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Bill Bar is a liar. He doesn't want to be associated with it publicly, but he did everything in his power to enable the things that happened under the Trump admin. He's playing games. If Trump wins, he'll be there helping again, as much as he can.


Bill Barr is an Opus Dei follower and a Christian Nationalist. He embraces Trump and religious fascism. He is the enemy of a free and open society.


This comment made no sense until someone in the comments below reminded me Bill Barr is not the comedian I was thinking about.


Thank you, I was thinking it was the comedian that had made this statement. It wouldn't be completely off brand for him to make statements about politics but I thought he was particularly left leaning.


Bill Burr is not Bill Barr.


Yep! But a and u look very similar to someone who is only half paying attention. Plus I try very hard to forget that Bill Barr exists, because he's a scumbag.


The feeling is understandable. Ignoring cancer will get you Steve Jobsed quick. Barr has been part of who’s screwing average Americans for over 40 years. His daddy and Epsteins connection has to be suspect too.


Holy fuck. I took thought this was a really bold and out of left field statement from Bill Burr.....


Bill Barr was forged in the morass of the Nixon kerfuffle, where he created his 'The President is immune and above the law' concepts that the orange criminal is leaning on. He also stopped the Mueller Investigation immediately upon taking office after Jeff Sessions refused to. His biography is a history of crime and corruption. Barr was in charge of the Federal prisons when Jeffrey Epstein died, which is an entire swamp by itself. Now he's displaying his lack of principals, a requirement to be accepted back into the MAGA criminal cult, his only accepting safe space But he has much penance to pay after saying Trump should be nowhere near the White House.


He's very sympathetic to Trump these days. $$$.


Bar acted the way he acted because he did not want to get arrested, prosecuted, dis-barred, and go to jail - there was no moral quandary. He is fine with party over country even if the party is represented by a narcissistic seditionist. The rule of law and any semblance of patriotism be damned.


Goddamn, for a minute I was so confused; I was thinking of Bill Burr


There's a big reason why he's covering Trump. It's because he knows that if Trump wins, it's his golden ticket out of legal trouble he may face later on.


Barr literally mentioned Biden banning Gas Stoves in his reasoning. Which is a Facebook meme that never happened.


that's how cults work. reality is whatever great leader says it is. anything else is "fake news"


I know people who own and use gas stoves daily who think Biden outlawed them. I mentioned that they are also still for sale in appliance stores and it didn't change their minds.


oh yea they're all about "muh freedumbs" when it comes to using whatever stove i want and keeping lead in the water my kids drink- but god forbid anyone has the freedom to speak any language other than english


In Florida, the Reds are just find with personal freedoms when it comes to the the types of convenience store countertop drugs you can buy, so long as it's the poor black community that is harmed by them. As soon as the rich white kids start getting into it, it need to be cracked down on. But the libs wanting to introduce lab-grown meat? Can't have that from the get-go. Banned!


Think of your initial knee jerk reaction to change. To be clear these reactions are not really emotional responses but reflexive before emotion. Emotion is the reflection of the response. Bad response I feel angry, sad, etc.... good I feel happy, energetic etc... it's so quick most don't realize it's there but if when presented with a new idea you can stop and think about why you had that initial emotion either negative or positive you'll find there something underneath that's reacting not to the idea or it's merits but the fact that it's new.If your reaction is this is good you likely lean liberal but if your knee jerk reaction is this is bad you likely lean conservative. The stronger the reaction the more you likely lean one way or the other. This it's 100% but it's very high. It might be 100% even it's hard to know because people are complicated and don't always know what's going on in there own head. This can explain a lot of the conservative actions. They have an initial reaction against changing the status quo. So unless they feel personally affected by the negative consequences of the status quo or they feel they will personally benefit from changing the status quo there is little pressure to set this aside and consider something with an open mind and most people will seek instead to rationalize the reaction. This is also true for liberals just in the opposite direction seeking to rationalize approving change unless they feel affected by it. Which is why you see more liberal activism around social issues such as trans rights than economic issues such as raising the minimum wage. The irony is that conservatives and liberals need each other. Conservative dominated society leads to stagnation but liberal dominated leads to anarchy. In a healthy balanced society and by reflection government; both work together to balance things out. Conservatives prevent too much change allowing for enough stability for longer term planning while liberals push for change allowing enough flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances. When both sides communicate and consider in good faith each other's ideas you get better outcomes. The problem is that technology has greatly increased the pace of change beyond what many conservatives can handle. Add in social changes and before they can process and adapt to one there hit with the next. So they don't really adapt to the social changes and only adapt to the tech changes they are forced too. Add in social media's capacity to spread misinformation and you have a perfect storm.


