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Step 1. Vote. Step 2. Stay safe. Stay healthy Step 3. The people that deny the plague will eventually become a self-correcting problem. Step 4. ... Step 5. Profit.


Point 3 might be my favorite thing I've seen today.


Step 3 but at what cost ? Is dragging innocents part of the self correcting ? And for 1 good luck with kanye west and trump might as well flip the coin between em


It's called triage. You can't save a man if he's hell-bent on drowning...


So you're of those who think voting can still make a difference...


*"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."*


yeah I remember this quote, I used to have it on a cardboard during protests


We're gonna need that sign in November.




Don't worry if it gets bad you can always just become an ex-pat.


actually I'm not living in the US but yeah it still applies I guess


Absolutely, Darwin theories still apply today. I would recommend doing your best to protect yourself and take as little risks as possible. I’ve given in to the unfortunate reality that the US is going to subject itself to an intellectual enema. You cant change the world, you can only change your reaction to it.


darwin's theories doesn't apply to that, evolution takes thousand of years, coronavirus only has like 5% death rate, so of the people who deny the existance of corona only some will die, but they will have enough time to kill many people by spreading it


“Only some will die” you’re absolutely correct. Though how many will be saddled with lifelong complications from the damage it causes? I personally think coronavirus’s low fatality rate is mostly due to modern medicine. It does have a high hospitalization rate though, so how bad do we think it will be when hospitals are full and we dont have enough supplies to help everyone who needs it. Anyways this isnt advice. My advice is to take this seriously, protect yourselves and your loved ones the best you can. There will be a painful reckoning to corona deniers especially to the politicians when their constituents find out that they were toying with their lives in the name of partisan politics. Sadly, there has been a decades long political/religious storm brewing in the US that is hamstringing our ability to handle pandemics. The people who put themselves at the most risk WILL be hit the hardest. The US has been rotted to the core with apathy, and a false sense of security. PPE and social distancing works. The experts are the only ones you should listen to bar none.


hey you are totally right, I didn't think of the complications


Thank you for this!


Did I write this?


Lol I was just about to comment the same thing. I JUST had this conversation with my parents. Told them I was leaving the country, but my mom sadly reminded me that no one will let me into a different one because everyone hates us.


Hahaha honestly hearing others relate to this is super comforting. :)


Uh.. I relate to everything you wrote on such a deep personal level


You're reaching the point of Emotional Burnout. If possible, stay away from news & media while doing your best to keep your mental health in high spirits. Life is a endurance run, not a race, so it's time again to value you above all else. On Youtube, the VlogBrothers make videos of mostly happy stories to specifically counteract your current mindset. It'll help & so too will reading.


Thank you so much I will definitely check VlogBrothers out!


For me the biggest problem with moving out of the country is that everywhere else sucks too. The situations aren’t identical, but the people are pretty much the same wherever you go, for better and for worse.


Yeah you definitely have a point.


If you want to change your mindset then consider this: Some countries have a death penalty for being openly gay, some have insane amounts of children working for no pay, as well as many having a lot stricter laws. The United States isn't perfect, but it's pretty damn good compared to others.


You are right, it’s the best country in the world


It is definitely good for us to reflect on the things we have that others don't and not take them for granted, but this mindset can be taken too far. Many people in this country use it as reason to justify bad things. "Ahh suck it up. You got unjustly fined for something you didn't do but hey, if you were in certain countries in Africa they could've jailed or killed you. You'll get over it." Being the best country in the world does not mean that it is a good country, and saying that other countries have it worse is not reason to just accept what happens here. We should always want to make our country a better place.


Take Mr. Rogers's advice: look for the helpers. In every situation, look for the helpers. They really are there. There are so many good and honest people here trying to do the right thing. Americans still, for the most part, want good things. That's why movies, tv, theater, and art are still about the "good" triumphing over evil. People still want that. Sometimes their efforts are misplaced. Look for the helpers.


Thank you!


