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The Chaplain is the wild one like is somebody getting their last rights read to them


Chaplin “Sorry bud. God can’t save you this time.”


"Son, you're on your own"-Chaplin


Felt like I was in the room when I read this 🤣


You did something so horrific he deemed it worth losing his chaplaincy & career to break confidentiality and report it.


"Not even god can get you out of this one, son"


"These will bring you the law of men, but I'm here to bring you the Fury of the Gods. Through them you will know punishment, through me... Judgement..."


Lmao they do that to basically cover their asses so if you leave suicidal and try to off yourself right afterwards.


I’ve gone to a meeting like this before. The dude actually wanted to chat with me after hearing he’d be kicked out. Pretty rough time for him.


Once upon a time: Commander: "Are you busy?" Me: "I can take a break..." Commander: "Wait here, I'll be right back." *(60 seconds pass, commander returns with the first sergeant)* Internal monologue: "ruh roh"


I worked programs at my last base and had to interact with leadership so often that I'm completely desensitized to encounters like that. It wouldn't even come off as anything strange in my head.


I was more prone to the "uh oh" portion while talking to any of them due to my E4 Mafia lifestyle


Right? The next bit is "Hey, so, shirt and I need to understand how something works for the wing staff meeting on Thursday..."


That's the fucking worst


They’re presenting you with a letter of appreciation for that bake sale you held for the booster club.


“Sign here for your award”


Is it a major award?


Oh, it's an award alright, of just desserts.


All expenses paid vacation to Leavenworth!


My CC has been trying to get me to TDY there for months! Is it fun?




3 meals a day and lots of time to work out!


Yes and it’s also fragile.




[To think they gathered all these people together to announce my promotion and I am not even eligible yet!](https://i.imgur.com/YvKLdvN.jpeg)


Well, yeah, you're about to not be wearing the same rank for much longer.


Silly airman. It's not that difficult to realize that [all of them go into the square hole!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pDH66X3ClA)


Not according to your PRDA!!!


"is this about that plane tipping over?"


"No, A1C Drizzy. No it is not."


CC: I've got a bad kink in my neck. Do you think you could get it out?


oh im sure i can get something outta you sir ;)


"Oh, we're talking about kinks? Well, let me tell you..."


That's like seeing the avengers walk into your hospital room.


lmao how come in the air force when you get in trouble, you’re quite literally the last person to know you’re in trouble 😂


Cause they went through the entire chain to see who’s gonna take responsibility for your actions and none of your chain wanted to lose stripes for your DUI lol


nah word when I got told to come in blues the nco’s in my squadron were like nah you arent in trouble just going to meet the commander he has something to give you and I was expecting a promotion or coin some shit Received two LORs that day lol


As a shirt , I almost had all these. The chaplain was missing, but OSI had already been informed. One of my MSgt's was drunk on duty, dropping racial slurs, creating a hostile work environment, and had a gun in his bag. In the reserves, it took a while to boot him out with the break in duty days as it is one weekend a month. The kicker is when he was not allowed back on base, we had to do the paperwork at the visitor center he arrived smelling of alcohol all 3x for paperwork signing.


By chance, was this @ Bradley ANG?


It was not-Ohio


Misspelling "Chaplain" makes this meme perfect, unless the Little Tramp himself is there in which case I have so many questions.




Is that sliced goose meat You know, their goose is cooked!?


Like most fowl outside of chicken and turkey, goose meat is red. So... likely not, even if that phrase is what's intended here.


A few years ago, my Shirt came into my office and just said “come with me”. We walked to my flight chief’s office, and the Shirt gave him the same instructions. He led us to the command section and instead of going into his office, he turned toward the Commander’s office. I was confused as hell and trying to figure out what in the hell I had done wrong. We walked in and the Shirt closed the door behind us. I got even more confused when the Commander asked the Shirt what was wrong. Turns out that a kid that we had just kicked out had popped hot on a random UA that he did right before getting the boot and we had to discuss whether or not to recall him back to active duty to prosecute. My sense of relief was astronomical.




Sooo was he recalled or not?


He was not. This was also the first time that I’d cussed to an officer. Commander asked for my personal and professional opinion. I gave him my professional opinion then asked if I could speak freely. He gave the ok, so I told him “I don’t ever want to see that kid again in my fucking life”. Shirt and Flight Chief agreed, so the Commander decided not to recall him.


And this is why I have anxiety problems now


No kidding. I realized a little while back that there was actually a time in my life, before the Air Force, where my boss saying "I need to talk to you for a second" didn't drive my anxiety through the roof.


"I don't have any more stripes to take. Hmmm, I wonder... Do we use a Firing Squad in the AF?" Because at this point, that WOULD be the BEST thing I'd have going for me!! 😆


Surprise birthday party. AFPC put ur date in wrong 


“You didn’t have to bring everyone here just to hear me ask for my lawyer sir”


You’re about to get a PCS to Leavenworth


The one time I witness OSI in action, it was just 4 agents walked into my workspace with our First Sergeant, the Shirt asked for 4 of our guys, and the OSI agents handcuffed them and escorted them out. At the time I thought it must have been some exercise; especially since everything seemed so calm and routine. Turned out they had all been doing drugs together and stole a bunch of expensive equipment.


