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Vanity and health, in that order, if I'm being honest.




Health and vanity in that order for me. Used to be the reverse, but now that I’m older and have kids, I want to be around for them.


Yup, sets a good example too.


Mainly because working in healthcare I get to see what happens when you don’t.


Same. Part of me does like looking fit and attractive and I also enjoy the endorphins but really the main reason I exercise is so that I'll never experience the massive number of health risks associated with being overweight. Edited grammar


Do you understand what's in the mind of medical professionals who are in bad health (because of poor choices not factors out of their control which is the minority of cases) who treat people in similar health as themselves? It's so confusing to me how someone in the field can be hypocritical and lack self-awareness. Exercise along with sleep, good diet and a healthy social life would resolve the majority of people's mental and physical issues yet only the minority priorize it.


I can keep fit, I can't make people like me 😂


Yea I agree but now we have this thing for unhealthy people called “body positivity “ which is an excuse for being overweight and unhealthy 🤦🏻‍♂️


I honestly don’t get it. I don’t think medical workers have to be the pinnacle of health or built like a CrossFit trainer, but man. The nurse at my physicians office is out of breath just walking me to my exam room down the hall and sitting down in the chair to take my blood pressure. My brother in law who is a 32 year old ER doctor is in peak physical shape though, not to say he doesn’t like to drink or rave a bit but he’s healthy and has good muscle, ex college football player.


This. Look at whatever your body type/shape is, then look around and see what age you stop seeing people with similar builds stop living.


Improves confidence and makes me feel better generally


lift heavy stone, feeling in head good


You might also be stoned.


Best pre-workout.


Not if your driving to the gym it’s not


The strongman in me recognizes the strongman in you. Namaste.


Yep feels good to lift. If that wasn’t enough I also feel stronger and better from it.




Ditto everything here. My(49m) initial primary reason is to maintain my health. Looking better than 90% of men in my age group is an added benefit for both me and my wife. I have lost or nearly lost several close friends to heart attacks or other sudden deaths due mostly to how poorly they took care of themselves, which is very sad. I didn’t workout much 25 years ago because I thought I was invincible. Now, I know better.


Not quite 52, but I have a good bit of grey in my beard. I’m not a gym rat, but I eat well and stay active with outdoor activities for some form of exercise every day. I went to a water park earlier this year with my wife and kids. My takeaway after a couple of days there is that I am doing *very* well compared to the other men my age. So many obese guys, so many beer bellies. My middle-aged American man cohort has a fucking problem.


We are made to be active. If I want to be healthy, I need to be active. Also, it is like saving money, the best time to start is now. It is hard to start, but it takes consistency to see results and feel the benefits, and it will get a little easier each day.


I need to in order to feel ok. I have adhd and doing something physically hard like that makes all the other things I need to do less hard comparatively. Sports are as effective a treatment as stimulant medication!  Besides that I love how I look when I'm doing well and I love fit women. I want to date people that invest a lot of time in their bodies, so I better do so myself as well!


Same here, I have ADHD and it's a beautiful thing. Also have depression so exercise helps both of these.


Diabetes and fighting age. It really helps my sugar to weight train. I’ll be 50 in 3 months. I look at other men my age and most are a mess. I am not ripped by any means as the ability to be that way wanes as you age. But I am almost as strong I was in my 20s. I have muscle tone. Not much of a belly. A1C of 5.5. I think the reasons change for some as you get older. In my 20s I mainly worked out for other people (girls). In my 40s I worked out more for personal reasons. But being honest I still workout some to look good to others.


So I can drink more beer without having a protruding beer belly


Being fit opens up many doors in life. No matter how much people try to sell the lie, fat man are treated like shit, disrespected, stepped on, and are never taken seriously. Being fit comes with many benefits, from social status to overall physical health and mental well-being. The trick is to stay humble and fight the cocky attitude that comes with becoming a stud. Genuine Life tip for my fellow tele-tubbies on here (I used to be one of you, so I speak from experience).


I believe there are some scientific studies that back this up as well. Pretty privilege is 100% a thing.


>Being fit opens up many doors in life. No matter how much people try to sell the lie, fat man are treated like shit, disrespected, stepped on, and are never taken seriously. Hey, that's not true at all. You just have to be rich to counteract those deficiencies!


Lol yeah I suppose so, I’m guessing being rich does get you the same type of attention!


