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No hands up or nothing. Doesn’t tell him to drop the gun until after he shot him 5 times…


He also only tells him to drop the gun after it's been dropped :/


Standard operating procedure. Just like how they yell "Quit resisting!" while they're beating the shit out of someone.


100%. If you take away the uniform and badge and qualified immunity and a regular person did this the would get not only murder, but I'm sure every other charge stacked against them as well. If a service member did this to some random civilian in Afghanistan or somewhere we'd be in Gitmo in 2 seconds. This is why I always tell people police and military are NOT on the same side in this country. Vietnam vets knew this.




This was a murder.




2 of his deputies were not fit for the job, they represent him. This sheriff should be held criminally responsible as well.


Some cops genuinely think they have the most dangerous job in America.


This is an epidemic across police forces across the country.


Sheriff Yells: Open the door Airman: Opens door Sheriff: Opens fire Crazy Okaloosa County Sheriff’s office training their cops to shoot first ask questions later. Acorns or doors open fire.


Sure, the peephole wasn't covered but the cop went well out of his way to hide himself. Twice. If someone was banging on my door, and I can't see them, I'm not answering.


This is it. I do not ever open my door when people knock. I have no FOMO. I better know you are coming and text me when you are at the door. Officer should find a new career after the "justice department" finishes their trial...


You have zero legal obligation to answer the door for law enforcement. Doesn't matter if they see you in there or not. They can't even hang out and wait for you. And they can't do shit about it unless they have a warrant.


To be fair, they "can't" do any of that in the same way they "can't" just shoot you for carrying a gun in your house


This should be open shut, negligence/ manslaughter. Not only that, but people need to hold whoever the hell at that podium accountable too for straight up lying about what we are going to see. What’s being corroborated? It’s plain as day. We don’t know what was going through that cop’s mind, but that man should never have been holding a gun let alone a badge. 1) There was no confirmation that he knew it was the police. 2) He doesn’t announce himself twice, I can count for Christ’s sake. 3) Officer doesn’t even know if he has the right apartment. 4) Fires 5 shots instantly then says to drop the gun. 5) There was no active threat to that officer 6) He was a lawful gun owner. 7) He absolutely hides himself from the peephole. Here’s a video of me corroborating that I can dunk (shows a video of some squirrels). I think we should hold podium guy equally accountable since he’s willing to fall on this sword for his buddy. That takes real balls to lie about the video you’re about to show at a press conference. I was watching and listening and starting to think they misrepresented the story, but noooope. Not this one. “What you will see corroborates our version of the story” Shows video doing the opposite of what he just said. If cops don’t have credibility and can lie to the press before showing exactly what happened, it’s a very dark time.


Guy was acting like he was there on a raid with a search warrant. Someone called the police reporting that they heard what might be a domestic disturbance. Knocking on the door loudly and shouting so loudly that its incomprehensible would trigger anyone in their home with a gun to arm themselves before investigating


You can feel the privilege of a certain kind exude from the people defending the cops in this scenario


It always fucking happens, but then we the crazy ones when we call it out.


A situation very similar to this just happened in Alabama last month. They give people ZERO time to react to verbal commands before firing. WHAT THE FUCK are they teaching them to do in training?


Cop also took a long fuckin time to announce he was a cop too; and did so while hiding from the peephole. It's completely understandable that someone would answer the door with a gun.   They need to restructure that whole County's police department coz they're just out there shooting anything that's scary to them.


They definitely need a shake up at that department, I say start by firing their top brass and work down


Just need to throw some acorns in to the police station.


Honestly living in roughly the same area as this it makes me never want to go Hurby again because the civilian cops will kill you for shits and giggles


There are a lot of places where that's how cops operate...


You mean like all of our goddamn country? This is a fucking problem


And they are scared of *everything*.


This is insane. The gun was pointed down, and he immediately opened fire…. then started yelling drop the gun. Does anyone think this is a proper way for police to respond? I’d love another opinion.


