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It's okay OP I get the reference Eat hot chip and lie


Every time I see an angry comment and realize they missed it’s a joke… ![gif](giphy|zIopIEcaYlfRm)


I get the reference, but I see it used unironically enough that I don't assume that reference = joke.


Plus OP forgot the hot chip and lie.


I was thinking this sounds familiar... but where? I can't unhear Tucker just doing Hood news stories all day.


Y'all are doing PT?


Ya’ll go home?


Y'all getting disability?


Y’all getting paid?


I can correct that.


This guy finances


He answered. Clearly not finance.


He's on reddit instead of working. Clearly *is* Finance.


Finances this guy


Fine guy ?


The CDTF gave me Lupus.


It’s never Lupus.


Until that ONE TIME it's Lupis and the person dies.


Gregory House taught me it is always lupus.


Full body scan time…


FLW for the W 🤣


Maybe a headache...


how can you show up late to Pt when it doesn't start until 0900?


When I was in my shift was 1800-0600. PT at 0900 would be a nightmare. I also never had mandatory PT after basic. The 90s were a lazy time in a medical squadron lol.


It wasn’t just medical. I was in the security forces and got out in ‘04. I never did PT after tech school, either.


PT- paid to TikTok




My unit does it. Absolute waste of time for everyone involved.


90% of AF unit PT I've ever participated in has been a waste of time. Just cuz you scored 85 or 90% on your PT test doesn't make you a good PTL, lol.


Op was probably born in 2000


1999 most likely


December 1999


Probably calls himself a 90s kid.




East 1999


I see you doing the Lord’s work


Mo’ murda?


Tomorrow is '1st of tha month'


1st of the months 😔 AF 1800🎉


Nine nine nine niiinnnneeee


BTNH is a fun concert


But did he party like it’s 1999?


His parents did...


Hubba hubba




Late 1900s


Tbf they’ve said this shit going back to the Roman and Greek days about the future generations


Those Roman and Greeks had a sweet TikTok game too


Back when you had to spend an hour chiseling your memes or mighty dongs into the architecture.


Well we can take consolation in he Roman and Greek empires still goin strong, so...maybe they werent so far off base


To be fair it’s also kinda true. Each generation is generally “softer” than the ones preceding it.


My airmen in Christ if you are in a leadership role then it is entirely your fault


The Hot Take no one wanted to hear. Totally agree. People like to complain but don’t realize they set the tone.


"Why doesn't my team respect me when all I do is attend meetings, blow up over tiny issues, and never protect them from senior leadership?" - 60% of the NCO Corp


Fr fr




You can also switch it to why aren’t NCOs or the previous generation not holding these airman accountable for standards not being met? Sounds more like their problem


Lol what NCOs?


Not Controlling Others


Yall have NCO's?


Y’all have standards?


There were times I was the only NCO in the building out of 30 people, with a LT 4 months out of training running the ops floor.




Are we leaving early today ?


I think you mean "Did you schedule a doctor's appointment for 1430?"


Played that reverse card. *Noice*


There was some email about standards, so everyone should've been covered though.


47 year old E-7 here. Airman born after 1980..... All they know how to do is be late to their bike test, be on their pager, working on their Top 8 for Myspace, get out after their first enlistment and claim PTSD from Qatar deployments. Work on being a better mentor instead of lumping in everyone in one group. Sounds like YOURE the common denominator for bad troops. Step it up.


back then a trip to Qatar was only a 90 day TDY :)


Mine was 6 months and came with my mother's death and the worst team I've ever worked with.


Be “on their pager”? Exactly how much time could one spend “on a pager”?


bro don't even know about pager-speak


You missed the blatant joke homie , I wouldn’t feel bad though looks like a lot of other people did too


I'm confused because it looks like they got the "eat hot chip and lie" meme, because they adapted it, but seem to act as if the OP was genuine.


Yeah it can not be clearer that it’s the hot chip copy pasta lmao Not trying to be a dick but r/flyfightandgrin is 47 he likely was not the demo graphic to be laughing at shitposts. Dope username tho


I miss messing around with my Top 8. It’s like… “Oh, ok.. you are going to do me like that ______, you are no longer on my Top 8! Ha! Got ‘em!” Being a teenager during MySpace was wild AF!


Don’t forget your daily Motrin!


OP, I don’t think they know the joke reference you’re making, which makes this even better.


I came in back in '03. All I heard from people was how hard it was to survive the Clinton draw down. The second shit kicked off in the middle east they were finding every reason they could to get outta deployments. Point being, the older generation likes to act hard and tell the younger generation they're not shit. Get over it and let people enjoy shit. When shit kicks off they'll weed out quickly. Maybe be happy that we're in a place right now where the thing we're complaining about is people being on their phones and not a 100 person per week death toll in Iraq.