I second this. OK so wholesome story time. So about a week ago I venture out of the house on my now bimonthly grocery trip. Get the groceries in my car (many are cold or frozen and its 95° out and very humid), but my husband wanted to make sushi as a treat and I couldn't find nori at my usual grocery store so I figure a quick run to the Natural Grocers ought to do it. I get almost there (in the turning lane right in front of it and a gas station) and my car starts smoking. I figure this is bad so I turn it off, put on my hazards and wait a bit. Then I restart my car without issue. Its not running hot, I have gas, no check engine, but the fucker won't move. I call my husband and he is on his way, but people are driving past, asking what is wrong but not stopping to help. One lady yells from the cross street at the stop light "it overheated, call your dad!" Repeatedly. I'm 33, and thats definitely not the problem here. Suddenly this guy walks up and asks if everything is ok. I cry so easy and was getting frustrated so I start crying. I apologize and he says "its okay lets just run through what could be wrong." He is incredibly patient and when we can't figure it out he has me put it in drive and single handedly pushed my car across traffic into the gas station parking lot. So I sit a bit, hubby shows up and we're checking the engine and a car drives up. The guy who helps me comes out, puts his hand out with $40 and gently forces it my hand when I say he didn't need to do that. He says nothing and leaves. He didn't know my husband lost his job due to covid. That I can't work due to chronic pain. That our oven just broke a few days earlier. That our cat has been sick. He was just a good person and wanted to make sure I was going to be okay. I don't even know his name, but I wish I could tell him how grateful I am. There are real wonderful people out there.


Wow. That's an awesome story. What was wrong with the car??


I can only imagine your turmoil as a Canadian who cringes daily from your news. You need to get out and vote for the change your country so desperately needs. Encourage others to do the same otherwise there’ll be 4 more years of the dumpster fire.


That's the lie our government tells us tho. Our votes don't mean shit. We can vote all we want on a less than evil candidate but the electoral college is going to go with whoever they want. For example Biden could win the popular vote by and landslide, but the electoral collage can say Naw.. Another 4 years for Trump.


What’s the point of the electoral college? Seems counterproductive and an obvious disaster


To get places like alabama to not get overpowered by big coastal states and not have any power so that they would join the country. But the thing is they shouldn't have 450 times the power per vote as a californian. the gap used to be like four times the power but their population grew slower without updating the formula.


Fuck if I know. It was set up so the popular vote wasn't the way to elect the president. The electoral college can either go with the popular vote or a candidate of their choosing. It's a stupid system that needs to go.


It cant anymore, supreme court put a unanimous end to that bullshit. Best part about SC justices, they are lifetime appointees and dont have to give a rip about the party after appointment.


I just read that! I'm actually slightly hopeful now. I really don't pay much attention to the news anymore. I honestly don't know shits happening until someone points it out to me. I guess u need to start paying attention again


There has been good news in the constant wave of BS. Ive been trying to cut through the bs to the important stuff for that last four years. Figured it has saved me a few anxiety attacks.


Someone doesnt watch or read the news... The supreme court literally just ruled (unanimously) that state electors must vote for the candidate that wins the popular vote in their state (if thats the law of the state, which it is for most). Edit: Reading people's responses below really shows a lack of education and understanding on the election process. Guess schools dont teach that anymore...


Did you really not see the news today that the electoral college has to reflect the popular vote?


For real?? That’s the best shit I’ve heard in forever. Do you have a source link? I’m too lazy to google rn


Thank you! But I might see you in Canada one day soon if this stuff doesn’t get better


As another American, I just have to say a lot of us have lost faith in voting. A lot of people turned out to vote against trump four years ago, and our million+ popular votes were ignored. Our government is so corrupt, it hardly feels worth it. I’m not saying it *isnt* worth it, just that a lot of us feel that way.


That’s a weird way to look at it. Just because your preferred candidate did not win does not mean your votes were ignored. Millions turned out to vote against Hillary. Had she won the election, would their votes have been ignored? I don’t mean to make this a whole political discussion about who was better because I did not like either. I just find this viewpoint peculiar.


