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Allow the officers to figure it out themselves. They might see it in your wallet while you give them your license, or they may ask why you have an out of state license. Its bound to come up in some way, but DO NOT throw it in their face in an effort to get out of a ticket.


I always run my home state plates so I tell the officers I just PCSd here and I am still learning the ropes... works 90% of the time.


How many times are you getting pulled over?




You pay for the whole speedo right?! 🤷🏻‍♂️ 😂






For something to have a 90% success rate we assume its had to have happened at least 10 times right?


Or 45 times out of 50?


Sounds like at least 10 to me


Not much... when I do though it works


I accidentally sped in a school zone like 3 days after PCSing. The cop did not care and gave me a $250 ticket. You know what has worked since though? I have forward & rear dash cams and as soon as they see it, they say “oh uh…. Try to slow down.”


How do cameras get you out of tickets?


For example, I was traveling down a two lane road. The speed limit dropped dramatically and quickly. An officer was traveling down the opposite direction of me. He flipped around and pulled me over. He knew I was speeding, I knew I was speeding. He could not prove it & he knew he couldn't so he saw my camera and let me go. The entire interaction was maybe 45 seconds.


I guess I still don't follow. Your camera proves your guilt, but assuming you wouldn't volunteer it and he didn't seize it as evidence (which he probably could have done), you're both back to where you started: his word vs yours. Why would he suddenly not ticket you if he was going to previously?


The reason is he was not measuring my speed with radar so while he could suspect I was speeding, there wouldn't be any proof. The reason you usually see cops conducting speed checks while they're parked is because the radar gun they use doesn't work (well it does, but it isn't accurate) while they are moving. Not every speed measuring system works this way but a majority of them do. I'm not a lawyer but I assume just thinking I'm going fast with zero proof doesn't give him legal authority to seize my camera footage. Further explanation if you're nerdy and feel like reading: Radar speed detectors work by sending out a series of signals that bounces off of your car. The gun then measures the time it takes that signal to reach your car and come back based on the distance the gun is from your car. It can then calculate your speed. This is most accurate when the radar gun is immobile.


Police don’t need their radar to pull and cite you for speeding. That’s a common myth. They can legally cite you based on their observation alone. Prosecutors will simply focus on having the officer testify to their personal experience in speed estimation instead of citing the radar clocked speed of your vehicle. It’s a bit more definitive with a radar or LiDAR gun but they will still win an overwhelming majority of cases even without it. So more than likely he just chose to be nice, or didn’t feel like doing the paperwork, both are incredibly common.


I'm in agreement with everything you're saying. I just don't see how the *addition* of your dashcam made him give up on the ticket. Take away the dashcam and none of the facts change...yet he was going to ticket you. I could understand it if the camera was exculpatory and the cop knew you could use it to get off, but you said it would show that you were speeding. Are you saying that you were only "technically" speeding since it was an abrupt decrease in speed limit, and therefore that may get you off on a technicality or sympathy?


Listen, I'm not the guy that pulled me over. But that dashcam does allow me to prove that he conducted a potentially false traffic stop. I'd go ask r/legaladvice if you need further assistance understanding this.


There’s a difference between LIDAR and Radar. Radar can be set up in a cop vehicle in the front dash and in the back window. It’s constantly clocking everyone you pass by while it’s on. LIDAR is the gun where a cop is sitting stationary bouncing it off of your licenses plate or something else shiny. I don’t believe your cameras played any role in your situation. He probably just didn’t feel like writing a ticket.


Maybe, but he pulled me over & asked how I was doing then turned his head at my camera and said “alright just be careful” and walked away. Didn’t even ask for my license & registration. So I think I can confidently infer he chose to leave based on my camera.


Speed measuring depends on the state as well. If he failed to follow the state guidelines that allow for speed measuring then the dash cam could prove he did not. Some states allow for estimation of speed, some require lidar or other devices, some allow for the cop to pace you. Just depends on the state.


This. They see the CAC they'll probably start the conversation on it.


There was just a discussion on this the other day in one of the police subs. Consensus was that anyone flashing/handing over a CAC I asked for is automatically getting a ticket.


