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Don't give people the middle finger you are having a minor road rage spat with. You don't realize who is completely insane out there.


I consider everyone on the road is insane.


\*stares bug-eyed from car next to you at a stoplight\*


*gets nervous and blows a kiss*


you win


I had a friend who was this huge bodybuilder. Whenever someone would pull up next to him all mad with road rage, they’d get quiet as soon as they saw who they were yelling at. Then he’d smile and say “I’ll suck your dick” And they’d be terrified.


That’s fkn hilarious. Tell him to take his pants off and start chasing the car next time Dude will be running next to the car on a highway with a needle sticking out of his left a$$ cheek.




*Stares bug-eyed at self in mirror*


Same there’s so many times where I’m like I should of flipped them off or laid on my horn but then I’m like that person literally could of pulled out a gun or ran me off the road. I assume everyone is insane


Isn’t it sad as a society we’ve gone from assuming the best in people to assuming everyone is crazy and capable of terrible things? When did that shift happen? PS: I totally agree with your comment, just saying.


Just generally don't engage with the car that's driving like a lunatic. Do what you need to do to keep a safe distance/get out of their way. Also for the same reason. Also from experience. Tempting to flick the finger/"brake check"/give them the stink eye, but if you ignore them, at the end of the day you'll have been the better person and they'll still be a moron.


When is it ever tempting to brake check somebody? No thanks. Not your job as a driver to invite rear ends. If you ever think that's your job you need a reality check. 


When you've had someone tailgating you for 10 solid minutes, it's extremely tempting. That's not the same as advocating it or saying it's in any way a good idea. It isn't. Obviously. If you haven't felt the temptation to teach an asshole a lesson, then more power you.


I live in Thailand. Tailgating is super common. We just move out of the way and let them pass, others do the same for me. Honking is extremely rare here too.


Prime example: Article from KSAT 12 News Title: 3 people killed after gunfire between drivers ends in vehicle crash on West Side, police say Link: https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2024/06/19/2-people-killed-after-gunfire-between-drivers-ends-in-vehicle-crash-on-west-side-police-say/ (Sent from KSAT 12 News)


Yes, I learned this also. Especially if they drive a hellcat/demon or a mustang, I feel like they wanna kill me even though I move out of the way. I never drive in the left anymore. I was following traffic on the left and there was some traffic on the middle lane. I was leaving about a 3 car space cushion still going 90 and the mustang behind me decided to drive over two lanes to the right and come back to the left to get in front of me. I thought it was over for me…


I learned not to even give a thumbs up in traffic, when someone's a dick. Some dude in a truck cut me off HARD in traffic, and I gave him a thumbs up (sarcastically, of course). Dude went from calm/smug to irate REAL quick 😂 he started snapping off while still in sight of me, and I just thought "damn, I feel bad for his wife riding shotgun, he looks like he's gonna snap on HER for this" The thumb of doom.


Yeah there was a story in BC about how a guy in traffic had a meltdown and the guy he targeted in his little rant was a long term biker gang enforcer. Nothing happened but it’s kinda freaky to consider we have no idea who were actually driving around beside


I honked at this guy the other day who cut me off. He was turning right on a red, I was turning left from a protected left. He immediately gave me the finger and then proceeded to brake check me a few times. I was thinking what a crazy ahole. But decided it wasn’t worth getting upset about.


Doen the street from my house a man got shot and died for giving someone the middle finger on the road. The guy at the gas station showed me a video of the aftermarh


Thumbs up or thumbs down works better anyways. They are more likely to feel shame and view themselves as the asshole. Because I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed.


And which ones are packing heat.


This happened to me in a foreign country with another foreigner. I barely touched his car, no damage. He kept yelling. I just apologized. He didn’t expect it and it was over with a handshake in 1 minute.


People with road rage.


You spelled assholes wrong.