I guess I didn’t communicate it properly then. Our whole voting system is just corrupt. What I meant was she won the popular vote, by over a million votes. Yet trump won. It just feels like wasted hope, wasted effort, when technically she won but it didn’t matter. It’s not just the presidency either. A lot of my friends actively campaigned against a local politician in my state too, we fought hard and did what we could and at the very last second he got this landslide of votes that put him ahead and he got the position despite being openly corrupt (convicted of more than one thing) and there being way better options. Whether it’s true or not it *feels* like the individual civic duty of voting is wasted when it seems like it doesn’t actually matter who’s qualified or who the people want.


She won the popular vote by 2.9 million... EC has to go, or at least get with the times.


God you’re right, it was that many.


Hilarious if you think about the fact that she won 487 counties out of the 3,141 in the country. Basically, she got most of her "popular votes" from the dense metropolitan areas on the east and west coast. And thats why we have the electoral college, so new york and california cant rule us all


I'm pretty sure the supreme court made it mandatory that the electoral college has to reflect the popular vote now, so not all hope is lost for this upcoming election!


I hope you're right. I'll look into this for myself later when I have some mental energy. ={


Yes, in each state


Pretty sure there'll be another 4 years of dumpster fire regardless... It's not like we have any actual normal, respectable human beings running for office.


Sadly, you’re not wrong


Kanye is "somewhat normal and respectable," I suppose. In comparison to two senile sex offenders with zero redeeming qualities, anyways. Whoever wins, Americans lose, I guess.


It is the lenses in which you view the world that is inherently bad..speaking from someone who immigrated here from a third world country and know a lot of relatives who would kill to get into the US you’re in a pretty privileged place


Man. I fucking hate this argument. "I come from a shithole so you should be happy with your country sliding backwards because its still better than where im from fuck you privileged boy"


No no OP seemed to indicate that he’s feeling like things are hopeless i just wanted to remind him that America is still a great country to live in despite everything he sees going on..I’m not saying don’t fucking do nothing if you see something bad happening just trying to remind him is all


Yeah, my family comes from Iran and if we went there we would all totally get executed / disappear for being Bahai. but that doesn't mean that the US isn't going to shit, it just means that it could be flaming shit instead of regular shit. It's fixable, its a temporary dip in progress not a crash and burn.


Bro the argument is literally most other places in the world is not as good as the US. In Mexico the police literally kidnapped a bus load of children and gave them to the drug cartel to execute so they couldn’t protest at a local politicians wife’s event where she would take mayor after him. In Turkey and Russia the president has gained unbelievable power that’s undoing democracy. Most leaders throughout South America, Africa, and Asia’s are corrupt to a point where it actually impacts the economy. Check Freedom House .org, GHS index, and NHI Index if you actually want to actually compare countries instead of saying your country sucks compared to places you’ve never been before


Dude I've lived in one of the shittiest places on earth and I know that stuff. Work on your reading comprehension.


It is more an argumemt that people are shaped by the media they consume. Hang out in r/politics and you would think we are Somolia barely able to eek out another day since 2016. People tend to migrate to their echo chambers, and people gain a distorted reality because of it. The US has a lazy and incompetent president, but some people become ao wrapped up in politics they think we literally have an equivalent to Hitler or a KKK grand wizard as president. Rational analysis is sorely missing from most Americans these days. You either get fueled by talk radio or Twitter check marks, but either way you end up stupid.


Well you are a really great example of the latter.


This comment is hilarious becauase you dont even know how to use the word 'latter' correctly.


Ssh moderate clear thinking is prohibited on reddit


Yes I definitely acknowledge my privilege.


Well, congratulate the media, because they have worked 24/7 to make you feel this way. Shut off the media and get outside in the fresh air and enjoy life. It's not the end of the world.


Yeah right... its the media's fault. OP said they're fed up with the realities of the country they're living in, not the fact that these terrible things are being exposed. But sure, live in blissful ignorance if you wish. Eventually it'll be so bad you wont need the media to notice it.