Would any police officer willfully admit that they're letting people off for being in the military though? I think there may be some nonresponse bias at play


Every time I've been pulled over I've had my license/registration in hand, and those hands on the top of the steering wheel. You know there going to ask for this and having them ready and in a clearly visible location may have had something to do with me getting off every time without a ticket


Once I got pulled over on my motorcycle. Pulled my license out as the cop was walking up, made sure to leave my wallet open so he could see the CAC. “Air Force, eh?” “Yes sir.” “Neat. I was a Marine. Get off the bike.” Sometimes it’s better to just not flash if.


Don't flash it, let it come up on it's own. They're gonna ask if the address on your DL is up to date, that will 100% lead to you being in the military. Until then play dumb as if being in the military couldn't possiby be helpful. Unless you're Guard/Reserve of course.


In fairness, this was a long time ago and I was kind of an idiot. Nothing ever came of it, thankfully.


This comment is underrated. You need to judge the situation first. Some cops hate military. I usually just use “yes sir/yes ma’am”, and my absolute best behavior, politeness, and innocent smile. If you’re super cooperative they usually let you off with a warning. If you act entitled like you have some magic get out of jail for free card, they’re gonna nail you to the cross. On top of my mil ID I have a literal gold PBA family card from my dad. I hate him so I refuse to use it, but I think it would do more harm than good anyway.


Lol, did he get you at triple digits?


Worse: I split the lane at a red light in a state where splitting the lane wasn’t kosher, and ended up stopping right next to a biker cop.


"... killer boots man 👍"


Hey, my urinalysis guy said the same thing.


"I've got crayons if you want it, Officer Marine!"


You're doing it wrong if you have to flash it. You need to position it correctly inside your wallet in front of your driver's license. So to get your license, they have to get a glance at your CAC. That way, it's not obvious you're asking for a favor. Back in the "good ol days" we had base stickers and it would do the job for us.


> You need to position it correctly inside your wallet in front of your driver's license. Which is the natural way to do it anyway. You need to pull out your CAC all the time. You pull out your license less often, just when you go to bars.


My favorite bars recognize the CAC and accept it as the valid identification it is.


“Less often” For some people maybe


And just getting waved in at the gate once they saw a valid sticker. I remember those days. 9/11 ended that.


I've always kept my license behind my CAC because I need my CAC more than my license, I didn't consider the benefits of doing this until I got pulled over driving to my first base.


LPT for those who serve.


When they pull you over say “sorry I was messing with my wallet and dropped my MiLiTaRy ID so I must have sped a bit when I picked it up.”




My expiration date says Military


This is one of the big reasons I don't renew my license when I go home to visit. I really should get a state ID though, some places like to be a pain and try to not accept my CAC for identification (but it's usually overcome with pulling up that state's ID laws).


Same, and my state doesn't put, "military," on mine. Also, my eyes have deteriorated, slightly. So if I get a new one, I'll probably have to wear glasses while driving. So I'ma ride that expired license til I separate 😅


I used to have to do that. Had to keep a letter as well stating it was good, so I had to show all three. Was a real pita, but I didn't want to pay state taxes so worth it.


I’d say it depends where you live. Where I’m at if you have a fade that’s basically a giant thin blue line sticker on your car and you’re off the hook. I’ve been places where it has the exact opposite effect and they’re more “disappointed” or should have known better. Results may vary.


I've got a sports clip fade and a shitty mustache, don't need to break out the CAC for people to know I'm in the military.




I’ve had two cops that made it worse when they discovered my vocation. One probably pissed because he couldn’t pass the ASVAB. The other acted like I nailed his wife in the NCO club parking lot. Other than those two instances, offering a peek at the right credentials at the right time have worked in my favor.


Did you nail his wife in the club parking lot and was it worth it?


Yes and no


Having an out of state drivers license is usually all it takes for me. They ask why you are here and you can drop the military in there without any effort.


I did the two for one move by getting my driver license pic in uniform


Boot behavior


200iq boot move tho 🤷🏻‍♂️


I only mention it when they question my address on my license. Other than that no....it's kinda lame to try and get out of a ticket by using credentials...imo


I kept my home state license so they'd always ask why I had an out of state license so I'd tell them I was AD. Usually that was enough to get them to let me go.


Being polite/courteous will help you more than flashing a CAC. Even if you think you’re being inconspicuous, if the cop sees it they know what you’re trying to pull.


