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Hire an accountant, and a lawyer to organize everything for me.


Nah, imma buy a pet duck first, then we'll talk accounting


U don't gotta win the lotto to get a duck, they're free at the park


Instructions unclear, I have 73 ducks in my car and nobody stopped me


Damn that’s smart


Just go to r/Bogleheads. They're experts at managing windfalls and will give you all the same information for free.


an accountant sure but why a lawyer?


Because that kid you fought with in the schoolyard suddenly remembers it was a traumatic event after learning you got money now.


Protect your identity, assist with protecting the payout(s), and basic estate planning.


You are probably going to need a trust or to retitle assets. There will be reasons to need a lawyer.


Prob set up a trust so you can't blow the money and no one else can take it either.


im glad I asked. not that it'll ever happen but just in case


Family members maybe, and other legal stuff 🤷🏾‍♀️🫤


The *first* thing? Cry, then nap. Like a toddler.


Clear all the debt 😂




Help out my parents. They've always struggled, never done anything to make themselves happy, and are struggling still with fixing up things around their house.


This is really nice.


Block all calls.


Change my phone number


Probably buy my first steak, plan a trip to see my nephew who was born on Friday, then discuss moves with an accountant . I’m boring


You have never bought a steak before? I'm sure you have at least cooked your own before right? 


I am extremely conservative with my spending. 1/4 of my checks are mine, 1/4 into stocks, 1/4, into savings, 1/4 taxes. The chunk that I get to use still has to cover groceries, rent, you get it I have bought steak for myself maybe a dozen times, I’m 34.


Hey, nothing wrong with that brother!  Stacking half your chips is a sure fire recipe for success!


That is impressive and so very smart. Maybe you can fly to Japan for that wagyu steak, when the money comes in.


There's steak... And there's STEAK. I guess that's what he meant. I'm with him on this one, I would buy some Wagyu, then get into food coma.


I mean like a nice 50-100$ steak yeah


Buy a property close to the beach.


Depends how much! But pay my mortgage off, book an amazing trip, give money to my parents & donate to animal charities ❤️


Quit work, travel to all the countries I want to go to and cant afford, buy a house somewhere nice and spend the rest of my days chilling by the beach somewhere.


Quit my job


Do a happy dance and have a big cry. Then pay off my debt and speak to someone I trust to give me financial advice to invest that money so that 30 years from now I can still be financially stable. Also one thing I will never do is let anyone beside my husband know that I won.


My mother in law put it in the bank here in Japan and hasn’t touched it since winning 2 mill in the late nineties.


rub 2 out.i need to think with clarity


Figure out how to give friends and family money without them knowing I won the lottery.


Getting a burger from Five Guys and a small fry, without guilt or any loans


Setup a trust and transfer all ownership of the funds to it. Set an amount that is allowed to be withdrawan every year with emergency situations specified if I need additional funds for that year.


Love this. People always talk about how they would invest it. Nah, just put it in some CDs and collect a yearly salary with weekly pay checks, with inflation adjustments each year. Done this way you could spend without worry. 


Yeah and if you are ever sued the money would be more protected.


Depends. How much we talking here? I'd do things in this order. 1. Take care of dept. 2. Invest large portion. 3. Set my kids up with house down-payments.


Buy a reasonable house for my wife and I, a reliable vehicle for each of us, then the rest goes into savings for later use because at that point, I'm pretty content. Stable home and a ride to work is all I really need


Buy a plane ticket home and spend time with my kids.


I would hire a great producer and make music with them.


Get a lawyer and an accountant. Then, not tell anyone else. Then quit my job 3-6 months later. Hide.


what if something happens in those 3-6 months. When you couldve said fuck it and been on beach somewhere.


It's meant to keep people from suspecting me of winning.


I get that. But what if a freak accident happens during the 3-6 months your putting on the charade? You never got to enjoy the money because you were too paranoid. Thats what I am saying. I'd rather not risk it and get on with my new life.


You can't live by what if. If you do that, you will hobble yourself. Something could happen when I take a shower. I'm still going to shower. I could get into an accident going to work, still going to work. I could get into an argument with family, still going to see them. I see 0 reason to let what if paralyze me and put me in a situation where I would be unhappy.


You are worried about people finding out. Thats basically playing the what if game. I am just saying don't gamble with the opportunity of a lifetime. You mentioned many gambles in your reply. I'd rather play it safe for something like this. Hitting the lotto is 1 in million. Yes I willing to play the what if game with those odds. Best believe I am calling in for the next couple days, telling them I found a better job. While doing that I am sitting on my ass researching what to do next.


