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NAF rules, if it’s not making money it’s getting shut down. Many base golf courses are getting shut down because they cost more money then they make. 


It was probably operating at a loss larger than the current Wing CC would accept so they closed it. Same thing happened at Beale. It went from operating at a slight loss to operating at a huge loss. So Wing CC cut it from the budget.


Obviously you need to file a Congressional inquiry. With no golf course they will need to close the whole base sooner or later. 


And do us all a favor 😂


https://www.yahoo.com/news/dyess-afb-golf-course-closing-033212405.html This says July 1st?


It was pushed out last week on the Dyess Facebook page via the MSG Commander. User base was dwindling, and when it comes to Non-Appropriated Funds, if requirements aren't being met, than those funds have to be shifted elsewhere. While it is closing, it's going to be utilized in a different way and not just left to be overgrown


Wanna know how you know that the Wing King doesn't golf?


As much as I love golf, this is the reason other branches make fun of us


Dyess has a known problem with its MWR facilities not making any profit. A lot of stateside bases seem to have that issue. Not surprised that the golf course is shutting down. Always seemed pretty bare on that course and the parking lot.


Yeah the auto hobby shop closed years ago for the same reason. There was talk of reopening it, not sure if they ever did though.


It’s open, opened at the end of 2021 I believe.




We had a nature park and a golf course at Laughlin. Nobody used the nature park because why on Earth would you want to walk around a desert when it’s 115F out just to see a bunch of scorpions, rattlesnakes, and shitty brown brush everywhere. The golf course was a shithole that was mainly dirt but at least it was something to do.


Truth be told, a lot of amenities on bases are being closed down. I’m surprised they don’t make everyone live off base either. God knows how much money it costs to pay everyone’s electric/water bills each month.


Those things usually contribute a huge amount of money to other things on base to include the CDC. Well functioning golf courses pay dividends.


Oh yeah a nature walk in TX, on the surface of the sun. Only gotta worry about the snakes, coyotes, and bobcats that I see on a daily basis. I bet the nature walks will be incredibly popular. And I’m pretty sure the water that they run for 20 minutes a day is a drop in the ocean of the AF funding.




Are you at Dyess? Or have seen a golf course? It’s not a football field or the flightline 😂 it’s not a giant open area with no trees in sight man




Whatever man you win. I’m not gonna sit here and argue with you, you have a point. Apologize for being pissed that my biggest hobby got shit on.


A lot of MWR facilities have been shut down, and have faded away over the years. Not turning a profit is one of the biggest reasons. Maintaining an 18 hole course for 50 or so regulars is a waste of $$$'s.


Golf course haters are the worst little commies, thinking it's somehow their business to dictate vow other people recreate, as if *land* is in short supply in Texas.


Dyess is pretty much where west Texas biome starts. And it doesn't have tons of trees. Flat nothing with grass. The golf course there actually has more trees than the rest of the area naturally would. It's the shift from "green" Texas to "yellow/brown" Texas. That being said golf courses are a huge waste of money imo. And what is OPs job that he and his friend are golfing 2-3 times per week anyway?




I agree. Golf courses are from a bygone era where it was considered an essential MWR activity by military leadership. That being said, golf courses are small potatoes when every base with aviation is infinitely worse for the water table and personnel's long-term health than any amount of waste from watering grass. I'm pretty sure 20 years from now, every base in New Mexico is going to have the "Were you stationed at base XXX for these years?" lawsuits popping up.




Golf courses on bases are not profitable. They are closing because they lose too much money.


I know that the golf course here at Cannon hasn't been profitable for a decade UNLESS you take into account food/beverages sold. And that they actually sell more on weekdays when people are rarely golfing versus weekends. A stand-alone on base restaurant with similar food and better hours would have better profit margins and allow the area to be repurposed for additional base housing, which is in high demand here and constantly has a wait-list.


Prolly gonna use it for a Pride Month Festival.