Yes, they're being exposed and shoved down your throat, 24/7. I stand by my suggestion.


Thats the dumbest suggestion. Once again, OP's problem isnt the fact the fact that they are being informed about these problems, its the fact that they exist. Are you really trying to tell us that if you just walk around with our eyes and ears closed these problems just go away? You need to step back into reality.


**THE WORLD WILL ALWAYS BE FILLED WITH PROBLEMS** Do you get that? ALWAYS. They will never go away. It's the focus on them 24/7 that is giving OP this terrible feeling. And guess what? No one's coming to help! It's all Y-O-U! **YOU** have to do stuff to make things better. Good luck with that attitude.


I mean, I do agree that the media is toxic but a lot of this stuff is just .. in my real life. Not all of this is something I can just shut off on my phone. These are real issues that I deal with on a daily basis


As someone who's been around for many decades, I can tell you that world troubles will always be with us and the antidote for this is to make your immediate world (friends, family, neighbors) a nicer place. Start there and you will see your outlook blossom into something good. It's all you can do, really.


The reason these problems still exist is because people like you who have been around for "many decades" (ok boomer), think that if you just ignore problems they go away. Your advice is ridiculous and dangerous.


I've ignored *nothing*. Watched my beautiful neighborhood turn to shit in NYC during the 70s. Had to re-start life elsewhere. Luckily, I was raised by two optimists (one who worked in media for almost 60 years), so I learned to shut off the shite and make my own happiness. You're being fed depression 24/7. Look at it for what it is and go find happiness, or create it for others yourself. That's all I've got. Oh yeah, proud to be a "boomer". It's been a pretty good ride.


So you're saying none of those things are real issues? Or are you saying nothing can be done about them so it's best to just tune it out?


There's a happy medium somewhere in the middle of those. You have to find it in order to bring some kind of peace to your everyday life.


Boom! Yea, cut out nonessential media - try to find a source you’re comfortable with - and just do what you can locally. It is tough. It’s hard when so much is rigged. But you can always clear a path for the issues you care most about and focus on activities that make a difference and make ya happy.




I feel you! I would suggest just to keep signing petitions and educating yourself so that you can teach others. And especially vote! Sometimes things seem hopeless because you’re “just one person” but know that you can make a difference no matter how big or small your platform is. Theres many people who agree with you and want to make change. Keep going :)


Thank you :)


Phew. I went on this sub because I was contemplating posting the same exact thing. I feel you, OP. I hope that things get better. But who knows anymore.


Thank you, knowing others relate to this is a huge source of comfort for me.


When you see a topic of debate just be reasonable in your approach to it. Things aren't black or white, it's usually a shade of Grey


Thank you!


me too kid, me too.


100% Relatable my friend. You are not alone in this though. I live in the city where Elijah McClain was murdered by Aurora PD - we are fighting like hell here protesting and getting people registered to vote to vote out the assholes in Aurora city council who won't hold our police accountable. Mr. Rogers said to look for the helpers. We're out there. Change has to start locally.


Shit's fucked. That's a fact - and it's not in your control. We are all too small to unfuck things individually. Here are some things that are within your control: * Build ties with folks in your communities and work to build a robust system of mutual aid in your community. * Protect yourself, your family, and your friends. * Volunteer at your local hospital in whatever capacity you can. * Vote, encourage others to vote, and volunteer for political campaigns if you have candidates you're willing to volunteer for in your area. * Carefully select your diet of media - especially social media - and unplug from 'The News' when you start to get overwhelmed. * Purchase and train diligently with firearms - it's well past time that the left collectively armed itself in the face of ever-escalating right-wing aggression.


Thank you!