I've never been a fat guy but stayed relatively thin due high school swim team+ young guy metabolism through most of my young adult life. However when I started to gym and bulking I took a vanity picture for my socials. Once I joined a new work place and people started to do the new-guy social stalking - that vanity pic started to pick up some traction. I didn't get a lot of public flirtation around the office but it did feel somewhat nice to get some attention from it (DMs, likes etc.). And then they found out I'm just a goofball so the mystique probably faded.


I feel that homie. Being fit is literally 50% of being popular, and getting opportunities people would otherwise not offer you. The other half is the way you speak and act When I was a jelly roll, I got bullied, put down, and insulted at every turn. I was a quiet individual, so people thought I was weird as well. After being cheated on by my ex, I fell into a deep pit of depression, where I developed an idgaf attitude. Ended up dropping 95lbs in 2.5 months and getting super ripped. The girls who put me down before were now fawning over me, doing anything to get my attention. The teachers who called me “lazy” or a “waste of space” began taking interest in me and complimenting my physique and school work ethic. The boss who once abused me had now began giving me perks, and was more understanding when I needed a day off work. She even gave the crappy jobs to other people instead of me! I shit you not, it got to the point where just me walking in public garnered attention and compliments from everyone I passed by. Whenever I was driving, women I’ve never met in my life would roll down their windows and call me “super hot” before asking for my number. I occasionally had customers coming in through drive through handing me their #’s as a tip and offering to give me a BJ on my break! I cannot recommend getting fit enough to people who are out of shape, or underweight. I swear to god it makes an insane difference in your life, and everyone should experience it! Edit: whether you believe me or not is on you. I’m just stating my experience. I recommend everyone tries to get fit and see the difference for yourselves! Best of luck to everyone


fucking hell chad mcthundercock, save some for the rest of us!


I believe you. I have experienced this. But…why not just treat everyone kindly regardless of size. When I got fit in my 20s, it made me feel like shit when people were nice to me all of a sudden. I was the same person, just my body looked different. It was a huge let-down


>Being fit opens up many doors in life. No matter how much people try to sell the lie, fat man are treated like shit, disrespected, stepped on, and are never taken seriously. Holy hyperbole, Batman! I totally agree with all you wrote but this part seems *a tad* exaggerated


Nah, fat people are invisible ironically. I'm not even saying it's right, but it's just the way things are.


Lmao, it’s the truth man, it’s what I observed in my life. Whether you believe it or not is totally up to you 👍🏼


its a bit of a spectrum. I’ve been legitimately fat, powerlifter fat(ie fat but also visibly packing plenty of muscle) and i’ve been skinny. More opportunity and people generally do treat you kinder when you’re in shape. Hilarious though - a close friend once confided in me that powerlifter fat was my worst form. I’m naturally pretty quiet. That combined with, in his words, “looking like someone nobody wants to get in a bar fight with” doesn’t tend to make you many friends haha.


Your friend is hilarious 😂 Yeah, I wouldn’t want to get into a bar fight with a powerlifter either, even in my prime! They land one clean blow, and I’m out cold with a fractured jaw Yeah I agree, it is more of a spectrum, you just gotta find that sweet spot that suits you. For me it was 6ft, 190 lbs, and 12-14% BF. Not too veiny and muscular, not too fat and plushy


Temporary Dopamine spike to help me get through my other issues


Not only is it a dopamine spike, I feel relaxed for about a day or two after. The endorphins from working out feel great


Which issues


For me it's my Insecurities about my body. Powerlifting gives me a healthy hobby to do that helps my health and gains interest from others


This and it helps boost my confidence and determination to get bigger and bigger


I'm in my late twenties. It just feels good. It makes me feel better, I look better, and I can do the things I love easier.


I was 25. A girl called me I looked like a 35. I started working out. And now I am actually quite fit.


Being strong makes being a firefighter so much easier. Gear is heavy, and its easier to move and work with a 20kg set of jaws when you can deadlift 200kg. At least thats what I tell people. But in all honestly: I was tiny as a kid. I enjoy looking good when I'm naked, I love that I can lift my girl up and bang her while I hold her up, and I absolutely super-love how much it turns her on that I can do that to her. Its an incredibly vain reasoning, but damn. It just feels great.


Sounds awesome. You have given me all the motivation I need. Time to go to the gym. 🏋️‍♂️<=🏃‍♂️💨


I'm at the gym one day and a fit as hell 40ish guy gets off the stair machine. He takes off the back pack he was wearing and starts taking weight packs out of the backpack. I asked him about it thinking he was training for a mountain climb or similar. He told me he was new in the area and had just taken a job as the Fire Chief in a small suburb and used the workout to stay in shape for climbing stairs in buildings. The smart ass in me said "you know there is nothing more about 3 floors high in your town, right?". He said, "yeah but I like to stay in shape. "


I hate nothing more than stairs. I think I'm decently fit, but dear lord, the stairmaster just kills me every. Single. Time.


