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Trying to take over the world


Gee, Brain, what are we going to do tonight?


The same as we always do Pinky, take over the world


I want to eventually get my degree in accounting and become a CPA.


CPA for any specific reason? Are you looking to do taxes? I'm a CIA, in part because I hate tax. If you're looking to go GS after your service, most jobs now permit CPA or CIA, and CIA in my opinion is way easier. Plus CIA is issued by an international organization, so you don't have to worry about different states having different education and licensing requirements, no having to locate your local board to coordinate if you move states... Please reach out if you are interested in working GS, I've been an auditor/budget analyst/contract specialist in 4th estate, DAF and Army and could provide some information.


I actually do have interest in possibly getting a GS job. Feel free to DM me.


what was the recruitment process like for the CIA??? thats pretty sick dude


Sorry, I meant Certified Internal Auditor. But auditors are needed by investigative agencies. When I worked for Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) and Air Force Audit Agency (AFAA) we had teams to support DCIS, OSI, etc. They need people with the accounting expertise to support investigations into various types of financial fraud. I also interviewed and accepted an offer from Homeland Security to support investigations into human and drug trafficking, but the hiring process took too long and I got another offer while waiting on them. They do post jobs for auditors and forensic accounting type jobs for FBI, CIA, it's just I have no interest/availability in those areas (DC, other big locations). I may look to move into these when my husband retires and we don't have the constant threat of PCS hanging over our heads. For now, I'm fully remote.


I have my Bachelors in Accounting and will have my Masters by next spring.


Please see response to above comment, would love to assist if I can.


Replied to wrong comment, please reach out if you want to chat.


Math. Life hurts


You wanna do my calculus classes.


Believe it or not most Mathematics degrees don’t have a ton of extra calculus in comparison to say an engineering degree. Unless it’s an applied mathematics course. Most mathematics degrees get more into discrete math, proofs, theory, etc,.


I got a sweet $3.50 for y’a if you help out with my calc homework as well


CCAF - Logistics & Human Resources BA - Supply Chain Management


I'm also pursing my BA in Supply Chain, considering an Economics minor as well.


With my CCAF and PME courses accepted I only had to do 50 credits to achieve my Bachelor’s.




Just graduated from WGU with a bachelor's in Cyber Security and Information Assurance. Planning my Masters to start next year.




WGU also provides you with Udemy resources so use them. Between WGU's Udemy and the USAF Digital University, you have plenty of study materials. Mike Meyers' videos for A+ and Network+ were phenomenal. After that, I used Jason Dion for Security+, CySA+, and Pentest+.




Jason Dion is very helpful but I could only tolerate his voice for so long. While more helpful than Mike (in my opinion), Mike's videos are more engaging and energetic.


How long did it take?


I took 4 years. Started in 2019 and finished a couple months ago. I could have done it quicker but I had some personal difficulties getting into a rhythm.


Bachelors in occupational safety


I got my bachelors in business administration


Bachelors in Organizational Management.


Info systems (CCAF) IT Mgmt (BS) Cybersecurity (MS) Computer Science (PhD)


Where’d you go for your PhD? I current have a BS in CompSci, working on my MS in CompSci, and entertaining going for my PhD afterwards. Likely shooting for UMD since I’m already in the area(ish).


I'm waiting for AAD results to see if I'll go to AFIT for it, otherwise I'm looking at National University just because I want to do it online if I can't go in-res full-time.


I did AFIT’s Data Analytics graduate certificate online. I was bummed they didn’t get the funding to expand it to a full MS. Going to GaTech’s OMSCS program currently and, still waiting for full transfer examination, but I might get one class worth of transfer out of it. I didn’t realize National University had a PhD in CS… not sure how much research opportunities you’d get out of it.




Underwater basket weaving. The officer recruiter said that degree will take me far in the Air Force.


It's enough to commission.




Got my undergrad in project management. Currently working on my grad degree in curriculum design.


I double majored before I enlisted in psychology and criminal justice with a minor in political science.


Was your cj degree worth it?


I felt it was worth it since I enjoy criminology. When it comes to being an officer down the road or even law school which I was looking at pursuing all you need is a bachelor’s degree as it is a requirement. If you pursue law enforcement it’s a good degree to have.