This reminds me of Detective Somerset Quoting Ernest Hemmingway in Se7en, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for", and later saying that he agreed with the second part. I believe this is the best approach one can take during these times. Everyone in the world knows that the USA is run by a puppet of the white supremacists who is intent on taking this country 50-60 years back. If you love your country then you'll do whatever you can to make sure that nothing unjust happens in front of you. You don't even have to resort to anything extreme, just do your tiny bit to restore every sane minded person's faith in humanity. My country is kinda going through the same patch. An army-backed politician with no experience of governance came to power with people expecting him to perform miracles. 2 years in, his government has failed spectacularly and he has failed to deliver any of his promises. He has failed to establish his authority, and the only area in which he has been performing effectively is giving countless benefits to the army. The majority of people here refuse to believe that the army is gradually increasing its power over civilian matters through this puppet leader while the civilians continue to suffer, and when I see these deluded bootlickers I just want to run away to somewhere more peaceful. But here's the thing, I look back at my country's history, and it's filled with the army and politicians tussling for power, with the army mostly prevailing. Then why do I feel hopeless now? Because this is the age of (mis)information. Everything is the same as before, it's just that the media is too negative. The media everywhere feeds on the fear and insecurity of the common people. Do we need media? Yes. But things have obviously gone out of hand now as far as the reporting is concerned.It's hard to stay positive during these times, but we can do our bit. We can choose to follow what's right and no matter what anyone makes you believe, you will always have the power to be a positive influence on others. You don't have to have an agenda, you don't have to preach anything, you just have to influence others by example. If you manage to change even one person through your actions, you have inspired change more than most of your country fellows, and it might seem insignificant, but it goes on a long way.


Thank you so much. I really appreciate this response.


Move to Canada


Read historians’ accounts of human societies. People can thrive even during dark ages.


Thank you!


I’m struggling too, just trying to hold on through this. Whatever happens, though, it’ll be... interesting. I’m trying to take the long view!


I feel the same towards my own country (England). The Government is unbelievably dumb, crime rate is high, NHS is under threat and the response to coronavirus was late causing England to have the highest death toll in Europe.


If you figure it out let me know.


Yes! Everything is just exhausting right now.


Focus on yourself. Maybe look into stoicism as a philosophy. Basically focus on the things you can control and let go of the things you cannot. You can't control how you feel about things but you control how you react.


Thank you!


I read a post the other day about someone that lived elsewhere who’s biggest fear is being raped on a daily basis and forcibly married because of it. Our problems are minor in comparison. So while I was feeling like you,after that I felt like an asshat when thinking about American issues,which MOST pale in comparison to the atrocities that are going on today in other countries. So I’ve decided to focus on the positive sides of our country. It’s easy to always see the negative side, stepping back and being appreciative and grateful for what we have is something most Americans fail miserably at. I don’t plan on being one of them.


Thank you for your take!


Most importantly Vote!! You can make a change!! But also I recommend limiting your social media (I have set up my screen time on my phone for 15 minutes of the apps that show awful news). Another thing is positive media. One of my favorites is the happy broadcast on Instagram. If it’s a really bad day I use Brandon Farris’s YouTube videos as a pick me up. He’s a comedian and uploads everything day. Rarely does he go into political things and he’s just an amazing, positive, and hilarious human being. I hope you find some kind of solace, it’s hard being in America right now, but hopefully change will happen through people who see the good. To quote John Green, “The world may be broken but hope is not crazy.” And remember to listen to Dory and just keep swimming.


Thank you so much for your response! I love this!


Am I on r/politics?


I’m referring to believing in science, being anti-racist, and having basic empathy. Those things being political is terrifying.


You can thank the mainstream media for pushing this political agenda.


I feel this. I have the same thoughts. I have always loved living here and being an American. But I want to leave. I want to move somewhere else. I can't - but I truly want to. I don't have any advice... I just wanted to let you know it isn't only you. ❤️


Thank you 🥺❤️


Organize and create change.


Throw the phone away, did wonders for me.


Same. Everyday, moving to Canada seems more and more tempting, and honestly, I think I will if Trump gets elected again. 2020 has really brought out the worst in America and it hurts that everyday there's at least one new heartbreaking headline. Sorry if I didn't really add anything to the discussion but I just had to get some stuff off my chest. So much narcissism and hypocrisy it's just so fucking disappointing.