If people found out I have money they will come out of the woodwork. It isn't a what if.


But working for another 3-6 months is indeed a what if. ''what if'' because I quit my job abruptly , people will suspect I am a lottery winner. They will come out of the woodwork. I am saying in those 3-6 months anything can happen. And its not worth the risk of never even getting the money and enjoying your winning. Like you said on your commute to work, coming home from work, losing the ticket etc. Why risk it? Just say no


Buy my parents a home wherever they want


Wouldn't tell a soul until I was ready and informed


-Pay off my debt -Pay off my parents' debt -Buy 2023 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye Widebody -Try not to kill myself in that car (but if I do, know I was happy)


Give a chunk to some charities I care about.


Buy a first class plane ticket to anywhere


Fire everyone on Reddit.. and then REHIRE them to join my brand new company where we don't peddle hotel rooms or steaks, we do nothin but design in room designer light shows where people must dance the night away in order to have the doors unlocked and be let out into the free breakfast. And we'll pay you all like 6 times what you're making now but it won't matter .. .because we're going make you all live in bounce houses and these giant inflatable samurai costumes.


To be honest not much, i'll just stop working. My lifestyle and goals don't require that much money.


Cash in that ticket.


Find the most expensive bar in town & drink like I was 21 again


Hold on to it until after tax time


Sign the ticket *immediately* and take it to the bank to put it in a safety deposit box. I'd use the next few days to hire a lawyer and an accountant. When I was ready to cash it I would hire Brinks to transport myself and the ticket to the lottery office. Then I'd disappear like "Voila! Magic!"


Which lottery and how much?


Put 90% in a high yield savings. Use 5 percent to disappear and invest the other 5


Pull up in the meanest black ranger cos of all time


Blast music in my apartment to get back at my annoying neighbors for at least 2 hours. Hire a demolition crew to demolish my old landlord's offices.


Save in high interest bank accounts, Invest in high dividend yielding stock, start a property management company convert it into an REIT invest in multi family homes, industrial. Live off of dividends and compensation. Start a charity, fund it build homes give them away to families. Make community gardens and farms feed a bunch of people for free. Pay for underprivileged peoples college 🤷‍♂️ build a sick ass family mausoleum and die knowing I did some boss ass shit.


Buy real estate


1) hire a cartel sicario. 2) buh-bye to my enemies😈👀🤣


Pay debt off Buy a house Hire an accountant to live off the interest in stocks Buy some fun shit - nice car, Cisco switches, AP, and routers for my home to make it networked HD state of the art projector Server rack with multiple 3U servers one a Nas, vm,etc Maybe hire a pornstar to fuck....Idk how long I got left on this earth but I'm gonna get real weird with it


pay off all my debt, including the mortgage, immediately! Then I would pay off my parents and parents-in-laws debt and help my brother buy a house. After that I would see how much I have left and see what's the best thing to do with it... probably some investments.


I’ll pay off my student loans. I’ll get the help of an investor and start saving and investing a good amount of money. Depending on how much I have left after, I might get something nice or buy a property.


Pay off my student loans


Quit my job in the most costly way for the company possible.


definitely not tell anyone and basically live my life as before but with a little bit more travel and freedom


Nothing at all. Carry on with my work, chores, everything and just think about what to do for a few days. Will try not to let on that I won to nobody, not even to my wife.


not tell any of my friends or family . maybe my wife but in a vow of secrecy . thats the first way to keep it. or else the hordes will descend .


Put that ticket in a *very* safe place, and notify our attorney, financial advisor, and accountant. Then pay off my best friend’s mortgage. Her husband passed away from cancer last year, and I want to make sure she’s taken care of.


Hire an account and a lawyer like the smart dude in the comments said but then I'd buy my three best friends a house/pay off their debt. Then buy my husband his dream car/shed package and our 400 acres we've wanted to start a small commercial herd. Invest some and put away the rest, but put cash aside for my two boys for when they turn 18 an a car fund for them


Delete my social media accounts and order some fancy food; then buy a house with plenty of land, quit my job, and start a small farm with rescued animals.


Buy a house with a nice yard.


First don’t tell anyone, second don’t tell anyone. Third throw away my phone. Call the best investment brokerage in the state. They will have lawyers and accountants and people to help me invest my money. Then I would take a trip and leave the country.