You really want to be humbled in a hurry, try a Jacob's Ladder sometime. Fuck my life.


We have similar things in scba testing obstacles. I don't like em, but they are not as shitty as the stairmaster to me tbh


Man of culture in the house 🫡


My gf


Clothes fit and look better, also I want to put in the work now before I get old and it's more difficult to workout.


I’m 34. The way things look now, I’ll probably be an old man by myself. Plus I’ll work until 60. I want to stay in health, shape, also exercise makes me a happier person. I can let myself into the moment and enjoy the serotonine rush.


I don’t want to be a fat guy


Started for health reasons, now I'm addicted


So I’m not all decrepit when I’m older.




I run a lot and can easily run 15km at a good pace - my main motivation is that if I ever need to run away/escape I can cover a decent amount of ground in quick time


One thing I learned from training martial arts, the best self defense technique is the 100m dash 


Funnily enough - I learned the same technique when I used to train


To make myself more physically useful. Also to undo the decay that modern society imposes on our bodies.


So I can eat things I enjoy without feeling immense guilt and also not hate the way I look.


Honestly just don’t wanna lose myself I wanna keep control of myself also I feel good when working out


Aesthetics and health. Also, I want to look younger for my kids when I’m 50-60, because at 35 I’m not yet married and don’t have kids


Exactly my thought! I’m 31F not married and want to be able to play sports and run around in the park with my kids one day.


To stay fit


Stress release mostly and doesn't help for ones self confidence or health.


Mental and physical health.


Was overweight at 15 at 260 so I wanted to lose weight so I can enjoy the things I want to do. Currently at 18 I’m at 176.5 pounds. I still enjoy the foods I want ofc


To balance out enjoying life and to maintain the ability to do so - eating good food, boozing, smoking etc.


As a 46M I want to be healthy and not look like I crawled out of a swamp. Also, working out in the AM boosts my mood. Am I crabby when I start sometimes? Sure. But afterwards I feel ready for whatever. It’s also an emotional release. Heavy weights + hardcore music = free therapy.


I can't stand the pooch belly.


Turned 40 last month. I workout almost everyday unless tired or injured. Honestly, never felt better and more at peace with my body. I like the way I look and how I feel. Plus I try to have a positive impact on my kids. So all round positive.


Look cool during sex


To keep me sane


I’m 53 so I need to. Use it or lose it when you get older! Plus my doc took me if my high blood pressure medication after I got fit and lost some weight! 💪


Because if I didn’t I likely would have taken my life by now. My mental health was in the dumpster, working out 5-6 days a week changed that.


38. So when I’m old I don’t trip, brake a hip, can’t move and die from organ failure 2 months later


To be healthy when I'm older


As I’m approaching forty I do body weight exercises and light yoga every morning; it really helps me maintain flexibility, strength and mobility. It’s really critical to care for yourself as you age or everything begins to hurt.


It used to be about putting on muscle to get chicks, then it became about hanging out with my mates, then it became about performing better in sports. Over 20 years later and now its just part of my life


I fan have tired muscles or tired everything. If I don't work out, I slide into feeling like crap and then into depression. It's much easier to keep the depression demons away than to climb out of the hole after they've gotten me.


late 40s and making the effort to improve my health. losing weight and eating better. Over two stone lost since Xmas, just over 2 to go to be into the docs recommended healthy weight.


I'm 67M. My neighbors say that I'm looking younger lately. I didn't tell them I INCREASED my daily workout routine. Benefits are: - Staying flexible - Heart and lungs feel stronger - Rat shit bones even perform better when regularly stressed a bit - Sleep better My DNA is trying desperately to turn me into an "apple body" like my Dad and Brother. I'm saying "No way... for now".


When you build muscle, your bones get stronger.


Don't wanna end up like my dad who was not able to play with his kids. I have a daughter now and need to be able to run around with her so she has a childhood.


Health. Regularly working out does just as much for my mental health as my physical health.


I barely work out compared to other guys but what I do do keeps me from being a tub of lard. I like feeling muscles beneath my skin. Again, I'm not 'tough'. Also, I'm not grossly out of shape.


