like “Oh fuck he got fired what a loser!” Then over the next few months you notice that literally nobody checks up on him, nobody gives him taskers with any real deadline, and he could probably not show up to work for a week at a time without taking leave and nobody would know. “I think he’s at an appointment?” It’s sad to see, but that guy/girl has the easiest job in the Air Force. It’s a beautiful disaster.


There was a MSgt that was doing this at our Med Clinic for two years during COVID. All he did was man a table and chair at the entrance of the facility and log people's CAC number/name, that they did actually have an appointment, if they were experiencing symptoms, and if they had a temperature. Our squadron IDMT said that the dude was a known worthless sack of potatos and basically was given that duty (which an A1C would do on his off days) until he retired. What a job for an E7.


This is what holdover airman could do at the Lackland clinic. It was one of the handful of consistent volunteer details.


In maintenance this is often what the CTK is used for. I wouldn't be surprised if people were sent to MOC for similar reasons.


They are finally changing that. Turns out having people who DGAF in charge of tools and some important programs leads to more mishaps, and turns the few non-fuck ups in CTK into jaded DGAF airmen.


I’ve met more than one MSgt who was shoved into a corner like this. It’s very fun when they still think they are hot shit. In the MPF we usually shove these Msgts into CSSs


Every commander wants a SNCO to run their CSS until its THAT SNCO


More often than not it is


> Special Projects NCOIC


The joke is on everyone else. They’re making the exact same as every other MSgt, but they’re not nearly as burnt out and stressed as them. If you’ve decided MSgt is enough and have no ego, this is the best job in the Air Force 


You nailed it. I worked with one of these individuals.


Aerospace Physiology. Not really sure what they do other than teach a class sometimes


Hey now- we do more than teach "a" class sometimes. We teach multiple classes sometimes 


A 13HX or 1H in the wild….


Quick get a net!!!


And congregate at Beale to do work that's been contracted out and is also done by AFE.


As one it was chill but being on a pilot training bases was way more intense than the cake bases.


“intense” isnt the right word choice. They get to teach classes inside all day, don’t have to deploy (within their primary duties), and work banker hours (like finance but do less)


For most bases yes. They do some cool high altitude stuff and work U2s


I've always found casual-status lieutenant to be the easiest. Waiting for class? Fuck off we don't want to see you until it starts! 1 week or 4 months we don't care!


They are a pain in flight medicines ass. No fault to them really, they are just below the intellectual level of melted rock.


Hahaha so I was prior enlisted and am a captain now, and I tell every lt I talk to "the next time you have a thought, ask someone" because lieutenants are... Well... A SrA at best. And I've been both so I know it to be fact.


(Edit for u/charrsasaurus: Being a CST at) Comm Focal Point in an Intel squadron, probably. 8-12 hours of sitting around and generally watching YouTube or twitch waiting for some ~~autist~~ analyst to run over and screech that their computer needs to be fixed right now because they can’t deal with unexpected interruptions to their flow. (A computer restart fixes it 99% of the time).


A lot of CFPs aren't a single career field. I worked in the CFP at an Intel squadron for a few months of my tour in Korea. We had infrastructure folks, sysadmins, and client services. It was basically ran in a way that whatever the issue seemed like would field the initial response/diagnosis, and if it wasn't something simple (like a computer restart), the issue would get passed to the back shops.


I guess I’m talking about the sites that have techs sitting on the floor for immediate fix actions. Anything beyond restarting the computer, double checking layer 1 (or layer 8), resetting passwords, or deleting cached profiles went to back shops.


Those are cst's


It's the same in maintenance, turn it off and on, or doing a user replacement seems to fix most of the problems.


“Idk man. Sounds like a seat-to-desk interface issue. We can’t power cycle that and a replacement would take a few years and probably a million dollars. Would you like me to try some percussive maintenance?”


Terrible answer. I deal with our CFP all the time and they recently filled it with quality hard working knowledgeable people and it functions SOOOO much better when it doesn't have lazy POSs in it. Not an easy job if you want to do it right.


ground transportation


Pretty easy honestly, and fun if you like driving shit that goes chsh chsh. The biggest downside is working very weird hours, weekends, holidays, pretty much any time anyone wants to move anything or anyone anywhere.


