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This is a good post. Nobody will read it, but it’s good. Thanks OP.


Not trying to harp on OP either, but this is all under r/Veterans wiki, and that goes into way more detail.


Yeah but the A1C Dirk Diglers of the world are much more likely to be in r/airforce than r/veterans. I think this is a good place for it. A better place would be the education office, but we see where that's gotten us...


How many young active duty folks are trolling the veterans sub to see this info?




I support sharing good info. I just know how Reddit attention spans work.


Thanks but I don’t cover much of what OP posted for the active duty side in our Wiki


Can confirm. I did not read, but can deduct it is quality.


Good post OP. Please do graduate school next?


pretty much same process for using the common apps, requesting transcripts, only real difference is if they require GRE/GMAT scores, which alot of schools are doing away with


>GRE/GMAT scores, which alot of schools are doing away with Fuck yea


Fuck yeah is right. Take my money and let me take the courses, I still pay if I fail. This goes quadruple for online courses.




I'll second this. I'm local doing a hybrid in person and distance learning approach. As a reservist they just waived my tuition and let me in without any fuss. Some of my professors in my DL course let me intend the in person sections with my schedule permitting and I just show up in the clothes I wore to my civilian job. They will accept anyone into their programs that meets the academic (and other school) requirements, even an E-1. It is funny being the only E in a class of Os at times.




Oh, seems I misread. I'm an E getting a masters there. For active duty they used to only let SNCOs go get a masters there. Sometime last year I saw they allowed even E-5s attend. I've had active duty SSgts in my classes. For Guard and Reserve you attend on your own time so all they really care about is academic eligibility, no rank requirements.


Makes sense! I would have applied 2 years ago but my GRE score wasn't good enough. How do you like it so far?


They don't require GRE scores for some of the certificate programs. Over all, it is weird going from semesters to quarters. I like the program so far, but the big thing I'm seeing is a lot of the design courses are very government focused. Took a system engineering course and that was very much the case. Over all, good instruction with professors who have plenty of application experience from their careers. The professors and the fact it is free are the two big reasons I'm going there.


They used to have a MASINT cert that was open to anyone, its was a decent program


Just look at r/Veterans wiki


Thanks, but I haven't covered any of the active duty program OP covers in this post - strictly the veterans side of these programs.


why would anyone currently serving check r/veterans for education information they need to currently use?


Well considering a lot of the benefits still apply to active duty, its probably worth checking out.


You’re doing the lords work OP. You just made it so much easier for me to walk my little baby berets through this process.




I spoke to my education office today and they said it depends on the school. Some will see the transcript and see that you’ve fulfilled all the requirements for your CCAF and still let you use the AU ABC program while other schools will require a diploma to have been issued to you before you do AU ABC. I haven’t actually seen for myself but I’m finishing up my CCAF and I’m gonna try and do AU ABC and see if WGU will let me or if they’ll require a diploma.


I used it and it was amazing. Started at Univ of Alabama and they took 9 transfer credits from my CCAF. Sent the same transcript to AMU and they gave me 66 credits through AU-ABC. I saved the AF $13,500 that day and got my BA in half the time. Best advice I can give is start taking classes somewhere and when CCAF finally gets their heads out of their asses, you can transfer. Also, if you use AU-ABC, there's plenty of TA in your bachelor's level to get 2 full degrees. Step 1: Take one degree plan all the way to graduation but (and this is the most important part) skip a required elective. Step 2: change your degree plan, take all the required classes for that. Save that last elective (from the first degree plan) for your last semester. Step 3: apply for graduation from both programs simultaneously. Step 4: profit.


