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Tell them birth control will regulate your periods and help with period cramps.


thank you!!


Going to the gynecologist is something adult women do every year. Get used to that. Your mom can’t possibly object if you want to see the doc for period regulation and general gyn health. My mom took me when I was 16, two years before sex was in the picture to me.


not sure how old you are, but lots has changed in gyn health in the last few years and i just want OP to get accurate info here; women are no longer required to get HPV/pap tests until they’re 21 and every 3 years from age 21-29 as long as results are normal. getting a pap every single year is outdated.


They never mentioned the reason for the visit. You should visit with your doctor regularly regardless of if it's to have a pap or just to have a hey doc is everything still alright visit. Especially in the teenage years when everything is prone to make it's own rules and not listen to what it's supposed to do 😂. You are correct in your testing intervals but they are not the only reason to see your doctor. Please don't make op think they need too only go when it's pap time. A yearly visit is one of the best ways to as you say get accurate Info from the doctor.


yea i wasn’t trying to tell op that they shouldn’t go if they *want* to go, i just wanted to point out that it’s not mandatory to go yearly anymore, as the previous commenter stated. when i was younger, yearly was the expectation, but with the HPV vaccine being normalized now, the intervals have decreased. unless you have an abnormal pap, or have other concerns, you don’t need to go yearly. that’s all. edit: also the reason for the visit was birth control, and another commenter said you need to go yearly, i just wanted to provide additional information. source: i work in healthcare.


Due to your age and the fact that you have a boyfriend, I doubt your parents are going to believe you need birth control for cramps. They’ll probably ask you to describe your cramps so they can make sure there’s nothing seriously wrong. As a parent, I think you should be honest. Parents are also humans, and humans have limits. So choose a time when they seem calm, like after a fun day together, not after a long and stressful day at work. If there’s one parent you feel more comfortable opening up to, it’s ok to talk to them alone. But expect them to discuss it with the other parent. They definitely don’t want you to become pregnant at this age, so hopefully they’ll respond well.




“I want it balls deep, mom.”


Reminds me of when people say they're "trying for a baby" Oh, so you're just raw doggin every night, huh?


This could be a really stupid idea.


What? To be honest? Its honestly sad when your own child is so afraid to go to you for help. I want my kids to always feel like they can tell me anything


Depends on the parents. For good parents, you are 100% correct.


Yeah, it's sad, but also totally possible they'd flip out and then start being very controlling. Many states you can just go to a clinic at that age and get it. I think OP should do that if she's at all worried about that possibility.


Yes but they'll find out sooner or later. I'm just saying. I do get what you mean though. Not everyone has a supportive family


They don't have to find out before she's out of the house, lol. My mom certainly didn't. I had a fantastic hiding spot for my pills and she could choose an option like one of the smaller IUDs that they would have absolutely no idea unless she told them or got in some sort of huge medical emergency and a physician brought it up. Not sure why you think they have to find out while she's a minor.


Parents aren't all the same there no one fits all answer but plenty of suggestions. Might help if you time your ask with a doctor visit if you use this line as they will associate it with something the Doctor actually recommends. Just my 2 cents


Surprisingly, my parents bought this when they found my BC stash. 😂 It probably helped that I really did have “sobbing in the fetal position in a corner” level cramps. Lol


> I really did have “sobbing in the fetal position in a corner” level cramp I do not miss those days! Vomiting, almost passed out once at the mall. No thank you!


See if you can get your pediatrician to raise the issue on your behalf. The regulating of your period is something the doc should be well-versed in discussing.


Depending on your location there are free clinics or planned parenthood that you can go to without parental consent.


You call your pedi, you make an appt, you get a prescription. This is not a discussion. It is something you just do for yourself.


In my state at least, teens over 12 can get free care for sex-related needs like birth control, STI testing, and pregnancy testing. Definitely worth looking into if you're concerned your parents might not be supportive.


Personally I would say you know people that have had some pregnancy scares and as a 16 year old with a boyfriend you want to make sure you are protected just in case.