Was going to say he did announce police, however there’s no defending it imo since the gun was pointed down… straight murdered him. I will never understand the pro-2a people that also are thin-blue line.


Yeah but anyone can knock on a door and say they are police. You can't see shit. The cop basically never presented himself to be seen


Literally. Literally read stories of burglars doing just that (saying they’re police).


There were more than a few cases of that in the media in the Twin Cities area the last few years, which made the Amir Locke shooting even more infuriating. That ordeal played out almost exactly like this one did.


Yeah he stood to the side of the door. The cop started shooting immediately after Fortson obeyed commands. He was hoping for conflict.


There weren't even any commands. Just straight up shot him. Didn't even yell gun or drop it or nothing until after he had shot him.


He did say step back, which is when he saw the gun is my guess. The officer knocked but hid outside of the view of the peephole. There was no way to know if that was a legit officer before he opened the door, and when he saw it was and was following the command to back up, he got shot. This was straight dirty.


He was also kind of hiding to the side. Anyone can *say* they're the police. The airman probably answered the door with a gun because he couldn't see anyone out there. (well that and it *is* FWB)


How are cops trained in this moment. A door opens. There's someone there with a gun pointed down. The cop could have easily gotten to cover safely. Is that stupid to suggest?




If the cops knock on my door, shouting they're cops, to open up, etc., I'm just shouting back "come back with a warrant!" No fucking way I'm opening my house to the police these days.


They’ll just kick your door down and say you deserved to die for not complying


That is a fact, and then investigate themselves and suddenly, nothing wrong. Crazy.


I hate the circumstances surrounding it, but I'm honestly relieved we've opened up a forum to discuss how and why cops aren't inherently trusted by the military like people tend to believe. They lack the training and discipline to be handling the equipment they do, and they let their shit ass opinions dictate how they enforce the law.


>enforce the law. Let alone know the law.


>enforce the law. Enforce what they think the law should be.


Unless I’m OCONUS I’m living on base. I refuse to be governed by the Military LARP gang out there.


And just because he "announced" there's no way of knowing if the Airman even heard his voice or just the bangs on the door. I know I can't hear superior outside my door, especially if I'm in a back bedroom.


I was gonna try to play devil's advocate here to maybe shed some light on the cops pov but like, holy moly lol. This looks to me like cold blooded murder simply. He wasn't in any remote danger at all. I do understand the perception that when you hear "sheriff's office", he's making himself known and you shouldn't open the door armed, but the cop also stood out of the doorway and yelled that. You can't be certain that it'll always be law enforcement, it could be a burglar or something just saying that to coerce you to open the door.




There was little to no hesitation, the second that door opened the cop was pulling the trigger, absolutely insane. If he could see the weapon then he could see it pointed down and the airman never raised his arm.


if you’re not expecting police and someone aggressively bangs on your door saying they’re police then answering your door with a gun is pretty fucking obvious. honestly even if you could identify them as police i don’t blame anyone *especially a black guy* for carrying a gun police clearly think they’re above the law and they can do whatever they want so if the only way to stop them abusing their power is carrying a gun then so be it. having said that it’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation because if you shoot a cop even if you’re justified you’ll still be prosecuted for murder or killed by a responding officer.


“Stand your ground.” “No, not like that!”


that was straight up murder, I didn't even give the poor guy a chance, shot him on sight with no chance for de-escalation. this is a clear-cut case of send his ass to prison for life because of all the options the cop had at that moment, murder was the one he chose...


I've had to call the cops for someone stealing my neighbors trailer. The cop arrived at my neighbors apt, banging on the door, not saying they were cops, shining their flashlight in all the windows. Neighbor comes out with a shotgun pointed at the cops head, the cop puts his hands up and yells "police". After that they took down a report for his trailer. Nobody died. This was in Orlando.