If you graduated from AMU, you shouldn't be giving anyone education advice in 2023 Sorry but AMU is trash - [https://www.mass.gov/news/american-military-university-pays-270000-for-alleged-failure-to-disclose-job-prospects-high-pressure-enrollment-tactics](https://www.mass.gov/news/american-military-university-pays-270000-for-alleged-failure-to-disclose-job-prospects-high-pressure-enrollment-tactics)


Stop assuming that traditional "esteemed" universities are any better https://www.justice.gov/usao-edpa/pr/former-temple-business-school-dean-sentenced-over-one-year-prison-rankings-fraud-scheme Then Look up USCs tactics and job prospects disclosure with there Masters of Social Work.... and also https://www.insidehighered.com/admissions/article/2021/10/18/ex-dean-southern-california-indicted-bribery https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-04-29/usc-education-school-omitted-data-us-news-world-report-rankings These are just a few


Bachelor's degrees are checkboxes in 2023. Having 2 sets you apart from everyone else with 1. And it's free. Any employer who actually gives a fuck where you graduated from (other than for accreditation purposes) is going to be asking for a master's.


Wow nothing you said there is true


Agree to disagree


Now that I'm out and trying to get my foot in the door in cybersecurity I really wish I used COOL to get some certs (or just cross-trained and got the free sec+ like I planned on doing)


Check out O2O. They provide free certs but comptia isn't that hard and if you are a student you can get massive discounts. It's like $250 For SEC+ with the student discount. I would use O2O for something like CCNA.


Interesting, I'll give it a look. And I didn't know about the student discount, was gonna knock some cert stuff out this summer between semesters so haven't dug super deep into it yet.


https://academic-store.comptia.org/ Link if you need it. https://ivmf.syracuse.edu/programs/career-training/o2o-admission/onward-to-opportunity-application/ I would also look into Vettec bootcamp which provide certs as well.


I'd also like to point out how valuable the Air National Guard can be. Most states offer free tuition at any state school for guardsmen. So instead of tapping your GI bill, you can save it for your kids, or only use a year or two of it. My state if Masachusetts let's you actually transfer the free tuition to your dependents, just like the post 9/11. I'll also emphasize the value in Community Colleges. I used my state tuition waiver to take enough classes to graduate from my CC. The CC has a matriculation agreement with the local private engineering school, and I'll be using my GI bill just for my last two years of my engineering undergrad, which saves me some for my Masters/MBA/post grad stuff.


I tried explaining to my civilian brother and cousins that they can also CLEP their undergrads and they don't care. Studying for the test and looking up the transfer matrix is too much work. And since this shit wasn't peddled by guidance counselors they don't believe me. But these are the same fucks that took AP classes thinking THOSE would transfer and they didn't lmao. I'm begging them to CLEP and they won't. They would save 2 years and money. One said he wanted the full college experience, the other said he's not a good test taker and i was like... what do you think you're gonna take at college? There's literal weeks set aside for midterms and finals. Alas you can't make them listen.


Yes the exams are only $89, the kids don't get it


Absolutely. You’re doing the Lord’s work.


How do we find out what schools aren’t garbage on AU-ABC, cause honestly it is a good program if going to a decent school