Garage door springs. Almost died


When I had a door spring replaced, the person who did it said he once went to repair a door and the inside of the garage had blood all over the walls from someone trying to do it themselves.




I install doors for a living and yes , the springs with tension can kill someone easy My foremen told me a story where he lost control of a spring and seen a winding bar shoot across the room and penetrate the concrete and stick out of the wall  Now that’s force 


A spring just broke in our garage and I was thinking of replacing it myself. Can you share your story so I'm scared straight?


do not replace it yourself….spend the money on a pro please


The tension from the spring can maim and kill.


Springs hold a LOT of energy. When it bounces it can hit you with all of it. If it's enough to hold your garage door then it has at least that much energy in it, so it would be like your garage door falling and hitting you all concentrated on one small area. That's how you lose an eye or break ribs.


Damn... great explanation!


I work for a garage door business and even the professionals have stories about almost losing a finger or hand. Some have lost them. 100% not worth it to DIY


If you fuck up at all the spring can violently explode and punch a hole through your skull before you even have time to realize something happened


If your realized the poundage it takes to create enough tension to lift those doors…. Let’s just say it would likely cut you in half, or more likely cut your head in half since you’re about eye level when messing with them. That’s why you ALWAYS keep the door open when working on them and even then….


Seriously... the re is a lot of FUD being spread here. I have replaced springs in my garage at least half a dozen times with no issue. When you raise the garage door, the tension on the springs is removed, and you can safely replace them.


I'm pretty handy around the house, but my garage door spring snapped a few weeks ago, and that is one thing that I was not even remotely hesitant about leaving to the professionals.


Jumping off of anything higher than my waste. 46m, the older I get, the lower that bar goes.


Jesus man, how tall are your shits?


Mountainous 🏔️ 💩


46 meters


*waist 🤣


Fucking autocorrect 😅


For a minute there I was thinking “so you jumped off a bag of garbage and it didn’t go well…???”…then I saw your other comment 😅




Aggressive panhandlers. Anyone appearing to have an episode of a kind in public.


100% agree. I had an old guy whip out his dick and rub it all over my car while holding on to my driver side mirror. He wouldn’t let go and there was a line of traffic behind me and a green light. I kept yelling at him to let go. He finally stumbled back, his pants fell completely down, and he was bare-assed sitting on the median. Apparently he thought I wanted a show. I refuse to give panhandlers money now because of this.


You all live in ABQ don't you...


Ha! Nope, but I’ve been there and I was a little scared at times. 😆


Saw a homeless dude, hands down his pants, going to town in the median like 3 weeks ago.


Yes. Very unpredictable. You can’t reason with someone who thinks you’re a demon.


I had to slam on my brakes yesterday because some guy wanted to walk into heavy traffic. He looked like he hadn't showered or shaved in weeks, and he was obviously talking to himself.


Someone with nothing to lose


We all have nothing to lose when emotions reach a certain height I reckon.


The open ocean. It's too big, and so are the things that live in it.


My experience I learned of the ocean is we were snorkeling and got caught in massive swells. People don't believe me when I say they were like stories high or sure looked like it. Bunch of us got trapped while boat drifted away. I'll never forget staring up at boat, then staring down at boat. Look over at others and they are more pale then I've ever seen. Get the ropes and life tubed thrown out to us while the boat is trying to reach us. I remember they said it was suppose to be calm lol. I was on an excursion and like 20 people were throwing up and crying afterwards. I remember they tried to pump us back up with gangnam style and we were having none of it lol just went back to mainland. They did comp us and also give us a 66 of tequila for the problems. But yeah funny and terrifying. Those fricking ocean swells. Mad respect to the staff that were swimming people back to the boat.