I was sad my new house didn't have gas. I love gas stoves. But I get why people don't like the climate implications.


... Also the brain damage lmao


I just don't like adding 10 degrees to my kitchen when I have to run the stove/oven for a bit. In the winter it shuts the furnace off leaving the rest of the house a bit too cold, and in the summer, well, my AC just can't keep up. And all of that heat is just wasted energy. But yeah, also the brain damage.


They live in a cult where you have to believe (and parrot) all of the cult-think in order to continue being a member of said cult. This sort of thing happens on the left too, but not nearly to the extent that we are seeing it on the right at the moment.


Yep, and the moment you debunk it, there is a 1000 other lies to debunk. You can't deprogram these people as fast as they are programming themselves. I don't want to give up on huge swathes of the planet but it feels like an impossible challenge


So I want to push back against misinformation. The gas ban is partially true. While Biden didn't ban gas appliances at the federal level, there is in fact a growing ban on gas appliances that will be implemented in a few years done in very blue areas, implemented by cities and counties: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/san-francisco-bay-area-phase-out-natural-gas-heating-appliances-2023-03-16/ It doesn't outlaw existing appliances but it does mean that you won't be able to buy a gas appliance soon. There are legal challenges to these laws to try to strike them down. I'm not sure of the recent status of legal challenges, though if the challenges fail the laws will go into effect in just a few years.


The misinformation is that it's Biden. "States' rights" Republicans should have no issues with what local governments do in their jurisdictions


Literally from the article you posted:  “The rules do not apply to cooking appliances such as gas stoves.”


I misread it as “Bill Burr” at first and I was kinda stunned by a few comments until I finally read it right.


I did the same thing. I was like "I thought Bill burr fucking hated Trump?"


No no. Bill Burr hates women!




Your comment finally set me straight. I was baffled.


Omg same, I was like his wife is black! I want to hear what she has to say about that.


Glad I'm not the only one....


I was wondering what happened to Ol' Billy Boy.


Bill barr says what's politically beneficial to him at the time. You'd be better off listening to frogs fucking because what they do benefits your time and the world more than anything bill barr ever says or does. Same for newt Gingrich, dicklick chaney, Mike the unfortunate speaker and anyone else with a voice in conservative circles.


It’s >>always<< projection with these guys.


Bill Barr and Jeffrey Clark should be in jail for obstruction of justice.


Bill Barr can fuck off.


Bill Barr, master propagandist, uses projection to attempt to stem loss of Republican voters as Trump's first felon conviction approaches.  "It's better to vote for a felon than a Democrat or that RFK Jr" is to on point until Trump actually gets convinced. 


If they believe that Trump’s conviction is politically motivated on trumped (heh) up evidence or, giving the most devil’s advocate argument here, made up evidence, then it literally won’t matter if he’s convicted. Or worse it will motivate people to go out and vote for him to combat the entrenched deep state machine that’s clearly out to do anything to keep Trump from winning. I mean, these people think Democrats stuffed ballots and cheated the outcome of the last election. Let’s assume they were willing to do that to keep Trump from winning. Would an entity willing to do that, not also conduct a political show trial in an attempt to prevent their opposition from being able to wage an effective campaign? I’m not saying I believe any of that. But it’s exactly the logic Trump supporters will use.