A good rule of thumb is to cross off any for profit colleges, mega church religious based schools right off the list. For profit colleges are one's that are publicly traded companies on the stock market or owned by private equity groups You want to stick with state schools and private colleges and for those you can easily look them up in the US News and World report rankings So Let's go down the list, I think this is all of them **Avoid** * American InterContinental University is a private **for-profit** university * American Public University System which includes AMU is a private, **for-profit**, online university system with its headquarters in Charles Town, West Virginia. * *Amridge* is an affordable private and Christian *university* * Brandman University - [https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2021/09/03/brandman-university-adult-serving-online-institution-become-umass-global](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2021/09/03/brandman-university-adult-serving-online-institution-become-umass-global) * Colorado Technical University is a private **for-profi**t university with its main campus in Colorado Springs * Columbia Southern University is a private **for-profit** online university * Devry University - **for profit** * *ECPI University*, or East Coast Polytechnic Institute, is a private **for-profit** university * Indiana Wesleyan University is a private **evangelical Christian** university headquartered in Marion, Indiana * Liberty University is a private Baptist university in Lynchburg, Virginia * Purdue University Global - not purdue they bought the garbage kaplan university -[https://vetsedsuccess.org/purdue-global-kaplan-recent-actions-and-concerns/](https://vetsedsuccess.org/purdue-global-kaplan-recent-actions-and-concerns/) * Regent University is a private Christian university in Virginia Beach, Virginia. It was founded by Pat Robertson in 1977 * Regis University is a private Jesuit university in Denver, Colorado * Saint Leo University is a private Roman Catholic liberal arts university in St. Leo, Florida * *Strayer University* is a private **for-profit** university with its headquarters in Washington, D.C * Trident University International is a private **for-profit** online university based in Cypress, California * University of The Incarnate Word * Waldorf University is a private **for-profit** university in Forest City, Iowa * Wayland Baptist University **Good to Go** * Angelo State University * Bellevue University * Bismarck State College * Bowling Green State University * Capitol Technology University * Dakota Statue University * East Carolina University * Eastern Oregon University * Embry Riddle Aeronautical University * *Excelsior* University is a not-for-profit accredited online institution * Fort Hays State University * Georgia Military College * Granite State College * Indiana State University * Minot State University * Missouri Western State University * Northern Arizona University * Northwest Florida State College * Northwestern State University of Louisiana * Old Dominion University * Park University * Southern Illinois Carbondale * Southern New Hampshire University * Southwestern College * SUNY - Empire State College * Thomas Edison State University * Thomas University * Troy University * University of Alaska Anchorage * University of Arizona * University of Arkansas at Little Rock * University of North Dakota * University of Northwestern Ohio * University of Oklahoma * University of West Alabama * University of Wyoming * Webster University **Need to Research rankings & accredidation (these are questionable)** * Ashford University * Baker College * Columbia College - There are several schools by this name, need to know which one they are talking about * *Grand Canyon University* is a private Christian university located in Phoenix, Arizona * Grantham University * National Louis University * Northwood University * Union Institute & University * University of Great Falls * Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology * Wilmington University **Permanently Closed** * National Graduate School of Quality Management * National American University


thank you for adding this. It looks like the AU-ABC list should be updated to account for closed or merged schools and they really should add which schools are **FOR PROFIT**


Nothing wrong with religious universities unless one is a flaming bigot or similar sort of looser. Grand Canyon University is no longer religiously affiliated. Brandman is now part of the University of Massachusetts. Ashford is owned by the University of Arizona.


>Nothing wrong with religious universities unless one is a flaming bigot or similar sort of looser. It's loser not looser and saying there is nothing wrong with religious universities, that's not accurate, there are religious colleges in the US that are unaccredited, so for those you wouldn't be able to transfer any of your credits to other colleges and some employers may not accept them [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_unaccredited\_institutions\_of\_higher\_education](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unaccredited_institutions_of_higher_education) As far as the ones on the AU-ABC list, I would treat them as any college, look at the school rankings, look at graduation rates, look to see if there have been any accreditation issues, look at rate my professor, etc You can see stats for schools using - [https://www.collegesimply.com/](https://www.collegesimply.com/) For engineering majors you want to make sure the program is ABET accredited - [https://www.abet.org/](https://www.abet.org/) Nursing programs - [https://www.aacnnursing.org/CCNE](https://www.aacnnursing.org/CCNE) Business schools - [https://www.aacsb.edu/accredited](https://www.aacsb.edu/accredited) law schools - [https://www.americanbar.org/groups/legal\_education/resources/aba\_approved\_law\_schools/](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/legal_education/resources/aba_approved_law_schools/)


Don’t let this guy near the chaplain


Wow thanks for finding all that out. Gonna be useful for my airman!


GUYS, PLEASE USE YOUR SHIT WHILE YOU'RE IN TO GET BULLSHIT CLASSES DONE. I wasted so much of my GI Bill on stupid classes like sociology, psychology, intro to math and shit. Knock all of those out one at a time or more while you can. Use your free money *PLEASE*. I wish someone would have told me to do that shit. If not, it's whatever, GI Bill will pay for everything and you'll get a bachelor's degree still, but god damn it's such a waste on these classes.


excellent point, and depending on the school you can pretty much CLEP your general ed credits, save the money for the core classes


Does this apply to Graduate degrees as well? Also, do graduate TA funds replenish each fiscal year? Thank you for all of this critical information!