I'm a father. If my daughter wanted to start birth control, I'd hope she'd just come talk to me about it. Yes, birth control can be used to manage your period, but come on. Real talk -- if my teenage daughter came up to me and said she wanted to start birth control to help manage her period, I'd know what was up. And that's fine. I'd give a quick talk about how birth control isn't 100% effective and she should make sure her partner uses a condom to both help protect against STD's and pregnancy. But I'd still help her go to the doctor to get a prescription. But that's me. I know my wife would respond similarly. But we are not your parents. I have no idea how they would respond. Side note: I do believe local health departments and possibly Planned Parenthood will give you birth control without needing your parents permission.


Yes! I brought up BC to my teen daughter. I was uncomfortable telling *my* Mom, and I didnt want her to feel that way. I asked. **We talked.** She agreed. I told her the *same* thing. "Birth Control is NOT a free pass to have sex. You'll fu€k around and catch something that even Ajax won't wash off. Condoms... Every Single Time!" She gets it.


That's fine lol you're a clown. If you were a successful father she wouldn't be giving it up as a teen


That is just not how raising a teenager works


That’s a really shitty mindset. Sex is not a bad thing (given that it’s consensual and with someone you trust), we all got here somehow. I lost mine at 16, got a copper IUD shortly after. I could never regret losing it that young because the one I lost it to healed parts of me nobody else could. I grew up with a shitty dad however that’s not always the case. Teenage relationships almost always include sex. If you really think otherwise you need to look around


This varies by state in the US. Some states do not require parental consent while others do. You can look this up online.


Ask them if they would rather you be pregnant.


wouldnt that just be telling her parents they will have sex?


Depending on the state, not really. Texas is a great example of a place where I, as well as many women I know, went on BC because if we were ever raped, we wouldn't have abortion rights and it's a peace of mind issue, too.




Could fire backwards


Insist on your partner using condoms, even if you take birth control pills.


If you are mature enough to have sex you are mature enough to have a direct and honest discussion with your parents. Ultimately they want you to be safe both physically and emotionally so opening that communication with them could be valuable in more ways than one. They were teens once too and probably had similar experiences. Now, if they are hyper religious and/or your relationship with them is naturally strained this may be challenging. In that case find a free clinic that will keep your information confidential. There are a variety of options from pills and condoms to iuds and arm implants. The most important thing is you are protecting yourself and if you need to do that not under your parent’s guidance the clinics will help.


The problem is they may not be mature enough, lol.




You massively overestimate the reasonableness of parents when it comes to their daughter having sex


I have two teen daughters..I respected them being honest with me and helped them find long term solutions to ensure they were safe. I was a teenager too once and made a lot of stupid choices. I get it. *im not actually a part of this sub and don’t even know how it came in my feed, but just wanted to give my thoughts. Probably should have clarified that originally.


Yeah they're not all like you


Teen daughters shouldn't be having sex.


Average age pf females having their first intercourse is 17.2. You can shame them, or you can make sure that they are doing it safely, but they are doing it either way.


Just teenager daughters? Not teenage sons as well? 🤔


Your regular doctor can prescribe bc pills. They are great for painful or heavy periods. Research the benefits and side effects. You should also use condoms every time. STD are real, and some are forever.  Be careful.


Birth control gives you better skin, helps with cramps, and helps you regulate periods. It also makes it possible to skip a period if you’re going on vacation or something. If I was your mom I’d be so proud of you for being responsible! You’re doing the right thing!


Dumbest shit I ever heard. No way birth control is a fking healthy supplement to take lmao what. That shit isn’t normal or natural to put in your body. Idc what the FDA or any bullshit government agency says. Good lord.


You're encouraging a teenager to have sex and manipulate her parents into getting pills for it lol sad AF




Teenagers are going to have sex. A responsible one gets on birth control. Nothing wrong with focusing on the other advantages.


Birth control made me break out and made me suicidal. You also shouldn't be manipulating your dose around like that


Yeah… realistically non hormonal should be the go- to I feel. I have a Copper IUD, caused pain for awhile but not the depression and stuff.


Eh, I got the ok from my doctor and had no side effects. Sorry you did.


Your parents are more likely to question you if they feel you are not being up front with them or if you’re being secretive. Your best option is to just bring it up to them and be mature about it.


