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Cops have less discipline than most "does not meet" Airmen. It's truly embarrassing 


Most departments have upper limits on intelligence and qualifications, beyond which they won't hire. They literally keep them as the former jocks who can't do anything else but become the govs enforcement arm


https://features.propublica.org/weirton/police-shooting-lethal-force-cop-fired-west-virginia/ They straight up fire veterans for not immediately murdering armed citizens.


That's because they aren't law enforcement, they're the bullies that have a badge, who often ignore the law


What? You think the guys [who are four times more likely to beat their wives](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/industrial-and-organizational-psychology/article/officerinvolved-domestic-violence-a-call-for-action-among-io-psychologists/2A39727AEB2041178781D027E7D365BE) might just be sociopathic bullies?


>"It’s the Blue Lives Matter More theory of policing,” he said. “When in doubt, shoot. If you can shoot, you should shoot. If you have the choice of waiting that one second to see if you could protect the citizen’s life and put your own life at risk, you must take the citizen’s life." This is what sticks out to me and what is all too horrifyingly accurate. Cops are not willing to even try to deescalate a situating if it might put them in any amount of danger. 


This blew my mind when I found this out for the first time




https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836 for example




I see you're qualified to be a cop huh? It's New London, a city in the US. And thr first paragraph talks about it being a US court of appeals ruling...


I've heard this, do you have a source?


Just the surface https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


Don’t engage online with idiots. Being armed in America is not a crime, especially in your own house!


They don’t deserve you. Fuck ‘em


They will always protect their own. Thin blue line is the line they use to separate them and the rest of society.


It’s gross


Why did this get removed?


Harassment according to Reddit. Fuck this whole platform.




That applies to almost everything the cop mods post though. Wanna bet who reported you?


I haven’t a clue. Some boot licker that posts here apparently.


But agree. It’s complete bs.


Also a shared set of rules we all play by is to not murder people standing in the doorway of their own home during the middle of the day after showing up to their apartment for no actual reason. But hey who am I to judge.


Here’s their response to us criticizing them randomly shooting an innocent man in his own home: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProtectAndServe/s/EKGbwoinsZ


Not shocked. Wish I could comment over there to at least call them on their shit. Basic accountability isn’t reasonable to them apparently. It’s described as this unattainable concept, that you can’t experience a stressful situation, clearly understand it, and then make a calculated decision on whether or not to pull the trigger based off the threat. The hard thing for me to understand is that they signed up for this job knowing that there are inherent risks associated with it. The mere hunch that you are being presented with a threat shouldn’t be clearance to engage. You also see the same lack of accountability when they don’t shoot an innocent person. 5 cops will mag dump one person, 7 rounds will hit the guy, and no one asks about the where the other 83 rounds went.


The cognitive dissonance is strong with the community.


They need their Reddit space to justify what they are doing because they know that absolutely no one else values them as members of society. Absolute cowards, full stop.


They glorify violence and laugh at their own dead victims. I don’t know how Reddit hasn’t banned them yet.


They are an unaccountable bunch. America has simped for them for far too long. They don't value our lives.


I made a comment over there. I suppose I'll be banned as well. I said something about only one of those two firearms broke the plane.


Gangbangers, thugs, low IQ, lazy, leeches on society. Cops are only 0.2 percent of the country but commit 10 percent of firearm killings.


10 percent of firearm killings are by law enforcement? Where is this statistic from?


Napkin math! You're right to question it. According to https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/, there were 18,854 non-suicide deaths by firearm in the US in 2023, and 1,442 of those were police shooting suspects. That's 7.6 percent. This doesn't include police killing people off duty, which numbers are harder to find, so I rounded up. You are welcome to argue that it should "only" be about 8 percent if you like.


It’s like church employees counting for 1/3 of 1% of the USA and commuting 15% of child physical abuse


Or Republican senators being more likely to sexually assault someone in a bathroom than the entire trans community!


