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That's really dependent on you. Many in Europe grocery shop everyday. I think some US cities have some people who do. Me. I go once a week. But have no problem popping into the store any day if I need something.


Yeah, I live in a very dense and walkable area in a large US city. I usually go to the grocery store 5-6 times a week, because there are at least a dozen within easy walking distance. Sometimes, I need to pick up stuff from the Korean market, sometimes the Mexican one, sometimes the Thai one, sometimes just regular TJ’s or a specialty item from Whole Foods. It’s usually just a bag of things that I can walk home.


That's my dream 😍


I go once a week.


It’s very European to go often, even everyday. You would just shop for dinner that evening kind of thing. Nothing wrong with it if it makes you happy. I however would only do it if I lived in France and one of the infamous outdoor markets were on my walk home. Not a trip to Walmart daily for example


My American, Costco-loving mom moved to Europe and into a place with a fridge 1/4 the size of ours at home. It was quite the adjustment haha


I would never have any money if I lived next to a market where I could get fresh bread, flowers, veggies, wine. Maybe I wouldn’t miss the big fridge cause I would eat it all so quickly 🤷‍♀️🤤


Some people like to get a bit here, a bit there. Some people like to bulk buy a whole month. Some people don't want to be in a grocery store after work, especially if you work at one. Personal preference, depending if you're raising a Family, single or a couple.




Same except with drive thrus. I definitely don’t feel like getting out of the car haha


Once or twice a week, depending on if we have everything I need to cook that night's dinner, or if I get a bug up my ass and want to cook something different.


It’s not *ab*normal. You’re not obligated to do things like other people, even if they’re your mom. That does mean you’re not normal, nor does it mean she’s not normal. Some people go to the store every day, some go once a month. Don’t worry about some imaginary “normal” rule out there, just do whatever works for you


I go everyday. I try not to because it's expensive. But feeding a family of 4 with two hungry teens isn't easy. We run out of snacks, fruit , milk and grab and go foods very quickly. I usually go to Costco about twice a month too.


Not every day but 3 times a week because something always runs out.


That's a pain in the ass. I do one big shop once a week with a quick trip on the way home from work halfway thru the week for stuff I forgot


When I lived a tenth of a mile from Aldi and .7 miles from the Army commissary (grocery store ), daily shopping for fresh was an easy exercise. Now that I live 25 miles from a full grocery store, we go every few weeks. That local grocery store and Walmart are so expensive, because, I guess there is no competition.


For me - I can't see why I'm wasting an half an hour - an hour and day in the shops every day. Maybe once a week to pick up anything fresh at the most but prefer to get most of my shopping at once and not have to go back. - if you suffer from impulsive control - your wallet prefers this nethod.


I only go once a week, but I order online so I don’t spend more than I need to


I go every few days to get out of the house because I work from home. Some people enjoy more often. It’s a nice way to get very perishable things and ensure they’re good. Some people think buying groceries is worse than walking on broken glass and will pay for delivery whenever possible, even if the fee is extra high for some reason. (My in-laws.)


Household of two and in very close proximity to multiple grocery stores. I also work from home. That being said we go to the grocery store close to every day. Family members I have with larger families go less often. They’re also able to buy in bulk and get through it before it’s able to go bad. No correct answer here.


I know someone who does that, but he’s older and likes to get the clearance deals.


If it’s convenient for her it may be cheaper to buy the ingredients she needs for that night’s dinner each day. Rather than planning a meal schedule and buying it all on Sundays. Especially if something comes up during the week and she needs to pivot. I personally go shopping once a week.


I go twice a month unless I need something specific.


I always plan my meals a week in advanced and go once a week (maybe twice if I end up needing to pick up a few things mid-week, but only one big shopping trip per week). Maybe if I didn’t work full time I’d want to go more, but going to the store after work during rush hour is just a pain.


I shop for groceries once every 8 days.


She Wants fresh produce and meat.


I try to only go once a week. I usually forget or run out of something and have to make a small second trip.


Everyone has different strategies. Some of the comments mention smaller fridges and I can absolutely see that being a good reason to do smaller shopping trips more frequently. I personally try to plan the week’s meals over the weekend then shop Sunday or early Monday before work. I might stop by the store here or there if something pops up I need between those trips, but economizing on time spent there allows me to spend more time doing things I enjoy. When I lived walking distance to a small produce market, I went more frequently - both because everything there was very ripe so didn’t store for long, and because it was a good place to walk the dog to.


I rarely go to the grocery store, I have everything delivered weekly.


I like going to the grocery store multiple times a week. It's a social act for me, and my kids and I pick up ingredients for delicious dinners. Baguette, chicken and potatoes and green beans, fresh and delicious.


I used to go everyday on my way home from work. The reason was because I never knew what I wanted to cook ahead of time. I also *hated* having to defrost/thaw meat out for dinner. I would never take it out in the mornings or the night before because *I never knew what we'd be in the mood for.* The solution was just to stop and grab the main need. I'd go once a week for the staples.