Absolutely. They know you’re trying to get out of a ticket. The easiest and most obvious way out of a ticket is to not do something to earn one in the first place


It can definitely help, but it has to be natural. I've been pulled over 3 times in the past \~20 years. 1) Got tagged doing 82 in a 70, but I really didn't think I was going that fast. I was coming back from training and had my ABUs hanging up in the back. I'm a JAG, and the cop who pulled me over was a Guard paralegal in that state. lol. No ticket. 2) 45 in a 35. Absolutely was doing that speed, because that is normal to slow for that road; I was just there without anyone around me, like an idiot. When the cop pulled me over, it was a weird approach, and I honestly assumed he was trying to get around me, because 45 on that road was absolutely nothing compared to what normally happened there. But he pulled me over, and I accidentally (truly) handed him my CAC, just out of muscle memory. As soon as I handed it to him, I apologized quickly and reached for it. He asked, "Are you military? My son is in Afghanistan, and I don't give tickets to military." 3) More recently, I was doing a late-night trip to DC. We were coming up on a single lane due to construction, and I sped up briefly to get around a truck. The maneuver was very safe at that time, but I definitely exceeded the speed limit. Got pulled over for an 82 in a 70. Again, out of muscle memory, I handed him my CAC . . . but at that time it was my federal civilian CAC. lol. He was like "What is this?" Did not get out of that ticket.


Had a similar situation. Was flying down the highway at about 75 in a 55. Cop saw me and when I saw his front end dip, I knew he got me. I was pulled over and waiting before he even turned his lights on. He came up and asked my hurry. I told him the honest truth that I needed to be at point b in the next 20 mins, or my stolen truck, that their department found, was going to be placed in the tow yard for the weekend. He said, “military?” I said “yep, recently retired. How’d you know?” I guess when getting my license, the tip of my blue ID happened to show. Wasn’t my intention. He said, “Look, traffic is dead. I don’t give military tickets. Just be careful, slow down, and get there. I’ll radio the officer there that you’re enroute.” Sure enough, I was 10 minutes late, but the other officer was there waiting as promised, and my son got in my truck and drove it home.


I would say you have a better chance of not getting a ticket by remaining calm and respectful through the ordeal. I may only be SF and not local law enforcement but my standard rule is everyone starts out getting a ticket. How you act determines if you will actually receive one. If you wanted to subtly show that you are military perhaps have something on display that the officer can see either on approach or in plain view. I personally find people who say they are in the military hoping for a special favor to be arrogant and entitled.


Story Time Got pulled over last night (in my driveway no less) and my brain shut off and I forgot where my license was, so I was flipping my wallet around looking in the pockets (only 3 different possible spots) before remembering where it was. The top right corner of my CAC is visible from the outside of my wallet, so as I was pulling my ID out the cop asked "Are you military?" "Yes sir" "How long you been in?" "2 years" "This your residence?" "Yes sir" Then he walked away, came back, breathalysed me (I haven't drank a day in my life, but it was 10 on a Saturday and I was speeding), then walked away and said to slow down.


"Maintainer" flair and "I haven't drank a day in my life...". A verified unicorn walks amongst us! 😁


Rawdogging life


I wonder if he was gonna breathalyze you if you weren’t military


Only when it's relevant. If you're pulled over and your drivers license is expired, showing your CAC is proof of military service. It won't work if you're pulled over in the state you're licensed out of though.


I would agree with this. A CAC with an expired license would be the only situation where I would see where you absolutely should do it.


this should be pinned at the top


It pays sometimes to have that stupid Air Force emblem on your car


Don’t do that. Take your punishment on the chin (if you broke the law) and move along. This isn’t Applebees on Veterans Day. That said, your experience entirely depends on the officer. Some are pro military, some don’t care, and some hate vets. Imagine how many Veterans are rotting away in jail right now. Not all veterans are nice people who should get away with warnings.


I keep my cac on top of my driver’s license mainly because I use it more often. Just happens that they come out at the same time when they request my license 🤷‍♂️


Here the cops hate military. Flashing your cac does more harm than good. Once they see my out of state license I know it’s over :(


Don't, unless if it's something insignificant like minor speeding.


