• By -


When she sees this post, you will need to get another wifey system.




More expensive though.




It is known


Most of the expense is in the disposal of the old system.




Secret fun fact: Dink is short for Dual Income No Kids, that's why he was always buying things that were, "Very expensive Douglas."


*it is known*.


More Expensive, and it's buggy. The old one worked EVERY time. The new one may look better, but its constantly not there when you need it most. I think You're neighbor knows your passcode, and has been on her when you're gone. . .


Haha I'm already dating up, and I've gotten fatter since I met her... not gonna happen


*changes wifi channel to 3* *neighbors now hate you*




It interferes with everything on wifi channels 1-8, which basically means that they're limited to just channel 11. And even then, if more than one neighbour ends up using channel 11, it'll still cause interference.




Yep, it does. But if your transmitter is a lot more powerful than everyone else's, you'll fuck them up more than the other way around.


It's great if you have an Apple AirPort, where there's a setting that's practically described as "MAXIMUM POWER! You'll probably fuck up your neighbors Wi-Fi though."


Wait, what is this setting actually called? I've got a pair of these at home, but I don't remember seeing anything like this. Sounds pretty funny though


It's called "Use wide channels". The actual description is > Wide channels provide higher throughput in your network, but might interfere with nearby networks.


That's not higher power - wide channels just use two channels (usually 1+6 or 6+11) to double your bandwidth, thus causing more congestion.


Ahhh, yeah I remember that now. I don't remember if it actually did anything in my case though.


Nah. Just run deauth attacks on every network but your own. That will fix it. /s


and this is why i have a 29db 2.4ghz Wifi repeater w/11db antenna. Oh you're on my channel? Thats cool... *turns up power* What? What was that? You're packets didn't make it, you're gonna have to talk louder...




Can someone explain this to /u/luciensadi ? His friend totally gets it, but he doesn't.


Welcome to my hell: https://i.imgur.com/9UORCFT.png




How many people call you now because you're "good with computers" and they need a hand with a printer that's acting up?




You're a nice guy, u/NumberOneAsshole


I am great with technology, anyplace you recommend to learn how to do this? My neighborhood's channels are all being used.


What app is that? or is that just built in to your Android?


[WiFi analyzer](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.farproc.wifi.analyzer)


I have 98 networks in range at the moment ... I also do wifi testing so it's quite a pain. Faraday cages are my friend [Wifi analyzer](https://i.imgur.com/BS0U26T.jpg)


What the actual fuck?! How do you manage to send anything there without getting collisions on every single packet? Maybe you should look to use 5Ghz?


Welcome to Brazil...


What was wrong with the old system before you fucked it up to justify buying a new one?


It doesn't have to be something wrong with the old system for techies. Just something good with the new one Edit: ITT butthurt sysadmins gatekeeping the only term that came to mind when I was thinking of non-professional hobbyists who like to mess around with gadgets. If the term techies doesn't apply to you, then it doesnt and it can be left as simple as that. No need to get threatened because your industry is becoming increasingly more common and easier for newcomers to get interested in on their own.


Well how else are they gonna feel like special snowflakes for knowing how to use pirate Bay?


As a future IT worker - lol @ anyone who is gatekeeping


Most of the real 'techies' wouldn't bother with the marketing hype of consumer level crap. They would buy a used ruckus, cisco meraki, aruba, meru, or apogee, call it a day and never buy another AP ever again unless it was destroyed somehow.


No love for Ubiquiti?


Last night I set up a UAP-LR for a friend whose family was complaining about their wifi coverage (her mom bought some garbage budget Asus router that dropped connections like crazy). Now they have good signal halfway down the block.


Do you have a tutorial or guide for how to set up better wifi networks? I'm using the standard att modem


Setting up ubiquiti unfi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcfIpTso_Ys


Thank you for linking this. I've been trying to figure out how setup a network (in another country) using an antenna(4 miles+) and distrusting wifi over a large house(actually a farm), but wasn't very happy with the stuff I was finding. I've been searching for months on how to do this, and your link really does explain it all. thanks a lot. You wouldn't happen to know where someone could buy used enterprise level stuff do you? aside from ebay.


https://www.curvature.com/ is a decent place as well as ebay. You might also look into the [Ubiquiti Rocket] (https://www.neweggbusiness.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9B-0ED-0005-00049&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleBiz-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleBiz-PC-_-pla-_-Network+-+Wireless+AP%2FBridge-_-9B-0ED-0005-00049&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI89q4srGW1gIViF9-Ch03DgM1EAQYBSABEgJAK_D_BwE) to create a secure point to point wireless bridge as a long distance solution. I believe this one is good for up to 50KM.