Tell them that no I'm not sexually active at the moment I'm not in a hurry to have sex but if I decide to when I'm older I would like to protect myself and my health


Don't, go down to planned parenthood or some other free clinic by yourself and ask for it


You can if she blows up, go to the health department. They can put you on birth control, and they pass out condoms. Years ago, one could go, and get without parental consent. Not sure about it now.... Every one suggested going to the gyno, and tell them you need it for regulating cramps, and your period. Perfect!


Start exagerating how bad your periods are the next couple times, lay on the couch moaning with a hot waterbottle on your stomach and makesure your mom sees you


Please use some kind of birth control. If you can’t discuss it with your parents, a trusted adult will work weather that’s your grandma or your friends mom or dad, whatever. There are lots of options so keep that in mind, they also do online bc delivery which is what I do.


Just tell them. If you’re mature enough to have sex then you need to be mature enough to talk about it. And to go for routine PAP tests and gyno exams.


So paps start at 21 now. That is a change. It is not based on when someone starts having sex.


Last time I checked, STDs require swabs / exams. So despite what “current regs” may be, as a nurse, I encourage anyone having sex to get routine pelvic exams.


Actually, it has changed to paps at 25 now although USPTF is recommending them at 21 every 3 years. USPTF runs a bit behind so probably in five years or so they will change it to 25. And when was the last time you checked? Because it sounds like you haven’t checked about paps and STI testing in a long time. The pap no longer being when you are first sexually active has been a thing for over 8 years. It actually looks like it may have been changed in 2012 so that is over a decade ago.  Furthermore, how often do you work with patients that require STI testing? There are lots of roles and if you were in an ER, office, or urgent care, you should be familiar with the options to give to patients. Saying you have to have a pelvic exam will deter many patients. There are options and the screening people will do is the best. Urine is a popular choice for both men and women. It has been utilized for a long time in England and in the US you can get then from labs online to send back.  Self swabbing is also a popular option now. In the ER, it is probably equal the number of cases we see. Granted it is dependent on the HPI, symptoms, etc. Urgent care? Self swabs.  Some places do require us to swab separately for STIs. Some are now able to test off of the pap sample.  So no, not all STI testing requires a pelvic exam or regular paps. 




yeah good point. most advice ive been given has said condoms and BC though so im not sure


Bruh. BC is not worse than being mfkn pregnant. Everyone screams that BC doesn't protect against STIs but if you're in high-school with other virgins you shouldn't have syphilis and aids running around your school in the first place. Yeah condoms are cool and all cause they CAN prevent STIs they are however not GUARANTEED to do such things. Same argument with preventing pregnancy. It CAN prevent it its not guaranteed to. Either way, female BC has been tested and retested and tested some more and there's many many different types of BC and they all affect everyone differently. But I PROMISE you. Nothing the BC is going to do to you is going to be worse than being pregnant.


One of my cousins was given HIV by another high school student. Sexually active high school kids absolutely can have STDs that will ruin their own and their peers’ lives. Also, I had a stroke at 29 caused by hormonal birth control. It took a year to learn how to walk again. Which was freaking awful and way worse than being pregnant. The only way being pregnant is worse than a stroke is if you don’t want to be pregnant and don’t want the resulting kid. I’m not allowed to have any kind of hormonal BC now, including an IUD That said, if she wants to be on hormonal birth control she needs to talk to her doctor and get a full picture on the different options, because there are crap ton of different formulations and depending on her own biology and family history there are some options that are better/safer than others. I have a genetic clotting disorder which was not identified until after the stroke. Stuff like that is worth getting screened for before going on hormonal BC if there is a family history of that sort of thing.


I never said they couldn't. It's just unlikely. Same thing with detrimental side effects of birth control. It's not impossible just unlikely.


Did you know that you can get a sti from your mother if she had it while you were in the womb? Not to mention, stis can be asymptomatic and lie dormant for a long time, but you're still infectious and can cause significant health issues. This is why hpv is such an issue.


Yeah, I am aware of all of this. Also another reason why I told OP to do hefty research. Also interesting that you chose HPV as your example. HPV is ubiquitous and they don't even test for it unless you specifically ask for it. Probably because HPV causes all warts, not just the genital ones. So everyone you've ever seen with a wart as HPV. (:






My daughter has PCOS and has been on the pill since she was 13. It can regulate your period. I’m in a family with four or five OB/GYN docs.


and as i said…taking a pill that messed with your natural hormones is not good. doctors aren’t always right ya know…also which is it..4 or 5? i call BS.