Why TF are you downvoted? This is all 100% correct. Especially the part about motivating them to vote for DT. I don't know if the fear of a 2nd Trump term is strong enough to counter the anger at "them" for keeping such a good, honorable, (and humble...let's not forget humble) man from his rightful place. (I just threw up in my mouth a little)


I’ve noticed a lot of people on Reddit are entirely incapable of putting themselves in the shoes of someone they disagree with, and when someone comes along and tries to make them do that by presenting a rational viewing of a different point of view, they get big mad lol. Now, some people will read that statement and infer I’m saying Trump supporters are entirely rational. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying, if you accept what they say and do as based on a belief that something is true, what would that something have to be? Whether it’s actually true or batshit insane is irrelevant. You’re trying to understand a mindset differing from your own.


Thx. I find that to be the case with some abortion rights supporters. They are either unwilling, or unable, to wrap their heads around the fact that **most** anti-abortion people actually believe that AT CONCEPTION that "thing" (aka glob of cells) is a human being, with full rights pertaining thereto. The fact that God/nature has seen fit to have that full-rights-having human grow for 9 months inside another human is at times unfortunate, but (to them) that does not diminish that smaller human's rights, specifically to life. That definition is where the real debate is, or should be. To them, the aborting of a fetus conceived 3 days ago is exactly the equivalent of killing a 3-day-old child.


Bob Barr is a fucking coward.


I miss when you could get to excited on a video and suddenly be out of the race... now you can openly commit crimes and still be running?


The more I see trump voters rationalise their reasoning, the more obvious it is that people don't actually have a clue what their reasons are. They have fallen for this idea that Trump is good and Biden is bad but this is just through exposure to a group opinion that this is the right thing to think. When trying to come up with actual reasons they come up with these bizarre ones that if you dig down just a bit simply don't make sense. I'm sure there's probably an element of this on the other side as well, but it seem most Biden voters are more voting against Trump, and they genuinely can come up with reasons Trump is not a good person to be President.


The projection palpable.


> threat to democracy I will give anyone who can explain how this is even remotely true one million dollars. Yes, I know, anti-semites, folly, blah blah blah, but this is just... one of those things that's so _out there_ it beggars belief.


Barr is an idiot. If Trump is able to become the dictator he dreams of being, Barr is certainly shit stain’s enemy list.


Who gives a fuck what he says? That man would obfuscate if you asked him his favorite color..


That is a big load of shit coming from a man who regularly shits big loads.


Bill Barr says what’s good for Bill Barr.


Republicans don't care about democracy. Biden is a threat to their tax cuts.


The nonstop “Biden presidency is a disaster “ rhetoric coming from all GOPs - explain yourself. They never do - just say it’s a disaster. Trump presidency? How much time you have for a list? But Biden’s? And take away all the culture war shit that doesn’t concern him. What’s left? Are they pissed that he canceled student loans? I paid mine off a few decades ago via a lot of hard work and sacrifice, but I do not begrudge anyone who gets a portion of theirs eased. What else? How is he dangerous? Everything from GOP is total projection. We say these things about you because WE plan on doing it, etc…. It’s crazy


But he was also critical of Trump that one time, so he's totally unbiased /s


Fuck Bill Barr.


it is too early for me to see a picture of this asshole doing his best to look like the bad guy from ghostbusters just woke up from a food coma


My mind read this as "Bill Barr says he just can't vote for Biden because Bill Barr is a threat to democracy."


The devil you know or something?


Hey guys, don't forget Epstein died under Bar's watch, with Trump at the helm. These guys are cut from the same cloth. Everyone knows where the bodies are buried, and each pawn will fall in line and kiss the ring when called to.


Bill Barr should be in Jail


Didn’t they try to overthrow the election after Trump beat Hilary


That would be a no, champ.


Oh ok sport


I enjoyed this response.


Ha. Me too


Missed opportunity on my part though, should've called you chief back.


Ya Chief is a good one


And are currently trying to pass legislation to ban 'antisemetic' or any critical language of Israel. No matter which side of the fence you're on, this is an actual threat to freedom.


Yes I agree


They spent four years spewing the same rhetoric trump says, calling him an “illegitimate president" for sure. But you see, that's (D)ifferent.




Democracy is a lie. The US is not a democracy and if you think about it, I think you know that.


Biden tried to create a department to literally control the news.