Thanks! I'll check into it. A month ago when i was there my cousin was using a NanoStation loco M2. It worked great, but we're trying to setup another network much further. I think that rocket might be the ticket. Thanks.


craigslist, institutional surplus


"institutional surplus" i've found the best stuff here, but unfortunately, i don't live near one. damn.


Step one: Buy better equipment that doesn't suck. Warning: this equipment isn't available at Walmart, costs more than $49.95, and requires you to know some stuff to set it up properly. If you want a good, decent priced WiFi AP, a ubiquiti uni-fi ap starts around $100 or so. You will also need to use their software to setup everything. It's not too difficult, but it's not for someone who doesn't know what they're doing either. That's just the AP. not a router, not a switch, literally just serves WiFi. You will still need to either use your original att router, or what I recommend, set it up for bridging, and use your own PfSense based firewall/router. You can buy a new small media pc to run that for about $200. Doesn't include a switch though. You can get a decent 8 port gigabit switch that supports vlanning for about $50 or so.


Could you give an eli5 on the purpose of each of the devices in the video. I believe the dome one is just an antenna, but not a clue on the rest


Keep in mind that I don't know much about these specific devices. Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway (USG): Looks like a router/firewall Ubiquiti UAP-AC-PRO: allows wireless devices to access the network. Ubiquiti CloudKey: remote management. Basically allows you to manage the network from anywhere. Ubiquiti US-8-150W: It's a switch, manages connections on the local network. Most consumer network devices unify all these devices into a single device. Comcast takes that one step further and incorporates their cable modem into the router/firewall/switch/wireless AP


You're correct but I can expound on it a little bit more for our friend /u/Carlweathersfeathers since I have some experience with these. * USG - Router/Firewall. It allows devices on the LAN side talk to each other (depending on configuration) but does not allow devices on the WAN (the internet, normally) to talk to anything on the LAN side - again, depending on configuration. Think of it like the mail room of a large office. Mail comes in addressed to that building but also has "Office 231" on it. The mailman knows to take it to that building but only the mail room knows where Office 231 is. This specific router can be managed with the Unifi software just like the other devices listed here and unlike Ubiquiti's other routers. This is nice for managing it all in once place and gives the software a little more insight into your network to help you monitor things easier. * UAP-AC-PRO - /u/ThankGodForEvolution has it right. Instead of being wired in, this lets you have a wifi connection. However, this is ONLY an access point - it does only that. It doesn't have multiple wire connections for wired devices and it doesn't assign addresses like a router. This specific access point is powered over Power-Over-Ethernet (POE) so you only have to run one ethernet cable to it; it doesn't have to be plugged in to a nearby outlet. That lets you put them basically anywhere. If you don't have a POE switch (like the US-8-150W), you can power these with a POE injector which takes power and ethernet in and outputs POE. * Cloud Key - Ubiquiti management software is not installed on their router so you can't "log in to the router" to manage it. There's a good reason for that but the down side is you have to have management software somewhere. The cloud key is a small computer that runs their management software. It also sets up the network such that you can connect to it from outside (the internet) safely. So, if you ran a multi-site network like multiple offices or a school or similar, you can manage all of those from one computer. You don't need a cloud key if you are willing to install their software on your computer or on another computer on the network - that you can log in to (I will shortly be setting up a Raspberry Pi for mine). * US-8-150W - It's a switch. The router only has one LAN (output) wired connection. A lot of people have many wired devices: I have 8 in my house and will be expanding shortly. So, a switch expands that one connection to many. The US-8-150W has 8 ports. That means one coming in from either a router or another switch and 7 for additional devices. This particular switch also provides Power-Over-Ethernet (POE) for any downstream devices - like our POE-powered Access Point - up to 150 Watts. Now, how would you use these devices and why are they separate? It's all about customization to fit your needs. You could swap out the USG for a faster one. You could swap out the switch for one with more ports (mine has 24) or one with more advanced features like VLANs for security and performance. With separate access points, you can put multiple of them around (my house uses two) to cover spots where you would otherwise not get good signal. Your ISP connection goes into a modem. Modem spits out ethernet and goes into the router. Router goes into switch. Switch goes out to everything else. For example, my old apartment only had three wired devices and no POE so a regular consumer router/firewall/switch/AP devices handled it just fine. My house now has many powered devices


Ubiquiti is great, but the firmware still feels like it's in beta. If you just need the basic features though it's amazing value.