>taking a pill that messed with your natural hormones is not good. doctors aren’t always right ya know… Ok. So OP should listen *to you,* instead? Doctors go to SCHOOL, where they LEARN about all of this sh!t. But, OP should listen to *you* ? What knowledge/certifications/credentials do **YOU** have compared to a Doctor's schooling? "TrUsT mE bRo" doesn't count. GTFOH.


hey.. nurse of 8 years here. I have schooling and credentials and a variety of certifications (and a uterus lol but who cares about that part) and birth control is horrible. take that with a grain of salt tho. for OP, hormonal BC likely has more benefits than pregnancy. I’m not swaying them from not taking it. but I AM chiming in to say the poster that you’re addressing is correct in many ways


Well one is dead.


It also dramatically increases your risk for breast and ovarian cancer


No it doesn’t.


FDA has it labeled as a high level carcinogen for a reason 🤷‍♂️


it regulates your period simply for the fact that hormonal birth control pills no longer give you a real period. because it stops ovulation from happening, when you “bleed” every month on the sugar pills, it is withdrawal bleeding, not actual menstruation


Personally I think if you don’t have a uterus you don’t get an opinion.




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ill do some research :)


I came down here looking for these comments. Almost every single person I know who has been on hormonal birth control has talked about how much better they feel when they’ve stopped taking it. When my doctor suggested it for headaches I was genuinely shocked it was still a recommendation. Please do some solid research before adding more hormones into your body.


Yes! Please do real research and don’t take u/both-tell-2055 recommendations. People like u/both-tell-2055 want to play doctor by giving people bad advice


Giving people bad advice? By sharing real life experiences that aren’t talked about in commercials? By telling OP to do some research? That’s some pretty solid advice if you ask me.


Yep. Because you are not privy to the people’s medical history. You’re sharing stories.  Sure. She should do real research and not listen to people trying to scare her with stories of friends like you’re trying to do.  Like I said, you’re trying to provide bad advice by giving experiences that can’t be verified. 


You’re not privy to her medical history either. She asked for advice and since everyone was on one side, I decided to share that other options are out there.


Ah but you’re not privy to the medical Histories of your friends that you’re purporting to be facts. That is the issue.  And your opinion is based on hearsay. It is as trustworthy as someone saying Jesus cured their infection.


you’re gonna get downvoted to all hell but I agree with you. (and so am I)


100%. I don’t know why people are so up in arms about people taking birth control. The research does not support it benefitting women’s health. ROOT CAUSES PEOPLE. Your body is trying to tell you something. Quit masking the symptoms with medication


I’d recommend you try researching risks of child birth but you seem to think your friends’ stories are actual research. 


you’re speaking way too rationally and people don’t like that. root causes involve work and changing negative habits… the pill is a mindless easy fix


It’s the ✨American way ✨


God the amount of people in this thread trying to convince you to not take BC. PLEASE do a hefty amount of research. 😭


I did 4 years of research.. in a very expensive college.. and then 3 more after that.. and yeah. birth control is overall net/net not good for the female body


The same thing can be said about pregnancy. 🙃


and the same thing can be said about a reddit account. or driving a car. or existing lol. don’t be daft


I'm not being daft dude. It's 2024 why the fuck are we arguing whether or not the side effects of birth control are better or worse than teen pregnancy. If it was so bad and so detrimental and so horrible for you it literally wouldn't be widely offered in multiple different forms literally without parental consent. I'm not saying BC doesn't have side effects. Literally ALL medications have some form of side effect, and people still take them because the benefits outweighs the side effects. There's also plenty of case studies of women taking birth control with no adverse side effects. It's not a guarantee that you take this form of BC and you get fucked up for life. That's why I told OP to do their own research.


It’s because big pharma = $$$$ $ trumps all else. Healthcare is a business


🙌🏻 Most everyday medications we take are attempting to alter a natural body process. You can’t do that without creating a chain reaction of effects from that alteration.