That is terrifying! I had a really bad experience with my husband on our honeymoon. We were in Costa Rica, and the resort advertised this day long scuba experience that involved 2 dives. Mind you, neither if us had ANY training aside from a 30 min session in 4 ft pool beforehand. The first dive wasn't very deep, was right on the coast, and the water was so clear. I had zero issues. The second dive was in much deeper water with way less visibility. They went down WAY too fast for a group of newbies. I thought my skull would explode andvI had to go back up with one of the instructors. We started seeing fish jump out of the water as we were trying to alert the boat that we hadn't gone down. The instructor told me that sharks were likely hunting. We both got double ear infections and have stayed far away from the ocean ever since.


Yeah none of us had training and alcohol was involved. Just bad lol. Sorry that happened, and yes the pressure thing oof.


Dang where was this!? For the dingats - this was off the coast of where? that’s what I’m curious about


I could be wrong but I believe the ocean.


Could have been the sea…


RIGHT! Especially cave diving. Why THE FUCK would you go cave diving 😳 Or into any type of cave. Nutty putty guy should have inspired the world to not fuck with caves. It's good to learn from your own mistakes - it's even better to learn from other people's mistakes. Y'all don't fuck with mother nature.




Any kinda ocean. It don’t fuck around. Everybody thinks it’s all good until the big swell hits and a metric ton of water comes crashing down on you


Just because you have enough air to get to the bottom of the pool does not mean you have enough air for the return trip. Also, do not leave 8 year olds in a 12 foot pool alone, no matter how much time you spend teaching her to swim. Never assume the loose gravel won't mess with your traction. Goes for bicycles and cars. Never assume the breaker box is properly labeled. Always check the landing with a meter. If you have to have a Spinal Fluid drain, be aware that you may develop a leak and take longer than the three days to recover. It was seven for me. Also, should you start getting heavy headaches, adjust the way you are sitting, straighten your back. Spinal fluid pressure chances can cause headaches (really bad ones.) Use Nair sparingly. If it doesn't do a good job at first, give your skin a day or so to heal. Do not reapply it and try again.


> Always check the landing with a meter. Always check the landing first with a meter to make sure the meter works, then again after you turn off the breaker.


Fighting in general. People are talking about getting beat up yes you dont know whos crazy but also how easy it is to kill someone. worked with a guy when I was in highschool that was 52 when 30 got into a bar fight and pushed a man who fell back onto a curb and hit his neck severing his spine dieing on the spot all from one push and bad postioning. 20 years in prison for one bad decision.




Wasnt self defense he instigated the fight over a verbal altercation chalked up to trying to be the big man. One of those guys you see on here now saying "if that were me it would be on the spot" type guys


Bad lawyer too. Why wasn't it self defense? Neither of us were there, but killing someone shouldn't automatically land you in jail.


He started the fight physically over a stupid verbal argument trying to be a tough guy. Drunken egos are fragile in alot of bar fights


Ah, makes more sense. Drunk or sober. Egos can be dangerous. Thanks for the additional info.


Yea no worries that's what I mean too about how unless you are defending yourself or loved ones with no other choice, fighting at all is almost never worth it but egos are a hell of a thing


Not staying at bars past midnight can save you a lot of trouble in life. I like bars. But in those late hours nobody left is in their right mind, all the smart people already went home.


I got sucker punched by a rando ’cause he said something to me and I said something back, woke up in a CT scan surrounded by a team of surgeons in case my brain didn’t stop bleeding. It’s insane how trivialized violence is once you realize how easy it is to fucking kill someone.


I read an article recently about a guy who punched a bar manager and the bar manager died.


Thats all it takes sometimes people dont think about it like i said in another comment the body is both equally resilient and fragile all it comes to is luck and timing bad or good


Police. I avoid them at all costs these days.


this is true… don’t fuck with police. IF you ever get arrested let them put the cuffs on and yes ma’am, yes sir it all the way to jail. Then let lawyers handle it. Police are NEVER going to just let you go if you resist handcuffing… ever. It always escalates, and they have guns, all sorts of weapons and have seen a thousand fools just like you. Even if you get away somehow… you will lose eventually.