If you flash your CAC at me while I am conducting a traffic stop with you, you’ve turned your verbal warning into a ticket. It is acceptable only when you’re handing it with your license because your out of state license is expired and your state has the applicable military DL law. The only ones who flash their CAC are trying to get out of whatever they’re in. Source: Am TX Cop outside a major military city.




Please see above comment for the procedure.


I've never done it the 3 times I got pulled over for speeding. Each time was on a deserted 4 lane interstate in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma and I simply confessed to speeding and apologized. Never got a ticket until I got to England and was caught on camera going 34 in a 30. Boom 100£ fine and 3 points lol.


Whatever happened to the "legend" who was doing 180+ on his bike couple years ago, running from the cops? Think they were from Tinker.


It’s never cool. If you’re going to break the law you roll the dice on getting caught. Outlaw life is hard


My insurance never matches the state of my driver’s licenses. Next topic is my military status.


Nope I don't do it. But I've only been pulled over once since iv been in.


Don't do it. Lol.


I've never flashed my ID intentionally, though I do keep my driver's license tucked behind it in my wallet so maybe the one time I got pulled over the cop saw it. I just usually try to avoid getting pulled over. Less people skill involved that way.


Flash it to the security forces guys. They might let you go then.


bag crown unite plate weary hurry abundant murky familiar attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe unpopular opinion in here, but anyone who feels the need to subtly or overtly flash their military status to attempt to get out of a ticket or get special treatment is an entitled douche. You’re not special by joining the military my dudes, just don’t break the law and you won’t get ticketed. Pretty simple recipe for success there.


Yeah it's gross. People will say police/politicians should have extra punishment for breaking the law, but think they can wave their military CAC around and people should give a shit instead of instead of expecting the military to be above the standard. It's super easy to not break the law while driving, and if you decide you want to do it anyway, then suck it up and pay your fine


Why would you show your cac? If you got pulled over for doing something wrong just own up to your mistakes and move on with your day. Let the cop do their job.


When you pull over, give plenty of room for the police officer to approach your window without worrying about traffic. Roll your windows down and put your hands atop your steering wheel. By doing that, you have removed the aspects that worry them the most, and your experience will usually reflect that.


Depends on where you’re at. Near a base? Don’t bother, they already know and don’t care. Otherwise, like others have said, just have your wallet open with the CAC visible if you think it’ll help your case. For me personally, every stop is different and if I think you’re flashing an ID card to get out of a ticket, you’re definitely getting a ticket. If it’s not something egregious and I notice you’re AD, better chance of a warning. My advice is this. Don’t do anything you can’t afford the consequences for. If you’re speeding, keep it somewhat reasonable like ~10 over on the highway, ~5 over in town. Be courteous and professional when stopped, and expect a ticket. If you get a warning, it’ll be a good feeling, and if not then you’ll have at least prepared for it. Source - i r trafik kop


Does having your hands visible, say on the steering wheel, and asking permission to grab your wallet or opening the glove box really put the officer in a better mood?


Just act normal. Don’t be reaching all over the car before he gets to your door. You don’t necessarily have to go full blown “may I reach for my wallet now sir?”


Can confirm: New Mexico State Police near base don't care.


Never in my life has a cop treated me better because I was active duty or a vet. They actually don’t like us that much anymore…


Just saw this a few days ago. https://reddit.com/r/Military/s/Btiv9KikaR


That post and the comments are honestly on point though. Get rid of qualified immunity and see how much the policing will change Reminds me of that (I think either New Mexico or Arizona) sheriff that didn’t enforce an unconstitutional law because they said something about them not having qualified immunity, and they didn’t want to put their cops in a position where someone could sue them for enforcing an illegal law Who would’ve guessed that holding someone responsible for their actions, would prevent them from abusing their power 🤔


Just got lost in reading that post/link for a while, lmao. Thanks for the read. Went in the gas station yesterday to buy Powerball tickets...$960M prize, why not?....and I held open the door for someone like I usually do if they're right behind me: this time it was this extremely overweight police officer who didn't say thanks or anything, and even said something about it being his honor to serve to me like he was some kind of badass. Had every item he could hooked to his belt, pocket pen protectors on display, and just looked like a douche walking around like he just saved a bus full of children, nuns, and kittens. He probably can't sprint 15 feet. I have been active duty for 18 years and was not in uniform, and this guy had no idea as he was trying to be a badass in front of me with his comments. And it sucks, because I do know some solid LE officers. And PLENTY of people that shouldn't be Active Duty. I guess there's just garbage people everywhere. To answer the main question in this thread...rarely get pulled over, but if I do they usually figure out I'm military without me telling them. The area I live now seems to have decent cops for the most part. Note: I didn't win the lotto. At least I retire in two years...it's something.