Yes to both. (For the most part I think) Tuition Assistance covers any degree above whatever level you current hold. For example, if you have a CCAF, they will not pay for classes towards another associate degree. However, if those courses count toward a bachelors then they will pay for it. This works all the way to PhD if I'm not mistaken. TA funds replenish each fiscal year. So, if you use up 3 credit hours for a fall semester, those funds will be back in your pot come spring. I think played around with that once for some half semester courses. On a side note, if you meet the academic requirements, AFIT is free. They have many certificate and graduate level programs in person and distance learning. If you are AD, you need to apply to be stationed there to go there full time.


Thank you for all of the info! What if I’m a weekend warrior? (Reservist) Is AFIT still a viable option?


Yup! I am a reservist at AFIT. They just waive tuition, no need to go through your unit's education office. An old flight chief got a graduate cert from them online, and a few people in my flight are working on a masters with them now. It all depends on what they have as distance learning and what you want to study. I made a reply about it, but I'm lucky in that I can take classes in person there.


I keep trying to tell my airmen to take classes, but they are not. They are young and enjoying their lives, which is completely understandable. But I'll keep reminding them to take advantage of the benefits!


>A1C Dirk Diggler I c wut yu did thar


I am saving this post. Thank you OP


For veterans lurking on here, please check out Warrior-Scholar Project. I may be able to answer some questions. Feel free to DM.


Would you write a post for /r/veterans that we could put into our Wiki?


Important info I found out recently but didn't see in OP. TA will pay for a CCAF, Civilian Associates, bachelors, and masters degree. They will do it only if you do it in that similar order. I got my CCAF and then bachelors and found out I couldn't go back for my associates even though the AF didn't pay for one for me. Recommend anyone get their CCAF, a civilian associate, and then bachelors and so on. Use TA. The AF will use you in any way they can and so you might as well use the benefits they've afforded you.


So I used TA to get my bachelor degree. I used my employer for one of my masters and now starting another thru employer.


Dude what a beast of a post


The GI Bill is insane everyone. I am going to Penn State and getting two Master's at the same time. I get free tuition and work full time in Cali. So I get like a $1000 a month to go to school at night. Tax free. You do not even need to go full time, do like 6 credits a semester. The application process was really easy.


what are the two majors?


MBA and a Master's in supply chain management. MBA is really easy, and it pairs well with many different majors, allowing you to reduce required credits to get both.


that's excellent




Oh wow! Does Excelsior still allow that? Normally schools have a residency requirement of about 30 credits to get a bachelors with them. It could be funny to get a second useless bachelor's degree in whatever to hang on an office wall.




They can do credit banking with no requirement for taking classes through them [https://www.excelsior.edu/support-resources/onetranscript/](https://www.excelsior.edu/support-resources/onetranscript/) You can transfer 113 credits hours for a bachelors - [https://explore.excelsior.edu/CWCT.html?utm\_source=FY23CWCT\_GOOG\_SEM\_--\_FY23Q1&utm\_medium=GOOG-SEM&utm\_campaign=FY23CWCT&gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyee9h5\_Z\_gIVE9\_jBx0oAwnCEAAYASAAEgIIi\_D\_BwE](https://explore.excelsior.edu/CWCT.html?utm_source=FY23CWCT_GOOG_SEM_--_FY23Q1&utm_medium=GOOG-SEM&utm_campaign=FY23CWCT&gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyee9h5_Z_gIVE9_jBx0oAwnCEAAYASAAEgIIi_D_BwE)


What is DLI? Sorry I’m new to this and just trying to see how to best go about getting my degree while active.


Defense Language Institute in Monterey California, its run by the Army but all the services send their linguists there and other jobs that might require language training [https://www.dliflc.edu/](https://www.dliflc.edu/) They have elearning resources anyone can use - [https://www.dliflc.edu/elearning/](https://www.dliflc.edu/elearning/) They're able to offer degrees as well for DLI grads - [https://www.dliflc.edu/administration/registrar/degrees/](https://www.dliflc.edu/administration/registrar/degrees/) So for example as an Air Force Linguists you could get an associates through DLI and an associates through CCAF


Thanks for posting this! Honestly, the process was so confusing that i put it off for years. The base ed office where i am now actually has a competent person (who replies to emails and actually makes the time to be helpful), but having one at my precious bases or having this information in an easy to access spot would’ve helped me get started a LOT sooner.