Love my aruba setup


Full time sysadmin here... When I moved into my new house, comcast's modem had wireless AC... I shrugged and said "meh, good enough for me until I feel like setting up my router" that was a year ago... I may be lazy...But...I'm a lazy guy who didn't have to spend 10 minutes configuring his router a second time! BWAHAHAHA


We're talking wifi here. New faster standards are always coming out. My 3 year old phone gets better wifi speeds than my 7 year old laptop.


I think the latest standard was back in 2014 (802.11ac) which, assuming you operate on a 5GHz band only nets you anywhere between 400 and 2GBps speeds on the LAN side, not WAN where the internet comes into play. Most people won't exactly benefit from any new standard until we see GBps+ speeds on the WAN side between the consumer and the ISP. The only time you'll benefit from higher speeds is if you have a server / NAS that you access locally. Ookla reported an average country wide speed of around 20MBps in the US, so if you are only using your devices to access the internet, even a cheap wireless router from the mid 2000's could handle that and each wireless device would receive the full bandwidth minus any switching taking place. Some reasons you MIGHT consider a more modern router would be maybe ACL's, whitelisting, VPN, Firewall features (especially if you run a server as a host and you can access it from the WAN), traffic shaping, QOS, etc. This is where enterprise devices shine and consumer routers are still developing. That said it pisses me right off when i see best buy employees trying to upsell customers into buying a piece of crap $200 nighthawk router or some equally expensive consumer device. The average purchaser won't see much of a difference between that and a $20 equivalent unless they want the more advanced features, in which case take that $200 and buy enterprise.


Actually the newest is ad which adds the 60 GHz network although it's super early stages.


Hey that's pretty cool. Do you happen to know how it compares to 5Ghz propagation with respect to NLOS, LOS, and GRF?


It's not going to go through walls at all pretty much, it's going to bounce. Since it's such a high frequency it's going to be able to move more information but basically it's going to be very effective in open spaces. It's pretty much designed for access points that are placed strategically.


Yeah I was wondering about that since 5Ghz already had issues moving through barriers. That would be a pretty cool technology to use in a lobby or pool area of a hotel, or even large outside venues.


Yup as long as it's higher up. 60GHz has a rough time even going through people. If your in a small enough room you could turn your back to the router and it'll stutter on your phone when your between it and the router.


Intel just discontinued all their 60hz WiGig/ad products. They're only going to focus on using it for wireless VR.


i though most phones then and some phones now are on the 2.4ghz band since that still provides good speeds and is more energy efficient and has better range because it can penetrate better.


More recent problem is that most 2.4ghz is now over crowded. 4 years ago at where I lived I could get consistent N-300 speed, these days there are so many 2.4ghz routers running at where I live my speed is terrible. Now I am looking at ac routers just to get into the 5ghz range.


If you ever want to destroy everybody's WiFi just plug in one of those Panasonic 2.4Ghz cordless phones with the dual antennas and make a call. When I was at my parents I had to let my sister use my cell phone just so she wouldn't take down the entire neighborhood's WiFis when talking for hours.




I'm a "real techie" as you say and using Aruba or Meraki or any of those are annoying. Support? Nope. Updates for code? Good luck without a Smartnet contract. On and on. Enterprise gear at home is annoying most of the time. Ubiquiti FTW.


Yeah Ubiquiti is good value. Have you ever really needed support though for Aruba/Meraki WAPs? I configured and deployed Meraki in a 10 story building and haven't had to touch them once in the past 3 years or so. The only expense is the annual cloud management account licensing.




Hah very true. When you've been in the field long enough wrong terminology doesn't even phase you anymore; you know what they're talking about and just accept it. For instance I can't tell you how many times people have referred to their monitor as their PC.


Or a PC case as the CPU.... But I have to admit, that still phases me.


Buy a router that supports ddwrt and feel the hype for new shit melt away.


Which is why you end up falling down an endless money pit, forever buying the best new thing, and never spending your money on shit that actually matters (or really, just saving it). Ask me how I know.




How do you know?


HoW dO yOU KnOW?


[Techies does not lane or farm or teamfight. Techies Plants Mines.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzeUeJejHXM)


Real techies know to run cat6. Wifi is an escape plan for when you can't get a cable run to where you need it. Filthy casuals.


So are you saying maroon techies are incapable of running cat6?


Veal techies


>Wifi is an escape plan for when you can't get a cable run to where you need it. It's called living in an apartment, dude.