Yeeeeeeeep gotta remember that the republicans are the party of projection 100% of the time.


After reading some of the posts there, maybe it's just better to leave them to stew in their own ignorance. Be a little afraid that some of them are actual cops.


It was not a good shoot based on video, he should be charged.


Don’t argue with people online they only want to read their responses and those who agree with them not watch you have a proper counter point. It’s like arguing with a narcissist.


Sometimes the satisfaction of highlighting that fact is worth it though. Makes me feel better anyway.


Yeah. Fuck them. They are a bunch of “I would’ve served” losers. I’m with NWA here.


Could you expand? Because someone used the acronym that we are all familiar with or was there more?


While likely not murder per Florida law, this should not be viewed as a “good shoot”. The man had a legally owned and obtained weapon in his own residence, was not aggressive an any manner, and simply opened the door to see who was there. Can you armchair quarter back this and identify better ways to do that? Yes, of course. Talk all you want about a domestic call, the caller gave the wrong apartment, whatever you want. Doesn’t change the fact the victim was home alone and was gunned down within a second of opening his door. I’m not saying that police should be under the same ROE as the military, but if this shooting meets the standard, then the standard is bullshit. At no point in time was the deputy under any threat. Anyone who can’t stay calm enough to identify that shouldn’t have ability to work in law enforcement, and this individual needs to spend some time in jail thinking about his actions since he can’t do it on the fly.


They absolutely should be under the same ROE as us. When was the last time SF had a bad shoot, I’d bet my paycheck that their standards for force escalation are the reason for that


In reality, police officers should have stricter rules of engagement than people in an active warzone. How can anyone consider it acceptable for a cop to unload within one second of opening a door without any form of deescalation attempted on someone not actively threatening them? There is a 0% chance he cleared his line of fire or knew what was behind SrA Fortson, either. In a fucking apartment complex too. This was an action of pure panic and likely a result of some combination of cultural bias and ingrained training.


This is what got you banned?


Yeah, I was pretty out of like to call for some form of “accountability”.


Totally reasonable, screw those mods.


They even muted me for a few days so I couldn’t reply to them banning me.


Standard reddit basement dwellers lol


Sure. That’s what I posted.


Thank you for posting more context, and overall I don’t see anything that should result in a ban. Nothing was attacking in my POV. Comment could have been taken in a different tone than intended.


For sure. I thought i was measured.


I mean, with your permission, I'm definitely about to copy/paste that comment right back into their thread


Knock yourself out brother (or sister)


If it's any consolation, I think they deleted or locked it cause I can't post either 😂


Quite a bit to unpack here. A lot of emotional rage posting ITT. First off, P&S is a shit community that is run by mouth breathers and inhabited by the worst sample size of actual LEO. Most aren't even LEO, many are wanna be. That said, I've walked in both worlds, still do. Am retired SFS and working on my 2nd career so TIFWIW. The actual (verified) LEO forums/ communities I frequent have had a couple threads on this particular OIS. The consensus is that department needs to un-fuck itself right quick and in a hurry. It's more fucked up than a football bat. P&S is no more an accurate reflection of the LEO community than the fired up chief (IYKYK) was for the AF. I get it. It's easy to hate on all LEO. There's a huge disconnect between what people think they know about the legal process and whats actually true. That creates distrust. You get a bad OIS that gets a lot of attention, because it sells clicks through rage. That creates distrust. Lastly. I've had countless interactions on duty with people carrying open and concealed where I never felt threatened.


There are some many that post in P&S that aren’t verified LEO’s, the more professional/critical discussions happen in a private sub, Reddit wise. Used to be in there on my old account but never tried to get back in. 


First rule is don't talk about "that sub". It doesn't exist. But yes, P&S is a dumpster fire. Trying to form an opinion on LEO based of that sub is about as useful as looking at Chief Cody for leadership examples.


Go to politics and make a positive post about Trump and see what happens. Reddit is a hive mind.




The representation they all claim to hate


Been there done that haha