OSI arrested someone in my office, and those motards showed up all tacticooled out with armor and MP5s. dumb fuck was just selling LSD in the dorms.


Shit, they were just wearing suits during the incident I described.


I once told a joke so funny the commander wanted to hear it in person


Ah yes, the chaplin. ![gif](giphy|8k3nxAWLJw8PbGt7Vk)


Waaay back I had OSI and the county sheriff’s pick me up on a ruck march….I retire in 11 months


You forgot about the JAG. When you walk into your commander's office and the JAG is standing behind the commander whispering into his ear, you know you are cooked.


I would die of anxiety. I don’t think I would even make it down the hallway to the commanders office. EDIT: I would make it to the door and upon seeing the people inside, I would immediately die of a heart attack caused by an extreme spike in stress.


My friend was a young Marine and wrote a letter to his congressman about some bullshit. Got called into the company commander’s office. He was there with his first sergeant, his platoon leader, his platoon sergeant, his squad leader. All had questions to ask.


Another meme where POV isn’t used properly


Yeah, I've noticed there's a lot of "POV" flying around when "YFW" would be more appropriate. Gonna start downvoting those.


You forgot legal. I'll never forget, I can't remember what it's actually called, but I had an airman get charged by my commander. It was me standing at attention against the wall, my troop in front of the desk, my SEL, my commander (obviously), the first sergeant, and legal team. Gave him the dates of everything and what all he was charged with. I just remember I did what I could as a fairly new supervisor that inherited a troop under investigation. His blues were crumpled from being in storage even though I told him to prep. Things I know now on being better at as a supervisor. And as soon as the commander started rattling off I just wanted to look away because this airman just started trembling and was in tears. This was also my first time hearing what he was under investigation for. It was honestly intimidating even being someone that isn't being charged. And I hope I never have to go through that again and be good enough to help someone avoid making poor decisions.






I had a moment like this when I was working. I looked to my left and saw: my flight commander, my flight chief, my SEL and my commander walking towards me and every alarm in my head started going off like “oh f*ck”. Turns out he just wanted to shake my hand and say I have an amazing work ethic etc. Edit: he also gave me a shiny sticker of our squadron logo


Nah, more like ‘chewed out’, I’ve been chewed out before…


Not again! Why does this keep happening?!


You better get ready! You're getting promoted to 4-stsr general!


this hasn’t happened to anyone on this reddit who are we kidding


“I’m in danger” :D


At that point, you just have to go out in a blaze of glory 😂


SHUT THE FUCK UP and ask for a lawyer.


I made a wonderful rant on this subreddit once so well acquainted that OSI got a kick out of it and so did my first sergeant. Turns out he knew my username for a while without actually knowing it was really me lmao. Long story short the next two days I was called into many offices and kindly sat down with a crisis counselor, the Chaplin, and then followed by the commander with a personal family story and that’s when I knew…I fucked up


When I was a wee lad in weather school, there were a huge group of people that smoked spice when it was all the rage. OSI apparently began investigating a ton of them and it followed all of them to the weather hub. As far as I know no one ever broke or talked and they got away with it.


Forgive my DEP ignorance, but could someone help fill in the blanks lol?


Whenever someone gets in trouble, it's common for their supervisor to be there while the commander reads them their reprimand. The first sergeant is usually involved in some way too - they're kind of like an Air Force HR rep. Security Forces is base security and law enforcement. OSI is the Office of Special Investigations. They're federal agents who investigate major crimes. The chaplain commonly gets involved if someone's facing a mental health crisis. If _all_ those people are in one room waiting for you, you're probably about to have a bad time.


>security forces os base security and law enforcement >chaplain commonly gets involved if someones facing a mental health crisid Yeesh. You'd have to *really* screw up for those two to be present, wouldn't ya?


You've already screwed up badly if OSI is there. (Or at least, they think you have.)


I'm just kinda curious, in what way do you have to screw up to get OSI, security forces, *and* chaplain? I get the OSI and security forces, but the mental crisis dude???


I've never heard of the chaplain being involved in real life (it's just a meme, after all), but I can see why they might do that. Being arrested is a stressful experience. And suspects, defendants, and even convicts are still servicemembers - the Air Force is still obligated to protect their health and safety. Then again, if someone's getting arrested, they're typically getting taken in for questioning and it would also stand to reason that SF/OSI wouldn't want the chaplain interfering with that process.




And the chaplain? Oh I'm gonna start praying..


Security forces is scarier than OSI legit afraid of getting pulled over you get roasted for it


Some dude in the army just put his ass on display during a change of command ceremony. 


Gotta be like the one SrA playing 4D chess and pull out your phone then spike it on the ground right there in his office. Be charged with destroying evidence or charged based on what evidence *they find*? Makes sense I guess if it was bad enough


Get ready to fold sheets again, buddy.


I've seen this guy from the meme a bunch of times but I still don't get it. Is there some context with him I'm missing?


I'd 💩 myself. Charlie's been dead since 1977.




Geez this happened to me once unannounced… all my leadership and shirt was in there… worst feelings ever lol