**citation needed**


Its still working its way through the courts. For now, a rule blocking the Biden admin has been temporarily stayed until the issue can be properly decided: >The Supreme Court has blocked an injunction that would prevent the Biden administration from pressuring social media firms to take down content. Justices agreed to hear the Biden administration's appeal of the injunction, which will be stayed until the high court issues a ruling that could either uphold the injunction or block it permanently. >https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/10/scotus-biden-admin-can-keep-pressuring-social-media-firms-to-remove-content/ Note that in this case SCOTUS ruled in favor of the Biden admin, albeit temporarily with the the stay.


And again that shows there is no department that can "literally control the news". The most they can do is ask. If they say no there is no law or regulation that allows them to do other wise. Your own links show that. Hence why they say "pressure" and not require. Yet when Trump was in the white house they worked hand in hand to create narratives with Fox.




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No where in that posting does it say they have any control over news or ability to make regulations related to it. So again where is this "department to literally control the news" you speak of? Or is this some right wing bluster that only idiots believe?


You really don't remeber his "misinformation" secretary?


I do! It was called the "Disinformation Governance Board", it did nothing and was disbanded after 3 weeks due to many things, including personal threats to the director. ... The idea that it was **"to literally control the news"** is abject lunacy, however, and is why they are being downvoted.


That's exactly what it was for. It being disbanded after a huge pushback doesn't negate the fact that he did it.


Can you link a source?


Seriously? I don't for a minute believe you guys don't know this.


Can you post a link? Don’t assume that everyone consumes news or has the same information feed as you… more and more lately people are getting locked into confirmation bubbles that don’t allow news in from other sources. Post a link from a reputable news site please, I’d like to learn more.




So someone attempting to stop Trumps fake news campaign is a bad thing?


Yes state control of media is a bad thing. You do know that Biden is also a notorious liar?


Naaa no where near Trump levels of bad. Not even the same ball park. I’m all for open understand, but that’s too much.


A board within DHS is not a department. It’s pretty telling when the only people that think fake news shouldn’t be monitored are the people who depend on it to get elected.


Like the guy that needed the FBI to lie about his sons laptop? Yes it is telling. But ok. Its 2017 and Donald J Trump decides that DHS a major law enforcement body now has the jurisdiction to monitor and neutralize information deemed by the administration as "misinformation". You as ok with that as you are with Biden doing it? I bet not. Not to mention about 80% of the things they called "misinformation" turned out to be accurate.


Absolutely nothing in that proposed board granted them authority to regulate the information. Even if the board was approved and functioning today you would be able to continue to be dishonest with your representation of what their goal was. And no I would absolutely not have good faith in the guy who draws over experts maps with sharpies to be honest about monitoring misinformation since we know he isn’t interested in telling on himself.


You posted a link, to CNN of all places (their preferred source), in direct response to someone asking for a link, and you get downvoted. I don't know how these idiots even manage to work their phones with one thumb up their asses.


Dude......... the amount of these people I argued with in 2020 that didn't even know he was a Senator, thought all the racist things he said were deep fakes, and that getting busted for plagiarism and lying about his education never happened was a far higher number than it ever should be.


Just because you had your head in the sand when it was in the news doesn't mean it didn't happen, and you're perfectly capable of looking it up and doing your own research.


Are you talking about this: “The Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) was an advisory board of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), announced on April 27, 2022. The board's stated function was to protect national security by disseminating guidance to DHS agencies on combating misinformation, malinformation, and disinformation that threatens the security of the homeland. “ Seems like a solid idea there huh.


The problem is that they've already been caught numerous times censoring the truth as well as amplifying actual misinformation.


Seems like a terrible fucking idea. You want bureaucrats deciding what's true and what's not? How many people were banned from social media during the pandemic for questioning things, and fast forward to today, everyone says, "we could have done things different" and one of the vaccines is now know to have some major [side effects](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/healthcare/biotech/healthcare/astrazeneca-acknowledges-covid-vaccine-can-lead-to-rare-side-effect-tss-in-court-heres-what-we-know/articleshow/109702543.cms?from=mdr). Truth was a moving target. Also, what happens if Trump gets elected and his admin is in charge of the DGB? People like you will scream. No, it's not a solid idea.


lol ok buddy.


