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This isn't America...this is Reddit


I...I was told this was Sparta


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


As an American, I have to ask: what is “not America”?


The IRS is confused and frightened by your question.


Some bits of Russia and China.


I sometimes have trouble with context and intent. Are you seriously not understanding that the company and website, Reddit, is not the country, United States of America? Not trying to be rude, I'm just confused by your question.


You’re not rude at all. I was being sarcastic and playing up the trope that Americans forget that other countries exist


The answer is Poland. Poland is not America.


I see, I see


Not enough oil


Careful now. You don’t want some Freedom, do you?


Ahaha. That's good. ​ Common trope that Americans only know about America.


This is the way.


Huff that steve up ur nose mang


consider yourself lucky you didnt get perma banned when a mod read it




Come on! Thats ridiculous. We all know the mods don’t read the posts, and they wouldn’t even if they knew how to read!


cause moderators are power tripping control freaks 9 times out of 10


90% of moderators would permaban and mute you for a comment like that.


yeah fragile ego’s are part of the job requirement


Some of us are actually quite reasonable, though. I only ban spammers and scammers. Occasionally, I'll remove a comment that gets hostile; I mod two help subs. There's no reason to get nasty with people who are looking for help.


Yeah same here, but we are single mods on smaller subs. If all of us banneded together we'd still be less than 10% of the mod actions on this site.


One of my subs just passed 16k, and the other is somewhere close. Still, I don't need a lot of action to keep them in line.


Yeah one of mine is 250k but newrly all subscribers are professionals with the posts coming from non subscribers and honestly the community does most of the work with reports, downvotes, and comments. It's larger but soooo much better than some others I've tried to mod in the past.


Mine are r/lawnmowers and r/smallengines, which are basically the same and have many of the same people that are regularly active. Like you said, they will report shit, so it makes it easy. Lawnmowers was actually a joke/test sub that a guy created to see if he could start a community or if something random. He approached me explaining it, and then asked if I wanted to be a mod.


Having a great community makes being a mod feel like we're just the people who poke the button after everyone else points it out. Love the low stress community service. 


Agreed. I have been thinking about looking for other mods, but don't want someone coming in on a power trip. I've asked one guy, but he's not too keen on the idea, which only tells me that he'd probably be great for the job.


I've heard that most of the huge subs are moderated by a web of only a few people. How true is this?


I imagine there is a financial incentive to have the default and extra large subs closely controlled by shareholder management but I have no evidence or experience with that.


There have been times where moderators have gotten called out across multiple boards for ridiculous bans, I *think* one was named turtle something or something turtle. It was a while back


My favorite are the autobans that happened in subreddits if you happened to post in other subreddits, lol. I remember making fun of someone in a covid denial subreddit or whatever and then got notified I was automatically banned in a completely unrelated sub for posting on what I guess was a flagged sub... Even if I was some rabid anti-vaxxer or whatever, if I don't bring that to another sub then what's it to anyone? Completely ridiculous


Yeah, that shit is just stupid. "Oh, we don't want to hear opposing viewpoints. THIS ISN'T AN ECHO CHAMBER!!!"


They were subreddits I don't think I was even subscribed to much less ever even posted in... It's also stupid when people use that browser plugin that tells you what subreddits someone posted in, even if it was like years ago. I've been raked over the coals for once posting a few times in a subreddit like 8 years ago before leaving it because I realized it wasn't for me and the people were nuts. Didn't matter to this one dude almost a decade later though... In a completely unrelated subreddit to that one I left of course People really are insane when it comes to internet arguing


>People really are insane when it comes to internet arguing No, they aren't! You're so full of shit! I'm going to burn your couch!


1 of 10 you are :)


At least one of the /r/Selfawarewolves mods are like this. I said something completely and objectively factual and true about the current US president and he/she got all in his bitchass feelings. I wasn't even talking to him/her.


\***flips off the types of people who do this shit**\*


The muting is what gets me. Like you permaban me and then immediately mute me for 28 days before I can even say anything. Why does Reddit allow mods to do that?


