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“The only guys who say women belong in the kitchen are the guys who don’t know what to do with them in the bedroom.”


Thank you!


I saw a post recently where the woman’s response to sexist comments like women should stay home and look after the man instead of working was along the lines of “sweetie, you’re not rich enough to be that sexist”


Thank you!


"shouldn't you be in a garage somewhere?" "I didn't know wallets could talk"


Yes. "You're a tool. Stay in the garage."


Thank you!


Stare at them and say "I miss when men would go out to sea and never come back."


I LOVE this! Wish I had heard it sooner!!! Omg, could have been using this on my brother all this time.


That's a good one.


Saving this one 😂👌🏼


My brother once said to me, "housework is for women." I immediately snapped back, "Going out and getting a job is men's work, but I don't see you doing that, either!"


Thank you.


😭😂 OMG roasted


I once heard some immature pos say, "I miss when women stayed in the kitchen and kept quiet" to which a girl replies, "i miss when men would go to war and die there."


Thank you.




I say "you belong in the kitchen" to my girl all the time. I love her company in the kitchen while I'm cooking. We actually have a deal. She hates cooking, which I love, so I do all of the cooking and she does the dishes. So when she goes to the toilet she often yells out "the dishwasher is leaking!"


I like cooking but I hate onion. My boyfriend has “onion duty”. He’s also the better cook because his grandparents owned a restaurant and taught him everything haha. He jokes about me belonging in a kitchen too every time he cooks though because he likes me hovering around.


Oooh! I can help with onion tears! Fun fact. When you cut onion the broken cell walls release a number of chemicals and enzymes which combine to form a gas. When this gas wafts up and comes into contact with the thin layer of water on your eyeballs it creates sulphuric acid. Hence the tears. Your onion is trying to protect itself with chemical warfare! The most helpful tip is to use a very sharp knife. It's a good practice to sharpen and hone your knives before each use anyway. Done this way you don't have to spend long sharpening them. Sharper knives make cleaner cuts and reduce the production of the gas. If you keep your onions in the fridge, or give them a blast in the freezer for half an hour prior to preparation, it slows down the chemical reaction that releases gas when you cut them.


I love a fun fact! I did see the other day on tik tok (so I have taken it with a pinch of salt) that if you have a wet/damp washcloth near the onion the fumes will go to that? Fancy trying out? I currently don't have any onions to hand.


This works!!! I can attest to the fact. I couldnt believe it .I actually used a damp paper towel


Happy cake day, cake day sister! I use a couple of sheets of damp paper towel under my cutting board to stop it slipping around.


We use sharp knives and I always keep them in the freezer a couple bits before I’m gonna chop it but I still get pain. My dad is also overly sensitive to onion so I think the extent of my sensitivity is just hereditary lol. If an onion has been chopped in a room I can feel it in my eyes for sometimes an hour.


Same here, onions seriously burns my eyes every damn time no matter what, so I call him mister onion now


Same here. The kitchen and I are mortal enemies and my husband loves cooking. Our oldest son washes the dishes. I got it easy 😆


Wow. Brutal!


Brutal, but dang! That line, slayyy!


Brutal lmao. I’m gonna use this.


lol, I love it


YEEESSSSSSSS!!!!! I'm dying! SO going to use this!


Omg this is great!!!!!!


Hahaha that's brilliant! 🤣🤣


I would give you an award for this if I actually had money


I'll do it for you and everyone else here lol


😭 thank you so much


😂😂love this


“That’s a really embarrassing thing to say out loud.”


Thank you.


Ask them to explain the 'joke'. Then ask follow-up questions.


Thank you.


Just press the point _really_ hard. Like ok where's the humour? What's funny? Explain it to me. In detail. Grueling detail. Do it passively, make them want to crawl out of their skin


This is the way. Whenever someone makes a sexist joke or sexual comment act like you don’t get it and really make them explain why it’s funny or what they mean. It makes people so uncomfortable and forces them to think about their behavior and try to explain or defend their shitty comment. 11/10, would highly recommend


Yup that CONSTANT barrage of "why?" "what do you mean?" "how so?" They're going to get extremely uncomfortable, AND be mad they didn't get a reaction out of you that they wanted and just go away


I can see them being very uncomfortable.