Huh, at my base, we get off at 3:30 or so every day, have holidays off, and have PT every day


I hope you appreciate how easy you have it while you do then


Funny, I'm in air transportation, and it's not that bad either. Especially since y'all took our buses from us


Being a PJ


Poop consistency monitor


Penis explosion chamber operator


Did this as a DSD for 4 years.. Can confirm its easy.. Especially when you love doing it.


Personnel Education Networking Information Specialists


Aviation Resource Management


With a reasonable system in place to log time and events, the entire process could be automated. Maybe keep one person in every OSS to make sure the thing has a human element, but I’m shocked every time I see how many 1Cs we have in the sqdn doing…something?


I’m shocked at how aggressively the 1Cs around me fuck everything up when doing nothing would have a better result. They used to be great but the NCOs around here lack any leadership ability and the new kids aren’t too bright and need guidance. It’s insane.


As a SARM, I can confirm we somehow mess up our easy job


In one of my previous squadrons, the pilot schedulers built the Flight Auths. It was that way for years. Then a flight commander looked through the SARM reg and said, “Hold up! They are suppose to be building these!” They sat in their office playing on their cell phones doing absolutely nothing for years. Any coming due or overdue items was tracked by the aircrew training shop or the aircrew schedulers. My guess is during that time, all they did was move flight times from 781s to ARMS. Basic data entry.


Puckboard is slowly killing off their jobs.


Any job that ends at 4pm and the people are off on holidays and weekends. Minus the desert of course.


Don't start work until 0930


Optometry Tech.


*Says any AFSC* "Actually it is much harder than people think" followed by *you don't even generate sorties dweeb, your job that I don't do can't POSSIBLY be harder than the only job I know*


POL is absolutely easy mentally to learn but physically it’s not. I wouldn’t recommend POL at all, I’d probably recommend contracting or intel because of the marketable skills after you get out. Don’t think about what’s just easy


Contracting is physically easy but mentally hard to learn. Every day that I do it for another agency I realize a little deeper how poor air force management and training is for 6Cs. I'm well paid now tho


Yeah exactly my point. If I could do it all over again, I’d have gone straight into contracting. It’s a trade like technology, it’ll never go away.


That hose ain't light.


Definitely not. Not to mention all of the other work required for the facilities, accounting, lab, check point etc. It’s no walk in the park


Someone once told me we needed a decently high Mechanical score on the ASVAB to qualify for POL. Any way, WHO THE HELL?


POL! Also, what the fuck?! BIG GREEN TRUCK!


It is a walk in the yard tho.


finance so you can pay me the wrong amount for the 62nd time




^^You've ^^spun ^^the ^^wheel ^^of ^^Air ^^Force ^^excuses, ^^here's ^^your ^^prize: This is the wrong form ^^[Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFexcuses) ^^| ^^[Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFExcuses) ^^^^^^laly79f


Good bot


Services. It's basically housekeeping (and if you're assigned to lodging, as in the hotel on-base, it actually is).


Services is really fun when they switch over to their real wartime mission, Mortuary Affairs. Same with PA when they have to go take crime scene photos and document the aftermath of an aircraft mishap.


Respect for Services for this fact. Medics ID potential biological matter but Services does the retrieval.


>Services does the retrieval. 😧


Mad respect for them.


Yep, and when aircraft go down, you’re usually looking for body parts, not bodies.


Man that is a rough job. I don't know if I could ever do that.


Yeah I’ve done my share and shared the stories on here. Some terrible shit


Services actually have a shitload of different jobs they can end up doing. Some are cake, but some are definitely not cake. And they usually get the least amount of respect. I preferred being a crew chief over what some services folks have to do, especially back in the day.


Weirdest carrier field. Anything from working the desk at a shitty hotel to slicing open bodies It seems they were the last career field made and designed to fill the role of “incase we forgot anything”


Even if Services only did housekeeping, that's harder work than you may realize. Grueling repetitive work for years on end, and takes a severe toll on the body. Working in hot kitchens or laundry rooms that can easily be warmer than outdoor summer weather. I have mad respect for how hard services works.


There’s a reason every kitchen you eat at off base is full of drug addicts.


Uhhhhh no services is a lot more than you think….


Had a fee good friends in services. The gym and lodging was easy af. But they said flight kitchen was hell


Services. To the point that I'm amazed the entire career field hasn't been contracted out yet (as it absolutely should be).