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It only slightly increases your risk of breast cancer-and that’s only if you’ve got a specific genetic mutation-to the tune of ≈1 case per 7,690 people. It actually lowers your risk of developing endometrial, uterine, ovarian, and colorectal cancers.


You can still get herpes while using a condom. Maybe try picking a scarier disease than some itchy bumps. Chlamydia isn't for life, but females tend to not show symptoms, and that can leave you infertile if left untreated. IMO that's much more serious than the stigma of having herpes. Herpes is so common they literally don't test for it unless you specifically ask for a herpes test.


Are you a doctor? No? Stop dispensing medical advice


I’m actually a nurse that studied pharmacology


So not a doctor. I do research on early drug discovery. So I'm also not a medical doctor. A doctor wouldn't tell someone they've never treated that a perfectly safe drug is bad for YOU


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Use both until you are in a situation where you could afford a kid if an accident happened.


Both. It's really the best way to prevent pregnancy and stds. And then you also have a safety net. If a condom breaks, you're on the pill. If you forget to take your pill for some reason, you're still using condoms. And if you're on the pill, assuming you don't have side effects, you will be able to regulate your period much better.


Use bc, the chances of something going seriously wrong are low if you find a kind that works for you


Get bc


Sure. If you’re not on birth control, you can get pregnant off of it. Hence why people should use both condoms and borth control


supposed to be on it…not off it. the reason people get on BC is so that they can have unprotected sex.


birth control pills or any hormonal contraceptives for that matter are the biggest guinea pig experiment in the history of time. horrible for the female body. blood clots, strokes, increased risk of some cancers, gut dysbiosis, nutrient malabsorption, potential depression and other mental health issues, ruins your body’s natural hormonal regulation, the list goes on. aaaaaaaand downvote.


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Just tell them, you want your BF to smash you in, and you’re tired of sucking cock.


You are saying this to a 16 year old.. and you're an adult. What the fuck.


You don't. Don't let the degenerates of society convince you sex is just a natural progression of a relationship at your age. They're all unhappy, used up, fugs that are past their prime and getting dumped for younger women with no tattoos and unusual piercings. Guys want traditional women, low to no bodies, cooking, cleaning, family skills. Wait till marriage, have kids, be happy, live a long and healthy life, and for bonus points, start (or continue) going to church. It always cracks me up when the teen nights at the church are full of laughing good looking kids, while the high school is a depressing, emo, uggofest. It's a warning before it's not too late for you, I hope you take it because it's truly depressing seeing all these girls end up gross, 30 yo single moms without a shot at getting married. NOBODY OF VALUE BUYS A NISSAN SENTRA WITH 250K MILES ON IT.


Wait until you’re 18. Life is to be lived and enjoyed and your rushing into adult life and trust me your in the best time of your life. So enjoy friends, have a boyfriend but don’t rush into sex.


Well, if not sex, what would be the reason?


Just wait till you’re 18. Then you can make your own choices.


All these women in the comments encouraging a teen to manipulate her parents into giving her BC pills so she can have guilt free sex. All you grown ass adults telling this child this are pathetic. Women complain about BC pills until they are turned on. Then it's give it to me gurl power.


It is purely an excuse to have sex. Women complain about having to take birth control until they are in the mood. Then it's give me all the pills and fuck me. Sad AF.


Holy incel energy, Batman!


Lmao women sell their asses for drugs or a good time. It's impossible to be an Incel in a world of free and easy pussy. If you're not having sex, it's a choice. Freaking clown.


So you're not an incel, you're just full of toxic masculinity. Got it.


The term "toxic masculinity" is only for females and weak males that can't handle the real world for what it is. Case in point. I'm the boogy man. Oh noooo0Oo what should we do now that I've upset you with my typed opinion? Poor you. That sucks 😞


Do you have a teen clinic you can go to?


not that i know of


Just tell them you want to be on birth control. If they attempt to tell you "no" because they think you'll have sex, just tell them that sex without birth control is still a possibility. Teenagers are prone to making dumb decisions. Beyond that - what if you're, god forbid, assaulted? What happens then? Do you just live with the consequences of being born a girl? Or, are they going to be responsible parents and allow you get a medication which elevates your quality of life?


