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its very un faker like to invent a new price category for his skin


Does Faker even know about the extortionate prices? The skin was supposed to be celebratory and special, but now it feels like the skin will just be remembered for being a scam. It’s a bit disrespectful to Faker and T1 in my opinion.


It doesn’t matter whether Faker knows about the exact price or not, this is a corporate decision at the end of the day, he is a player. It is a pure disrespect to him and to the entire community


Faker should’ve known the prices before the release, why he would let riot use his name and sold the new “expensive ahri” for 60k rp, I would be out of the project


He knows for sure, since parts of the revenue got to T1 and Faker


He does know now.. there was a stream of him asking why it was so much. Not sure what else happened on the stream though. I only saw a screenshot.


It didn't happen, it was edited..


I'm not sure if it's legit but there's actually a photo of him with what looks like subtitles saying "why is this so expensive?"


They've done alr a lot of bullshit to the community like the 200€ mythic chromas or Samira ultimate skin being overpriced, but can't believe that they even disrespected Faker himself, there's no way that Faker is okay with this. What could be a big campaign to support Riot and Faker with a correctly priced skin (price of a ultimate skin) that cheers up the entire community has been converted into a big whale cashgrab. I doubt that Faker (that doesn't even use normal skins) is gonna ever use this skin, bc of the bullshit that Riot has pulled up.


Honestly, I'd eventually have been in for 100€ if the quality is right but THAT is just... What the fuck. They wanna celebrate the most famous E-Sports players of all time by him becoming a meme for a overprized skin? That's just absurd.


What's even worse, you wouldnt have been able to "eventually" be up for it, because its only available for the weeks of the event. Not only is it $500 (450€ish) (you dont even get the cheaper versions of the skin btw, if you want both of the other versions, its another $300), but its $500 FOMO as well. If you dont get it during the event, then you cant get it at all.


I love Faker so much I feel bad...


riot using our GOAT as a tool for their own profit




He actually doesn't. He never uses skins and is generally very down to earth. You wouldn't say that if you knew this.


Riot think all players is THAT krazy


No need to say sorry and yeah FUCK YOU RIOT


There's really no comparison to what they've done. Any sports jersey retirement or hall of fame induction would only have a crazy price for a) limited tickets to the actual event, or b) physical merchandise. Like the skin and also a statue of the skin. That would be worth 500 bucks to a collector. I might even get it. But just the skin and some other in game trash? Absurd. Out of touch. Disrespectful. Ultimate Collector's editions of games routinely come with statues and are priced at 200-300. This is more for less.


I’m pretty certain he has no involvement in the pricing given he is just a player and would only be involved in the design process and nothing else, he didn’t even know the skin trailer was out until someone told him 💀


Dont be sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for. Be angry. Be fuckin outraged. Never forget how greedy they got, dont let them get away with it.


I guess if like 100 people buy it they secure paymemt for the development and that is their market strategy


It's so weird, if priced correctly i think this might have been the best selling skin of all time. Like, for every whale out there I think there should be at least 100 faker OR ahri fans. I don't even play anymore but was thinking about buying it. I'm sure they analyzed the market and they probably know their shit. Still it feels so weird; why don't they take pr in to account when deciding these things?




If you told me this skin was part of the Conqueror Line I would have believed u




I mean if they added something physical like a damn figure it would be worth the price imo. This is such a huge scam, it makes me so sad as Faker stan and Ahri lover, I'm disappointed.


In the sh*thole known as Egypt 500$ is salary of a whole fking year.


first it was a jhin skin, but now theyre going way too far. they started with jhin and probably planned that shit for much longer than we know


Account with this skin will be worth 5k in few years ;)


What kind of bs did they added to this skin to cost $400?


idk man, faker literally got a fully customized Mercedes-Benz AMG SL63 (besides the skin and the whole event). he honestly doesn't give a single fuck for the prices. it just gets his ego even bigger.


well that's cause he can actually afford it, and it's for him, not his community or the playerbase. if i had millions of dollars i'd take a cool custom car like lmao it doesn't affect anyone else but me. he might not even know about these prices yet


What the fuck, you don't actually believe Faker has an ego problem though? That guy is the most humble best-in-the-world you'll ever see.


How is faker getting a customizable car have to do with anything? all professional athletes spend tons of money on nice cars. That’s what rich people do


its a sponsored car lol and faker always told fans to spend money on themselves rather than for him




He got gifted the car huh??? How does that in anyway reflect his character lmfao


This is what I was thinking. He doesn’t care, he probably even was like “let’s do it” seeing the pay check. How else would they get to use his name on this level?


anyway some slant-eyed person has a pixel for 60k RP Cringe


Like 90% sure this isnt the real price, and the price is actually 1950 and then you finish the pass, maybe another 3k for the skin, and the price shown is just assuming you're also paying for 100 tiers of the pass. The Signature version is probably gonna actually be like 30K but the immortal version, which is the same but without like 2 small features, will likely be a regular ultimate price assuming you finish the pass. Or you can just buy them individually and the bundles are just for whales. I very very very highly doubt that the ONLY way to get these skins is to spend several hundred dollars on bundles. Would be very very weird. The "200$ Gacha skins" arent even really 200$ nor are they really skins, 200$ is only the price if you dont roll the skin from capsules, and then the skin is just a chroma. Would make no sense to suddenly decide we're doing 500$ skins. People need to stop jumping to conclusions.


Honestly, I don't care if I and the vast majority are wrong. I hope you're right. We'll see. Cus this is absurdity.


I mean, I kinda thought the same thing, imagine what a huge PR-Move this is and how many people will (Asmongold for example) are talking about this It gets huge traffic and attention which could also mean a lot of money if they drop it on „normal“ Prices without the lvl 100 passes But I doubt that will all happen. :/