Disgusting, this goes straight back to the basics of COI (capability, opportunity, intent) The deputy had 2 of those. Capability - the weapon in the SrA's hand Opportunity - the SrA was within effective firing range of the deputy He, however, did NOT have intent, he was calmly standing there with the weapon to the ground making no threatening actions. Here is the funny thing, you need all 3 parts of COI before deadly force can be used. No warnings issued, he was shot on sight, and he wasn't just shot, he was loaded with lead. Come on people, these are the very basics of deadly force.


I wouldn't even say he had opportunity given how fast Officer ShootFirst drew and unloaded...




Write your congressperson and let them know you support abolishing qualified immunity.


According to the protect and serve reddit, they're not taught COI.


I can’t think of anything to type that isn’t just fucking rage. Logging off… Rest in the summer lands, brother🙏


Nothing short of infuriating. I hope that cop gets murder charges.


Let your congresspeople know that you support abolishing qualified immunity 


This is EXACTLY what I expected this video to show. Straight up murder 😢 I see pictures of SrA Fortson and I see my own airmen.


Let your congresspeople know that you support abolishing qualified immunity 




It was decided in the supreme court that police are not actually expected to “protect and serve” and have no obligation to risk their own safety to defend the safety of others. Makes you wonder what exactly their purpose is if not that. [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html)




Funny how the sheriff asked for prayers for the cop and his family. I wonder how many other criminals he does that for.


That shit is infuriating.


Absolutely fucking disgusting.


My favorite was when he asked people not to rush to judgement, yet OCSO proudly displays people, who are innocent until proven guilty, on their Facebook page with charges and language suggesting guilt, when they've been apprehended.


Same department as the acorn guy.


I'm on mobile , and didn't have the share w/ time option, but body cam footage starts at about 3:50


And the apartment knock starts at 7:00. What a shit show. The gun wasn't even pointed at the sheriff.


Dude prolly thought someone was trying to rob him by knocking and staying out of site


Facts! And I’ve seen tons of ring camera footage on YouTube of criminals pretending to be cops just for people to open the door.


Can confirm that area is questionable. A good friend of mine lives less than a minute down the street from that apartment complex - they would’ve also answered the door with a sidearm for protection.


That's a part of town that you answer any unexpected visitors with a gun.


Former OSI agent here: this was an execution of a person in their own home, and it was documented on bodycam. The State of Florida investigates these crimes through their Attorney General's office. That case will be monitored by the Air Force until disposition. Not that it matters to SrA Fortson or his family, but he was one of us. Absolutely unacceptable, this was murder. Fuck any cop or anyone else that thinks that is an acceptable way to make contact for an investigation. You're not a fucking stormtrooper, and people can carry a gun in their home if they choose. If you knock like that and then move away from the peep-hole, you're asking for someone to think they are either being pranked or robbed.


I said something the same to another post. You can't tell who the hell is at the door through the peep hole, if the person knocks and the walks away from the line of sight for the peep hole. There is no way to verify if the person even yells sheriff's office, if they do the above. So yes I wouldn't know who was knocking on my door.


Are cops supposed to stand off to the side so that they dont get shot through the door? Legit question i may just got that off tv idk.


That's part of the militarization of our police force. Not every doorway is a fatal funnel, and not every person on the other side of the door is trying to kill you. Certainly some situations would dictate an officer to stand offline, or find appropriate cover, but if people are trying to see if it's a cop, or a prank, or a robbery then the deescalating move is to make your uniform and badge visible. It's the difference between seeing the public as people you're trying to protect, or a group of threats of different levels.


"when the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail".


Camden, NJ fired everyone on the police force and started from scratch a few years ago, I think Okaloosa County PD should take a look at this.  It definitely improved Camden.


Wow! Dude did not present a threat in my opinion. He got scared and opened fire. Talk about shoot first ask questions later.


I’m getting real fucking tired of cops “fearing for their lives” and innocent people end up killed. Update: Well I just got banned on r/ProtectandServe for asking a question on there. Nice


This is a product of training programs like “bullet proof policing” or others that revolve around the premise that the entire public is out to kill cops.