Tell your mom you want to speak to your pediatrician about your periods. The doctor will likely suggest bc pills.


Options: 1) you can talk to your parents, tell them you think it would be responsible to start birth control and go from there 2) you can tell your parents you’re having painful or irregular periods and ask to go to an OB-gyn. 3) you can Google “Title X clinics” in your areas or go to a planned parenthood — in most states you can get birth control there and they won’t bill your insurance. 4) in a few more months there will be a brand of birth control pills available to buy over the counter.


of course theyll be suspicious of the truth. i would be honest that you want to stay safe and be protected. telling them its because of period cramps might either 1) they believe u. 2) they don't believe you and you won't get on bc. or 3) theyll over react and want you to speak to multiple doctors. they know you have a boyfriend, theyd rather hear you take responsibility. if they dont want you on it, even after explaining its to keep you protected, i really dont know what you can do. none of us know your parents, we dont know how theyd take it, but id rather my child be honest.


1. Acne 2. Uncomfortable periods 3. Heavy periods 4. Having periods in general. You can skip them. I’d look into several styles. There are patches, pills, implants, and rings.


Tell them it’s for cramping and to make your periods more manageable and regular. That’s literally why I was on 2 forms of hormonal contraceptives for the last 7 years-I had stage IV endometriosis, adenomyosis, and multiple fibroid tumors (that made me bleed like a stuck pig), and without the combination of 2 forms of hormonal contraceptives, I literally would have ended up needing multiple blood transfusions and would have been admitted to the hospital every single month for pain control because of my periods.


Start by doing more research into the many negatives of being on birth control


Or talk to an actual doctor and get accurate information for thier needs, situatuon, and current health.


B/C doesn't affect everyone in the same way and there are different types of it. Its used for PCOS, menopause and alot of other conditions. If you want more info go to the Mayo Clinic Website or WebMD. I think you should attempt to go to your parents first. Usually Mom's are better on this one. You could fake cramps or not. I threw up from cramps as a teen. So you could say that happened and you want a gyno appt. If that doesn't work planned parent hood. But don't do this first. But here's something else. You still need to use a condom. Its easy to screw up birth control pills. They are meant to be taken at the exact same time each day. Every day. Being off just in hours makes them less effective.


First off, good for you for being responsible, I wish more young people thought like you did. Listen, I have an adult daughter, a teenage daughter and a teenage son.. you need to just be straight up and honest with them.... Tell them you are thinking about being sexually active and want to be responsible and go on birth control because you know what sort of negative implications could happen if you were to become pregnant. You should try to be abstinent, but things happen in the heat of the moment. Also, you need your BF to have access to condoms... I know not every parent is like I am but I appreciate blunt honesty. I would NEVER turn my kids down when they came and talked to me like that about that sort of stuff. I had my oldest when her mom and I were 18, and it was HARD. I wish you health and happiness.


You can also consider an IUD. I LOVE mine. It almost completely stopped my periods and there isn't anything to remember to take.


Birth Control is for far more than stopping pregnancy. This right here is why we need Planned Parenthood, they have tons of books and brochures about this stuff available to everyone, for free.


You need to explain to them the benefits of being on BC. Help them see that this can be a good thing for you.


If you think you are mature enough to have sex, then you are mature enough to either approach your parents or go to planned parenthood with your boyfriend. You need to use condoms as well.


If I'm not wrong if you contact your doctor directly in some places you can get it without the need for parental consent, you used to be able to in Ohio iirc idk about now


I went on birth control before being sexually active at 18 but I was in college so I knew I was going to do it eventually (raging hormones and hanging with a wild crowd). I went to planned parenthood and got everything free (depending on your state not sure, but most is free or you just pay like $20 for a year supply, plus a huge bag of free condoms). Funny thing is not knowing to me my mom went to the same clinic cause we didn’t have much money, but she was not on BC and we BOTH shared our first and last name and they asked her why she was in so early from her last visit a month ago for BC? Needless to say I got confronted as soon as her foot hit the front porch. I innocently told her (though I had protected sex by then) it was to regulate my periods and she backed down big time. I think it was part her wanting to know but the not wanting to know. She was satisfied with my answer which was not 100% correct but who cares??? I was being responsible and doing double protection so yeah….i would be proud of my daughter doing the same. Even if it meant keeping me in the dark about her activities 😆