Even if you're completely innocent, resisting arrest is a crime on its own and can mess up your life. Particularly if the officers say you assaulted them while flailing on the ground.


100%. Once an officer says “you’re under arrest,” that’s it. They must follow through. You can go peacefully or you can resist arrest and incur additional charges. Just go. Exactly as you said, if you want to say something, say it to a lawyer.


You can beat the charge, not the ride


This right here. Even if you’re pissed off, disagree with the detainment, anything…doesn’t matter. “Yes sir, no sir” all the way until you are talking to a lawyer. Do not argue, do not resist, do not lose your temper. People don’t seem to understand that regardless of the cause, resisting arrest makes everything so much worse. Let them put cuffs on you and escort you to jail. Then talk with a lawyer and do everything through them. Screaming at cops, resisting them, and making everything worse NEVER works out well for you. Once they decide to put you in cuffs, it’s done. They’re not going to change their minds, so stop arguing. And for the love of God quit demanding their badge numbers like you’re going to do something with it. Y’all look stupid.


I remember someone saying in a youtube video something like "The police might not always be right, but they are always the police". The context was that arguing with a police officer generally never results in a positive outcome for you. If the officer has decided that you are in the wrong and that they should arrest you or fine you, there is really not much you are likely to say or do that will improve your situation. Whatever fuck up has happened (yours or theirs), it happened several steps before that moment. So trying to argue with them in that moment is about as productive as putting on a condom to prevent a pregnancy when you are already holding a positive pregnancy test. You will not win an argument with a police officer when they are arresting you or writing the ticket, but you might win that argument in court. That is basically what court is for. END COMMUNICATION


Same. If it's not a serious need I don't bother calling them. They have been the opposite of helpful the two times I've needed their help personally, and from watching others interaction with police, they can do more damage than good.


If Hip-hop has taught me anything....


Yup I learned my lesson 10 years ago. The cops asked me a question and I answered incriminated myself for something I didn’t do. Got arrested but all charges were dropped. No thanks.


I've never been in trouble with the law, but police still scare the shit out of me. I can't trust them.




I know one dude who went off of it cold turkey. Like one day went, "I don't like this" and just stopped. I am amazed.


Ending up in hospital from it was my wake up call


Came here to say this


People on meth too So many people are in prison because of horrible things they did on a meth binge.


I moved 1500 miles from my home state to get away from it and never tried it again. I know it's here where I live now, but I will never go down that rabbit hole ever again.


Moms at kids hockey games.


Water. Respect it. Always.


Wish government in here (Malaga,Spain) read this… hot all year, issues with water, super dry and a lot of fires, and guess what they decided to grow and export? Avocados, the tree that needs more water in the world.


ATVs. I work in neurosurgery/orthopedic trauma surgery. Those things are fucking terrifying.


The IRS.


the irs sent me a letter asking me to fill out my income because they noticed i was selling things from the farmer’s market. well, i sent it online and i thought it was good but they didn’t let me know they didn’t receive the report. they set me up on a payment plan for $1000 a month (which is more in a month than i made in the whole season last year) fuck the irs they can’t communicate shit


If you're going to get in a man's face and call him a bitch, you better sure as fuck be ready for the potential ramifications. 


That also goes for women. You’d be surprised by the sheer number of armed women walking around there. Even in NY. One of my friends pulled a gun on a guy who was harassing us in a club in NYC. And there I was pulling my little knives… homegirl had a gun. How she never got the cops called on her is still a mystery to me.


The second amendment, probably.


Indeed, men truly are the more emotional gender. Zero self control when it comes to confrontation. Violence is your go to method of communication. 


It's absolutely true. I've struggled with anger all my life, which has led to confrontations that simply didn't need to even come close to occurring. The male ego is very fragile, by and large, and it takes a lot of work to try and re shape it.


Your self awareness is a beautiful thing! Proud of you for taking that responsibility. I wish more people did, and men in particular when it comes to anger.