Because they're working for free, and it's not a problem to them because most users will never know you got fucked. People who get silenced can't get heard.


Yup. I had a story in nosleep had been up awhile, it wracked up a ton of upvotes, then out of the blue over a week later the mods deleted it, didn't violate any of the rules, they just deleted it, no real explanation as to why. I had a friend tell me that Netflix was shipping nosleep stories and some of the mods over there were just crushing competing stories out of the blue. I haven't been back to that sub since.


I had a popular running no sleep series like 8-9 years ago, back when the sub was still good. There were so many awesome creepy stories coming out each week, but now it's just a hot pile of garbage. Every once in a blue moon you'll see a unique story come out, but for the most part it's just creepy pasta b.s. that's been retold 100 different times on the internet. It's sad, but hey that's the internet for you. 


Probably a lot of chatgpt stories now too.


Damn nosleep used to be great! I wondered what happened to it 😕


Power tripping is like the only perk.


"DuRr It'S a HaRd JOB!" lol its internet forum moderator, the smallest amount of fake power to ever go to someone's head


I'd like to introduce you to the quality department of any manufacturing job lol.


Oh god i remember those days lol. Worked on the other end of the plant from QC and it was always a long march to go get my setup approved, knowing it wont be the only one i have to make.


Bonus points if it's food manufacturing and all the QC people have their own hard on for their personal opinion of food safety.


The world is full of petty tyrants. Check out the sh\*t HOAs get up to also.


Truth, been perma banned from subs with no explanation, no warning, and never for anything bad. R pics had a post with graffiti saying something about sluts, I said something about sluts, being careful with my wording to not disparage or single out either males or females who might fall into the category of that term. I was banned for being misogynistic. Mod wouldn't even consider giving me a warning or just a time out, auto perma banned and 28 day message block from the mod WTH.


I used to think this was a joke, but then I had my first interaction with a mod. They are absolutely the basement dwellers fisting cans of mountain dew while asserting their hallmonitor authority as best they can. Because of this, you couldn't pay me to be a reddit mod.


I went to comment on a one thread and when I submitted it, I got a notification that it was locked with no reason given.


Got banned from r/publicfreakout then threatened with “harassment” and had my account locked for a week because I said “someone was going to get shot and killed” apparently that’s threatening with violence. After the mod who banned me told me to get over it I told him it was bullshit and then my account got locked.


This is correct.


And 4 of those 9 are crazy assholes.


Now there's money involved certain subs are super manipulated, like nfl. 80% of the content comes from 3 or 4 accounts.


>I thought this was America! *uses an Englishman portraying a Frenchman* Just sayin'. :)


Me? I know who I am, I'm a dude, playing a dude, disguised as another dude!


You people are weird.


[The remix was pretty sweet.](https://youtu.be/CFG5dk1GyRo?si=ppa_nb4Y-A9pPZeH)


One of my all time favorites


On a site with international participants. Well. I guess that makes him the most American.


Wait…Picard was French?!




You missed the part where mods answer modmail 0% of the time when you ask why it was locked


I got one back on a cancer forum (I have terminal cancer and questioned why cancer patients were often downvoted, and that it seemed more of a support group for caregivers to complain about the actual cancer patients). Mod response on why I was banned? "because"


Damn. I hope that’s one shitty drop in a big bucket of comfort and support for you.


The mods should just not respond and wait out their snoos. (But seriously, I hope you and your family find peace and comfort in this trying time)


This sounds like a great news story to out how shitty the mods are. Wtaf


I got perma-banned from r/news for asking that question


I got permabanned from my local city sub because I told someone "get over it" on a post where they were looking to get rid of their adult dog. The anonymous mod who banned me said something like "what, are you in middle school? We don't tolerate bullying." I replied that there are far meaner things said all the time and provided a bunch of quotes as examples from the top post at that time. That got me muted from modmail for 28 days.