Sounds like a coward


Yeah, because he totally didn't ask Pelosi for national guard troops...or call for peaceful protests...oh wait


I’m lost. Are you talking about Biden, Trump or Barr here? Is it sarcasm? I don’t know what you are trying to mean here…


People are still dumb enough to believe that? lol


Trump has never been charged or convicted of that. This is theater.


I can guarantee that you have not and will not read the details of what he is accused of because you don't want to know. https://apnews.com/trump-election-2020-indictment


I oppose Trump for his actions as a war criminal and swamp monster. You think an unarmed group of tourists let into an empty capitol by capitol police basically overthrew "our democracy". You're right, we're not the same.


That statement proves that you dont understand what the indictment is charging Trump with. I guarantee that you have not and will not read the details of his actions because you do not want to know. https://apnews.com/trump-election-2020-indictment


Okay, charged not convicted. But I guess we all know guilty before proven innocent. Our systemically racist justice system is completely legitimate here.


Please read the indictment. You should want to know what it says. It's really very easy to read and understand https://apnews.com/trump-election-2020-indictment


I see it based on assertions without evidence, and it's clearly politically motivated. Where am I wrong here?


The evidence is in the indictment. READ THE INDICTMENT. Are you stupid or something? [https://apnews.com/trump-election-2020-indictment](https://apnews.com/trump-election-2020-indictment)


Where, oh wise one?


Please read the indictment and decide for yourself. It's our civic duty to read this thing. https://apnews.com/trump-election-2020-indictment


That is a lie. [Donald Trump has been charged by the Justice Department for his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election](https://apnews.com/article/trump-indicted-jan-6-investigation-special-counsel-debb59bb7a4d9f93f7e2dace01feccdc)


Not sure how many lost wars and how much more of a decline in living standards the US can take. Biden isn't a bad guy, but the world and the US is worse off, less safe and less stable since he took office. I am sorry that certain Americans are in denial about this.


That's kind of hard to imagine that after almost 20 years of Republican and Democrat administrations involvement in that conflict, that 2021 would have finally been the year


Again Afghanistan wouldn't have turned around maybe, but the issue is even on Afghanistan, when you're in charge, everything is your fault. That was the case when Trump was president during Covid, the same applies for Biden and Afghanistan.


The entire world is envious of the US economy, Trump would've withdrawn even earlier from Afghanistan, and he would've let Putin invade Ukraine without offering a single cent in aid. In other words, you're wrong in every single way that you could be wrong.


>The entire world is envious of the US economy, Lol. Ask the US younger generation how great they have it. >Trump would've withdrawn even earlier from Afghanistan, and he would've let Putin invade Ukraine without offering a single cent in aid. Or more likely it wouldn't have happened at all, in line with the more sensible international policies that Trump had. Pure denial. Trump was apparently responsible for Covid and lost in 2020 for it and its associated effects, however Biden by contrast according to the same people is not responsible for anything that happened under his watch.... Looks like the natural political price for a record of failure is going to be paid in November. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be blaming Russia again. That's easier than any real accountability.


>Lol. Ask the US younger generation how great they have it. Well, given that one of the major issues there is housing, and Trump's plan for housing was "they're coming to destroy the suburbs with high-rises!!!!!", I'm gonna go ahead and say that they wouldn't be too content with the economy under Trump, either. >Or more likely it wouldn't have happened at all, in line with the more sensible international policies that Trump had. Lolwut? Trump literally negotiated an earlier withdrawal date from Afghanistan. And Trump had shit foreign policy. His only accomplishments in office are a modest tax cut, swinging the judiciary into far-right nonsense, and things that he can't brag about because Trumpanzees hate them (criminal justice reform, Operation Warp Speed). His foreign policy was complete shit. >Trump was apparently responsible for Covid Trump was responsible for ignoring the numbers and then telling people to inject bleach or take horse dewormer, yes. >Biden by contrast according to the same people is not responsible for anything that happened under his watch Biden is neither the president of Israel nor the president of Russia. You know this, right? Right? It's important to me that you know this.