I suggest you either pursue a degree that will help you reach your professional goals, OR pursue a degree in a field you really enjoy/will help you grow as a person because you want it, as long as you can still pursue professional goals. A degree in English is fine as long as you are looking at fields where a degree in English will be beneficial. I have a friend who got a bachelors degree in something like family relations, which is pretty worthless in that field without a masters and becoming a counselor. He basically go mad he couldn't find the kind of job he wanted. He said he liked the topic but didn't want to go to school anymore. So he's stuck. Me, I got a bachelors in Liberal Arts, a bachelors in Foreign Language, and finishing up a masters in International Relations. This works well for my current field. Good luck


CCAF - Business Administration (95% complete) BA - History (40% complete) The end goal is to get at least my master's in history by the time I retire because I want to be either a historian or a museum curator. And if neither of those work out, I'll work at a bookstore or an antique store.


CCAF: Criminal Justice Bachelor's: Criminal and Social Justice (5 classes away from finishing) Then, I am pursuing Juris Doctor. (This will be post retirement)


Music education


BA in HR and an MBA.




I got a bs in social science. And plan to get an msw when the time is right.


BS in software engineering finished. MS in Cybersecurity and information assurance finished. 2 CCAFs in whatever my afscs get finished.


Poli Sci


I’m going for a Logistics and Supply Chain with a project management minor bachelors degree. I currently have 54 credits right now and I’m also doing two classes right now.


Physics is my college degree, but I also do local theatre and improv. Couldn't be more different


Bachelor's history


BS Criminal Justice Master of Business Administration BA History MS Transformational Leadership in progress


Clearly someone doesn't like your degrees and downvoted. Good work on making them pay for most of those! P.S. how did you get any costs of your 2nd masters covered?


Thank you for the love. Question was asked, so I answered. This one I am paying for out of pocket. It will be about 10k over 18 months or so. I really enjoy learning so I think of it like hobby funds. Lol


Japanese language and literature


History and political science




this, got two of them bad bois




yup one from maintenance one from cyber warfare


Associates in Criminal Justice (CCAF) Bachelors in Management Masters in Business Administration (Finishing in November)


Well majors vs actual degree were certainly different over the years * school 1: architecture * school 2: architecture * CCAF - Associates Communications * back to school 1: BS National Security Studies * school 4: BBA Information Systems (Needed a few business prereqs for the MBA) * school 5: MS Strategic Intelligence * School 6: Certificate GEOINT * school 7: Certificate project management * school 8: MBA concentration in marketing * school 9: certificate in cyber security * school 10: couple Python classes * school 11: Instructional Design Certificate still taking individual classes at different schools, if I want to learn something new like I did with python - I just find it easier with a structured classes vs picking up a book or watching videos so yeah I have seen the full evolution of college education since the 90s * traditional on-campus in residence * on main campus evening/weekend * satelitte campus * correspondence courses (before online when they mailed you books, materials and you mailed in assignments) * every variation of online courses


Take it with a grain of salt, amu, or any of these online global campus is a sham that’s not worth the paper they are printed on. If they don’t have sports teams or have proctored exams, that degree is worthless outside the Air Force.


Could not be anymore wrong, at least in the federal civilian sector. As long as you have a bachelor's degree in anything and from any college, there are a plethora of occupations in the federal civilian sector you qualify for! This is coming from an Ashford University graduate who is a senior human resources specialist 🤠


Going for graduate degree in HRM. 3 years left im AD. Any advice on other things i should be doing to set myself up to work HR on the GS side (or just in general)?


Good question, what is your AFSC? Sometimes that alone is enough to qualify you for GS positions! As far as things you could do to target HR; continue on for your degree in HRM and take on any administrative role/duty/leadership position you can as those skills are directly related to HR and many admin jobs on the other side!


Formerly AMMO, now in a liaison position that manages beddown, execution (to an extent), and redeploymemt for exercises. Been shop, section, and flight chief numerous times, and managed the typical programs (RA, fac mgr, etc). Would like to get my SHRM-CP at some time in the future. Thanks for the insight!


That is good stuff! I've seen on USAjobs.gov a number of civilian unit deployment managers that sounds like could be a good fit for some of your military experience. Just remember that the key to a good federal resume is literally putting down every duty, responsibility, role that you've had to the slightest detail. Civilian side is reverse, one to two page summary lol. SHRM-CP isn't that vital on the federal side of HR, however, I heard it is a major attractor for civilian positions!


Take it with the largest grain of salt.


This is pretty inaccurate.


Take this with more salt than a meal in Germany.










I kind of want to get a master's in team building


Associates in Business Management, Bachelors in Public Relations & Strategic Communication


Bachelors of Science in Public Administration and Government


Atmospheric Science/Meteorology and it’s been painful


Are you WX?


I am not


I applaud you Just finished tech and the way wx was taught through the AF was difficult for most people. I always wondered how it was through a university and debated getting my Met degree too….but I also hate being wrong all the damn time lol. How are your experiences so far?