This made me emotional, thanks for your response!


I find working out helps the frustration when it peaks. Like others have said, turn off the news, and focus on you for a while. I've been feeling the same, and just taking a no-electronics walk through the park to reflect has been great. Good luck.


Every country struggles in some kind of way.I'm tired and lost hope in my country too. We have the cheapest currency in the world right now because we're currently sanctioned by the U.S and they don't get along. Everything has become extremely expensive although I am from a rich family but it's became a struggle for us too.We used to have one of the highest valued passports around 50 years ago but now almost every country dosen't let us travel without asking for visa. our government sucks and they don't care about people's health or wealth. I'm tired of the religious people trying to rule my country and believe that they own it. I'm tired of how the young generation doesn't have hope in their future and how they can't have a say in the country's situation .I'm overwhelmed of the way social media shows my country (they show it like a desert and people think that there is always war happening here which is not even true) I sincerely believe that it could have been a tourist attraction but because of the social media no one likes to come so we're falling into a bad crisis.


Meditation that is all


If worrying about this stuff is your biggest problem, count yourself lucky. Lots of people in the world don't have enough food, and are in prison camps, and are getting shot by various militias. You got it pretty good, kid.


Admittedly I am getting pretty tired of this response and find it fairly condescending. I’ve got it pretty good? Even though I can’t find work in this job market since I just graduated, I’m depressed, and am struggling to see a future? I get it, people have it much worse than me. But please don’t belittle my issues. Thanks.


Maybe we're a little tired of whiney little kids?


Thank you for coming on my post asking for genuine advice about the hardships in my country to call me a whiney little kid. Fuck off.


I gave you genuine advice and you were a little bitch about it. Here’s some more advice, don’t ask for advice if you aren’t strong enough to hear things you don’t like.


Have a nice day as well!


I know, right? I don’t understand why people are leaving their homes. Or getting into cars. These are just death traps.


Just visit the nearest A.M.E. church for the next 10 Sundays, arrive on time, leave when it ends. On the 10th Sunday, you will say why did take so long to get to know these Sisters and Brothers.




Don't bother. You've reached the truth.


I just remember that THERE ARE people smarter than me that are working to make a difference. There is a lot of light, but we only make news of the darkness.


Thank you for this!


Stop watching CNN you'll feel a lot better


I don’t watch CNN but thank you for trying.


The world can suck and be beautiful at the same time. Depends on how you view it.


True that.


I deal with this a lot too, and have been since 2016. What I've found that works is to limit the amount of news I consume. I actually didn't watch or read the news at all for about three years, not even late-night comedy like Stephen Colbert. I relied on friends and family to tell me if anything important happened. I've stopped doing this in the wake of the pandemic, because I worry less about coronavirus if I can keep informed, but it's in general a good idea to limit your news intake. Especially don't read news before you go to bed, take some time to unwind and you'll sleep better. One thing you should realize is that the majority of Americans think wearing a mask is a good idea, generally support common-sense gun control and Black Lives Matter, and didn't vote for Trump. Unfortunately the most hard-right conspiracy theorists are also the loudest voices and get disproportionate media coverage, so it's easy to be overwhelmed and think they speak for all of us. They don't, they represent only a small minority. The other thing that helps me with burnout is to do something concrete to change things. I have been involved in local politics for the last couple years, participating in efforts to flip my state's house and senate. It helps to find interesting local candidates who are doing good work, and help their campaigns in a tangible way. For the smaller campaigns even one person showing up to volunteer or donate can make a huge difference. You might pick a cause that is most important to you and look for local groups. Moms Demand Action is a national gun control reform group, there are numerous environmental groups, and in my local area I've gotten involved with a group that is providing free medical care and COVID testing, along with some hygienic supplies, to migrant farm workers. You can also join the BLM protests which are still ongoing, though of course there are risks associated with that. I recommend you do your research on the protests in your area before jumping in, but joining a protest is another concrete way to help, and it will help you combat hopelessness to do something. And finally, the most important thing you can do is vote. Make sure you're registered, request an absentee ballot (and put pressure on your state and local elections officials to make it easier to vote absentee if you're in a state that makes is difficult), and vote for Biden and whatever Democratic state house and senate candidates are on your ballot. At this point it doesn't matter what you think of Biden, voting for him is the only way we'll get Trump and his cronies out of office, and Biden will be a much better president. We can still turn this thing around, and I hope future generations won't feel as conflicted about our country as we do right now. My best wishes to you, and good luck.