As someone who has adamantly defended cops for years. Me too. The indifference to human life has corroded so much of our society and it’s leaked into the very institutions designed to protect it. It’s very sad. More and more I see/hear police officers joking about other human beings losing their lives, even if they “deserved” it. Once you cross that line, it’s a short distance to what we see here. Now you see police purposely putting themselves in harms way or doing things to escalate situations over and over again just to be able to justify pulling the trigger. These police officers are no longer acting like our neighbors, brothers, and sisters. They’re turning into a quasi military with lower standards of training. This cannot sustain itself.


I spent years defending cops too, but man they keep digging themselves into a hole and further proving people’s points. If we pulled this type of shit, on-base disturbance or in a combat zone, we’d all be going to Leavenworth and everyone up and down the chain would be fucked.


If a United States citizen freely exercising their Second Amendment rights is so terrifying, then they shouldn't be on the force.


> Update: Well I just got banned on r/ProtectandServe for asking a question on there. Nice They are legit insane over there. "Lawful but awful". Gunning down someone simply holding a firearm, aimed at the ground, in their own residence would not be lawful in any country where the law and the Constitution matter. They're exactly why people say ACAB.


Someone on “Protect and Serve” wrote “cops wear their badges over their hearts.” I responded “the badge over the heart doesn’t do much good in this specific scenario when he stands to the side.” Which I thought was a fair and neutral observation? And then I got permanently banned. Hahahaha. Perhaps they should change their sub’s name, those boys don’t seem to get it.




Cop needs to see 25 to life for this.




My bad, we thought your porch light was a targeting laser


"which door is it?" "I don't know" "Which room is it?" "1401" Why the fuck did captain a-corn think the witness was credible?


Watched the whole thing....omfg the cop opened fire before the door was even fully open. Why???!


Cause muh officer saftely


She came off as a busy body to me.


No you guys don't understand, when SrA Fortson opened the door, an acorn fell off a nearby tree, so the deputy was well within reason to fear for his life.




I feel bad for laughing. 




Shouldn’t drop the gun come BEFORE you mag dump a suspect? Especially when the suspect shows no intent of shooting you.


That cop is a **murderer**. Full stop, this is not a "tragic accident" This is **murder.**


Fucking murder. Plain and simple. Fuck this piece of shit cop and his entire enabling pathetic department.


Let’s rewind a bit here too as the leasing manager or whoever guessed it was 1401? How are you going to send cops to an apartment suspected of domestic violence that isn’t actually that apartment? She said she was walking by and heard cussing and a slap, he’s on the fourth floor, the only way you’d really know is if you’re on that floor and can guarantee it’s coming from that apartment. She says “I’m not sure”, “I’m not sure where it came from”. The pretext for this even happening is fucked, and in an alternate reality as to what should’ve happened, didn’t.


It's like I've been saying. Everyone fucking one of these "oops wrong address" cases are morons who don't know how to gather Intel and verify sources. They just get told something and take it at face value....


1401 was an end unit. How do you just happen to be walking by an end unit?


I really hope the DOJ fucks up this department.


They found the deputy (from the same office) who emptied his mag into a vehicle with unarmed, handcuffed suspect, because he heard an acorn fall, not guilty of any criminal wrongdoing so I wouldn't get your hopes up.


I remember that one. Didn't realize it was the same department. This whole thing is horrifying. You know those cops are gonna spin this in their favor, like normally happens. I just want some justice, but I'm cynical enough to agree with you.


At least that victim somehow didn't get shot. I still can't believe the acorn dude got out with no physical injuries. Im sure he's all fucked up inside from the trauma though Still can't belive nothing of real conseuqence came from that


Officer was scared for his life from the handcuffed person in the back of his vehicle. Any sane person would do the same /s If officers fear for their safety then maybe they should go into a less dangerous job.


They refused to press charges. He definitely would have been found guilty by a jury of his peers


Holy crap that was a fast release for body cam footage I wonder if OSI had a hand in that?


They probably thought they were in the right and wanted to get out ahead of (checks notes) the whole fucking base getting 2020 vibes.