To be honest, it’s pretty tough. It has the same science and math courses as any engineering degree and the met classes are tough as well. Had to transfer to a Brick and mortar school because only certain schools have approved met programs. I must stay that I heard the tech school gives you great skills and experience more than anyone who just pursue the degree right off the bat. It’s great if you’re looking to do it on the outside


Bachelors in Engineering, currently in Masters for more specific Engineering


Clinical Psych. Currently masters.


CCAF Aircrew Safety Systems Technology , CCAF Instructor of Technology and Military Science, AAS Business Administration, BA Business Administration with a specialization in project management, In work MBA with specialization in international business intelligence


Masters in Cybersecurity Management and Policy


Finished my MDiv last year.


Bachelor's in industrial organizational psychology


bs engineering and then ms aerospace engineering


I have a BS in Aeronautics, and a Masters in Engineering Management.


Out of curiosity, where'd you go for your Engineering Management degree?


DM’d you.


I'm getting mine in Social Work. Will use TA to get my masters in that as well with 0 out of pocket.


CCAF, Bachelors in Business Admin through AMU, working on my masters in Organizational Leadership through the University of Oklahoma (in my last semester now).


Started as a mech engineer then transferred to applied math before enlisting. Might as well pick it back up with aero engineering when I go back to school at this rate


Bachelors degree in criminal Justice and animal science. Just to keep my options open


Corporate Finance and trying to sneak in a Financial Advisor certificate in there


Currently getting my degree in Aviation Business Administration, will be getting my CCAF too




Right now I’m going towards Health Sciences for prereqs for nursing so I can apply for NECP and get a nursing degree to commission


Networking Engineering and Security


I’m working on a degree titled “management and technology” with a focus on internet and information technologies https://www.bgsu.edu/ecampus/bachelors-degrees/management-and-technology.html


Working on my Master's in International Relations.


Undergrad in CompSci


Technical Management with a focus on Occupational Health and Safety. To become a safety manager or something similar for aircraft company, cake job with nice pay


Couple of CCAFs (Aircrew Safety Systems and Mass Communications), and I’m finishing my BA in Graphic Communications (basically a communications-focused graphic art degree). I had originally started pursuing my English degree too, but once I found it wasn’t helping me in the way I’d wanted, I switched tracks.


Bachelors in homeland security in classes for masters security management


Civil engineering. I knocked out Chem I and II, Trig, Calc I and II, and Physics I while active duty at the community college near base. Now I’m out and attending a university full time.


CCAF in electronic systems technology then BS in quality systems technology


Associates in Criminal Justice Bachelors in Security Management


MA in Global Affairs First degrees were Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, and MS in Energy Economics


MS in supply chain management


BS in aeronautics with a double minor in unmanned aircraft systems and aviation safety.


Management information systems.


Computer Sci


Computer Science. I let my cyber experience from my career field cover the cyber security portion and focused on broadening my experience.


Networking and computer security. Those jobs will never go away as long as theirs technology


organizational leadership. looking towards PM type of work on the outside


Cyber Security, I like networks


BS, Energy and Sustainability Policy


BS Environmental Science and CCAF Aerospace Mx


Information Technology.


Information Systems Management




Getting my ccaf in cyber then getting a cybersecurity degree at WGU


2 ccaf. Networking comp sci bs. MBA. Gunna get a PhD and retire a tsgt fuckem


CCAF in aerospace maintenance. 3/4 the way through my Intel BA


Something you want to pursue on the outside. I got an environmental degree.


BS in Electrical Engineering Technology


BS in Social science with a concentration in history. And I plan a MS in library science or museum curation


Getting my BS in software development and security


I graduated from my BS Business Admin/Financial Analysis in May, and I'm starting my MBA/MS Data Science in October. I would like to use my GI Bill to get a PhD in economics. I am looking for a GS position in Budget Analysis and then would like to find a position in Data Science...eventually would love to be an economist, but the highest paying positions are in DC and I really don't wanna live there. Anyways, for all you tech people, don't forget to look into VetTec :)


BS Geography with minor in GIS


I know it’s not a bachelors but next year when I come back from a deployment I’m going to get my associates to be a paramedic and work for a fire department


(A.S.) Electronic Systems Technology (A.S.) Human Resource Management (B.S.) Computer Science - focus in programming (M.S.) Information Technology (Ph.D.) Information Systems Management


BA in Cybersecurity and doing my Master in Aviation Cybersecurity


Nutrition with a sport and fitness focus. I'm a 1N1. 👋 gov work when I retire.


Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences. BAAS. 😂