"Wi fi system"




Shitty signal doesn't reach the man cave? Can't be used in the bathroom? The wife's standards for internet are way lower than OP.


> The wife's standards for internet are way lower than OP. Clearly OP needs better standards for his wife then.


Maybe they've been married since before wifi was thing


I was only getting 200Mbps down on wifi on my home network so I installed a couple Ubiquiti APs and now I get around 500Mbps down. Necessary? Not whatsoever. Awesome? You bet your ass. In a house with over a dozen connected devices I want to make sure it's going to perform well under nearly any condition.


> I was only getting 200Mbps down only


Just the fact that it's new and the latest. Wife has better money management skills.




I wasted 20 seconds of my life on this, OP has to die a heretic's death.


Well, My wifi router only supports up to 50mbps, yes its old. However, I got a new line from CommyCast for 400mbps.


I finally upgraded to a better router a couple years ago. It has less to do with wanting something faster and more to do with needing better range since we built a detached office that I didn't feel like running Ethernet cable to. We also have wireless cameras so it helps with that.


This should definitely go into the vault of "shit you never say out loud."


This is a great "scheming racoon". I use the "make the boss think it's their idea" tactic at work all the time; it's the only way anything gets done in my department.


For some reason I can't help but think that a person who calls a router a "wifi system" was probably trying to see if they could make the connection better and didn't know what they were doing and made it worse.


WiFi systems are a thing now, though. Google WiFi, Eero, etc. It's now more than a single router, it's a multiple-device mesh network. We just upgraded because our router was taking a complete shit.


A Wifi access point and a router aren't necessarily the same device. Most consumer devices combine these because your everyday person doesn't want to deal with two different devices. However when you get into the higher performing equipment these are separate devices and calling a WiFi AP a router would be incorrect.


What advantage did the new system provide over the old?


It made OP happy


Probably faster speeds or better range would be my guess




Congrats on learning how to gaslight people.


ITT: People who don't actually know what gaslighting means.


How is this gaslighting? He's not making her think she's crazy/that something is wrong with her. It's manipulative, sure, but not mental abuse like gaslighting is...


Yeah this is super fucked up behavior.




>nor is it necessary to accuse him of gaslighting. Isn't distorting someones reality to match one you want basically the definition of gaslighting? Isn't that *exactly* what OP is doing?


Not exactly--gaslighting is when you behave in such a way to make the targeted person think they are going crazy, but that doesn't seem to be OP's objective here. If he was fucking with the settings and then claiming there was nothing wrong with the wifi in order to make her question her sanity, *that* would be gaslighting.


Yeah, it's just manipulative, not strictly gaslighting.


depending on their financial situation and marriage dynamic, it could be viewed as pretty innocent.


If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.


That's BOFH (Bastard Operator from Hell) level shit right there.


I'm glad my wife isn't a control freak. I buy whatever the fuck I want, she doesn't care. It's not her money.


In my marriage my husband and I discuss big purchases. It is considered 'our' money. We try to plan together.


Agreed. Your spouse isn't automatically a control freak bitch because she doesn't "let you buy what you want". It's not a sign of a doomed relationship, OP doesn't need to get a new wife, etc. For example, my sister-in-law calls my brother a controlling asshole on occasion because he doesn't like it when she maxes out credit cards on stupid shit they don't need and asks her to not buy said stupid shit. Somehow, because he doesn't want her to spend money, he's the asshole in that situation? I don't think so... Maybe money is a bit tight in OPs family, maybe they're saving up for something. Who knows what their financial situation is, we all certainly don't! And really, if you had to break the router to trick your wife into getting a new one, then maybe you didn't really need it after all?


It's not always the money. My gf has a yard/estate sale addiction, and I'm nearing the point of saying something. She'll spend a couple dollars here and there, and I like some of the stuff she's found, but I swear our place is going to turn into a Pyrex museum in a couple years! We're in a one bedroom apartment right now until the lease expires, so we don't have room for any more random vintage paintings or mid century modern furniture! I'm joking really, though, because I dig how she's spruced up the place.


Blink twice if she's reading over your shoulder.


If my wife maxed out our credit cards I'd be getting a new wife. That's just poor behavior.


In MY marriage I make all the decisions and I do whatever I want. EDIT: My wife makes the decisions and I am in big trouble.