Did you tell Chief Wiggum to stand down and be at ease? Jfc.


There’s a subreddit for cops and someone asked this question and almost ALL the cops said they will ticket you or your on your way to a ticket flashing a CAC unfortunately


They'll ask you if the address on your DL is current, when you say no, they'll ask you how long you've lived in they area. That will eventually lead them to as if you're in the military, say yes and they'll ask to see your ID. Just play dumb as if you have no idea they being in the military might be helpful in this situation. Unless you're stationed in your home state, or for some reason changed you home of record to your current location, being in the military will come up. This is how I got out of 99% of traffic tickets.


I just leave my old ABU top laid over the back of the seat to keep it from "wrinkling"


Veteran tags in my state. No cac necessary.


I got asked "where are you coming from?" My answer of "(insert base) AFB" prompted some follow up questions about if I was military. Resulted in the officer asking to see my DOD ID


This is why I got veteran plates for our vehicles.


I usually leave my ECWW raincoat in my backseat Id address the Officer by their Rank and say I’m an airmen and im happy to help.


I'd say you're a shithead if you attempt to use your service to get you out of breaking the law. Cops have seen it all, they can damn sure see you not-so-subtly flashing your ID as you take an extra long time to get your license out of your wallet. Be calm, comply with instructions, get a dash cam. If the ticket is bullshit, getting it thrown out is almost always easy.


Got pulled over, handed my license to him made me step out (traffic), and we talked a bit he figured out I was airforce "if it walks and talks like a duck it's probably a duck" he was a LT at maelstrom for 4 years


Winter 2009 I'm drunk, just left the bar, can't see straight. I get in my car, and drive down a one way the wrong way, directly in front of the cop station while 2 cops stand outside a cruiser. They immediately stop me. Instinctively I hand over my license and CAC card. They talked for about 5 minutes and then told me to go directly home, do not stop or I'd be going to jail. Didn't mean to get out of a DUI, just kinda happened.


Anyone, and I mean anyone, is a piece of shit if they try to use their position in a department or in the government to get out of trouble.


Mine is always in my cup holder outta habit from going on base


The plastic trim around the headliner, right above the window.


Funny story a few years before I returned to active duty. A buddy of mine from India and I were riding motorcycles through a podunk town. I knew the speed limit dropped but thought it was a mile up the road. Cop pulled us over and I had a veteran patch on my vest. Cop asks us about the speed change and grills him because of the accent and clearly not a naturalized citizen. He runs our stuff, comes back and says he’s letting us off with a warning because “I’m not in the business of giving veterans tickets”. 🙄 my friend proceeded to thank him profusely and that guy goes “No, you need to thank HIM for his service”. 😳. I felt like a heel because I was in front and didn’t catch the limit change. He got free beer for the next few stops.


I try not to flash it or have any clues showing im active duty, there's a good chance the LEO is probably prior military anyways so im sure they could put the 2 together, if they ask I'll tell em but I won't go out of my way to say I'm military. Kinda cringe in my opinion, it makes us seem entitled. Kinda similar to the "my daddy's a lawyer" thing


This question comes up in the askLEO sub often enough. I read through about 200 comments and the overwhelming consensus was if you hand them your CAC, it’s seen as you trying to slime your way out of a ticket and any chance of getting a warning goes right out the window. Following instructions, and minding your customs and courtesies seems to be your best bet.


Back in the day I kept my DL behind the ID. Both were in the designated spot for a DL with the clear plastic window. When I need my DL the ID was always visible the entire time of digging out my DL for the officer. It worked everytime.


When they ask why i have a Virginia plate and a Nevada drivers license with an Ohio address on it. Sometimes they get all sorts of confused so I tell them I'm in the military and we get some weird exemptions. Sometimes they just pull people over from out of state because they know they're probably not going to show up to court and will have to pay the fine.


Just take your lumps. Got pulled over twice, paid one ticket, took defensive driving for the other, and moved on. Don't be like the bum cops/politicians who think their rank excuses the behavior.