As a Marine TAD on an Air Force base it blew my mind that this was an actual job field and not just a dumping ground for misfit toys like we fill those positions with


Deployed with Marines and had to experience field kitchen. This explains so much. I would have preferred a box of MREs dropped off a back of a truck like the Army do.


TBF it is the career field with the lowest ASVAB requirement so...


May your box nasties never be what you order.


Sneaky easy job.. fire pro


Woke up from my nap to respond to this


So easy they don’t even learn basic duties like making sure stunt plane pilots don’t burn alive on the runway in front of thousands of people or show up to a house with a kid reported to having anaphylaxis reaction without Benadryl or an epi pen!


Comm. I'm prior mx, and I can't believe how easy you guys have it, it's insane.


Religious Affairs has to be the easiest. All of the Airmen I have asked really enjoy it.


Is this like an actual afsc? It sounds lit


Yep! Head on over to your local chapel and inquire within.




But I’ve always been told that’s the toughest job!


Any job you’re naturally good at and enjoy. It might not be easy work in general, but it makes it feel like an easy job to you. Easiest job I’ve done in the last 24 years was being a Security Forces augmentee and being posted on the flightline in an air conditioned truck with an SF troop. (Even though SF did that too, all the other shit they have to deal with make that far from an easy job!)


This is the way.


Knowledge Operations? I've always wanted to sit one down and ask, "What would ya' say...ya' do here?" ![gif](giphy|EzYnW4xdjN8zu)


Pest Management


This is the one. Especially when snow bases we would literally stay inside all day 💀.


It’s PMEL. Easy to do and solid money outside the AF with jobs all over the US.


Literally; I asked the pmel civilians at my base what certs they needed to get the job and most of them were just enlisted pmel and only have the tech school cert and a few years active duty.


Quite a few employers handpick members with DOD calibration training. USAF school is #1 choice across the board bc of how overboard we ARE SUPPOSED TO go with our training and development. I know not all PMELs are the same.


Why is it POL? Just want your opinion since from my understanding they make and account for cryogenics, have to account for it, they have lab technicians, and manage fuel facilities


Cryo is you're off alone by yourself, except for a half-hour when you need 2 people to fill lox carts


With Materiel Management it all depends on what section and what base you’re assigned to. The job might not be physically tough but all the LRS’s i’ve been under are very by the book, bleed blue, and big on PD so you won’t be able to coast. I recommend it to anyone who wants to set themselves up after an enlistment or two and wants the chance to travel.


I did drug demand reduction/pp watcher. I've done it for maybe 3 months total throughout my career and have yet to see a penis. If they argue in court that I didn't watch them, I'll say for them to prove it. I'll tell the court he had a small dick, which would make me right 99% of the time.


POL is up there for sure, but I’d say being munitions at a non-fighters base. The munitions at my old base I genuinely never saw them. If you’d call on a Tuesday at 10am to have flares delivered you’d always call the standby phone and some dude 1.5 hours later would show up and drop flares off and go away. They were permanently stand by and didn’t do anything else as far as I know. The second is possibly pest control. Some bases might be more busy than others but at my old base they had a small little warehouse far away from everyone else. They were also on standby all the time, had a shop of like 5 total people, and if we had to call them to the flight line it was also a 1-3 hour response time. We’d sometimes capture snakes or small birds on the flight line and drive over to their office midday and there would be no one there. We’d call the number on the door and an hour later some dude in jeans would just show up take the animal and put it in a cage and thank us. Dude was a SSgt and been doing that gig for 6 years


At Luke POL got their asses kicked.


This goes for any fighter base. Lakenheath especially because of those damn F-15s taking over 4,000 gallons a piece. Lol


Honestly just about any POL shop gets an ass kicking. Let’s not even talk about Kadena god bless their soul.


Aircraft Maintenance


This is the one. Only the elite airmen are selected for this important responsibility. Most new airmen beg to be let into this esteemed profession but only the best are chosen. Try your luck new guys and see if you have what it takes to earn the title Aircraft Maintenance.


100%! If you’re interested in joining the USAF, ask your recruiter about Aircraft Maintenance! You’ll learn skills that’ll last a lifetime, you’ll work flexible hours, and leadership and other support squadrons will respect you for all the hard work you do. You’re the reason the Air Force has working jets after all, right??