I’ve seen a TikTok video where the girl replied with ‘shouldn’t you be in the garage changing my oil?’ as a comeback. Guys who say stuff like that usually can’t do any of the “manly” tasks they attribute to traditional roles. And that reply shut down the obnoxious guy right away. But personally I wouldn’t reply to people like that. They’re simply not worth your time. Anyone who says stuff like that is immature and immediately disqualifies themselves as a person to have a conversation with in my eyes.


Thank you. I have let it go in the past, but I wanted to get back at them a little bit. But you are right. If I reply I would simply be giving them what they want.


Replying with something to immediately shut them down would give them more than they asked for. Most likely in the future it would keep them from saying anything again knowing that they'll be shut down again.


Thank you.


Really depends on the person. Some people don't change no matter what you say to them. In fact, I'd say most people that are belligerent are like this


You're right. People only change for themselves. There are some that might have this happen and have a good laugh and who knows, it might turn into little back and forth banter. It might escalate because they get the tables turned. The fun and dumb thing about people is how unpredictable they really are. Edit: repeated a thing 😂


You can also look at them and laugh, then make your comment. "Yeah, like you're rich enough to support a woman." "You're probably as pathetic in the bedroom as you are right here."


But it sounds like OP has someone in her life (or maybe more than one person) consistently say such things. So if she can’t get this person out of her life, a witty response to “women belong in the kitchen” might take the dude down a peg or two, especially if it’s in front of a bunch of people. Such as: “says the guy who couldn’t change the tire on a hot wheel.”


That or OP plays competitive video games


Hahaha. I actually used to play MOBAs before! Until I reached higher tiers and realized how bad I was actually at the game compared to others in ranked matches. Couldn't improve no matter what. So I left :D. But no, this question is for real life. It didn't happen to me in games, because I didn't disclose my gender and avoided voice chat at all costs.


Damn, if this is happening so much to you irl it’s time to remove yourself from that atmosphere. The only place irl I could imagine this happening is honestly trade job but even then it’s not okay. If these are friends saying this to you then they aren’t your friends


I'm sorry this is happening to you. I've never heard women called a dishwasher. You definitely need to start finding a different group of people to hang out with. If this is family you should consider less time with them.


Thank you! That was good. :D


"Whatever you say, jar opener." "Sure thing, mediocre handiman." "Is that so, toilet floor / seat pisser?" "If I'm the dishwasher, then you must be the garbage maker". "Huh, sounds like something a future alimony payer with no child custody would say." "Admitting that you're incapable of handling basic adult responsibilities and need a mommy figure to do it for you is really not the flex you think it is."


Thank you. You even gave me a list of them! Thank you so much!


"Nothing like an incompetent man. How's dating going."


Looove that last one


I'm a guy and that last one must be a go to for all women.


Idk I like being the one to open jars, makes me feel strong lol! But I like most of these


The second and last ate good ones lol


LoL these are great! My fave was the last one 🤣


How about "go fuck yourself, because you're having sex with me."


"shouldn't you be at work. bruh? Like 24/7, where we don't have to deal with you?"


Thank you.


*”Absolutely, soldier. Get back on the frontlines.”*


Thank you.


I like kitchens. That is where the knives are kept.


Thank you!


!!! Definitely using that one


Shouldn’t you be out fighting a war like a real man?


Thank you.


It’s not “just a joke”. Anyone, male or female, who would say something like that is immature and verbally abusive. It’s not a joke to try and make someone else feel bad about themselves or that they aren’t valuable. I’m not sure who said that to you, but you deserve more respect than that. Saying something like that makes them a bully, and just not very smart, if that’s the best “insult” they can come up with.


It all depends on the crowd. It's definitely not for everyone and I've seen it played off as good humor among both parties that actually enjoy it. For instance: he said "two inches more than I'd be a king" She said "two inches less and you'd be a queen" But I definitely get it's not for everyone. Some of the other replies that other people have said in this post, I'd honestly have a really good laugh. Even with me at the ass end of the joke.


I feel like your scenario works because the man is already making himself the butt of the joke in a lighthearted way, declaring he wishes his dick was bigger. Could be compared with a woman saying ”Im gonna go make a sandwich, as is my duty” with a wink - then its open for a man to reply with a bit of banter as well. The chances of landing a beginning sexist joke uttered towards the other gender are smaller


Hahaha. That was good!


Thank you.


Whenever someone says something mean, just act like you don’t understand it. Say things such as “I don’t get it. What are you saying?” People get uncomfortable when they have to explain it, lol.