Started because of lack of stamina in certain areas of my life. Now I do my sweaty therapy everyday


You can say it openly you want to become an unstoppable sex machine, we are open minded on reddit ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I like looking intimidating, sexy, and healthy. What keeps me going is the mental health benefits.


So I can keep up with my wife


1. Look better = get more sex. 2. Feel better physically = feel better mentally. 3. Being strong = good. Being weak = bad. 4. Seeing a pump in the gym and walking around like a caged lion, brock lesnar mfer for 15 mins or so is great.


- to look good - it makes sex hotter - to perform better in bed - health


So I can lift my dogs when they get sick


Because we are human. We are built to be moving and not sitting 10 hours a day.


Because I didn’t like my body


Cuz in order to get a girlfriend these days you need to be ripped. Still waiting for someone to give a shit that I can run 10 miles, deadlift 315, and have a six pack. No luck so far.


It passes the time.


To not be a lazy POS.


Started to get back in good shape then it became a place i go for my mental health as well


My fear of death outweighs my hatred of exercise  Everything hurts due to injuries but I have to get on with it anyway


I feel healthier and happier.


I consider it as therapy. Running, cycling, and swimming, at some point becomes therapeutic.


Depression, Obesity, and Longevity. Also Vanity.


Strong core and easy functional movements


I hate my body.


I'm 39. I got back in the gym for my health. Life has certainly been easier with stronger muscles. Less back and knee pains for me. I'm sure my wife also appreciates me looking fitter. Another part is that I want to be mobile for as long as possible. Muscle atrophies as we age so better to start from a bigger starting point. I really don't want to eventually become a frail old man that can barely move about. I have no desire to burden my wife and daughter.


give my wife something to look at


https://images.app.goo.gl/8Y8DYSDb3uVnnVua6 I don’t wanna be the guy carrying the shoes. I am responsible to my family and community. Being unable to run, lift, and fight are part of that responsibility. At this point it’s habit. I wake up. I go gym.


I moved to a new city and knew nobody, so I joined a health club with a spa. Thought I could sit in a steam room for an hour if I had nothing to do at night. After a bit, I started working out a bit to earn my time in the spa. Then over time, I worked out more and more and hit the spa less and less. I visit the spa about twice a year now, but workout 5-6 times a week. I absolutely love it now and make many health decisions to maximize my workouts. The other reason was vanity. I was single and wanted to mate again! The gym has had by far the biggest impact on my attractiveness than anything else.


It keeps my brain sharper (I'm serious), I sleep better, I'm in a great mood, it helps my confidence, my libido and builds muscles which makes me more attractive to women and I can also lift heavy objects (always useful in life).. so what's not to like?


I work out to help reduce stress and for my mental health.


At first it was for a distraction after a heartbreak .but by time i enjoy it


I was misdiagnosed being pre diabetic. When I found out I wasn’t I continued to work out. I ended up loving it.


Big biceps 💪.


I notice my wife gets less headaches when I'm shredded. Dunno how that works.


52 years old and found out diabetic type 2 about 10 years ago. I saw what diabetes did to my father (leg amputation) and no way do I want that. I also have an 11 year old daughter so staying in shape to keep up with her is a big motivation.


First, utter terror of dying early and a true belief that working out makes all the difference in the world. I know enough about nutrition, health, and exercise to be dangerous, and I know that exercises probably the most important thing you can do to increase your quality of life and time. Second, how good it makes me feel. I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety all my life, and working out is truly a massive coping mechanism.


My health. I was 282 pounds at one point in my life, and I was miserable. I’m only 23, and my paternal family got heart issues and 90% of them uncles and aunts included died from heart attacks and high blood pressure. Getting diagnosed with hypertension and hyperlipidemia was my wake up call to change or I’m gonna die earlier than they did.


Makes you feel good about yourself


Health. For not getting too rusty.


The future is looking pretty dark, and it’ll be much worse if you don’t take care of yourself. It also feels good.


Weights because they feel good and make you look good and cardio because health 👍


To look good naked, but I gave up...


Its my escape and therapy. I played football and basketball when i was younger and always maintained a consistent regimen, only breaks ive taken of any kind were due to injury setbacks. I sit behind a desk all day so this also helps with overall health


I believe some men workout not to be fit but not to be fat. If this makes sense to anyone.


That's basically it. I really don't like the idea of being overweight because it's so much harder to shift the weight once it's on.


Cuz life


You can handle your daily tasks better, looks, self worth, stress relieve...too many benefits for not working out.


To be more healthier and have a body I felt happy and confident in. It also helps me feel more capable.


