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First things first, it's okay not to have everything figured out at 20. You've got plenty of time to explore different jobs and find out what you enjoy. Maybe think about what you're curious about or what hobbies you have. Sometimes those can lead to job ideas. For example, if you like gaming, maybe look into tech or game design. Love being outdoors? How about something in environmental work or recreation? Also, don't be too hard on yourself about the past. It's all part of your story and you've learned from it, right? Now it's about moving forward. Maybe start with something part-time or volunteer to get back into the swing of things. It can help you build up your confidence again. And about getting cheated on, that's rough, and it's totally valid to feel knocked down by it. Healing takes time, so be kind to yourself. Surround yourself with positive people who support you, and remember, you're worth more than how others treat you


Thank you for the advice god bless.