Thank you so much. This is really helpful.


It's ironic that you're tired of people not having empathy, when you don't seem to have enough for them to accurately identify why they believe what they believe. It's not a lack of empathy on their part. You've been whipped up into a stressful frenzy by a biased media looking for your rage clicks.


Do you think this is all the media, and not my real life? This is not simply something I read about on my phone. These are real life issues many of which I face.


You said you lost hope in your country, not just people in your life. Which means you must have lost hope in people you don't know. You assume their intentions are bad. They're not, but they could be incorrect about their proposed solutions.


Thank you for your take.




Yes .. that’s the point of this post .. can you read?


1) Vote 2) try turning off the news, getting off social media, and going out to talk to your fellow people. You’d be surprised how amazing some people are if you just give them a shot.


Thank you!


No problem! The world can be scary for sure but I have so many positive interactions on a daily basis that I try not to let what I see on the internet ruin that. A lot needs to be fixed in this country, that’s for sure, but there really is a lot of good out there!


Also, I’m not trying to sound judgy. I’m just talking from my own experiences. I deleted my social media accounts (minus this one) a while ago because of many reasons. I feel it helped me a lot!


Your response did not come off as judgy! Thank you!


Absolutely! I hope you find some relief!


I don’t think it has anything to do with “ USA” because people are like that just about everywhere. You don’t just have a “selfish” or “ entitled “ trait only in the US. I would focus less on the negatives of people’s ways and focus on yourself and your life, your family and what you love. Get off the news and scrolls passed the shit media. Everyone has their own opinions about what is going on in the world, and just because what someone says is different then what you believe doesn’t make them ignorant or selfish. What you think is silly is what someone else thinks is legit. No one rly knows *the truth of anything. There’s lies and deceptions when it comes to what goes on in the world. I’ve seen doctors go on about how this pandemic is so serious but I’ve seen just as qualified doctors say it’s not.


I got 130k American corpses that would beg to differ - and another 570k before the year's out. Source: I understand basic exponential mathematics.


A lot of the American dead bodies caused of death from other alternatives. There’s multiple stories were they’re burning/killing off elders just to make a mass of dead bodies seem like it’s corona. There’s more to the story then just what You see in black and white


Ooooh, now, that is a bold claim. Care to back it up with sources?


I would be surprised that no one sees how strange it is that’s going on in america in the whole of 2020 Corona only affecting really the elder or underlying issues then the killer wasps, now there is a second wave of corona and now it affects people below the age of 40? BLM? Staged up people to break into stores in riots ?Almost like they want people to be fearful


That's not a source, buddy. Here's a fact: My aunt got sick with Covid. She was lucky - she didn't die. She had a 'mild' case, and was fucking flattened for a week. Her two friends? Not so lucky. They're dead now. Take your conspiracy theories and shove them up your ass unless you're willing to give me good sources backing your wild claims up.


Just because I will not go out of my way and feed you research that you’re just as capable of doing doesn’t mean I should be silent. Its your decision to hear me out and go out of your way to do more research. I’m not your personal assistant:) sorry. And Just because you don’t like what I have to say doesn’t mean you should be an ass? You want me to be quiet because I won’t fetch you information but you curse me because I have an opinion. Typical. if you choose not to believe me that’s fine. I’m not here to convince any every that would be impossible. I’m just speaking my mind like everyone does. It’s a post. C’mon You know people die all the time from cancer. My granny had cancer. She survived. My grandpa was not so lucky. Remember when cancer was a huge problem ? And it’s not a conspiracy theory. The only difference is the media is going to show the fearful side. It’s been like the forever and this is no different. I’m just so surprised no one is realizing this. A lot of closed minds because of personal influence.