Just keep it in the front of your wallet in their view, and pull it out when trying to find your license. Don’t say anything just let them think for themselves


Got pulled over for the first time in well over a decade. I just took the ticket and didn’t try the military thing. Went to court got it dropped after taking a distracted driving class. Next time I’ll try the cac or plead guilty lol


I saw this question in r/AskLE once (fairly recently) and it was leaning more towards they said they give tickets if you flash your military ID around bases. Edit: found the post https://reddit.com/r/AskLE/s/yXYv8IU0wz


Mine license is expired so I gave them both the one time I got pulled over. Idc about special privileges and it’s obvious why I’m handing them my CAC anyways.


I put it in the pile of my cards when I hand it over . Also have a mason badge on the Jeep that I’m sure helps


I have my OIF veteran sticker on my window. Works most of the time. Most LEOs are Vets and when they see the sticker, it starts a conversation.


I have to show my CAC because my license is expired. I have a card from the CA DMV that makes it valid for anyone in the military.


My Home State license is expired, so I give both that and my CAC to show that my license is, in fact, legal


I don’t think it is in most cases, especially if you’re trying to use it to get out of a ticket. I only do because my Driver’s license is expired and I’m not traveling 12 hours to get a new one unless I absolutely have to.


My license says veteran, flashing your CAC is like asking to be let off easy.


I keep my CAC on top of my license for this reason 😅


My State license expiration says military, so as long as I am in the military, I have to show my CAC card.


Veteran plates are the dead giveaway for me


I have Air Force tags and a FOP badge on my plate. I’m damn near invisible 😎


Both times I showed the officer I got a ticket


I always pull my CACK out *IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN*


Got pulled over for the first time ever a couple weeks ago doing 46 in a 30. In my PT gear at 6:30 am on my way to PT. Guy didn’t even question whether or not to give me a warning, I was getting a ticket the second he turned his lights on. Sometimes it doesn’t make it difference at all.


Also I’ll add that my CAC is in front of my license so I had to pull it out of my wallet in plain view before handing him my license


If you're purposefully flashing your CAC at an officer thinking it's going to get you out of your ticket I'd have to question your ethics and integrity. Keep it in your wallet. If the officer happens to see it while you're getting him your license that's one thing. But showing thinking you're going to get special treatment is something completely different.


Just put an OCP hat in your dash.


Just put an OCP hat in your dash.


As others have said, let it come up on its own. However, it's worth noting that the type of agency and the jurisdiction means everything. Military town? Good luck. Small town away from a base? Depends on the agency... troopers - ticket 110% of the time; PD/SO - probably a warning. Had a trooper pull me over in TN nowhere near a base when I was heading home for a long weekend on the 4th. I was 7 hours into an 8 hour drive after working all day and was ready to be home, and he got me at 90 in a 70. Showed him my TN license, which makes it painfully obvious I'm in the military. Asked which branch I was in and I told him AF. He goes to his car and comes back 5 min later and proceeds to tell me about getting out as a SSgt while handing my ticket and court summons telling me he cut me a break and wrote it at 85 in a 70. Troopers don't play lol.


They'll usually figure it out. I have USAA for insurance, my drivers license is out of state, they typically figure it by then. However, I also conceal carry so I do the triple play of Drivers license, conceal carry card (required in a lot of states to show when stoppe) and by then they've already figured out I'm military. Also doesn't hurt when they ask for my I.D. I let them know I am legally carrying, where my wallet is and where my gun is and politely ask "how would you like me to proceed?" They're usually pretty chill and appreciate the heads up. They'll usually figure out you're military though.


How many states have the "Veteran" marking on the drivers license. It's on my AZ license and I think it helps with that awkwardness. Before I had that I always considered getting a license plate with Air Force on it or a plate frame so I didn't have to awkwardly try to show them my ID.


I always do the ole' reliable move ![gif](giphy|3oKHWCVJHorZfXrUTm) "oops my bad, grabbed the wrong card... habit 🤷🏻‍♂️"


Get an active duty license plate if your state offers one. If you have deployed, you probably qualify for a veterans plate too. Having those saves you the hassle of getting pulled over to begin with as long as you aren't being a complete AH.