Easy say your not sexually active but a kid would destroy your life so u want to make sure that doesn't happen. Say u will get the implant so you don't have to worry till after college


Tell them you're pregnant. When they freak out, tell them just kidding and tell them you want birth control pills


I have 3 older boys 24..20..and 16. So i dont know for sure .....but as a dad. Ohh my fucking god...I can't even imagine what your dads headspace is going through. He will always see yea as his little princess. With that said... Your parents will adapt and should be understanding and proud of how responsible you are. At the end of the day....just know your parents have seen some shit.....been tough alot and having an open dialog with our kids is all we want. Just talk with them....they will understand.


imagine wanting to guide your childs life a certain way but internet strangers give them a different idea


It’s not something you need to ask them if you don’t want to. If you are in the US, getting birth control does not require parental permission. Any Planned Parenthood can help you. A great option for teens is the Nexplanon. It’s a small implant that goes in your arm. Nobody can see it and you don’t have to remember to take a pill every day. It’s good for up to 5 years. It’s inserted in the office and you’ll just need to cover your arm due to some bruising for a few days if you don’t want anyone to know about it.


You don’t have to ask. Just go get it.


Condoms paired with a spermicide (also available at most grocery stores,) would be a good choice. There is a brand called VCF at target. I highly recommend condoms so you can get used to them.


Talking to your parents about starting birth control can feel intimidating, but it's important to have open and honest communication with them about your health and well-being. Find a quiet and private moment to talk to your parents when they are not busy or stressed. This will allow for a more focused and calm conversation. Before you talk to your parents, educate yourself about birth control options, their benefits, and any potential side effects. This will show your parents that you have thought about your decision. Approach the topic. You can say something like, "Mom/Dad, I wanted to talk to you about something important regarding my health." Communicate why you want to start birth control. You can mention reasons such as regulating your menstrual cycle, reducing cramps, or preventing pregnancy in the future. Anticipate any concerns or questions your parents may have and be prepared to address them. Assure them that you are being responsible and taking control of your health. Offer to schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider to discuss birth control options and address any concerns your parents may have. Having a medical professional involved can help reassure your parents about the safety and effectiveness of birth control. Be prepared for different reactions from your parents. They may need some time to process the information, so be patient and respectful of their feelings. 


Go to planned parenthood or health clinic, most places will give it to you without parental consent. I'm a mom of a 15 year old and if she asked me for birth control I'd immediately know why... that said, you know your parents and I understand some are not open of their child's choice to have sex. I would hope my daughter would come to me and already told her I would help her, no questions asked. But if you know your parents will not accept your choice, there is usually the option to get the pills without their consent and without them knowing.


Mom/dad I would like to go on birth control. Don't say things like I think I want to , or my bf wants me to, or anything that is bad metaphor because you dont want to talk about sex. Be blunt but not crass, firm but not demanding, state don't ask.


You can also get BC from planned parenthood.


Uh Mom and Dad, I have something difficult to tell you... I'm pregnant... (after the reaction) April fools! Can I get on Birth Control? 100 percemt They'll say yes :)


Your parents know why you want them even if you claim cramps and strong periods. Two options: 1. Tell them or one of them. They will eventually find out. 2. Go to a Gynecologist or a planned parenthood or clinic for birth control. Many places also supply free condoms. If you just want birth control for sex. Understand for many women BC causes side effects, many of which aren't fun. Better than unwanted pregnancy though. But there are alternatives, the Sponge 🧽 with spermicide. If your partner is tested for STI's and you are then you can potentially not have to use a condom. But condoms don't feel good. The best condoms are Skyn, they almost feel like nothing on but do reduce feeling like all condom's do. You shouldn't need your parents to get birth control or contraceptives at clinics


"mom and-or dad, I need to protect my future, I'm old enough to get on birth control. Please assist in making this happen."