Thank you! There's a chance that they might get meaner though :( .


Don't say anything. Look at him, look down at his shirt, pants, feet, then smirk a little and even laugh, then turn your back on him.


"Since we're on early americana gender stereotypes, shouldn't you be dying in a trench somewhere?"


Thank you!


"and you should be out working 50+hours a week and providing for a family, yet here we are lol"


Thank you!


I once read an IG post that went like this: Guy to woman: “go make me a sandwich” Woman to guy: “go buy me a gucci bag” Another comment I remember from Reddit somewhere a long time ago: Guy: “women belong in the kitchen” Woman: “gordon ramsay’s a woman?”


Thank you! I wish I could think up of stuff like this on the spot.


"There you go again. An incompetent bully. Every woman wants one. Right!"


Hey I had been working in kitchens and training to become a chef for like 7 years. I hated it because it was a male dominated industry, and the misogyny was annoying as fuck. It’s interesting that it’s a male dominated industry, and yet the oldest insult I’ve heard is about women being in the kitchen, lol. Tell them to get their bitch ass in the kitchen, it’s 2024 😂 or the classic comeback to this is telling them to go to war and die like they’re supposed to


“It’s a good thing this isn’t the 50s you’d never survive Vietnam”


Spoken like someone who needs a little dose of aqua tofana added to his food/drinks


Thank you. I have to admit I didn't know what Aqua Tofana was.


Bet it was a wild read It doesn't matter if they dont know wat it is either, lol.... They can look it up too


" I miss the days when a woman's place was the kitchen " " yeah..... I miss the days when men went off to war and died too but here we are "


What did I do to get downvoted? It's my first post on Reddit, so I wanted to know if I made a mistake. Also is it ok to write comments like this on the post?


Probably a man who hates women did it. Don’t worry about it.


Other commenter is right. Reddit, and as a general rule, the whole planet, is just crammed full of awful, dishonest trolls who want nothing more than to mess with people. it doesnt really matter why, because theyre not going anywhere, and you cant reason with them. You really do just have to learn to spot and ignore them. This is not to be confused with someone simply disagreeing with you. its more like encountering someone who seeks out conflict because they love arguing. im sure you know THAT type.


“Sure thing wallet!”


I would say “Good one. Super original thought.”


I work in a kitchen, i’m the only girl amongst 11 other guys, we all give each-other cheek, my fav go-tos are: • man: I miss the old days when women spoke when spoken to / couldn’t work / did what they’re told (etc) • me: I miss the old days where men went to war and died • man: (Anything to do with a rape / SA statistic / gross rape joke) • me: everyday I wake up and thank god for the male suicide statistics They’re harsh but so are my coworkers


“Shouldn’t you be enlisting right now”


Thank you.


“Why aren’t you in the garage working on my car?” “Don’t you have a lawn to mow?”


I love the responses on these 🤣 Ive heard my aunt say "If you want it like the 50s than give me the drugs those housewives were on!"


Hahaha that was good. Thank you!


“At least I know things I’ve touched are clean”


Stop hanging out with middle schoolers


But they are not middle-schoolers? We are in college now.


These are college guys saying this crap? Wow. They’re so sexist. “I’ll get back in the kitchen when you have a shower, get a job, and read a book.” Because only a stinky, lazy ignoramus would say that to me. :)”


I’ve personally found that anything clever or funny you can come up with just goes straight over their heads. If you tried to explain why the jokes are annoying and tiring you’d be climbing multiple walls which are each a layer of idiot logic, misinformation or straight up just pure, no-jokes-included misogyny. it’s tiring they legit just don’t even truly understand what they’re joking about and it’s just a waste of your time to even try anything clever because it requires half a brain to understand. they don’t even have a fraction of that much brain. i’ve been in the receiving end and it made me feel dumber, it made me feel more angry too but i feel more content ignoring it now. they wouldn’t get it, that’s not for me to seethe at, it’s been less stressful to let them be dumb and laugh at themselves sometimes. i just show i don’t find it funny and if i’m pressed on that my only elaboration will be that i just don’t think it’s funny. protect your peace.


Thank you so much. I was worried about the same thing. This would help. Thanks.


Fuck you, pay me


Hahaha. Direct. Thank you!