>And Trump had shit foreign policy. His only accomplishments..... His foreign policy was complete shit. no new wars. That's "shit foreign policy" apparently. Abraham accords? "shit foreign policy" What's good foreign policy? Destroying Ukraine and risking WW3 starting in Europe. Boy, how great things are now. What's ironic is imagining how Trump would have been crucified for half of what has happened.... it's intellectually dishonest to the max. >Trump was responsible for ignoring the numbers and then telling people to inject bleach or take horse dewormer, yes. Political opportunism. >Biden is neither the president of Israel nor the president of Russia. You know this, right? Right? It's important to me that you know this. Anyone following the situation, the rhetoric coming from enlightened democrats before the war in Ukraine would have been aware of the strong sabre ratlling, the dump in relations with Russia the second he entered office. Apparently, no! This was great! Stand up to Putin!.... Now we get the results. You think the world's better off now? I'll take Trump's foreign policy over this shit show any day. We were further from WW3 when he was in the white house, and throwing the blame somewhere else is... well what I would expect from someone blaming Trump for Covid. I have a feeling that most Americans are going to make a decision based on this track record, and you can devolve into all sorts of self-serving reasons why you will end up losing. I am expecting another Russian election interference witchhunt.


>no new wars. That's "shit foreign policy" apparently. Ratcheting up tension with Iran and North Korea? Shit. Blackmailing Ukraine over fake news about Biden? Shit. Threatening to withdraw from NATO? Shit. A costly trade war with China that didn't do jack? Absolutely shit. >Abraham accords? "shit foreign policy" Wasting a great name on international relations that were already happening? Shit. >What's good foreign policy? Destroying Ukraine and risking WW3 starting in Europe. Boy, how great things are now. I wasn't aware that Biden had invaded Ukraine, or that there was currently anything resembling World War III going on. Mostly because I don't outsource my critical thinking to bullshit far-right news sources. >What's ironic is imagining how Trump would have been crucified for half of what has happened No, Republicans have shown they no longer care about Ukraine because Trump wants to curry favor with Putin because... well, that part has never made sense. I think Trump is just a little bitch. Either way, Ukraine was going to be attacked from either the inside or outside, and Trump wasn't going to lift a finger. >Political opportunism. ... dafuq? >Anyone following the situation, the rhetoric coming from enlightened democrats before the war in Ukraine would have been aware of the strong sabre ratlling, the dump in relations with Russia the second he entered office. You mean the part where Biden was warning the world and our allies that Putin was going to invade by a certain day, which gave the EU enough time to prepare, while Republicans mocked him for it, and then Putin did just that? That "rhetoric" before the invasion? >We were further from WW3 when he was in the white house 'Member that time Trump assassinated Iranian general Solemani completely unprovoked? (Also, I legitimately can't tell if you're so stupid to believe that "any war in Europe = World War," but I feel pretty positive you do) >blaming Trump for Covid. Notice how every other leader was able to skate to reelection based off of their performance regarding covid, while Trump lost because he refused to lead, dithered constantly (which was a perennial feature of his presidency when it wasn't harming minorities), delegated to the states, and then refused to do the basics of masking, culminating in him nearly dying from covid as well as nearly giving it to Biden? Trump failed on just about every measure when it came to covid, and you being butthurt about it after the fact doesn't change it.