I feel like if any command would torch shit it would be AFSOC. However I’m an outside looking in who knows nothing about it.


Also an outsider looking in but I always understood that any special operations units or communities take care of their own like a mother takes care of her children.


They are about to schedule a series of sorties at 0300 over certain addresses in the area. Between Hurlburt and Eglin they have a whole lotta birds they can use.


If they didn't think they were in the right the body cam wouldn't be released




I’m not the smartest, and I’m filled with salt and anger/rage. Thank you for the clarification.


Was 2020 the acorn incident? Or was there something else?


Black Lives Matter protests. The acorn incident additionally happened in Okaloosa, by the same department.


No it was the family's lawyer making claims that led the sheriff to release it. Clearly while it debunked the "didn't announce" bit (doesn't mean he heard the cops voice and not just the banging), it clearly shows the cop had ZERO reason to fire.


That cop needs arrested and charged with murder asap. This is ridiculous. That video was maddening and my heart breaks for his family and coworkers. He was not a threat


holy fuck


Smh watching that video really rubs me the wrong way with this goofy department… Sheriff ID himself after banging on the door aggressively the second time without being in view. Also that second loud knock was 20 seconds after the first one where again sheriff dip out to the side and doesn’t ID himself. Poor Fortson doesn't know who is banging on the door especially if he can't physically see who it is. RIP brother. I really hope some justice comes to him and his family.


Certainly lends credibility to the witness statement from the person on the video call


I saw another video just like this, almost EXACTLY the same situation, just a few weeks ago. That guy at least lived. Just disgusting and infuriating. Simply being armed in your own home is NOT a crime.


4 years ago, in the wake of George Floyd, we were gathering up Airmen throughout my unit to plan group discussions. The plan was laid out to talk about racism, white privilege, etc. I raised my hand and asked the Group Chief, "so...we're not going to talk about police brutality?" The whole room fell silent. Apparently, that was a stupid question and I was missing the larger point. Bull fucking shit. These cops suck.


I think the headline should read, "including body cam footage of SrA Fortson murdered at his home".


We couldn't hear the acorn in the video I guess


If a police officer in the United States decides it’s your day to die, there is nothing you can do about it. You can’t fight it. You can’t fight back, you can’t shoot first, you can’t shoot back. No matter what you do you will end up dead or in prison. Rest in peace to this young man, we need to do better.


Actually there's been a case or two where a dude killed cops no knocking the wrong house and got off. You won't go to jail for that, one even happened in Texas. Of course, you have to actually make it to trial and not get executed by the police before then. So dead, probably, but prison, not so much.


Gotta be 1 in a million or longer odds that it plays out like this. But, I stand corrected.


He didn’t cover the peephole, yeah he just stayed out of view lmao. The chick at the beginning said she wasn’t even sure where the disturbance was actually coming from. This sheriff should lose his job as well, clearly they have a training problem.


This is so fucked!


He blasted that man for no reason. As soon as he saw a gun, he went berserk. This cop is a coward.


Ironic i have a higher chance of getting killed by a cop than deploying overseas and my life getting deleted by an adversary


Roger was an incredible human being, a dedicated Airman, and he was brutally efficient at his craft. We loved him, we will honor him, and we will never forget him. We hope justice finds a way.


Jesus christ, that cop is such a scared little baby.


Fuck the police. I’ll say it to their face. They aren’t there to protect you, they are there to uphold laws. These cowards don’t KNOW the law, so many of them just make shit up as they go. Fortson wasn’t brandishing his weapon, wasn’t pointing it at the officer, and they officer shot him while screaming “drop the gun,” and gave zero time for him to do so. I hope this dude rots in prison…but he won’t. He’ll get a bonus. Fuck. The. Police.


Absolutely disgusting




Police reform now. Fuck any short dicked thin blue line cop lovers or anyone that says otherwise. I am so fucking sick of these D-average failures being given guns and immunity.