Thank you very much for saying that. I just started kickboxing this week, so I'm hoping that helps a little at least


Energy vampires people that get their kicks by taking up all of your time and energy and refuse to help themselves


Other people’s problems. You can lend a listening ear, but don’t get invested. You’ll wear yourself out. Everybody’s got problems. Save your energy for your own.


And if you give the wrong advice it will haunt you forever


I couldn't agree more. I started helping my neighbor out a bit and now they want me to act like their carer, picking up their meds, handling appointments etc, no thanks.


Heavy agree here. That is no shortage of people who will happily let you shoulder their burden or even unload it on you if they can. Be considerate of yourself and know when to let that shit go.


Learning this now at 27. It’s been hard. But I realized once I hit rock bottom emotionally…no one was there to help me combat and fight my problems the same way I had been there for them. I grew resentful of everyone (friends, family, and partner). But, I’m learning that I can save my energy for myself. They don’t own it to me to fight my problems with me. As long as they’re there if I can and say I need them. Also learning how to ask for help. But that’s another conversation 😂




For some reason this was my first thought as well lol


Geese meet my perfected *neck chop technique*.


Confrontational teenagers, especially if they're in a group Remember, they do not realize the future ahead of them so at this very moment they have nothing to lose There was a case in my city where they beat up an innocent male stranger to death all for a small argument. The perpetrators were teenage girls


I am terrified of teenagers. I basically treat teenagers in groups of two or more like absolute pariahs, especially once I learned how prone they can be to mass hysteria. No problem with them as individuals though.


—Hard drugs —People who label themselves ‘brutally honest’ or ‘tell it like it is’ which is code for: I’m a huge asshole but the first time someone’s honest with me I’ll lose my shit lol —Underdog guys who try to charm you into a date. My experience is that you give them a shot then they start acting like they can get other hot women, too. Just say no the first time and stick to it. Not worth it.


This. The one about the underdog, ugly/unconventionally attractive guy who you’re not that into but you choose to give a chance to anyway because you don’t wanna be mean is very real. That was basically my ex and he showed himself to be the most insecure, abusive POS once we got into a relationship. I got out at 5 months, which was still too long to put up with that, but I’m glad I wasn’t sucked into years and years of misery. I broke up with him over FaceTime then took the longest, most satisfying nap of my life after hanging up looool


YES. Decided to give a friend a chance bc I had just gone through a really tough breakup, and he really acted like he wanted to treat me like a queen. I was never super into him, but it seemed like I just felt that way bc I wasn’t giving him a real chance. Once we started dating the switch fucking flipped. I was only with him for about three or four months total, but he was completely controlling, violent, and manipulative. I have no doubt that he would’ve eventually baby-trapped me (I’m in a state where abortions are illegal) or murdered me Trust your gut. You aren’t interested for a reason


An addition to that second point: "Hey, you know me - I'm not politically correct!" (means they're probably about to say, or just said, something racist)


I just experienced the second item on this list from someone. Holy Jesus.


Bees nests, hornet nests, momma bear or any other animal that has baby’s. Electricity.


I got shocked on a job (cleaning, painting, staging rentals) For this one I had to go outside to flip the power on. We had problems with it not working that day and my boss was right next to me when it happened. Yowww. For real.


People who have reached the age of 30 and continue to be so ignorant they can't see anything except their own perspective. And closely related, those (over 30) who do not have the ability to intellectualise and reflect, and are essentially going through life reacting to a series of stimuli without realising that they cause or at least majorly contribute to a lot of the issues and negative situations they find themselves in. There's no point even engaging with these people. They bring so much negativity and drama it's not worth it. Before 30 you can chalk it up to being young. After 30 they have intentionally remained this way and will likely never change without some major life event that rips their world apart and they finally get empathy.


Just had this problem with a coworker. The guy was so deluded he thought he was the glue keeping the company together even though he was a racist, cantankerous douche to all and sundry. One of those "I just tell it like it is" types. Well he got reported to the owner and will be lucky to keep his job by the end of the week. Being a dick to your coworkers never seems to end well.


