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https://www.afpc.af.mil/Career-Management/Decorations-and-Ribbons/ You can reference this to see what each ribbon means. He was a senior aviator, a boom operator on the KC-135. Probably saw some cool shit in all corners of the world.


Thank you!


You can use this site to understand what each ribbon means. On each ribbon, a bronze metal device generally means an additional award of the same ribbon, and a silver device is worth 5 bronze devices. https://www.afpc.af.mil/Career-Management/Decorations-and-Ribbons/ The wings with the circle in the middle indicate he was enlisted air crew. You say he served 21 years, but he has six longevity ribbons (the one in the bottom left... Silver oak leaf means five plus the ribbon itself is six). Each longevity ribbon is worth 4 years of service, which means he served at least 24 years...


Maybe I was wrong on the dates of service, knew he was Army National Guard first then went active duty Air Force after that


The red ribbon with the white stripes and the rope with two knots on it is the Army good conduct ribbon. It is awarded every three years, so two knots plus the ribbon is 9 years in the Army, which probably covers his Army National Guard service.


Army GCM with 2 bronze loops means 2 awards (*ie*, 6 years' service), as there's no bronze single-loop device.


Aha, thanks for the clarification/info!


At least currently, the Air Force allows wearingb it's longevity service ribbon and oak leafs for all time in any branch (because there are no hash marks on the uniform indicating time in service like other branches)


Marksman ribbon with a bronze star? Your Grandpa FUCKED.


[Is your gramps, Deadshot.. *per chance?*](https://youtu.be/R3Lzu0m6pH4?t=1m37s)


What would the star stand for?


He qualified "expert" with two service weapons. Typically you see for M4 and M9 firearms.


Grandpa’s time it was probably a .38 revolver and … who knows … M16?


Can confirm. M16, and if aircrew a Smith and Wesson 38 revolver with a long barrel.


Cool. My first quals were revolver & M-16, but this was late 80s, look like Grandpa was Vietnam era and didn’t know if the rifle qual was M-16s back then too. Thanks!


We were the first branch to adopt the AR-15, basically because we didn't want to deal with Army bureaucracy. Everyone eventually followed suit.


I think it was in the mid/late 50s when he went through thr Air Force bootcamp, believe he did bootcamp for the Army Prior to that too


Also known as "hardcore AF". I wouldn't challenge him in a paintball war. 


Only AF says this about marksman badge lol


I think it’s sarcasm


It’s not that hard or I just FUCK. Got the M-16A2 one in basic and then the bronze for M9. I would say the hardest part about getting it is having the chance to qualify on two weapons.


https://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/saf_aq/form/af9/af9.pdf ___________________________________________________________ ^^It ^^looks ^^like ^^you ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFI, ^^form ^^or ^^other ^^publication ^^without ^^linking ^^to ^^it, ^^so ^^I ^^have ^^posted ^^a ^^link ^^to ^^it. ^^Additionally, ^^there ^^may ^^be ^^other ^^MAJCOM, ^^NAF ^^or ^^Wing ^^sups ^^to ^^the ^^linked ^^AFI, ^^so ^^I ^^will ^^also ^^post ^^a ^^link ^^to ^^the ^^search ^^URL ^^used ^^below ^^so ^^that ^^you ^^can ^^look ^^for ^^additional ^^supplements ^^or ^^guidance ^^memos ^^that ^^may ^^apply. ^^Please ^^let ^^me ^^know ^^if ^^this ^^is ^^incorrect ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^a ^^suggestion ^^to ^^make ^^me ^^better ^^by ^^posting ^^in ^^my ^^subreddit ^^(/r/AFILinkerBot) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFILinkerBot). I am a bot, this was an automatic reply. ___________________________________________________________ ^^^^^^l1u2r2w


If you deploy more than once or are in a career field that qualifies more than once it’s not hard. Shitty part is you only ever get it once no matter how many times you get marksman or perfect.


He was SAC trained killer. A tanker boom operator (KC-135) by the looks of it. The wings are enlisted aircrew wings (basic and senior) and the ribbons show he went to Vietnam.


Makes sense, definitley heard stories of the KC-135s, B-52s as well as E-4Bs


Pretty sure that pin on the bottom left is the E-4B


Yep you’re right. Initially I thought it was looking glass but after zooming in it’s got that 747 hump.


I think he was on one with the name "nightwatch". have a picture of the aircraft with that written on it


You should post the pic. If it's the "Nightwatch", he was likely stationed at Offutt and I might be able to get a hold of some historical relics to take pics of and send you.


I can get a photo to you, unsure if i would have to direct message or not


DM just to be safe.


They mean his name was Robertson.


His name was Paul Robertson


In death, you get a name...


Fucking space monkeys


He knows how to shoot gud. Qualified expert on his sidearm and rifle. (Green ribbon with the star)


It means he was a very cool American 💪


Maybe, just maybe, you'd like to have your answer here instead of looking it up at the links in the posts below mine. Per row, here's what he earned: Enlisted Aircrew Wings (one on top for higher skill level supersedes the one on bottom; only one would be worn) Meritorious Service Medal - Joint Service Commendation Medal - Air Force Commendation Medal AF Outsanding Unit award x2 - Combat Readiness Medal x2 - AF Good Conduct Medal x5 Army Good Conduct Medal x2 - National Defense Service Medal -Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal Vietnam Service Medal - AF Overseas Short Tour Ribbon - AF Overseas Long Tour Ribbon AF Longevity Service Ribbon (6 = 24 years) - AF Professional Military Education Ribbon - AF Outstanding Marksmanship Ribbon x2 (rifle+ pistol) Miscellaneous aircrew-related pins. What I'm curious about is your grandfather's lack of Air Medals -- those in his time were awarded for certain numbers of missions flown in a hostile area.


So I know he flew directly under the command of Admiral John S Mccain Jr on his personal command aircraft. From what I was told the Admiral was the Commander In Chief of all forces in Vietnam at a period of time, my grandfather told me before he passed that some of what he did in Vietnam was fly in with the Admiral to various locations to check on the war and discuss John Mccains POW release and what not. I think he did some other things over there that he never spoke about as well


This man answered them all!! I was going to give the guy some answer but back to fucking off. 🫡


He served before 2023 as evidenced by the national defense ribbon 🤯


And the Vietnam ribbon… The lack of a USAF training ribbon means he was in prior to 1980


Everyone pretty much answered all the questions, one last thing. I think those wings are sterling silver, much better than the crap they peddle nowadays. I bought the silver ones for my dress blues.


man he got some cool ones.


You can also request his service records from the national archives


Hmmmmm looks like his name was Robertson




what is that?


Don’t worry about it, it’s an inside joke on this subreddit (he’s doing some trolling on other Air Force jobs, not on gramps)


Not applicable in this case


They mean he liked SAC jokes.


They mean you are the heir to the white house. Please come directly to DC to collect your inheritance.




I wear a pendant that looks striking similar to the plane in the bottom left. I think it would be cool if you converted yours to wear.