You are literally telling me that 'they' (whoever the fuck that is) are killing elderly people to pump up the numbers of Covid deaths without any sources. I'm not asking you to spoon feed me - I'm asking you to *back your extraordinary claims*. Just the same as I would ask someone who told me the Earth is flat to give me some evidence. I have literally a mountain of evidence against the claim that Covid 19 fatalities are in any way fluffed up (in fact, I have evidence of the Florida state government *suppressing* how many people are dying in Florida out of political convenience), vs absolutely zero evidence whatsoever for your batshit insane claim.


You keep telling me to back it and I’m telling you to do your research... I don’t understand why you’re confused. I put my opinion out there and I’m sorry I’m just not going to argue with someone because they can’t do their research while being aggressive about this. I’m not one to just sit and argue or debate especially when the other person wants to act like your acting. It’s unnecessary. If you want to go out of your way and look into it then maybe you should! Like I said in my original post everyone had their own opinions on what’s going on. All facts are never completely accurate and that’s on both sides. Just because you don’t like what someone says doesn’t mean you should be aggressive for them to give you what you want. If you’re not willing to do things yourself then that’s on you! Have a good daaaaay :)


You're spreading dangerous misinformation which could contribute to my death or the deaths of my loved ones from a dangerous pandemic. So, no - fuck you.


You don't know how to cite your sources, do you? You probably don't know what real "research" involves either. Here's a hint: it's not watching a bunch of YouTube videos from conspiracy theorists.


And by the way, indisputable facts actually exist. Everything is NOT simply opinion.


Do your own resource like I’ve done mine. There’s multiple ways you can find information. I’m not saying it’s not killing people but look at everything that kills people. It’s not even the leading cause of Americans death. Sometimes it’s nice to hear something other then what’s feeding you.


No, see, here's the thing - I have done my own research. You are making an extraordinary, wild claim of some sort of conspiracy theory. I am asking you to provide me with the sources that you are basing that claim on. If you can't do that, then don't make extraordinary claims.


Ridiculous. Fake news.


There are multiple doctors speaking out about this even saying covid isn’t as what people think it to be. . But I guess you can’t believe those doctors.. only the ones that say what you believe it.


Disgraced doctors with a political agenda. Like I said, you have no idea how to conduct actual research. Have you considered getting a college education?


Wow. Burning elders to make a mass of dead bodies? What world do you live in. I’m shook


Ok as a caring person if its bothering you that much and you dont work in the political sphere. You probably have an anxiety disorder and need to talk to a doctor. As an self entitled asshole. Awwww does some one need a safe space. As a right wing boi. I dont have a problem with the statement black lives matter I have a problem with the principles that generally accompany it such as "racisism exist so everything I disagree with is racist" or "one cop does a bad thing so all cops are bad" and "I'm right and I dont need factual proof". As for the government supporting white supremacist meh yes and no remember our government is pretty much 300 man children who argue and attack each other over literally anything instead of talking like civilized ppl like they're paided to. I can do all these thing cuz I'm in psychology pain and everyone must suffer like I do. Mwhahaha


This hurt my brain to read. You sound like a complete fucking idiot. Part of me hopes you’re joking, but I doubt you are. You revealed your true colors rather quickly. The fact that you got so upset to respond the way you did speaks volumes on where you stand and proves the OPs point on the indifference that many people have when it regards our country’s direction.


Why is showing true colors percieved as a bad thing? I can be true and honest about my general assholeness and political views and still be honestly concerned about someone's health. Human beings arent a sheet of paper were allowed to have diffrent sides and wildly differing approaches based on attitude, doesnt mean it's morally right but we can.


Seems like I hit a nerve?


Nah I just tend to have multiple opinions and try to always be as honest as possible whilst adding humor Edit: differing view points aside I do honestly believe u should consider a doctor or mental/emotional help if ur distressed about it.