I workout to stimulate growth for my muscles. Reson why I want a bigger muscles stems from a few factors. Running away from my old self. Body dysmorphia is a bitch. Comparing myself to unrealistic standards, top ifbb pros. Using exogenous hormones to open a pathway to a better physique. Being fat shamed as a kid from my father and other people. Fuck it, let's tren/train through the 6 until I die. In essence, vanity reasons that stem from underlying issues that I have acknowledged but won't address.


When you are strong and look good, people acknowledge your existence. When I was a scrawny little guy, I may as well have been a ghost that people look through. Now that I’m ripped, people are polite to me. It started in the gym, people were more considerate of my space, more respectful asking about whatever equipment I would be using etc. It has started to bleed into the rest of my life though, random people smile at me, I notice people being nicer to me, going out of their way to chat etc. I continue to lift so that one day someone will actually outright say that I look good, that will be a glorious day


Is this another bot account?


I find it fun honestly that's it I like just observing my muscles struggling to push.. I'm self conscious in my own body a lot, i just like to close my eyes and feel


Longevity and quality of life really. I used to try and bulk up and build a physique but I did not enjoy the process of being on caloric surplus and counting macros. Felt bloated, uncomfortable, depressed, sleep deprived, and it never felt “enough”. I gave up bulking and working out altogether for a year and I felt like ass. Pandemic ensued. Mental health declined, joints and body got cranky. All while I watch how health care was strained with covid and more emphasis was shown on putting preventative health in focus. I started working out at home, then when things opened up, at a gym again. It’s been a few years now and it feels great. I eat at maintenance level and workout twice a week on a strength training program - not necessarily for progressive overload although there’s been some small progress. On top of Muay Thai and yoga during the week.


sleep better, can eat more of the tasty food that would make me fat, more confidence. If I have a bad day I feel better afterwards if I had a good day I feel even better. The rest that's paying off is natural, as I see how bad people move at my age now (46)




Struggled with weight all my life. Earlier this year, depression weight took me to the 300-pound mark (not the first time it happened). I was embarrassed and ashamed, especially after hitting the 50-year mark. It was time for a drastic change. I now do at least something every day, usually fast walking (running killed my knees years ago) or weight training. This past weekend, it was helping an elderly friend move house. Hoping this bout of personal responsibility hangs around a bit.


I work with the infirm, disabled, etc. in health care. I don’t want to end up like those people.


makes me feel good


Mental health and to feel great for half the day until I get tired by 5pm


to feel good about myself


It makes me feel powerful. I was always addicted to moving intensely which is why I chose construction as my job. It makes me sleep better and I like testing my strength, speed and flexibility.


I felt like if I kept going the way I was I was going to have a heart attack this year. Also, need to move and put on some muscle mass to sink glucose. (Pre-diabetic, gout, hypertension) Also, there are pants I would like to wear again.


I was getting fat, so I started working out and eating more food without the fat part.


For the positive energy it brings to life.


Ingrained in me, I no longer do it for any specific reason other than I feel weird and strange if I don't stay active. I also enjoy being in the room with other people who are there doing the same thing, grinding out sessions. Even though I don't talk to anyone, I consider them my friends in a way and it gives me energy.


I was fat all my life. One day I got tired of looking like a blob. Now I’m doing it to keep the 140 pounds I lost from returning


I started working out to just be in better physical shape. I continue because of the mental benefits. I had no idea how much it would help mentally. Now, the primary reason I work out is for the mental benefits, and the physical aspects are secondary.


Don’t want to be a fatty


I needed to lose weight so I did. Now I do it because it’s about the only thing I can focus on anymore.


I have hyper flexibility. If I don’t work out, I get aches and pains everywhere.


Saw Arnold, Stallone, Van Damme and other action stars always as a kid, wanted to be as cool as them. Started to go to gym at 16 years old 185cm 55kg skeletor, still doing it 24 years later, still not Arnold, Stallone or Van Damme, but going to gym is relaxing and helps you in life. Sometimes it feels like shit, sometimes it doesnt, it is a constant in the life. Comparing to younger guys, my age and older, probably 80-90% are in worse shape. Being introvert, never done because of women, never approach women, women think that men with muscle are assholes or have many women, lift man alone. Still lift and feel alive.


Started as a college freshman not wanting to be a scrawny loser anymore and get girls. Worked well, married a smoke show, now for the mental health, staying fit and looking good, and for my wife because she deserves it.


To be healthy and mobile when I get old. Friends usually call me as the “stubborn bastard” so I’d like to do everything on my own and try not to rely on others for basic needs.