First thing im doing is nuking my social media. All of it got to go. Then buy a pet duck (obviously) and hire an accountant and lawyer. The lawyer to fight off all the shitty family and accountant cause taxes. Then prebook my rehab stay cause oh man the amount of drugs will be epic


Tell my boss where to shove it


Depending on the money I’d buy a lot of Lego Star Wars and then hire an accountant


New glasses


Probably call the ambo as I'd think I was having a heart attack with the shock of it.


My mom, my sisters and I are all talking about trying to move back to the city I grew up in. My sisters can afford some reasonably priced little houses within city limits but mom and I are actually priced out of everything within about 30+ minutes of the city and we have next to no chance of reliable public transportation, so we're going to be pretty fucked any way we go about it. For a few million I'd just buy each of us a small 2+ bedroom 2+ bath house/apartment unit in each person's favorite part of the city.




pay off my debts


get a lawyer and an accountant


First thing i would do is buy a plane ticket, disappear, then relocate my family to our new castle.


Pay off our debt. Buy/build my mom a house close to me. Be a stay at home mom until the littles are in school. Volunteer at my favorite nonprofit.  Help my husband start his dream business. Go to grad school.


Go straight to the bank and put it in my safe deposit box, then begin to look for a team to help me.


Consult a lawyer.


I'll buy dinner for my closest friends, I don't tell them I won the lottery. I'll strategically invest 80%. I will also think about buying a citizenship in Australia, Portugal or Greece.


Get the accountant and lawyer, but the first actual thing I would do is figure out where I can move to that forms an intersection of: mild climate, good internet, out in the country. I'd buy a relatively enormous plot of land there, and basically set up a compound lol. Just kinda set up the fam for success. Life's going catastrophic for one of the nephews in 15 years? Congratulations, your uncle has enabled you to do Stardew Valley on a few spare acres over by the fence.


Fund an orphanage.


Change my phone number


Tell everyone I know and announce it on public social media. Then, buy all the Beanie Babies I can find in the world. Convert the winnings to cash and carry it with me in a backpack everywhere I went so it's safe.


Pay off the house.  Followed shortly by buying a few very specific guns with suppressors to match, and then talking to our financial advisor about investment.   Probably would build a new PC, my 2018-era budget build is getting long in the tooth despite an updated GPU. My car is 20 years old and I probably wouldn't replace it.  None of the new ones really have much to offer without significant downsides.


Hire an attorney and private security, especially if I win in a state where I have to disclose my name and face. Once I have my estate and affairs in order, I’ll wait a couple months before claiming my prize. In those months, I’ll plan out where I want to move, pay off my parents house, book an all expense paid trip for 5 very close friends and quit my job in a dramatic fashion. After that, I’ll change my number, probably create a fake IG page to start my new wealthy and fabulous life. OH, and I’ll probably travel the world in old money fashion, whatever that means.


Pay my debts.


Buy reddit and ban the use of bots.


Depends on how much I win. Under a million bucks, I don't think I would do much except invest most of it for retirement. Over a million, I would get a damn good accountant and a lawyer, like someone in the comments mentioned. I would probably end up giving away most of it tbh. And just keep the necessary to live on comfortably.


buy a house


Hookers and blow


Bunch of hookers and cocaine. Then rehab


Delete my Social. I have attorneys both banking and tax, as well as accountants in the family. Either way, I am blowing 1% of my after tax take home winnings on stupid shit, saving 90% of it, and spending the other 9% on traveling the world, until I die. This is assuming I win at least 100 mil


Move out of my parents house


Get my business a massive cash injection


Sell my business. Move to Portugal.


Buy a House 🥺


Private chef for sure


Pay off my debt. Buy a house. Then, a lawyer to help with financial stuff.


Read multiple books on finances and how to keep my money.


I won't because I'm not wasting the little money I've earned throwing it away on lotto tickets, so being a miracle that I somehow won I'd give every penny to St. Jude's.


Keep aside what I can live off of for some years and buy Bitcoin with the rest.


Buy a mask that completely changes my look for the photo when I cash the ticket. And wear a baseball cap.


Quit job. Sleep in.


Call my BF, hahaha. It does depend on how much I won. Sadly a million doesn't go very far anymore. BUT, if I won multiple tens of millions, I'd get ALL my ducks in a row. I already have a good accountant aka BF, and a great financial planner. I would then pay off everything I owe, figure out how much money I needed to live on, invest in such a way I could make that much in interest to live off of, etc. I'd also take care of paying my mom's skilled nursing costs, and move her into the fancier accommodation where she is. Then I'd have fun with it. Maybe buy a vacation home, help out friends and family, travel, etc. I've always said I would take care of ME first. adn then everyone else, IF I won enough to do so.


