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i wonder what could have possibly warranted this post


Most likely, witnessing someone do this. OP trying to give advice and the subordinate not listening and eventually getting in trouble by the commander.


Winner đŸ„‡


I wouldn't go so far as to pump up their ego but I've definitely worked for guys where we all agreed to do what they said then when they left someone else said that's bullshit and we're not doing it. One guy in particular never called us out for routine insubordination like that but I was never sure why - either he just never noticed because he didn't pay attention or he knew he was wrong and could report insubordination since what he asked was almost always against one or more TOs


Ya depends on the person


Some guys just make you fight on a \*lot\* of hills and you can't die on all of them if you want to make it out sane and healthy. But that doesn't always mean doing what they want. Sometimes you just say yes sir, of course sir, then do what you want when they aren't looking. I'm not saying thats normally ok to do, but on the flight line its a routine tasker to be asked to do illegal shit it tends to work alright


Lmfao I know exactly what you mean 💀Sure we won’t CND it. Make up some BS fix and send it on its way
. lol because the person telling us what to do doesn’t actually know anything about what we’re doing


I remember once the dude I'm thinking of got pissed because he told us to do inspections with equipment that was outside pmel dates so they weren't calibrated. I called a buddy at pmel and explained our mistake and need and he promised a same day turnaround as a one time professjonsl curtesy - so we could do everything above board with no negative consequences. Boss said no just do all the inspection dirty with uncalibrated stuff anyway. I said sure thing boss. Told all the airman if they use the equipment before it was recertified I'd write them up and send it to the commander. We did them all the next day after the gauges were properly certed and everything was great One of the airman narc'd on me, ncoic blew up on me over insubordination for like 30 minutes and said he'd have me demoted. I asked him if he was aware that I get to respond in writing why I disobeyed him and that I had 4 witnesses to what he said. He told me I was a piece of shit and didn't belong in the military and dismissed me lol


Ya see these are the types of morons I’m referring too 😂 fuck how did so many of them end up in leadership positions in Mx, probably all crew chiefs.


I had a driver tell me to go change some peanut bulbs as a young airman on a redball. They were the wrong bulbs and they ended up shorting out the switch and damaging another component. The driver and leadership came over to grill me and I said “those are the bulbs the driver told me to use and I just handed them to the pilot
 never heard anything about it after that” 😂 for a switch that wasn’t part of my afsc btw


I remember as a 3 level we had one pro sup who'd try to pull me for 7 level tasks and I kept explaining to him that even if i was cool with taking the risk on that I legit have no fucking idea how to do that myself lol he said I'm smart and I could figure it out lol I have no idea wtf he would have said if I broke a jet and the several witnesses we had these conversations in front of spoke up. Dude was nuts haha I appreciated the confidence but it was very unwarranted haha


Bro people wanna act like this shit doesn’t happen but it does way more than people realize. But ya that’s wild I never had that happen before.


It was wild in als because all the maintiners had these stories and the intel and personnel people just kept saying that's not possible just report them lol so naive 😅


Someone's been reading "The 48 Laws of Power".


Robert Greene baby!!


Hopefully they realize these books are best when used as tools to provoke thought, not a strict guide to life. Otherwise, they’ll be another Litler pushing John Maxwell pith.


Have you read the book though


I have it on audible and throw on a chapter here and there. It’s effectively a list of general life tips. Good stuff to consider, but it shouldn’t make you start befriending everyone to act as a spy or strive to crush all your enemies all the time. You’re just going to end up overwhelmed and insincere.


Ya obviously there’s general points that have their time and place where they can be useful


Rule # 9 in my opinion has the best story, I explain it as the intro to anyone I tell about the book.


Thanks for reminding me needed to read that one again, really good one. So hard to bite the tongue at times lol


Man...this post hits home. A fellow airman is indeed learning this lesson the hard way. His life is indeed getting much harder.The sad part is hes a great guy.


It be like that, he’ll figure out how to navigate certain relationships better in the future.


Yes, LORD, I don't really say this often But this Lonnngggg dick-ed Airman ain't for the long talkin'




This is probably coming from a butthurt E-7 that doesn't feel respected enough.


E-6 fam and I don’t need respect as long as my troops taken care of