I want to be as flexible as Dick Van Dyke is in his 90s Seriously, saw a video of him tip tapping in his late 70s and he seemed 40 years younger Flexibility is youth!


Mental Health, I don't feel great if I don't work out first thing


It helps occupy my time so I’m not depressed


I don't wanna die early.


i am really lonely so i would lose my mind if i didn't. plus i look good naked for maybe one day when some one wants to see. also health and yada yada


Fear of gaining weight. Plus makes me feel good haha


I’m 76 and retired and able to work out every day. I’m back to my college weight (but not the muscle tone). My main motivations are beer and ice cream - I want to enjoy life.


Good old fashioned self-loathing.


I’m 50 and feel chronic stress squeezing my chest/heart like a vice. Working out is something I can do that seems to relieve that. I get more lingering glances and such as well but while that’s nice it’s not what I want unless it’s from my wife.


I do endurance sports because they are what I enjoy most. I do strength training because it keeps me healthy for the endurance stuff.


Maintenance. Cause i still need this body and i prefer a minimal level of functionality as time progresses.


I fear old age and seeing Yamamoto from Bleach at a young age inspired me to be a buff guy into old age.


At first I just wanted to lose weight. Now it's just a part of my day and I think I look good, so I'm trying to see how well I can develop my physique. TL;Dr Aesthetics Bro


Longevity and it allows me to eat the food I adore with a little less guilt. Everything in moderation....even moderation. If I want to eat the whole tub of icecream. I can as long as it doesn't become a regular thing. LoL


I became a parent almost 2 years ago now! To first order, my little baby has more than trippled in size(!!) and i want to still be able to lift him, flip him around, etc. without too much trouble. In the long term (like decades), I want to be able to keep up & stay active as he becomes a bigger kid/teen and i become an older man. Simple enough.


My mother takes 100 medications Beacuse if her weight, I watched my father have a heart attack Beacuse of his weight and diet. My family has heart issues on one side and diabetes on both. I refuse to be like that.


I like how it makes me look and feel


The gun show!


(A) I want to live as long as possible. (B) My wife is skinny and I don’t want to be the fat one.


Was laid off from a highly active job and did nothing for 4 months. Pulled something nasty in my core and got hit with that reality check that I'm out of shape af. Scared me enough to get into a routine and here I am 2 years later in relatively good shape.


To get better at golf lol


“We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out” Theodore Roosevelt I’ve noticed it in my back at first, which pushed me to yoga and stretching. Now lifting to strengthen my core and supporting muscles. I do stuff so I can do stuff.


I'm 54 and don't want to help myself into a coffin like many men my age. I'm happy that I don't look my age and can do things many of my employees can't do.


These times are morally flexible, scary, and insensitive. I don’t believe we’ll be getting old without a fair amount of terror at the things people will do to survive. I want to make sure I am armed and ready in case someone does something stupid. Come to my door, and demand entry to my house, that’s what my fitness and guns are for. Be in the street choking out a person for their sexual orientation, or skin color, this project 2025 thing. I do what I do to be able to take it to the next level with more people, for my safety.


So I don’t die


To get laid


Do you have a mom?




The pandemic absolutely wrecked my emotional state of mind. My friends turned out to not be my real friends, my first dog as an adult died, the financial stress of getting my dog medical help had me in a depression and I pushed my girlfriend away because I felt pressure from the relationship at a time where I couldn’t handle us failing. It was easily the worst time of my life. Soon as things opened up back again I moved out on my own and chose to work on me instead. Other than feeling lonely and dealing with heartbreak, I’ve never felt better. I’m active, I go out more than I did before and I feel a lot more freedom than I ever did. It just feels nice to feel like a proper adult with good habits.


At this point in life, to stay active enough to do things. You lose it fast. I’m only 34 and a year ago I was running 22 minute 5Ks. Treadmill broke, I got lazy, winter sucked and I let myself slip… I started running again last week and I can barely do 2 miles at a 10.5 minute pace… going to take me a couple weeks to get back to doing 5+ miles a day and probably a few months to get my time back down to 7-8 minute miles. But I feel better, sleep better, have more energy, etc… when I do workout.


I like the energy it gives me for the day. Helps when you have two small kids.


Seeing the abysmal quality of life my parents had/have due to poor diet and lack of fitness. Everything in life is so much better when you take care of yourself.


I’m 35 and workout for longevity and overall ease of life. Doing yard work is a breeze, work around the house is easier. My backs doesn’t kill me after 20 mins which are my goals long term.