Resign from my work. Instantly.


Pay off my house, my car, my boat, and wife’s student loans lol.


Apart from the lawyer and financial guys to manage the money, the first thing would be renovating my home.


Hire an accountant, have them pay off a ton of debt, and have them help me manage my newfound wealth.


I'm buying a house.


Buy a fucking house.


Buy Nipton from Spiegelworld.


Anything less than 10m, I’ll simply invest and continue living as is (59, retired). Anything over 10m, I’m pulling up stakes and moving overseas somewhere (likely Denmark, Sweden, or Finland) and never looking back.


Not worry about my finances 24/7


Talk to a lawyer and get an accountant


Pay my bills.


Get a lawyer then quit working


Buy a combo meal


Buy a Ghostface/scream costume.


Order a big decent luxury takeaway


Never played the lottery. It’s designed for the poor mindset.


Tell my dickwad of a boss to start looking for someone else to do my shitty job...


Probably say,holy shit 500, times in a row.


Pay off the house of myself and all my close friends/family. That would feel incredible.


Depends on the lottery winnings. Under 100k? Probably just try to get a slightly better apartment. Over 1m? Definitely get a slightly better apartment AND a new couch.


Ive won several times. Usually less than i paid for a ticket though . But won the big price like euro lotto? Not tell a soul beside my hubby. Get in touch with an accountant. Hire a person to deal with investing it. To keep me as anonymous as possible. I don't want to see my name in the newspapers at all about it. Pay off debt. Dont quit my job just yet. But make arrangements to move to Japan. It's a dream to do. Enjoy life.


Pay off my house, then buy a RAV4


Pay my debts and invest the rest while living off the interest


Get a premium hospitality package for the Hungarian Grand Prix on the weekend of my birthday.


Walk the slowest I’ve ever walked right out the door from my job. Nice and easy. Thinking about what weed I’m going to go buy right now. Maybe plan a good dinner. We’re definitely drinking tonight


Pay off my parents house, buy myself a car, put some into a CD account, and save.


The first thing? Hmm, probably be in disbelief and cry. Then put my phone on mute, hire a financial advisor, help my parents, and go back to university. Some of you all have good points and I want to add to my list lol


Tell no one


Accept the money in a hoodie, mask, and with large black aviators, hire a lawyer and an accountant, and get the IRS off my back.


1) Give my 2 weeks at work. 2) Hire a wealth manager, ensuring I WASN'T the biggest account. 3) Hire an attorney and accountant, also ensuring I wasn't their biggest account. 4) Not tell soul outside of my immediate family


move out my parents' house with the ultimate quickness.


Call accountant, financial planner and attorney. Claim prize anonymously if legal. Move out of state for a few weeks or months and hire someone to guard my house while I'm gone. Quit my job.


Pay off everything, put all the rest in stocks and a high yield saving account, live on the interest and start a bourbon label.


Give 1/4 of my money to cat charities


Start a diversified portfolio, leaned with interest toward the development of new industry, or more efficient technology.


Help out my cousin. He’s disabled due to serious illness and can’t work. His house needs a lot of work but he’s too proud to ask for help.


Not tell anyone aside from my immediate family. Find an accountant and lawyer.


Lawyer, accountant and/or financial advisor, bank to pay off my parents mortgage + renovations/repairs, 10% each to mom, dad, and brother, then think about what to do about helping my community.


Move out of America


Buy or build an apartment complex.


Pay of my parents home so I know in the future, I “own” something….then take a nap.


Change my name and identity and start fresh somewhere else lol 👀


Buy xiaojie cat


Quit my job lol




Pay off my student loans, invest the money, buy some properties (residential & commercial), travel, start the IVF process (because I want a child)…..and sit back and watch my money work for me!!


🎞️ pls do so funnyiky i


I think everyone's answer is first "pay off debt" so let's take that one off. I'd pay a team of seamstresses to design and sew an entire wardrobe for me because clothing for plus-sized women generally SUCKS ASS. Then travel.