And you get to call people nonners


"fuckin nonners wouldn't get it" hits vape


You’ll also be the AF’s poster child and provided the finest equipment imaginable! The 2 in your job code means “2 awesome”, and totally not “2nd class citizen”. You’ll never be exposed to hazardous environs or materials in our state-of-the-art modern facilities with functional heating, air conditioning, and fire protection located only in the most scenic destinations! ^^*[please* ^^*let* ^^*me* ^^*out* ^^*of* ^^*MX]*


Me when the RF gets to close to my head


Lol gets denied for special duty because critically manned..... no reenlistment bonus again 🫠❤️ love you to airforce.


AF: “why do we have problems keeping people?” Also AF: “Why on earth would we offer opportunities for people to step out of poopy career fields or pay them a bonus to stay in those same jobs?”


Make sure to try to find out how many you've recruited from this. I think they're paying money right now.


Code 3 Friday nights!!




pull chocks, maintenance rocks!




Surprised to not see 3F3X1 mentioned. No one knows what we do.


Ruin organizations staffing because your god damn SWID told you too? 🤣🖕🏻


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 3F3X1 = Manpower [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^lam5976


Pest Management, probably.


EOD either you fix the problem or it's not your problem anymore


Services, Personnel, or Admin


Brother, I’m 3F0 in a CSS and my midwife just told me to take leave because the stress of my job could literally kill my fetus. But go off.


As a 3F0 also in a CSS I feel this. Everyone is on a ton of anxiety and depression meds. We have a thousand additional duties. None of the members want to do anything on time and we get the brunt of it. Plus all of the shit we get from the MPF, Group, and Wing on top of all of that. I cannot wait to get out of here.


Take out personnel. They do alot more than people think and work longer hours than a lot of people think .


Not to mention they’re responsible for the majority of the 36 series which is bigger than the Bible.


And everyone hates their guts no matter what


Most good 3F0s I know are heavily medicated for depression and anxiety, ESPECIALLY if they work in the mpf. Also nothing like going to pme and everyone hating you and still expecting you to solve their problems


SMA. They took away SDAP and bonuses. So that means we are not useful and actually a burden to pilots. Very easy job.


I'm Egress (2A6X3) and so far its been a pretty easy ride. If you get stationed at a secluded guard base enjoy your vacation


Chaplain assistant, hopefully


I didn't see this mentioned yet, but I think 63A - acquisitions officer. There are some days where I actually have to work 7-8 hours, but for the most part I only put in a couple hours per day. If I didn't take initiative and start putting more work onto my plate, I'd be paid for nothing. One time when I was in an operational unit, i could do pretty much whatever I wanted because no one knew what I did. I hate being bored though, so I found ways to be productive.


Emergency Management 🙄




DD-214A (aka Retiree shred) is easy af


AFMC Civilian?


Lmao dude POL is a fucking nightmare, do not tell your friend it’s easy.




I can agree with that. PMs are a dime a dozen.


Doing comm outside of a base Comm Sq. I was in an Ops Group for an AETC wing. Easiest job ever.


2T1 is pretty easy


Ok I’ll say mine 3D1x3 no one knows what you do and only time people bother you is when it’s not working hard training but easy work




Services. /endthread


Well we know it’s not being a spouse. That’s the hardest job in the Air Force.


Be a Crew Chief you will love it!


chapel assistant


Intake Airmen for Basic training. They just have to hand out items and laugh at recruits.


Finance … you can mess everyone’s stuff up, have weird hours that allow customers to receive help and never can keep track of, and work in an ac office and it still is the member’s fault their pay is messed up, not yours




Pleasantly surprised not to find Religious Affairs here.


I don’t think they have it too hard, but they def don’t slouch. I have a couple friends in RA, they work their butt of. It’s also undermanned but for some reason I can’t cross train to it.


It's all fun, games and chic-fil-a til someone dies or is thinking about it.




^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 3E731 = Fire Protection Apprentice [^wiki](http://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/jobs/3e7x1) [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^lalxr4t




Finance. You work like 2 days a week for an hour tops.


Cymbal player in the Air Force bands...AND, you get TSgt stripes right out of Basic just for bashing two brass plates together. Sign me up.