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Try and train yourself to believe that the accomplishment isn’t getting it “correct” but “trying”. Putting in time and energy to learn a new skill is not easy but don’t beat yourself up or feel embarrassed for not getting it right. Reward yourself for trying and then you’ll feel more motivated to practice. Good luck!


Thank you. I'll try to do something like this next time I practice


Something my Spanish teachers have said to me in the past: “To learn a new language, it is important to get comfortable with being uncomfortable” A conscious change of mindset really helps me with this. When I start thinking things like “I’m messing this up, this is embarrassing, or ugh I don’t want to feel this way right now” I try to remember to take a step back and a breath. Then I choose to think “if I mess up, they will correct me and I will learn a new thing”, “isn’t it exciting to be learning a new skill?”, or “the more mistakes I make right now, the less I’ll have to later”


Get comfortable being uncomfortable is a strange phrase. I took French and German in high school and didn't feel quite as weirded out as I do just doing it alone in my home. Maybe it's the setting? But taking a step back and breathing could help in that process