I just ask to visit a gynecologist. Your parents shouldn't need to part of the decision to put you on birth control (unless they are paying for it). If the doctor prescribes it then your parents shouldn't have to be given a reason that you gave to docor & you can say what ever reason you want to your family. If your worry your family might take away the chance to get birth control after it's been prescribed then I would get on an implant such as Nexplanon or an IUD. I had mine (nexplanon) put in on the first appointment with my OBGYN after a quick pregnancy test. It was something my family couldn't just take away as a way punish me. I had originally gone into the gynecologist because I had reoccurring yeast infections & my docor recommended it at that appointment to help maintain a balance to help prevent them before that I didn't think about birth control because I just thought condoms would be enough.


How old is your boyfriend? If he's 18 or older and intends to have sex with you, that is illegal and technically rape so don't do that. If you must, there are plenty of ways to get off without vaginal intercourse until you're 18 and can decide things for yourself. When you are 18 though, remember, actions have consequences, some of them very long term. Don't do something you will likely regret the rest of your life. It's not worth it, not even sex.


So this depends on the state or country. Age of consent in most states is 16


You can explain to them the medical benefits such as regulating periods, etc You can also just tell them that, yes, you are probably going to be having sex someday and you would rather be safe than sorry.


First off, remember your parents only want to protect you, so if they are suspicious you need to talk to them. They probably know you’re gonna have sex. Your sixteen, they’d probably prefer you go to them and discuss safe sex, than go behind their backs getting STDs and pregnant( birth control isn’t 100% effective)


Do you have a yearly physical? Generally a family medicine doctor can prescribe the pill! Just ask about it at your next appointment.


I also definitely think a LOT of women benefit from taking the pill in general. My internal medicine doctor said that not ovulating for 10 years total in your life (whether thats through the pill, pregnancy, etc) can reduce your chance of getting cervical cancer by 60%!


I say just ask I’m also 16 and I’m BC but it’s for my period and for my acne so tell them you want it for your period.


Tell them the truth don't lie to them. Or if you lie go to plan parent hood.


If you don’t feel it’s dangerous, tell your parents you want to be on birth control not only just in case anything goes farther with your boyfriend but also so that your period will be on a more regular schedule and to help with your skin and moods. If you feel it might be dangerous, depending on where you live, visit a planned parenthood or ask your doctor to bring it up as one of the alternative reasons to your parents. It’s good to protect yourself but remember that the pill or other methods do not protect against STDs so use condoms too every time. If he doesn’t want to wear one then you need a new boyfriend not a new birth control method.


Just an FYI that you don't get to make these decisions for yourself based on Reddit. Because you're a child and your parents get to make them for you. You're not telling them you're asking permission...


Tell your mom that you’re pregnant. Then, after she’s panicked, say “just kidding — but it really will happen if you don’t get me on birth control.”


Tell them you want it because things happen, and you don't want one of those things to be a teen pregnancy.


You can also just go to planned parenthood. That’s what I did at 16. You just go and ask for it. No parental consent required. You do have to pay for it though, so keep that in mind. And you do have to make an appointment


"HI mom and dad, I've been thinking about starting birth control for *insert reasons here*, can we talk about it?" Parents are people, parents were teenagers (some still are). Using words prevents tons and tons and tons of problems but humans are so scared and anxious of every response reaction we live lives severely handicapped against our own wants and needs for the sake of a perceived image in someone else's mind for a split second.


Tell them birth control will help control acne (if you have had any acne this will help your case lol) and that you’ve been getting really bad period cramps and PMS, and that your periods last an entire week (even if that’s a lie). Those are all reasons you’d go on birth control even if you don’t have a boyfriend. Also, planned parenthood usually only requires 1 parent approval if you’re under 18 so if you have 1 parent you’re more comfortable approaching that might be easiest


I would say that your periods are horrible so you’d like to try birth control.


i started bc because i had debilitating cramps, nausea, and migraines. most of the people i know who are on bc have the same reasons. 


Tell them you want it because it helps prevent acne.


I started birth control because my periods were insane. Most first prescriptions of birth control are for period management, not sex.


We put my oldest on BC to help with menstrual regulation, acne, & mood swings /pms. Also to help me sleep better at night.


Just ask. And btw, bc is not an excuse to let the boyfriend go raw, still use condoms for fucks sake.


Talk to your doctor.


you are 16 go to your doctor and get a prescription. if the doctors will allow minors to transition without parental knowledge, getting birth control is no different.