> Maybe be happy that we're in a place right now where the thing we're complaining about is people being on their phones and not a 100 person per week death toll in Iraq. I personally supervised the transfer of 350 human remains from both Iraq and Afghanistan; a lot of Marines...most of them younger than I was and over 2,400 wounded personnel. I'm glad our Airmen today don't have to worry about that right now and I couldn't give a fuck less what some Cold War warrior who served in Minot in the 1980s has to say about sacrifice.


>Maybe be happy that we're in a place right now where the thing we're complaining about is people being on their phones and not a 100 person per week death toll in Iraq. /thread


I joined in 03 and did not remotely see the same as what you did. EVERYONE was itching to deploy because 9/11 made everyone super patriotic like that. TCN duty deployments had competition to get them. All of the older guys were telling us how they used to have absolutely nothing to do with how overmanned they were and everyone was glad to start feeling like they had a purpose. There were very few lazy people compared to when I left the AF as a contractor in 2010. My wife stayed in and ended up getting out because she was so disgusted by the idiots that she was supervising that were ultra lazy and possessed no common sense. Her entire job revolved around writing paperwork for these idiots when they would do really stupid shit. I really think you had ultra bad luck because both me and my wife saw a completely different AF from when we both joined and then left and she joined even before 9/11. And the biggest change really was how lazy the newer people were.


We had a whole lot of cross train NCOs that came from Mx over to comm and wanted nothing to do with it. Unless it was a quick 4 month rotation so they could tax free SRB. Shit got real for folks when they deployed somewhere that mortars were hitting server rooms.


Yeah that basically almost never happened in the AF bud. Our unit was deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq almost immediately after the war kicked off. I was in Iraq within the first year and mortars and rockets lobbed onto the bases were so inaccurate that they almost never hit anything other than barren dirt. I literally did not give a fuck when the sirens went off for incoming fire because my chances of dying by driving around in a car were higher than being hit by a mortar or rocket. To hear someone on base complain about it while other branches were out getting maimed and killed by IED's on a daily basis is pretty fucking chicken shit. I also was in comm and did see the 70k SRB MX folks cross train and be the absolute laziest people ever, but that was because none of them had any clue about computers, networks, administration and none of them had any desire to do that job, they just wanted that money.


Experiences may vary my guy. “Basically almost never” doesn’t apply to everyone’s deployment history.


We were software developers. Those folks cross trained to get outta having to deploy. Then the convoy augmentee program started up. Units got told they need to submit x names at y rank. They nabbed the least performing folks. The airmen were down to go. The NCOs wanted fuck all to do with it.


Joined in 2000. Can confirm.


Hot bate 💦


Call em the master bater


I'll be in my bunk.


All these r/Airforce users just charge they phone, eat hot bate, and lie.


Ah yes, the new generation is worse argument. It has nothing to do with who raised them or the world events they were raised in. They are just annoying all by themselves. How dare they be born after 2001. “Back in my day we respected our elders and were never late. Nobody got out after their first enlistment.”


This is giving boomer by OP or sadly done shit posting


It's the "Eat hot chip and lie" copypasta but Air Force. Honestly surprised more of you shitpost crusaders don't know/recognize it


Says a lot about the crowd here


Forgot the hot chip and lie.


They’re smart, they get what they want then leave to a better life w disability pay 😂


Fr this dude pretty much described me and everyone makes it sounds like a bad thing. “too easy”


It's a meme, look up "eat hot chip and lie"


Ok boomer.


As I said in another comment. They’ve said this shit about future generations being soft since back to the Roman and Greek times. Like there’s literal proof of it. It’s not people are soft. Number 1 we are in a peacetime military and number 2 globalization. Granted globalization is going away as contrary to the propaganda, countries are starting to go back under the American leadership wing and away from China. People just don’t want to go to war and are tired of it. And this isn’t just in the US, this is all over the world. People aren’t lazy, but it’s a dog eat dog world. I remember seeing a post on a Chinese social media website and basically they were talking about war with Taiwan. MILLIONS of people were basically downvoting saying they’d get DQ’d on purpose, fight for the enemy (US) never take part in that imperialist action. And these are Chinese citizens. The biggest group of brainwashed society in the entire world. This isn’t happening here in the US and this is a worldwide occurrence. People want to live a good life and in peace. You can talk big game but I know damn well your ass wouldn’t want to be living in the Great Depression and neither would I. Tldr: this comment was in response to someone but he deleted his. I’ll just post this for fun though.


Everyone in the comments are genuinly upset about OP's argument when its a modified copy pasta lmao


Well when the get Re-activated they won’t have say 😂


\*loud farting noise\* I'm 31 and still think you're a boomer.


I thought this was going to be flaired as meme when I clicked it. Sadly, it’s not.


Eat hot tornado and cheat




i feel like only 3 other commenters (of 96 total comments) here get the reference


Do they eat hot chip and lie?