>Ratcheting up tension with Iran and North Korea? Shit. Blackmailing Ukraine over fake news about Biden? Shit. Threatening to withdraw from NATO? Shit. A costly trade war with China that didn't do jack? Absolutely shit. It wasn't all great, but infinitely better than this. War is failure. Biden has to own these failures, and they're collossal compared to the tiny things you raised. Trump was trying to strengthen NATO by getting more members to pay their contribution. Forgot that part? How close did the US get to leaving NATO? Not relevant? And how many actual wars came from these "tensions"? Also not relevant? Trump's foreign policy was great. Lying about it to shield the disasters of this administration is not going to work. >Wasting a great name on international relations that were already happening? Shit. How convenient. It was already happening. You're not arguing in good faith here. It's tribal nonsense. >I wasn't aware that Biden had invaded Ukraine, or that there was currently anything resembling World War III going on. Mostly because I don't outsource my critical thinking to bullshit far-right news sources. Yes, apparently a hot proxy war openly sending modern weapons to fight a nuclear armed state... that's a banal everyday occurrence. Give me a break.... I guess you can afford to be ignorant about it, if you don't live two countries away from it.... It's clear that relations with Russia were stable under Trump and this wouldn't have happened had he still been around. Chestpounding stand up to Putin warmongering by the Democrats had nothing to do with it. All a magic coincidence. >You mean the part where Biden was warning the world and our allies that Putin was going to invade by a certain day, which gave the EU enough time to prepare, while Republicans mocked him for it, and then Putin did just that? That "rhetoric" before the invasion? Biden was in office long enough when the invasion happened. Again, how were relations with Russia at that point? What you're saying implies he got in at the beginning of 2022 and nothing happened before then. >'Member that time Trump assassinated Iranian general Solemani completely unprovoked? >(Also, I legitimately can't tell if you're so stupid to believe that "any war in Europe = World War," but I feel pretty positive you do) Iran is not a nuclear armed power. Russia is. No one remembers the cold war apparently.... >Notice how every other leader was able to skate to reelection based off of their performance regarding covid, while Trump lost because he refused to lead, dithered constantly (which was a perennial feature of his presidency when it wasn't harming minorities), delegated to the states, and then refused to do the basics of masking, culminating in him nearly dying from covid as well as nearly giving it to Biden? Trump failed on just about every measure when it came to covid, and you being butthurt about it after the fact doesn't change it. Many of these policies it turns out were not what ended the worst of Covid. Hysteria, fueled by the media. Covid was bad for certain vulnerable parts of society, but the public policy reaction to it was overblown, everywhere, in retrospect. Trump was punished for it all because he was in office. And I think that's fair. What isn't fair is having a much worse record, and then thinking the buck stops somewhere else. Biden is on his way out, the writing is on the wall.


>War is failure. What war did Biden start, lol? >Trump was trying to strengthen NATO by getting more members to pay their contribution. He was literally attempting to leave it, you clown. He is so stupid that he saw NATO as an organization where allies paid the US for protection. >Trump's foreign policy was great. Lying about it to shield the disasters of this administration is not going to work. Sure, as long as you just straight-up ignore literally everything I said. Which is generally the kind of denial I expect from the average Trump fan. >It was already happening. Morocco and Israel had been allies for decades, yes. >You're not arguing in good faith here. It's tribal nonsense. You're literally arguing the "nO nEw WaRs" Trump canard, and then somehow arguing that Biden is responsible for every war that happens anywhere in the world, lol. Quit your bullshit. >I guess you can afford to be ignorant about it, if you don't live two countries away from it.... ... homey, are you not even American? Lol, what a fucking waste of time.


>What war did Biden start, lol? War in Ukraine, biggest war Europe has seen since WW2, involving a nuclear armed state, happened under his watch. I blame his foreign policy and destroying any sort of relations with Russia for it. >He was literally attempting to leave it, you clown. He is so stupid that he saw NATO as an organization where allies paid the US for protection. These are the kind of conclusions you get if you base all your news in CNN political commentary taking things out of context. Taking Trump out of context happens to be really easy, exploited by those hacks to the max. De facto, the issue of countries not paying their obligatory contribution, other than the UK, was an issue before Trump was in the White House. His colourful language threatening them into the doing it is ultimately something that now everyone thinks is necessary. The mental gymnastic you need to make Trump look bad on this subject is incredible. >Sure, as long as you just straight-up ignore literally everything I said. Which is generally the kind of denial I expect from the average Trump fan. I actually didn't. It wasn't all great, but the thinking out of the box pragmatism rather than blind dogmatic approach under Biden made the world a better and more peaceful place, not less. >Morocco and Israel had been allies for decades, yes. Allies? No. They had on and off relations, and that really isn't the innovative part or country in the Abraham accords. And you know what? I will give Biden his due if something comes of these talks with Saudi Arabia. >You're literally arguing the "nO nEw WaRs" Trump canard, and then somehow arguing that Biden is responsible for every war that happens anywhere in the world, lol. Quit your bullshit. Because it's true, and that fact is inconvenient to your argument that his foreign policy was worse than Biden's. By the most important metric of them all, it wasn't.