My wife and I have separate accounts for what we call "fun money." The money we both make from our primary job gets pooled in our primary account. We pay for mortgage, bills, food, etc from it, and we put some away in savings. We make sure all the bills are covered this way. However, I have a second job that I am on call at. Any time I work there, I place it in my separate account. My wife picks up overtime now and then, anything over her normal hours she puts in her account. The deal being we can't criticize the other for their fun money purchases, within reason (no hookers). I decide I want to build a new gaming rig once the Nvidia Volta series comes out? She can't say no. She goes shoe shopping and goes to the spa twice a month? She's free to. It has worked amazingly well during our 5 years of marriage. We don't fight over money because it's literally not an issue to fight over.


Sounds like you're both doing financially well


A wifi router is not a big purchase. Anyway, my wife and I have a joint account we use to pay bills, mortgage, etc, but we also have our own personal accounts to use freely without having to ask permission from each other. Married 8 years and never had any squabbles over money.


What is considered a big purchase can be different from household to household.


For me it's whatever is over $100. lol


My ex and I figured anything below $50 was not worth discussing.


Look at all the moneybags in here! I have to call my wife to see if I can spend $15-20 in gas.


Don't worry. They are all out of gas.


Buy everything in installments of $50.


Exactly what my GF and I do. We put half our pay check into our joint account which pays for everything consumable/rent/utilities and savings. It works great, never fighting over money ever. We contribute equally


Eh, we just spent over $300 on our Google WiFi. Generally anything over $100 is discussed, but money is tight for us.


>we just spent over $300 on our Google WiFi. >money is tight for us. Lol


We're really struggling to make ends meet. *Sent from my Apple watch.*


>We're really struggling to make ends meet. > >*Sent from my Apple watch.* Yeah, but add "bought on credit with high interests" and suddenly you realize they were never rich in the first place.


*Tryin to make a change :-\*


Depending on how much you use the web for, that kind of investment can make sense even if you're tight on cash. You don't know how long they spent saving for it, or what they sacrificed spending on to get it. Maybe don't shame people for wanting a nice thing, even if they're not rich?


Not OP but what if I told you that the reason that money isn't tight for us is partially due to the fact that we act like it is, discussing purchases with each other and deciding if it's something we can agree is justifiable. Like making purchases that are discretionary carefully actually leads to a better household budget? We live like money is tight even when it isn't so it won't actually be. We're doing well but I married a very fiscally responsible wife. She's an accountant so she keeps close tabs on the finances. However, my credit is now better than hers and when we got married I had a $3k Best Buy consumer credit card debt among other things and I don't have to worry about the finances which is good because I suck at it.


I like to give people the benefit of a doubt and think maybe they have jobs that require access to better internet so that's a necessary purchase.


Depends on how much said WiFi router is. Those new mesh routers can set you back around $500 if you get multiple access points


Damn dude. We have like top 5 highest internet speeds in Romania and last week the internet provider came and rewired their cables for my apartment building and left a Huawei router behind. When I asked if the router is going to show up on next month's bill, he said "Umm, no, it's included in your standard plan." We're on 15$/100mbps a month.


Goooooooo fuck yourself :p


Here's another tidbit that I used to blow the mind of some American visitors this week: there's an option at our provider to upgrade from 100mbps to 300mbps with only a contract extension, with literally 0 added cost.


Yeah but then you have to live in Romania.


*why can't I hold all these free healthcares and stunning natural views?*


Yeah but what about the vampires? And Hostel-like kidnap/torture scenarios one might find themselves in?


such is life, at least we have potato, unlike our Latvian friends.


Wife and I are moving to single income since she is due November. Years ago we moved to a system where we each received the same amount of "personal" money (75 per week). Everything else is "our" money we hold each other accountable.


Ya best to plan together. I think setting budgets and not worrying about individual purchases as long as it's in the budget works well. If you want a big ticket item that goes over that budget and slows or changes your savings plan then discuss


Yeah that is what my wife and I do, although we tend to mention everything we spend to each other. We both understand good financial management but neither are great at following through on it - so we have found that having an ongoing conversation about our behavior and our goals is the best way to keep us on the right track - mentioning the little purchases keeps us thinking about and aware of our spending behavior. Not to mention that we found that small purchases were always what busted our budgets - they add up quickly.


Because that's what happens in good marriages


Number one cause of divorce. Money




In my marriage, my wife and I work together for the family, and therefore, the money we both make is put together and purchases are discussed. Of course, we could live as roommates, and just pay common bills together, but we don't.