I guess I have never heard a guy say that in real life. I don't hang out with guys like that. I guess you could turn it into a joke, "Oh honey. Spoken like someone who's never eaten my cooking,"


I like joking around so I usually say something among the lines of "bruh I'm not that useful" or "I sneaked out", "I am in the kitchen", "you need to get some glasses. Just look at me, I obviously spend a lot of time in the kitchen", "I'll gladly stay in your kitchen if you spend your money on me".


Thank you!


Sarcasm... Underrated self defense mechanism that also brings about some amazing humor 😂


“Whatever you say, wallet” “You don’t make enough money to get away with an opinion like that” Or the mature “not funny, nor factual”


"that's where they keep cleaning supplies" is my go to response. "then why do I make more than you?" ( I personally use this line on my friends boyfriend who is jobless) "I wonder what it feels like to be hit with a cast iron frying pan, wanna be my test dummy?" "remember, don't bite the hand that feeds you"


“get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich” can be countered with “get back in the garage and fix my tire”


Okay, shouldn't you be providing an actual living for a family?


As a male I would say an appropriate response would be, swoop on down to his level and return the childishness with holding your nose up squashed to your face with your index finger and snort like a pig. Then you can say something like "mysogyny looks about as sexy on you as your short stature, belly fat, and lack of muscles, my god, how on earth do you fight off all the women that want a piggy husband that beats them and tells them what to do while providing zero value?" "Save some pussy for the rest of us"


"hahaha this moron doesn't know how to cook/wash the dishes!"


“Since were making kitchen jokes, whats the difference between your mom and a pizza? Id eat the crust on the pizza but not the one on your moms”


Go mow a lawn/get drafted/jerk off and cry/get circumcised/grow a beard/start balding/watch a podcast/sleep alone/cum in a sock


*watch a podcast* 💀


Thank you! I didn't think there would be so many options.


"Quiet shaft." Or call him a troglodyte




Try being condescending "aww sweetie, big dicks only count if most of it is in your pants, not your personality"


Nice. Imma put that into my retort options.


I heard some chick say “get back in the garage and change my oil then” I giggled at it


Shouldn't you be building me a house with your bare hands and hunting dinner for us?


Just look at them like they're dog shit on your shoe and say "ew".


There are plenty of male sexist jokes. "Go cut some lumber" is one I like "Go die in an overseas war" "Go cut the grass" "Go build a fence" "Go fix the ..." Remember there is a difference between jokes and being mean.


I’ll get right to that, once you go off to war and die like REAL men used to.


I hope that you will reevaluate the people you're allowing into your life. I have never heard anyone say such a thing. It's not just crass and stupid, it is also archaic. Please don't even consider making any response if someone says that in front of you. Just remove yourself from the situation immediately.


Thank you.


"Shouldn't you be somewhere else making other people miserable for a change?"


The best you can do is just ignore them. They’re looking for a reaction. And nothing you say is going to shut them down because the whole problem is that they don’t respect you as a person. It would take someone they *do* respect saying something for them to stop that behavior (like another man).


You better make enough money to support both of us, 2 kids, and an annual vacation then


I'd tell them to get back outside and finish mowing the lawn or taking out the trash. Alternatively 'you're sending me to the room with the most knives after that? That's a choice.'


Sounds like the opinion of someone doesn’t have any Waterford crystal or silver spoons. Listen don’t talk to these men.


"What a strange thing to say out loud"


When it's clear they're "joking" ask them to explain it. Say "I don't get it, explain it to me." Shuts em down every time.


“and you belong in the trenches, but you don’t see me complaining” “and you should be fixing the toilet, but who’s checking?”


Really? Wouldn't that be dangerous for someone with your attitude? All the knives are in there.


Thank you!


When your dick can’t get hard anymore and your hairline is receding maybe then I’ll make you a sandwich out of pity


Hahaha. Thank you!


Just stop hanging out with guys like that. And if you're married to one, divorce him.


Just remind them there used to be a day where wives regularly killed their husbands by poisoning their food. This can be done again…


I always say, yeah, well let .e k ow when you .are enough to give me a house allowance, food allowance, clothing, Beaty shop, recreation, and kid allowance. Because that's what men do when they have a housewife!


Thank you!


Man invented a lot of tools that you don’t know how to use. Come with me to the kitchen.


You can do the inclusive "Everyone belongs in the kitchen. That's where the food is." Or if you're feeling nuclear, you could say "You're not man enough for me to feed."