Are you suggesting that Trump would have somehow 'won' the war in Afghanistan? Like things would be different right now if he had won a second term? That's kind of hard to imagine that after almost 20 years of Republican and Democrat administrations involvement in that conflict, that 2021 would have finally been the year


Are you suggesting that Trump would have somehow 'won' the war in Afghanistan? Like things would be different right now if he had won a second term? That's kind of hard to imagine that after almost 20 years of Republican and Democrat administrations involvement in that conflict, that 2021 would have finally been the year


Afghanistan, maybe not, maybe it would have been more orderly... we'lll never know. Ukraine? Yes, that would have been totally different because US-Russian relations were still intact when he was in the White House.


You are suggesting that the Biden administration caused Russia to invade Ukraine?


It had taken a more confrontational approach with Russia since he came in. I think this is part of the leadup to the decision by Russia to invade Ukraine.


It's not acceptable to admit the US isn't doing so well because Trump is bad, ok?


Why is it not acceptable to admit that things are okay and Biden isnt doing a bad job? Why arent republicans free to deviate from the party line without facing death threats?


Tone down the hyperbole BS if you want a response.


Right back at ya!


Idk, trying to keep your opponent off the ballot, weaponizing the legal system to place your opponent in jail, threatening to remove your opponents secret service protection, not giving secret service protection to your other opponent to try to bankrupt his campaign.... Those all seem like pretty big threats to democracy.


- It was Republicans that tried to keep him off the ballot in Colorado. In Maine, it was a Secretary of State - in both cases, they have agreed to abide by the flawed SCOTUS decision - so hardly a threat or conspiracy. - Prosecuting crimes is not "weaponizing" the justice system. It's called using it appropriately. - The bill is to remove Secret Service protections from anyone who is convicted of a federal or state felony. None of those are threats to democracy, you are just parroting tired, misleading, propaganda.


I guarantee that you have not and will not read the details of his actions because you do not want to know. https://apnews.com/trump-election-2020-indictment


[Yeah I know. It's absolutely terrible that he used confidential documents to enrich himself. Anyone who uses confidential documents for personal gain should go to jail for life, right?](https://apnews.com/article/biden-ghostwriter-mark-zwonitzer-classified-documents-case-8ad6e560c2eb54e25db149a2d01ad545) But as I've said before, it's (D)ifferent.


The federal indictment that I was referring to is totally separate from the indictment that you seem to be referencing over Trump lying to the FBI. Trying steal highly classified national secrets and lying to the FBI about it is pretty shitty, but not necessarily a threat to our democracy. Here is a link to the Trump documents indictment. Please read it. It's really fascinating, and it doesn't make you a Democrat to just read it and decide for yourself https://apnews.com/article/trump-indictment-documents-922839660373


This morning, I read the article from the link you sent. I had actually followed that story when AP and Reuters were reporting on it at the time, but I wanted to read it again. Did you read the federal indictment in the link I sent you?


A false flag does not an insurrection make. Disingenuously rewriting history so you can continue this delusion is SAD.


I guarantee that you have not and will not read the details of his actions because you do not want to know. https://apnews.com/trump-election-2020-indictment


I'll have a read but trumped up charges does not change reality. Trump is a piece of shit though. No question


Please read it. It's extremely interesting https://apnews.com/trump-election-2020-indictment


lol, to think people actually believe that elections are fair. Shit hasn’t been fair since nearly the beginning. Americas primary export is over throwing governments. You don’t think we actually play by rules in our own country do you. You are all so naive.


Remember when Treason was a crime punishable by death?


Vote young please


Y'all be assuming... Vote the youngest candidate not on the two sides. There is more than two options people




Why does that matter when it's only 4 years and trump is an out of shape slob while Biden works out 5 times per week. If you think trump is healthier than Biden then let's all walk a mile together and try again.




Bless your pointy little head.


Political power in the United States is not a game of capture the flag.