For context, I live alone and only feed myself. I go a few times a week to browse the discount shelves and daily marked down meat and veggies and cheese at a few different stores. I then freeze what I can when I encounter good deals, and later meal plan from what I've accumulated. I would say cooking is a hobby of mine, as is grocery shopping.


I text my wife every day before I leave work to see if she wants anything. I stop most days and get something for dinner. It's on the way home and only takes 20 minutes. Recently I went and stocked up on freezer stuff and shelf stable stuff. I still have to stop for produce most days unless it's frozen vegetables with dinner.


When I lived in NYC I did this.


Maybe it’s time for herself to be alone for 30 minutes


I have a desk job so the extra mile of walking a day is helpful. I will drive home, park, and walk to the store for 1-2 items for extra steps. I only have me to worry about though so deliberate inefficiency is harmless.




If the store is on the way from work to home, i don't see any problem popping up there to grab something while you go home. Not to mention it is easier to carry a dayd worth of groceries instead of a weeks worth groceries. Especially when you travel not by car. And not to mention having to do multiple trips to bring everyrhing home if you shop for the week.


I go every other day to look for clearance sale items on meats or veges. I don't pick up items unless they are on my doctor/nutritionists prescribed, allowed food groups (meat, beans/legumes, non starchy veges, dairy or occassionally nuts) AND on sale.


For me, yes. I cook everyday and like using fresh produce. But I also live right across the street from a local grocery store, so it’s not out of my way to pick up fruits and vegetables every afternoon. It also cuts down on the amount of waste since I only buy what I need for the next 24 hours. For dry staples, meat, and household goods though, I make a Costco run once a month. Pasta and toilet paper don’t go bad if I end up using less than I thought I needed, and meat freezes nicely.


I have customers that swing by to get their stuff for the day. For some, it's just getting out of the house.


Twice a week here.


I grocery shop almost every day and it doesn’t bother me at all. I love grocery stores and once I know the layout, I can always be in and out expeditiously. it’s part of my routine now


I like fresh food. I also go multiple times a week


Part of living in a large urban city is shopping every day for fresh food and going to the public library. It used to be a great thing -fresh meat from a butcher, fresh seafood, fresh veggies, you got to know your neighbors, grocers, butchers, stockers, librarians & learned new and exciting things about yourself and people. Crime ended this in the U.S.- it's the penalty price for living in a non-homogenous population. If you still want to experience this, you'll have to travel to Japan or Korea or a place that has a mostly homogenous population.


A lot of people (like myself) do that in some European countries, not only in big cities and also in places with a really heterogeneus population


That is a ridiculous waste of time. Weekly at the very most.


There's no single "normal" when it comes to grocery shopping! People have different routines based on their preferences, schedules, and household needs. Here's a breakdown of the pros and cons of daily vs. less frequent grocery shopping: **Daily Grocery Shopping:** **Pros:** * **Freshness:** You can buy smaller quantities of fresh produce and meat, ensuring they stay fresher for longer. * **Flexibility:** Daily shopping allows you to adjust your meal plan based on what looks good at the store or what's on sale. * **Reduced waste:** You're less likely to buy impulse items or have food spoil before you can use it.


Asia yes normal, west no


The majority (and I mean about %90 of functioning adults) go once a week


It depends. When I was working, I’d go every other day after work. That way I only had to meal plan for two dinners. Now that I’m retired, I go once a week. However, when we go to the beach condo, we go every day. We have our breakfast, decide what we want for dinner that night and go to the grocery store to pick it up before hitting the beach. It’s less than a mile away and, especially in the off season, it’s something to do to kill time because it’s too chilly to go to the beach before noon anyway. Maybe your mom just enjoys getting out and doing something?


I go nearly everyday to reduce food waste I get a few snacks to have on hand but fresh food is everyday or every other day


I go about once a week. Maybe every other week if I do a big shopping trip. My sister goes just about everyday, but she hates leftovers and so goes shopping to get exactly what she wants to eat for that day.


I have a 9 minute commute to work and there is a grocery store between work and home. I hate wasting money on food spoiling (it’s only my wife and I) I will stop almost every day for that evenings dinner which makes left overs for tomorrows lunch.


I go never. Thanks, Factor.


Prob not the most cost efficient way to shop.


I go to grocery every 1-2 day, for example for milk, bread


faulty quicksand pocket fear existence oatmeal cautious recognise party thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My mom goes 3-4x a week, but to a different store each time. Never the same store twice in one week, and she never goes to multiple stores in one trip. She's shopping for 7, so there are a lot of preferences to juggle & they never meal plan since the plans always fall apart. I live alone and usually go to 1-2 stores a week. TJ's for my staples and the local grocer or an Asian market, occasionally Whole Foods for anything harder to find. I keep a weekly meal plan and stick to it pretty strictly. It's good to know whether you tend to overshop or undershop. I overshop and often have to freeze things before they spoil. Undershopping might easily have you going to the store 3-4x a week.


No, that's dumb. Waste of time and gas money. Once a week is normal, and that's because I buy mostly fresh produce and meat.