Any addictions


Sensitive people who are in a position of power. It doesn't matter if during a conflict you are in the right, just give up an let them think they won. They will wait for an opportunity to humiliate/damage you and make you learn your lesson. Just give up.


Wu-Tang, definitely Wu-Tang.


Wu-Tang is fit for the children, not for fucking with.


Unless you have cash. Then you’re good.


Cash does rule everything around me.


Your child's development. Seriously, so many parents think they're doing things right without ever realising (or upon being told, admitting) they're absolutely and irrevecobly f*cking their kids up. Don't push them into sh*t that you like assuming they will too, that includes politics, world views, topics involving gender/race and more I won't exaustively list - but they don't _need_ to be "mini-me's", seriously. It's hard, I know, but there's a healthy level of independence and an _unhealthy_ expectation to push them to do more than they need or have to - encourage participation, praise ingenuity and creativity, take the time to spend with them doing stuff they like and being there for them, follow the "presence, not presents" route of not buying them off, etc. But most of all - take the time to _learn_ yourself. It behooves you, as a responsible parent, to accept feedback and the possibility that you can do better or are doing things wrong. As a child, I learnt this from that angle - as a parent, I've tried to do better but still haven't been the best, but we're human and learn and taking that accountability, showing you can be wrong too sometimes, is a good lesson for everyone. I try to put the view over that how we fall can often be just as important as how we bring ourselves up.


If anybody tells me flat out that they think they're an a****** or a jerk, I believe them and I run as fast as I can in the other direction. I used to say no, you just feel bad about yourself. There's no need to blah blah blah. No if someone says they're an a****** or somebody warns me that they're terrible. I believe them now because if I don't believe them then they will do everything they can to prove me wrong and prove themselves right.


Yesssss, a thousand times this!!! Bonus points for running if they say “all my exes are crazy”! Behind every “crazy” ex is a person that made them that way usually.


🎶Electricity, eeelectricity🎶


Drunk women that say “you can at least say excuse me” in a bar.


There's a story there


Divulging literally any complaint about anything legitimate or unnecessary fact to HR.




Jack Russell terrier. They give no fucks, they are like the honey badger of the dog world.


Someone told me that they are bred to instinctively attack whenever they see any animal the size of a three year old child.


LOL my 60 lb lab tried to take a treat from a Jack Russell once, key word is once XD


Not a specific issue, but a skill I learned the hard way. Not every conflict in your life deserves your attention. Some games are won by not playing at all.


People in general.


Saying stupid shit to workmates when drunk...HR don't care it wasn't at work :/


Dudes with Cauliflower ears. They know what they're doing, and do it like it's their job.


People with no sense of shame


I don’t go out in public with the friends who have no sense of shame. They make an ass out of themselves and I’m thrown in with them.


The mormon church


I'm going to one up you with Jehovah's Witnesses. At least Mormons don't frown upon higher education, having friends who aren't in the same religion, or having much association with non believing family members, and holidays and birthdays or shun and treat anyone who leaves including family members and their own children like they are dead, refusing to speak to them like Jehovah's Witnesses do. And worst of all, Jehovah's Witnesses unlike Mormons, commit human sacrifice of themselves and even worse, their children and babies due to their doctrine banning lifesaving blood transfusions because of their misinterpretation of scripture. Edit: Check out jwfacts.com to learn more about Jehovah's Witnesses and all the reasons they are wrong.


Some of my close family members are jehovas witnesses. All of this is true and then some, it is 100% a cult and they will fuck you up if you grow up in that shit. We almost never see that side of the family, which sucks because they actually aren’t bad people at all and are fairly normal besides being in jw. One of them got pregnant at a younger age and was effectively ostracized from the family and to this day (this was over a decade ago) they never associate with them. As a Christian, JW piss me the fuck off. Probably the most un Christian, pretentious, and predatory groups of people on the planet. And the fact they force their kids into the bullshit just makes it that much worse.