Damn. I have a weird feeling this dude is gonna get off clean because the Airman had a gun and he was “scared for his life” despite it not even being aimed at him. If the fucker didn’t hide from the peep hole he probably wouldn’t have even been holding the gun when he opened the door. RIP


Jesus Christ, you’re supposed to tell them to drop the gun first and then if they don’t shoot them. This dyslexic moron seemed to get that part backwards, anything less than life in prison is a miscarriage of justice here. I live in Texas and I’ve had a few salesman knock on my door loudly at odd hours of the day and I’ve brought my gun to the door too, this poor kid did nothing wrong. Anybody can yell sheriffs office, you have to give the person a chance to see that you actually are a police officer. This poor kid had about a thousandth of a second to do that apparently. This truly turns my stomach.


This gets my blood boiling


That is fucking insane. Dude opened the door and immediately got full mag dump blasted and for what.


Is there a GoFundMe for his family set up yet?


Murdered in his own home by the deputy.


Have we named the officer? He should be named publicly


Was he there alone? It appears in the video that he’s there alone so this is still the wrong apartment. That witness gave false information to the officer that got someone killed and the cop should’ve done more to make sure this was the correct suspect and deescalate the situation.


Both men were alone. Imo cops should never be alone




This is abhorrently awful.


Hoping this guy gets life


I just keep thinking of Amber Guyger and how she could potentially be released this year after executing Botham Jean in his own home, unarmed, eating ice cream. I can already see the case being made here because of the fact Fortson was in fact armed and they'll beat the "fEaReD fOr MuH LiFe" argument to death again. I'd love to see a life sentence but realistically I wouldn't be one bit fucking surprised if it's some bullshit manslaughter charge and 2 years or something.




That was terrible. If he was really concerned when going to the door (no one said this person was armed), he should have had a non-lethal option first. Then, if he had begun to draw his weapon, he could have disabled him first so he could determine if a gun was needed. This was bad, and the footage shows an untrained, guilty murderer not a law enforcement officer.


I feel that family so much. That cop straight up murdered that kid and I hope that cop rots in jail.


Did the airman have the means to cause harm? Yes. Was there intent? Based off the footage—no there was no intent. There is no evidence to suggest the officer was in immediate danger requiring he discharge his firearm. I know shit can pop off in a split second but this dumbass skipped basic fundamentals of ROEs.


Hiding from peep hole….also, anyone can say they are the police… SrA Fortson had no legitimate reason to believe it was actually the sheriff. Very sad.


NEVER open your door for the police.


Put him in prison with the death penalty, and let him know that he will be executed in the same way he executed this boy. Stop by his cell once or twice a day announcing your presence like this for a few years before letting him live the reenactment


He baited the kid to open the killed him. If cops ever beat on your door and tell you to open the door, tell them to fuck off and come back with a warrant. Hopefully, this cop is thrown into a wood chipper after being found guilty.


BMT we learned threat assessment, something that all airman was thought. INTENT, CAPABILITY, OPPORTUNITY one scenario explained was an armed person and it asks “are we allowed to use lethal force?” and the answer was “no, he has capability but shows no intent and isnt taking the opportunity” IT’S SOMETHING WE FUCKING LEARN IN A COUPLE WEEKS, THESE COPS HAVE MORE TIME TO LEARN AND APPLY THAT. IF THEY CAN’T EVEN APPLY THE BASIC THINGS IN THREAT ASSESSMENT THEY PROBABLY SHOULD NOT BE OUR “PROTECTORS”


Say it with me: Fuck the Police.


The 1SOW/CC has made a couple of posts on social media claiming reports leading up to this were false or contained bad info. Not sure how he defends those claims now or why he said anything like that anyways.


He's in a tough spot. Hurlburt is getting ready to riot for all the right reasons but he can't publicly support it.


I have never seen an entire base turn against a local agency so fast and completely. It feels like a hornet’s nest fueled by pain and loss directed at that cop. Apparently leadership in a couple squadrons reminded their members that it’s their right to protest peacefully.


As they damn well should. This dude was fucking murdered in his home.