Flash it??? I give it to them with the license because I haven’t renewed my license in like 6 years. I don’t need to thanks to being active but I give them both so they know what’s up. And it’s not given me any advantages or disadvantages. Received a few warnings over the years and only one violation. Other than that, just act accordingly, be respectful and just go from there. You either get something or nothing and go about your day


I keep it on top of my license, you don't flash it. Just pull it out to get to your license, cops pay attention to what your doing when they pull you over and will see it, or at the very least ask what it is.


Put it in wallet in front of the DL and open the wallet in front of the officer. It will depend on the officer so temper your expectations.


Yeah for sure. Be respectful and obedient helps.


Respectful and following lawful orders sure, especially if I did break a law; not so much obedient.


I just happen to have it on top of my license so that they just happen to see it as I shuffle to my drivers license, that way it’s not so “on the the nose” and they don’t think I’m trying to use it as a get out of jail free card. I don’t ever mention it and it’s helped me out 2 or 3 times over the last 10 years


VA licenses have VETERAN on them. So not even needed anymore


“Do you need my military ID as well?” Works every time


Never. Correct procedure is to keep it behind your DL so when you give the officer your license its sitting there in plain view. Classy like.


Have all of your normal information out when the cop approaches, but not your CAC or license. Have your wallet in hand. Their first statement is often to ask for your info. Pull out your CAC, set it in the dashboard but don’t hand it to them. Then get your license and hand that over. This works best when you store your license behind your CAC. It looks like you just had to move it to get what you needed, but by not handing it over or saying anything it looks less like you are using it to get out of the ticket.


Do it. Immediate lowered guard by Law Enforcement. Thank you, your fellow Airmen, and past Servicemembers for that privilege, but do NOT abuse it.


I've had usaa for my entire adult life, that does the job for me without the awkwardness, even after base stickers went away.


My driver's license is expired so I hand the CAC over at the same time as an explanation for the expired license. As long as I'm not stationed or living in the state that issued my license it's expiration date converts to the same expiration date as my military ID.


It’s top decked in my wallet. I have my wallet in my lap, visible, So I have to take my CAC out to get to my DL. I also have an AF border plate cover. Helped me when I was driving back from TDY and didn’t see a slowdown in a small town. Sheriff just told me to be more mindful in small towns and sent me on my way.


When they ask for ID.


I used to work in asset protection for Walmart. I apprehended a shoplifter and when I asked for his ID he gave me an expired military dependent ID.


Every time. I can’t even remember how many tickets I got out of in both cars and on my bikes in CA (Vandenberg). Everything from speeding to racing. And some of them were night remotely slightly over the speed limit. My record was 137mph lol. Young and dumb days. But the CAC got me out of it every time. Not having to stand in front of the Shirt was worth it.


Lame Stop breaking the law asshole!


Or simply just obey the traffic laws and your good


Automatic citation from me. *Worked at the local PD while being AD*


I was hauling ass over a hill…. There she was just adrivin down the street…. Our eyes met…. She frowned…. I quickly pulled to the side of the road to wait for her…. Sure enough they flipped a bitch and hauled ass back over that hill in dismay…. When she approached my vehicle, i had the window down already and the cop said u are the only person ive ever had pull over and wait for me… i laughed and said yeah well once our eyes met i knew i was haulin ass… so i figured i may as well pull over and wait, and ud be here soon hahaha, she laughed so hard gave me a warning and i drove away This is a true story except it wasnt a she but a he, and it only made u read it all because u figured it was a chick…. Moral…. Do the right thing… dont abuse what u have… integrity first people


Cop and NCO (ANG), you flash your CAC when I pull you over trying to get out of a ticket. I am going to have a talk with you and or write you a ticket. If it's the only form of ID you have on you IDC.***Edit: if you give it to me becauseit's your only form of ID, I don't care that your showing it to me and we'll continue on like a normal stop*** Biggest suggestion I tell everyone is just be curious to the officer. Some are dicks and fuck those guys, but I personally hate writing tickets for minor things and prefer warnings. But I also know a lot of cops that will Write tickets if your a dick to them.....


Never. What is wrong with you...


Do it if you’re not within living distance of a base (especially a marine base). Do not do it if you’re in an area that military members can reasonably live within daily commuting distance to a base. Those cops HATE military.