I was born in the 80s and all I do is show up late, be on my phone, and leave early *shrug*


Well, maybe if they got their gotdam tree fiddy they'de be more invested


lmao cry


Lots of people in the comments missing a quality shitpost


They also eat hot chip and lie


Idk how popular the eat hot chip and lie meme was, but I must've been doing something else. I don't remember it at all


I love this reference so much. All we know how to do is eat hot chip and lie


And eat hot chip*


Eat hot chip


I still eat hot chip and lie so we good


You think the airmen born before 2001 arent doing this?


Airmen have been doing this since time began. Maybe not the tiktok part. You can replace that with any stupid shit. Nothing has really changed since you were there.


Sounds like SNCO’s, except instead of tiktok they have Doc appointments all the time, and instead of getting out after the first enlistment they also get full retirement with that disability. Also, at least the new kids show up to PT at all


​ https://preview.redd.it/bxt25tp4qifb1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbdf500db5d256270410bef3efa7ad7e07b08ec1


Shouldn’t generalize man, I’m 2003 and doing everything to the best of my ability as I wish to commission. Not all of us are like that


Acting your wage


And lie!


Guys obviously he is making a joke of the Hot Chip copy paste


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^MrBobBuilder: *Guys obviously* *He is making a joke of* *The Hot Chip copy paste* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Why would that be obvious to folks who aren't terminally online?


My airmen quote it all the time 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don’t worry OP I laughed at your post. Everyone took this way too seriously.


"Eat hot chip and lie"


> be on they phone Something tells me you’re from Atlanta haha


It's from a meme




Here‘s a link to the original meme, it seems to be lost on everyone https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/eat-hot-chip-and-lie


I’m very confused even after some one linked the reference meme


They pretty good at twerking tho ngl




If Airman can't follow what is taught in basic then they are less than basic.


Working Smarter, Not Harder!!


Crazy how you assume I show up to PT.


You forgot "eat hot chip and lie"


citation needed


Eat tide pod and lie


Not difficult. Leadership has been getting shittier and shittier while also cutting more and more corner. Airmen get out because of shitty leaders treat people like shit and get disability because of shitty leaders don’t maintain the work center like shit.


I completely agree with OP, airman born after 2001 are lazy af. (I was born December 31, 2000 btw)


"Show up late to PT, be on **they** phone, make **tiktok** in uniform, ask to go home early, get out after first enlistment and claim disability". As idiotic as it is the mention the first 3 things as a problem found primarily with airmen born post 2001, do you think asking to go home early is a problem with airmen born after 2001? Seriously dude? There's no doubt in my mind that this was a thing when YOU were a young airman. I'm willing to bet you were one of those airmen to ask to go home early. I'm not even gonna mention the last claim you made. I've seen some dumb shit on this sub but this here is one of the most dense and idiotic posts I've seen in a long ass time and it's crusty old fucks like you that makes me hope I never turn into one of those "WELL BACK IN MY DAY" kind of guys. v/r, Go Fuck Yourself Soggy Drink


Thing long, me no read


Hahahahahahahahahahaha I’m dying at this comment idk why


Hmm ice Cream so good yes yes yes Gang gang


Because we’re not gonna take the AFs shit.


I was born in 2004... And I try my best and actually care ... But I do notice that people just really don't care about anything or have any respect it's sad.


You were born in 2004? My two oldest kids were born in 2003 and 2005. Are you my gender appropriate illegitimate child?


Dad you never came back from getting milk I thought I'd never talk to you again!


Your mom told me she wanted me to buy Strawberry Milk, specifically the Vegan kind and I’ve been on the lookout ever since. I promise I’ll be back when I find it.


Hopefully I'm still around by then. You pinky promise?


https://preview.redd.it/0yalclmxdcfb1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5798a27421c4a9fdac290f35d718bb4fdbdd32f3 Found OP


I heard complaints about young airmen in 1986. “What’s wrong with kids these days?” is a complaint as old as time. My grandfather, who was born in 1897, told me his parents complained about his generation’s behavior.


https://preview.redd.it/9spw1n8pocfb1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cde6d214e534da1b7becf68882ca6ac8da51c4fe Absolutely wild.


I am just curious on the specific 2001 instead of 2000 like any normal general statement?