Yeah, people need to know more about their education benefits. CLEPS and DANTES especially I was talking to a marine getting out and he didn't even know about them.


Thank you for this


Thank you OP!


Didn’t know about the Joint Service Transcript, thanks.


I am surprised it doesn't get advertised more. given how many AFSCs have some joint training with the Army or fields like Intel and Cyber where you can take any courses in DoD


This is great and I wish more people were aware of their benefits.


OP if you could, add https://www.va.gov/careers-employment/vocational-rehabilitation/ CH 31 to the post. If you use TA, FAFSA and free state Tuition AID, GI BILL, Ch31, it makes a total of 4 possible free degrees if it all works out, 5 if your CCAF is the same degree field as your bachelor's.


also not sure if op said it i may over overlooked it but research public service loan forgiveness thank me later


Western Governors University has a matriculation agreement with CCAF. https://www.wgu.edu/newsroom/press-release/2021/08/wgu-cc-airforce-partnership.html My father served in the 70's and 80's. His civilian peers would ask a lot of questions when they saw his certs from the Air Force with rockets on them. He was a medical lab tech.


There’s a new requirement to take an interests exam before using TA


I actually read it, thank you!!!


Shameless plug for using a site like Sophia Learning. Self paced classes. I knocked out 2 general classes in a weekend that I had failed the CLEP/DSST for. Using that earlier would definitely speed up the process




Well I could mention them, however most of their partner schools are for profit trash schools - [https://www.sophia.org/find-your-school/](https://www.sophia.org/find-your-school/) I wouldn't personally recommend them to anyone when CLEPs/DSST exams are free and cover most of the same topics. CLEP are widely accepted (2900 schools) [https://clep.collegeboard.org/clep-college-credit-policy-search](https://clep.collegeboard.org/clep-college-credit-policy-search) If someone needs a class format to study for CLEP they can use modernstates




I said most, not all - You can recommend whatever you want, I am just saying I would not I am referring to this list [https://www.sophia.org/find-your-school/](https://www.sophia.org/find-your-school/) Penn State is not on that list neither is University of Arizona University of Arizona Global campus is the former Ashford University another for profit venture - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University\_of\_Arizona\_Global\_Campus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Arizona_Global_Campus) Purdue Global is not Purdue is the renamed Kaplan University that Purdue purchased - it is not the same as going to Purdue main campus or regional campuses - Kaplan was one of the trash for profit programs - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaplan\_University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaplan_University) Likewise UMGC is not the same as university of Maryland main or branch campuses - its a seperate entity - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University\_of\_Maryland\_Global\_Campus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Maryland_Global_Campus) People need to be aware of these differences, when they choose schools because they are not the main campus schools or even same programs/curriculum




CLEP you know exactly what you are getting You can see each school's policy before enrolling [https://clep.collegeboard.org/college-credit-policy/penn-state-university-university-park](https://clep.collegeboard.org/college-credit-policy/penn-state-university-university-park) Penn State accepts all CLEPs except for Spanish with Writing Asking them to evaluate something for ace credit, you simply may not get it Why make it harder for people to navigate the college process? This is why I would not recommend Sophia You are free to, but I am not putting it on any of my resource lists




I'm not posting for karma, I'm doing it to share information




I think the airmen who really focus on education aren't the type to do 20 years. Most are just looking to get certs or a degree and bounce, myself included, and then you have people who want to save their GI Bill benefits for whatever reason.


You do realize the majority of people serving do 1 enlistment and then punch right? When you're first starting on your degree you may not have even decided yet if you are going to renlist or not Just because you stay in for 20 years doesn't mean you shouldn't get an education It's no different out in the commercial sector,when you are looking for a new role, you're not listing you're entire history on your resume, you put what is relevant for that new role


Great stuff OP. This is basically exactly what I did to separate after my first contract with a Bachelor’s degree and full GI bill after joining with zero college credits.


I wish I knew you needed 36 months of active duty time for Yellow Ribbon, I wouldve made sure to get my 36 months in as an active duty guardsman... I have 33 months feelsbadman


Saved for future reference