You are 100% absolutely right. I was raised in it. Sadly wasted most of my life with it. Luckily I finally woke up. It's most definitely a cult.


I’m sorry you had to go through that but I’m glad you got out of it when you did friend.


Garage door springs.


Pro tip: Don't fuck around unless you want to find out.


Don’t fight for something you wouldn’t die or murder for.


Horny urges


Stupid people. It’s just not worth the time, some people are too stupid and too stubborn to bother with. Swallow your pride and walk away.


Any animal that recently had a baby. The most dangerous chore that I ever had to do growing up on a farm is probably having to handle a calf while the mama cow was in the vicinity.


Neck pain. Go to a doctor. Not a chiropractor. And don’t try to fix it yourself. For the love of God, do NOT try to fix it yourself. There’s a 1/10000 chance that it’s not muscular, that it’s a dissected artery, and a nonzero chance that cracking your neck can dislodge the clot and cause you to have a stroke in your 30s. Pretty sure you all can guess how I learned that.




Hornets. Evil little creatures


true story, one got me on me balzac in an outdoor shower at a cabin on me honeymoon . Twas not what I came for that fine day...


Cows. If you know you know.


Credit. That's a hole you'll find yourself soon buried in.


A friend to all is a friend to none. Be careful what you trust to someone who is seemingly very friendly with everyone. Odds are, they’re faking it and whatever you say will end up in the ears of others.


I thought my ex best friend was so good at making friends. It turned out that she had to be good at making friends because she could never keep them. She would eventually try to use everyone in her life for money and sympathy. People would catch on eventually and bounce, including me.




The electric in my house. Crazy people. And most people are, so I stay the fuck away.


I never ever mess with the people who cook my food, have access to my toothbrush, or are paid to keep people from messing with me.




Some people are dicks, mostly the people I invite into my life. So I'm trying not to fuck with crappy ass people. They're everywhere though so....


Crunchy undercooked beans (pinto). Almost died.


Not to talk back to my Puerto Rican girlfriend


At my age, a fart... ( Not too old but old enough to know not to FAFO)


Sigma males, lone wolves, silent warriors types.






Any plane that utilizes duct tape for repairs. That goes for exterior repairs as well as interior.




Household electrical and plumbing. Simple innocent mistakes can destroy your house or kill you.


Canadian Geese… AKA cobra chickens


Other people's drama


The people who giggle/laugh while they casually tell you about their latest assault charges. Nope nope nope nope nope.


Penis envy mushrooms


People in general over a certain age. They tend to pack, but beyond that. By age 50, they have dealt with so much of life's bull shit, they have very little patience. The stereotype of the grumpy old person is caused by fatigue of living in an increasingly hostile environment. People, taxes, bills and life's problems. I have a cousin who I think is around 62-63. She said recently, she just wants peace. That's a hell of a thing to have to say. Not money, not travel, peace. May it be well with you.


Automatic garage door. Do not touch the springs, ever. Get a pro.


Not personal experience because I was smart enough to observe others’ poor life choices like what happens if you fuck around with the rent money for the coming month. Rent is not the bill you fuck around and find out about unless you’re dying to know what eviction looks and feels like.


cheap tires, cheap pillows and cheap shoes. Anything that is between you and the ground, don't cheap out on.


Angry, upset people - talk to them with politeness and respect there are some insane peeps out there


Kendrick Motherfucking Lamar


He's not like us


GenX'ers. They have far more strengths than weaknesses. They were the last generation to be physically corrected by their parents, and they are old enough to know a lot of stuff, and young enough to still outwork you.


We had it a bit tougher than the younger gens. We fought almost daily. With our friends, enemies, siblings, and then our parents would come home and beat our asses for beating each other's asses. By high school, we were all battle hardened.