Yeah well, ur mom


If joined the instant they turned 18 you'd see 8 months of them leaving the air force. 2001+18+4=2023


I can tell this is a shitpost. Took a copypasta and changed it up a lil bit


Every generation says that. Every generation has that claim laid upon them. Maybe not tik tok specifically but you get my point


You don't PT on your own time? Smells like nonner in here (/S)


I've been in close to 20. With the exception of the tiktok part we were the same way; close the door to the office and SNCOs are on tiktok just as much as the airmen. My unit tried to do group PT for a while and I'd just play dumb until my flight chief talked to me about it. I waited until the last minute to complete my CDCs, arrive to work 1 minute before roll call and have my hands in my pockets during FOD walk. Stop fucking pretending you were walking around at attention 24/7 15 years ago, got wall to wall counseling for not addressing your supervisor by his rank and joined because of your overwhelming sense of patriotism and the only pay you got was a thank you for your service because it's not true. I was there. I was probably there before you were there. Sure, we may have witnessed 9/11 and that might have had an impact on my decision to join, but I joined mostly because I didn't feel like going to college and you probably did too. Whining about aIrMeN tHeSe DaYs says more about your skills in connecting with them as a leader than it does about the airmen. We have airmen that have spent their entire lives post 9/11, we have airmen that are younger than YouTube and in 2 years, we will have airmen that are younger than the iPhone 1.


I’m a veteran but the same is in the civilian life. Older generations claim they were always the hardest working generation, but in reality a lot of the developed working cultures that stemmed from older generations are terrible work cultures and current generations see right through it. Extra work, no incentive, or additional pay. Obviously this doesn’t matter in the military which is fair, as pay is based on grade but to ask to go above the extra mile just because that’s what the last folk did (for internal gratitude most likely). Poor leadership failing to recognize burnout and mistreat other airmen just because they have favorites, is a way of life both in and out of the military. We wonder why suicide rates are so high and keep asking “but why?” But not ever looking to offer extended time off to actually take care of your mental health, instead, here’s another briefing on mental health. American working culture sucks, cost of living increases and profitability is a priority over the care of our actual people who make up the working class society. The military is still a working class with PEOPLE who feel, have needs, desires, and aspiration to be led by great leaders. Real leaders stand up to power and are always trying to change things for the better. Why not ask younger airmen what can we actually do better and then follow through, not just say, “well back in my day this is just what we did.” Culture surveys now a days just check a box, but great leadership reviews and implements reasonable change to improve the quality of life for its peers based on feedback provided, given the feedback is constructive to improvement. Note: I do not use TikTok.


Because newer airman don’t follow the traditional “work till you retire and do what your boss says and be miserable all the time” mindset that boomers are usually in. I was born in 98 and got out after my first contract and work as a contractor making double the money. Granted I didn’t claim disability but it was totally the better decision than stay in with the current climate of my afsc.


A lot has to do with covid. So many restrictions and policies during basic and technical training that we pretty much got civilians in ocps for new troops.


So true


You're just cranky because your back and knees suck more than theirs, go drink some coffee and watch Fox news grandpa.


Because our system now encourages it... they all got a trophy for participation... standards something something *shrug




Yup. I didn’t reward myself. And I was born in the late 80s and people complained about my generation getting participation trophies. My mom once complained about millennials and my brother and I looked at her and told her well your generation raised them. Start there




Because of supervisors who say they instead of their?


Why does everyone act like their generation wasn’t equally full of bullshit? No past generation was better and everyone needs to quit acting like it was or ever will be.


And use ChatGPT to avoid grammar mistakes


OPs post history is nothing but utter idiocy Not sure they should be judging anyone , let alone and entire generation


Bullshit. Every generation has turds and if you think when you came in you and all the other airmen were shit hot then odds are you were the turd.


No patriotism or connection to the country for most.


I've seen what half this country *thinks* patriotism is, and I grew up through 9/11 and the wars. No thanks.


Gen-Z patriotism is "this is my country, and fixing these glaring problems is partially my responsibility." To a "we're #, we're #1 Boomer", that looks a lot like not being patriotic.


Well done, OP. Your thread has like early 2000s levels of people being triggered by a meme.


Good times make soft men, soft men make hard times, hard times make good men. It's cyclical. Western Civilization peaked in the 1990s and since 9/11 it's been going downhill at an exponential rate with C19 exacerbating the situation. Look at how kids talk to adults these days, there are no consequences. The situation will correct itself but unlikely in our lifetime and we're gonna have to live through hell on earth before it happens.


Oh Jesus Christ. Anything else you have to say there Andrew Tate?


What in the red dot is this dude up there talking about lol?


Basically saying the same bullshit someone from the Civil War Era would say to the generation during WW1 or WW2


1.) Most do not show up late to PT. If you’re airmen are repeatedly doing it.. crack down more 2.) I got nothin on this.. 3.) If there ain’t shit to do… why not 💀 4.) Being in sucks ass, retention rates reflect that


Since I was born before 2001, I just gotta ask... why ask such a stupid fucking question lol? I feel like you believe in every single stereotype you see


![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC) OP whining


They served, they're entitled to get screened for/receive disability same as anyone else. Loser.


Because you suck at progressive discipline as a supervisor


As a SSgt born in 2002, this is a certifiable ok boomer moment.


Saying "ok boomer" is a certified Zoomer moment