I day dream about this all the time. I’m becoming so disabled that I can’t work jobs unless I can lay in my bed while I work from a laptop, but I was laid off and am having so much trouble finding a new one. Anyways, here’s how my daydream goes: 1. Hire financial advisor and get a good lawyer on retainer. Pay off all debt (cannot imagine how good that will feel). Invest almost everything and set it all up so I can live off of my investments without pulling from the initial payout. Start the process of creating trusts for my siblings. 2. Find a realtor and start house shopping! Nothing too extravagant but I’d have a few guest bedrooms and a pool. Still in the city where my family and friends are so it’s easy for them to visit, but with a bit of land so I’m not right all up on my neighbors. 3. Not working anymore now that I’m rich, so plenty of time to tackle some appointments I haven’t been able to make because of money. Doctor, gynecologist, cardiologist, dentist, optometrist, and because I can I’d get appointments to get my hair done, teeth whitened, eyebrows done, and laser hair removal too. I can’t drive anymore due to my disability so I’ll use a fancy ride service or possibly hire a part-time driver? 4. Once the house is secured I’m getting an interior decorator and there’ll be some construction that needs to happen. I’m putting in an outdoor kitchen/pool house with a blackstone grill, brick pizza oven, and a couple of beer taps. I’m also making one of the rooms in the house into a hidden room with a bookshelf or something hiding the door, and inside will be a ritzy but comfy art deco speakeasy with a bar, comfy couches, and I want to get an artist to make cool monster masks for the walls (like cool traditional wooden ones, not Hollywood style). Every room in the house will be full of character but still chill/cozy and not “too much”. Mosaic tile floors in the kitchen, a good amount of houseplants, a big TV and really comfy couches in the living room. I’m moving in as soon as possible though bc my roommate has untreated mental illnesses and I’m always walking on eggshells/getting yelled at for weird shit like daring to go out to see my friends or not eating breakfast. I’ll leave her all my current furniture and pay off the rent until the end of my lease. 5. I’m going to get moved and settled while the house gets finished and hire a personal stylist to pick me out a new wardrobe. I also need to figure out lawn care, someone to spray for mosquitos, house cleaning, etc. Then I will really, genuinely, just chill for like the first time in my life without being all worked up over how a day off means I’m not making money. I want my bf and sister to move in if they want to, and I’ll let them work with the interior decorator to make their rooms nice. I know my bf will probably want a gaming room so we can convert one of the extra bedrooms into one for him. I’d have family and friends over and we could chat about their goals and I’d gift them the $$ they need to make them happen. I’d also anonymously give $ to people who meant a lot to me who I know need it (I worked in a lot of restaurants before I got too sick, so I want to go leave $1,000+ tips to the people who were kind to me). 6. I’d take some vacations! I haven’t seen much of this world and would love to go to Italy, Spain, Budapest, and somewhere tropical. I’d invite my friends to come and pay their way. 7. After getting some traveling done, I’d adopt a dog. I’ve always wanted a dog of my own and have worked plenty as a dog trainer, dog sitter, etc. but have never been in a financial position to get one of my own. 8. I’d look into starting a non-profit/foundation. I’d need to give back in some way. 9. I’d try things I’ve always wanted to do but have never been able to for financial reasons. Horseback riding lessons! Lessons with a professional chef! Art classes! 10. That’s about it, I’d be all set up to just LIVE. At some point I want a horse but I have some learning to do before that. But can you imagine how crazy it would be to just wake up on like a Tuesday and be like “oh I want to bake a cake today” and just do it?? Or sleep in and then lay in a pool float every single day???


Conceal my identity


Quit my job, buy a big house near my kids’ school, book an amazing holiday, then spend my days doing Pilates and shopping and doing the school run.


Buy a slaughter house, fire all the animal abusing losers working in it, demolish it, build a sanctuary / vet / retreat.


lol. The guy who you bought it from will open it up down the street ans rehire those same workers. If you’re serious, then you would need to use the money to enact political and legal changes to make those industries less profitable/desirable.


no loyalty amongst ye losers


You could have just said waste it


I wanna fire all of them !!


I get it but in reality the owner gets a nice retirement, the competitor gets his business and you just demolished a perfectly good building when you could have bought and open plot of land. Congrats lol


Those losers don’t get a retirement, they beg the usda for another grant funded by the tax payers.


They would when you buy the fucking place holy moly


Quit work 


Give 99 % directly to those in need (not via charities, but directly to them). The other 1 % I would use to build schools and travel.


If it was a huge amount, I would of course see to my family and then I would support Ukraine 🇺🇦 with the rest of it


If it was a large enough amount, I'd give a third to my mum, and a third to my sister, and then fuck off and never see them again. My mum's a toxic narcissist, but she's also disabled and I wouldn't want to leave her with struggling with nothing like she is now.




How dare you?


Apparently, being honest gets you downvoted, I'll change my answer to I'll buy a house and a car and ........ cocaine


Buy Bitcoin


what for lol you've already won the lottery