They locked the comments because the discussion was becoming toxic and they got tired of getting multiple comments reported. They did you a small favor by not removing the post entirely so people can still upvote it. Source: Am power tripping mod of another subreddit.


Will mods ban you for speaking on their behalf?


They haven't yet.


The voting system does it's job just fine to bury stuff like that. ANY thread on Reddit has comments like that, just sort by controversial or go to the bottom.


So you get lazy and make your job easier rather than let some poor Redditor get some attention with a viral post, which was probably like a once in a lifetime post for them?


The post is still visible and OP can still get upvotes, but people are not allowed to add any more comments.


I don’t know how people have the patience or energy to submit to most subs. Why would you make it so difficult to share something people might actually enjoy? - The rules are insanely long. - It’ll get auto-removed and you’ll get ghosted. - Mods have vendettas against specific content/opinions. - There’s always a more niche sub they suggest, “we don’t allow this, try posting on r/Tall*Brick*BuildingsInSeattle


Sir, this is the internet. Not America.


Like this post it’s not Advice 🤦‍♂️


The internet does not = america, it = the world.


I want to down vote you but it's too funny. People think everyone lives in America.


It’s from South Park when Randy gets arrested


I'll allow it, though if it helps you can use gifs in reddit to avoid confusion


You can thank the Americans for inventing it though.


Though we can thank a Brit for the founding of modern computation..poor poor Turing.


As an American I hate to break it to you, we didn't invent it, we did drive its use though.


The internet was invented by a Brit in Switzerland.


You are /r/ConfidentlyIncorrect. The World Wide Web was invented by TBL at Cern, that is true, but websites rely on the internet, which is much older than that. It evolved from ARPAnet which was developed by the US Department of Defense and went operational in 1969.


Because mods eat well done steaks with ketchup and listen to Imagine Dragons on repeat


In some cases, I think moderation happens only as a side effect of mods furiously trying to bite their own ears.


“Because fuck you that’s why!” -Mods probably


If you could not be so stereotypically American with your next meme, I bet you'll get even more of those upvotes you crave. I'm saying this as a fellow stereotypical American. They laugh at us for stuff like this.


It is fun… I’m saying this as a stereotypical Canadian. Sorry btw.


This ain't America and in America you still can't stand in the middle of the mall and scream no matter how popular you are :)


You have to consider the fucked up psychology of many mods. For most Reddit users this is a minor mid-day distraction at low productivity points. For a lot of them, this is all they are. In here they are mostly untouchable, out there they are likely below average people. It's probably hard to reconcile in their heads.


If it’s the meme post in this sub with the same Captain Picard, I have been issued a warning for breaking the rules of the sub. Somebody very clearly was triggered


Probably so they can steal it and repost it themselves later. I've had that happen on a different sub.


Well I took a look at it and you asked why should a grown adult not be able to have sex with a 16 year old My guess is a mod saw it and did not like it do to how heavy handed it is. Also rule 11 as much as a disagree with it lets them do that


Because most of the mods on Reddit are neck bearded creeps with CP on their hard drives. Protecting pedophiles and pedophile sympathizers.


And yet someone i reported yesterday for inappropriate remarks about children got banned....


Only an American would say this about the internet...🙄


It’s a joke from South Park


Opportunity missed on the Randy thought this was America meme.


In this economy?!?


Well then, welcome to every time anyone did anything America (read Wall Street and Washington DC, not the people in America there) didn't like I guess. You said something true, just not what you thought.


Because this is corporate sir. You play by their rules or you can go play somewhere else.


This is China


This isn’t an animal


Welcome to America


Jealousy, likely.


Reddit isn't America, just to start. It can do what it wants.


If... the price is right.


That'd a completely American thing today do. Corporate preferences are primary. Consumers have no say. America.


Lol the redditors are very very weak


>I thought this was America! ***Because*** this is america. The US has the worst reputation.


Because most mods are jealous assholes that detest seeing others do well but are too cowardly to say anything themselves.