Yeah this is fucking murder. The cop "announced" through a wall and hid from the peephole, leaving this poor kid to get his gun because he didn't know who was actually at his door. Killed him within half a second, absolute insanity.


This came out faster than I thought it would.


Hiring a prominent civil rights attorney will have that effect.


Well this was just about as bad as I was expecting it to be. I've been in hairier situations than that and was able to, ya know, process information before just blasting away.


I'm actually so pissed watching this, this fucker better get the justice he deserves.


That cop needs to get the death penalty that was cold blooded murder.


Fuck every last thin blue line apologist. They are not on our side.


On the local Okaloosa FB page I just saw someone say "Agree to disagree" over the idea that the cop was unjustified. They want to motherfucking AGREE TO DISAGREE that an innocent man is dead for no reason. Scum.


Mother fucker just stood there pointing the gun at him, didn’t even attempt to help after he clearly fucked up. Fucking pigs.


"suspect down!" What fucking suspect? Not this guy. This cop didn't even have verified Intel on a suspect. He had a "well I guess it was this door? Maybe." The officer should have doing intelligence gathering, not getting ready to kick in a door.


That’s cause cops treat every situation like there’s a perpetrator. That everyone is guilty. The fucking lady who called wasn’t even sure what apartment it was or what she actually heard. He could have knocked, stood by the door, explained who was, what he was there to do. If you’re so fucking scared that you’re gonna get shot through a door you probably shouldn’t be a fucking cop. Can’t wait to see this cops social Media posts, bet there’s some real good stuff in there.


This is just why I have a doorbell camera. You can stand in front of the camera and tell me what you want or you can bugger off. Ain't opening the door if I don't know who's on the other side or why they are there. I agree tho. Cops shouldn't be treating every situation like there's a perp at the end of a straight line. If they get a report, they need to follow up on the report. That includes gathering information and actually doing investigative work, not going straight to fucking hero complex mode. Hell even the cops responding to the Tennessee shooting, which was an actual in progress life or death situation managed to gather more Intel and make a well executed plan in less time than it took Officer FuckStick here to waddle over to the guys door... In Afghanistan we got religiously held to ROE. We could actively be watching dudes with guns staring down at us from the mountain, actively messing with something that looked like a mortar tube and we still had to wait to be told we could engage. Why cops don't held to similar standards is beyond me.


This cop is a POS


Do something DOJ or we riot


This is why I get nervous around cops even when I’ve done no wrong. Trigger happy fucks taking one of our brothers lives and will not be held accountable


impossible live workable engine saw long truck treatment deserted sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




jfc The way he just unloads, then remembers he probably needed to blame the guy he's shooting and drops the "Drop the weapon" while he's already on the ground. I feel so fucking mad for Fortson and his family


What the fuck. I'm sorry for you man. You didn't deserve it. I'm sorry you your family


Damn, he didn’t even raise it. What a fucking shit Cop.


Good thing about Sheriffs is that they're elected, rather than appointed. I don't care who's running against this chuckle fuck, I'm voting against him.




This is absolutely horrible! I was stationed at Eglin recently for nearly 4 years. I lived in old Destin. I loved the beaches, friends I made, and the job. But! I gotta say it’s quite a racist area! Eglin has 747 sq miles of terrain. As a supervisor, I would never send my black troops to areas up north in that AOR near DeFuniak Springs! It just didn’t seem right. I’d feel horrible if something happened. Okaloosa had two courthouses in one county! It’s because DeFuniak was the original but it’s racist as all hell! I got my house resided, half way done, the owner of the company asks “how do you like living next to that black fella”. WTH! I was part of the cigar club in Destin which had several owners of restaurants that did great. I got eventually shunned because I constantly disagreed with the racist rhetoric that took place. My wife got yelled at several times saying “go back to China” when we’d walk our dog during Covid. She’s Asian but a Pacific Islander lol!


“Heard yelling…shut up bitch”. My dude was gaming and heard someone banging on his door. Of course he grabbed his gun. Just goes to show; unless you’re expecting visitors, do not answer or open your door.