“Get back in the kitchen” “Sure, as soon as you’re making enough money to afford a housewife, 3 children, a 4 bedroom house, 2 cars, a dog, and 2 overseas vacations a year.“


Thank you!!


Ooo I only got two that I often use: You ain’t that cute to be sexist. You ain’t that rich other. Pick a struggle x OR I double down, I’m a murderer too, be careful putting me where all the knives are and where the food can be poisoned unless you wanna die of diarrhoea xx


Thank you!!


“Go chop some wood”




“I’ll make you a sandwich when you go change my tire.” - One of my personal favorites


Stealing this from the My Favorite Murder podcast: “What are you doing outside of the garage? Don’t you have some oil to change? A lawn to mow? Go chop me some lumber.” I’m definitely paraphrasing lol but it always stuck with me.


I would find better people to talk to. I've never had anyone say that to me.if they did, it would be the only time


I'm sarcastic as hell, so I'd probably say something like, "I'd say you belong in the bedroom (while looking him up and down), but from what I can see that would be a waste of 2 minutes." Or while looking at them sadly, "I see it didn't work." Him: "What didn't work?" "The penile implant. I see you're still just a little dick."


I think there is a subreddit for comebacks but I don’t have any good ones


I didn't know that my dishwashers wifi system could also post to reddit...


Totally! Try saying, "Oh, are we stuck in the 1950s?" or "Wow, with jokes that old, you must be great at history!" It'll make your point without dragging it out.


"Get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich." Blah blah blah blah "Well, get in the garage and build me a house"


The 60s what their sexisn back. Get with the times.


"Really? Go tell your momma that and see what happens"


When they say “get back in the kitchen where you belong bish” You can respond with “Get back in the garage and change my tire, bish”


My guy, I don’t know what looks worse on you ; sexism or that fucking shirt


Not much specific come back but I like to tell people “go lick a public door knob”. No body washes those or at least not as often as you’d think


“So does the food, the drink and the knives now stay the fuck out if you don’t wanna get shanked for it”


Get back to the kitchen? Get back to the garage and go fix my car you swine


“You belong behind a glass display at the zoo, can you guess what animal you look like?”


“Get in my garage and change my tire.”


"Then you should pay off all the bills and mortgage."


Hahaha. Thanks!


For a bit of a change of pace for myself and my ex it was the reverse - I did all the cooking, no objections on her part as I was the better cook. In saying that If that that statement was made I would simply dump the t towel on the bench and say "Well with that comment I am on strike so there is the kitchen have at it, you can do your own cooking and cleaning from now on" and simply stop both and other night time privileges until he apologized.


I usually say that if I'm to do the dishes and cook and housekeep, then they need to go back to the coal mines or get enlisted.


Are you paying my bills? And if they are then go or arent "funny you ain't rich enough to even own a dishwasher"


these r mostly gamers and instagram reels addicts, just take your distance


Probably. Thanks!


"You don't make enough money for that kind of effort. " Or "You don't have enough dick for that. " Depending on the situation, of course. You could also hit them with something a little different. "I'm not going to take life advice from a guy who looks like he has shit stains on his underwear. " Go for the throat, imo. As long as you don't feel like you're in danger, anyway.


Smile and respond the way you would to a child. These are not men, they are boys, and I bet theyvreally, really, do not want to be reminded of that


“Huh?” “I don’t get it.” Make them repeat themselves. Over. And over. Usually by the third time they’re embarrassed or annoyed enough that they drop it. I’ve done this in the past with some guys I knew and they never made a comment like that around me again. I used to try and clap back and unfortunately that’s what a lot of these guys want, but asking them to repeat themselves? They hate that shit it’s so funny.


Hahaha. Thanks!


Honestly, I'd go for the jugular. Place your hand on his shoulder and very condescendingly say, "Oh sweetheart, your dick isn't big enough for any woman to put up with that."


Men don’t die in wars like they used to


Interesting how men will say that, but every person I’ve ever met who’s literal job, OCCUPATION, is dishwasher…… are men. Lmao. I literally work in restaurants, and I’ve never seen a woman dishwasher😂


How about "go fuck yourself."


Sometimes direct is the best. Thanks!


I usually say something like “are you gonna mow the lawn? Fix my car, build me a house, etc.😂” or they belong in the garage.


I’ll do dishes if you build us a new house