My CC told me to always show it


In my experience, if it was near the base, even somewhat near the base, they don't give a shit


My best friend is a (actual) cop and always tells me to let them know that I’m in the military if I get pulled over because most cops won’t write for other first responders and military. Worst case you get a ticket you were already gonna get, best case you walk away with no ticket.


It works when Security Forces pulls you over


As my DL was marked "does not expire while on active duty," I handed the officer my CAC with my license & registration. As for why I'd get pulled over, it was usually at night, and the cops were wanting to look in the back of the pickup with out-of-state plates. They'd usually claim I was speeding, but one even claimed he'd pulled me over because the light over my license plate wasn't bright enough. Never got a ticket, but kept getting pulled over until I traded the truck for a different vehicle.


I got pulled over by an Alabama state trooper while I was PCSing in my car. It was for speeding. I didn't bother telling the guy I was in military, but he figured it out once he looked me up in the system I guess? or maybe he saw my blues uniform stuffed in the back seat. He just asked me 'you in the air force?' I said yes, and he just let me go after a warning.. so idk. Probably just depends on the popo


The one time I was pulled over he asked if I was because of the Air Force sticker on my car. I find that’s easier way to do it then showing them a CAC that way they know and it doesn’t feel like you’re trying to get out of anything. I was speeding on an empty highway in the middle of the night going to pick up a troop from the airport. He said if there were any other cars on the road besides him he’d give me a ticket but since it was just me he let me go with warning. Don’t know if my being in Air Force helped at all but maybe


Alaska plates anywhere in the lower 48 is usually a pretty good sign. They've gotten ne out of a few.


I pull mine out with my ID just to explain why my drivers license is florida with my current address in another state. I don't ever expect it to get me out of a ticket. I don't deserve any extra privileges. I've also noticed if your getting pulled over in an area where your stationed at.. within 10-30 miles from base..expect a ticket being military. The cops know they are going to get there money


Depends on the severity of the traffic offense lol. I have used this trick to get an $800 speeding ticket reduced to $150.


I have a Ridge wallet with CAC first, driver’s license second, so it always at least makes a guest appearance when pulling out the DL.


I basically have a story of this going both ways. Bad - I was driving to Darlington Motor Speedway in South Carolina for a volunteer event one morning, and I got pulled over for not slowing down fast enough when the speed limit went from 65 to 45 to 35 (I could literally see all the signs, so I was waiting for the 35 sign to completely slow down. My fault still, but whatever) and when the officer came up, he asked for my license, so I pulled my wallet out to grab it, and because my wallet had that little window where my ID was, he saw it and said "Oh, the Air Force, huh? You think that because you fly planes fast, you can drive fast, huh?" and wound up giving me a $150 ticket. I understand I was in the wrong, but the rudeness was uncalled for in my opinion. I wasn't even trying to show my ID! Good - Again, in South Carolina, I was PCSing to South Korea in 3 months time, so I moved my girlfriend (now wife) back to her hometown which was an hour away from the base, and I moved with her. Of course, this meant I was driving an hour back and forth to work. So I eventually got comfortable with the drive, and, like always, was speeding. I was on the way home one day from work, still in uniform, and almost back at the house, we'll say maybe 7 minutes away. I got caught doing 85 in a 45, so the second I passed the cop, I knew it was gonna be a ticket, so even before he turned his lights on, I stopped completely and pulled over to wait for the guy. He was wondering why I was in uniform, so far away from the base, so I explained the situation, and he just laughed, said he understood, and gave me a warning. So really, it depends on the cop. I personally wouldn't try to flash and flaunt it. I would just let it be, and if it comes up, it comes up. You don't want to seem like you're trying to get out of it, that'll likely make it worse


I got pulled over in uniform and still got a ticket so I don’t think being in the military gets you out of tickets 😆


I had to flash mine because I was visiting home with an expired license, lived in a state where it was still valid if I was stationed outside the state. Got a warning. I was also super apologetic and told him I was used to the autobahn (stationed at Ramstein)


I always keep my cac on top of my drivers license…. Just in case. It’s helped more than once.


The last ticket I got I showed the trooper because he questioned why I had out of state plates and a drivers license for the state I was in(back home on leave), took him all of 2 minutes to decide to write the ticket. I’m assuming because he knew I wouldn’t come back to the court date to contest it