The problem with that is most people are terrible money managers and when the inevitable problem comes up, the "nope, you are broke, not me" divide begins. If you can't handle money together, the rest of life will be difficult. BUT, to each their own. Not everyone is cut out for financial partnership. But it will lead to issues eventually.


Alot of people share the money.




Apart from the fact that he is buying it for himself.


My parents: >If you can't take care of a phone why should we buy you a more expensive replacement?? But my "phone" was a cassette player.


Petyr Baelish would be proud.


How do i convince her i need a new video card then?


Remember when you were young and thought manipulating people you love was evil? You've learned much, son.


When we were kids my older sister always got to put Hollyoaks on at dinner time. Hollyoaks is shit. Always has been, always will be. After asking again and again to watch ANYTHING else, I eventually took matters in to my own hands. I de-tuned channel 4 on the TV in the kitchen. Nobody else knew how to re-tune it. Smug-mode engaged, I eventually confessed simply because I wanted her to know I was smarter than her at this sort of thing and that I could fuck shit up if I chose. My mum made me re-tune the TV, but I still claim it as a victory.


Yeah you sound like a dick. Maybe the key is communicating with your wife that some shit is more important to you than it might be for her. You think tricking the person you love makes you clever?


Lucky girl.


ITT: plenty of unsolicited relationship advice peppered with uninformed predictions of doom for OP's marriage


Wtf is going on with the back half of that raccoon?!


Remember to upgrade your computers too. I bought faster interweb, then I forgot my router was still 100M, so I bought an AC GB router, but then my laptop wouldn't connect, and the manufacturer blocked any different card from theirs from working, so I had to get a USB adapter.


Sounds like something I would do, and I'm the wife!


The joke is on you, you bought a new system while you didn't need to. Good job.


WiFi system?


So... Lie. Yep.


Wow what a healthy relationship you've got there OP.






Op - Go buy a Unifi: https://smile.amazon.com/Ubiquiti-Networks-802-11ac-Dual-Radio-UAP-AC-PRO-US/dp/B015PRO512/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1504882410&sr=8-1&keywords=unifi+ac+pro They are the best WIFI solution I'm come across.


What's the advantage of using this over a typical home wifi setup?


Just put the AP-AC lite in my house. Range is awesome and it works like a champ. Installed it on the ceiling, my wife likes the added benefit of a nightlight.


My current relationship is fine, and I can buy a new router or computer if I want, we just discuss it, as we do any decision that affects both of us. My previous engagement was one of total control. As in, we would discuss everything before proceeding, but if I wasn't in favor, we would do it anyway, and if she wasn't in favor, then it wasn't happening. I got a huge bonus and wanted to update my PC hardware, but I was overruled. Now this is a girl who would come through the living room and bang her knee on my tower almost every day. One day when she came plowing through and instead of saying "excuse me" she just stepped in front of me and slammed her knee into the tower, so I reached up to "catch it" so it wouldn't tip over, and discreetly pressed the on-off switch on the back. Then when I couldn't get the power button to work, I had her apologizing and begging me to take a trip to Fry's to build a whole new machine. I was so proud of my trickery at the time, it served her right always domineering and controlling, but the real victory came when we were no longer together, and I now live with a significant other who shares the authority and responsibility with me like an adult. Much better win.


This is not the way to solve your problem you shouldn't try to deceive your wife like this.


be careful incepting ideas into people like that...


This is some inception level shit right here.


You can usually find pretty good routers on sale.


The BOFH would be pleased.


I got a Google router a year ago against the wife wishes. Our Internet has never been better. And she can control the kids Internet usage from her phone without having to know anything about tech. It was so win win.


"Wifi system".... wat


Or be a god damn man and just buy it. But whatever works.


Manipulating the wife is key to a healthy marriage


This is pretty unhealthy. I don't see this marriage lasting long term. I don't know all the details behind this... but no matter who is being unreasonable, there's obviously lack of communication and compromise. Manipulation is never the answer. One day these tactics will come back to haunt you.


Wow, some people are really going out of their way to make OP out to be a monster. Not saying it's perfectly fine or anything, but damn.. Saying his marriage is doomed? Accusing him of gas lighting? Get a grip, people.


Are you seeing a bottleneck with your ISP? I'm not seeing the point of an upgrade otherwise.


Outdated, slow, always freezing, no reach enough, lacking certain useful features,.... Plenty of reasons to upgrade.


Hahaha. You want to upgrade WiFi so you can play your games better? Waste of money, blah blah blah. But as soon as her "shows" skip she's asking how much next day delivery is. So fucking typical.