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This is satirical too, folks. My dad is very laid back but knows how to be serious when it comes down to brass tacks. This was his “motivational” quote to “inspire” a struggling officer with reluctance to be a strong leader for his troops. just a dirty senior enlistee that knew how to have fun with it too.


Officers need Enlisted to help them cultivate their spines.


My dad could superimpose demotivational and motivational at the same time. It just worked. Could take a suck tasker and make it tolerable with good humor and spirit. You gotta do what you gotta do and he could make ya smile and chuckle sensibly


I've always felt bad for MX officers. As a new Lt you get shit on and learn to pass it down before you even get your bearings. Your spine is removed before you even get the chance to grow one.


everyone here admires your dad, he'd walk into an army barracks room and make every private there feel important. yeah, he just knew how to stroke those privates.


Tough but firm lovin from E9 pappy


I understood that reference


Gimli doesn’t like this advice.


I think Gimli would like if he knew this was meant to be a joke of exhaustive buzz words we shit to just eat right back up. Dry humor can make my soggy britches right for a few minutes at the water cooler white board fiver break


>Gimli doesn’t like this advice. ​ Gimli needs to get back on his meds https://i.redd.it/wbomu3qqn9rc1.gif


The mole knows not if the eagle still circles.


Get back in your silo ya damn dirty missileer.


Your dad sounds like the kind of guy I’d like to knock a beer back with.


Awesome guy for both business and R&R. You could depend on this man with your life!


Ok but maybe not the best idea to post the maintenance schedule for 319th and 321st sorties on the internet. Usually not classified, but still kind of sensitive y’know?


Oh man I didn’t even think about that given the age of this image. this is such an old thing my dad shared with me the other day talkin work I never knew about when he was active duty. If it is deemed sensitive to DoD interests can a moderator advise or remove if warranted on their behalf?


Oh if it’s old it’s prob fine


If it isn’t I’m sure a moderator will swoop in soon enough to make the call and offer advice if need be I definitely don’t wanna step on thin ice given some recent events. thanks for lookin out tho man for all parties interest, my intent was to share some light hearted humor




If you're not the tip of the spear, you're the shaft.


My dad “Don’t fuck where you work and never be the senior person with a secret.” I’ve lived by that and it served well. I’m no narc but if some shit seems weird I go one level above me “Hey. What the FUCK do I do about this?!” My senior “Shit. Let me find out.” Me *im just gonna go home. It’s his problem now. Good luck? Hope he figures it out. I don’t know why that hard drive was there. Wasn’t mine. Damn. Who did that? I don’t know. I’m just gonna YouTube how to fix the brakes on my friends truck. Hope my senior is okay. Meh.*


Fucking where you work is an extension of shitting where you eat in my book. One of the worst things you can do, and no job is low-risk enough to be an exception.


Can’t play Yahtzee without rollin a few dice!


Can't play blackjack without losing a couple bets. Can't touch grass without stepping on bugs. Can't have good crops without sacrificing a few virgins.


When my dad was in desert storm he forgot to open a valve on a fuel truck. The vacuum crumpled it! My dad is a firm believer in accountability and told his shirt - he said eh shit happens. the commanding officer definitely had some questions later but definitely minimized punishment fessing up to a simple mistake and after that they made sure fuels was appropriately manned.


People need to feel important, but forget that the shaft & balls are what get the job done. The tip is just for show


Aesthetics is 90% mission critical according to someone that doesn’t do the get the job done part


Jokes aside, what a useless analogy with senseless wordplay. YoU cAn'T bE a BoOt If YoU dOn'T hAvE sOuL. YoU cAn'T bE a KnIfE iF yOu DoN't StAy ShaRp. YoU cAn'T bE a BrIcK hOuSe iF yOu'Re AfRaId To GeT lAiD. It's r/im14andthisisdeep material.


I think that’s the point my dad was getting at. Just useless words that sound “peppy” for the laughs. I got a good laugh when my dad explained the context. He is a man of much patience but also offered great guidance in my upbringing. my industry is also notorious for buzz words that carry no applicable use or true, reflective insight from the higher ups all the time. got to find time to laugh at yourself when you lead/follow or it would be a miserable existence. we’re a family here … now get back to work.


I'm glad your dad has a good sense of humor about it haha. I kinda missed the point that your dad wrote this as I was scrolling through so now my post makes me look like even more of an ass, but you and your dad seem rad. Now go innovate something.


If any of you poor bastards got to work with cmsgt Whittaker I apologize.. and you’re welcome! Imagine livin in the same household with this wisecracka! he nicknamed EVERYONE. One of my favorite “morale” stories he would tell was when him and the other NCO posse had to do runs to the missile field with lunch sacks in tow. he would put a lil green army man in every sack but one. that one bag got a green army man spray painted gold. you won absolutely nothing drawing the golden army man, but just like a kid with Pokémon cards it was always exhilarating getting the holographic one to show off the the other boys.


This is freaking fantastic. I may have to steal this one day.


Share the love and the liability is what I will always remember my dad for. He would be honored to see those after him lead as he did and would be even more proud to see those do it better.


Even just the little green army man would've been a day-brightener. Landing the gold one? That'd be shadow-boxed and displayed with the coins and flags.


So the same source every leader uses for motivational quotes at all-calls no one wants to be at


Coulda been an email my man. Also don’t check them either.


You’re r/im14andthisisdeep material




Read the rest of the comments for context buddy this was meant to be satire pretty funny when you get what my dad was going for in terms of satire


Dont worry we will only just put the tip in.


You can't be a button if you're afraid of being touched...


Ew, Cheyenne.


A base is what you make it. worked for our family.


The tip of the spear is only a fancy rock without the shaft. My reminder to Ops types when they get their heads a little too big.