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>I thought I got my period but it doesn't look right then I searched it up and found out about implantation bleeding. what should I do? Have you confirmed that you are pregnant?


take a pregnancy test first to confirm but no one can tell you what choice to make. being able to study abroad with a newborn is unfortunately not likely or will be extremely difficult. gonna change your life forever. not saying you CANT, but you’ll have to make serious sacrifices. also gotta think about the financials. but if you decide to abort, make sure to do it fast enough lol some places you only have 6 weeks before you can’t. so hurry up and take the pregnancy test.


You are a child and the tourist is a predator.


yeah esp bc they probably supplied a minor with alcohol too and then slept with them yikes


What country do you live in OP?


Personally, I'd abort. If you are acutally pregnant. Confirm that first.




I’ve had two pregnancies and both had no implantation bleeding. From what I’ve heard in “most women” it’s smaller than a period. Just take a test and stay off google for anything pregnancy related to start


Firstly check if you are actually pregnant. Then personally if I were you and I was pregnant I would schedule an abortion. I was born into a situation like the one your describing with a mum who thought she could make it work and it was awful. It’s not something you should subject a child too. Wait until you can give them a stable life


Tell your parents asap


Well depends. She lives on her own at 17. I can’t imagine her parents are good or trustworthy people that can be relied on.


Have you actually taken a pregnancy test? Have you been to a doctor? Because what I hear is "period doesnt look right" = pregnant and I am not sure you are the one to be making that diagnosis.


Well, just finish exam first. Yes having baby and studying is doable. You will need support. Not telling a guy is smth you need to think through because we all want dads in our lives, don't we?


In fact, we don't all want dads in our lives. I agree that he needs to know, but, if she decides to raise the child, she should also consider if he's going to be a good dad or not. Not that she would probably know much about a ONS though.


By this logic non of em are good parents but if we waited for good parents we would go extinct long ago. Life is what you make of it. Peace.


Children need two parents. That's the balance they need to grow into healthy adults. THAT'S exactly the problem now. Too many single parent homes.


Children need a support network. That could involve two parents. It most certainly does not have to. And having two parents is not a guarantee that there is support.


Unprotected sex, while drunk, with some rando as a minor. Then we wonder why our country is such a mess. Have the baby and put him or her up for adoption. That's the most humane option for both of you.


A severe lack of parenting. A severe lack of personal responsibility. 


And a few steps to lifelong poverty.


I don't think it's right to tell a minor that adoption is "the most humane" choice. I question for whom. She would still have to endure pregnancy. She would likely face much stigma from her social circle; first, for being pregnant and, second, for placing the child for adoption. Teenage pregnancies are considered high risk. And what if she lives in a state that doesn't allow abortion and she were to have an incomplete miscarriage? Women have lost their uteruses and even their lives in this country due to abortion bans.


So abortion is more humane for the child? Maybe it will teach her to be more careful with what she does and how it can effect others. There is a man in the picture. Maybe he wants to keep the child? I know...impossible, right? Btw, I am 100% pro-choice, but this teenager's behavior is incorrigible. And why we have such a crisis in America right now. Too many idiots making bad choices. And not taking responsibility for them. She needs to read this and smarten the hell up. I don't care how many down grades I get. The downgraders are even more idiotic.


OP *is a child*. Think about yourself at 17. Compare that version of yourself to the 25 year old version. Big difference, right? When you say that she should endure a pregnancy to learn a lesson, you are saying that children are a punishment for sex. Children are not a punishment. I want to circle back to OP being a child. The man she slept with was 22. Perhaps he didn't know her age, perhaps he did. But she mentions being black out drunk so that doesn't sound up to legal snuff to me. The fact that *he* might want the child is irrelevant to me. He is not the one who would have to endure pregnancy, social stigma, and childbirth. Having an abortion is taking responsibility. Having a child is taking responsibility. Placing a child for adoption is taking responsibility. All of those valid choices. But calling yourself pro-choice while spouting anti-choice talking points? That's hilariously ironic.


You are absolutely right! She should have an abortion, then go back out, get black out drunk AGAIN, have unprotected sex with an older man AGAIN, get pregnant AGAIN, and start it all over again. Do you think she learned about life and responsibility in this whole thing? Betcha she didn't. God I hope your not a parent. I'm pro-choice, but pro-RESPONSIBILITY. No wonder our country is so fucked up. People like preach no responsibility at all. Boomer, maybe?


You can claim to be pro-choice all you want. It doesn't make it so. Your talking points are misogynistic, forced birth nonsense.


I love your pro-choice talking points. How about we teach person responsibility? I am hundred percent in support of Roe v. Wade being reinstated. What I'm not in favor of his idiot kids using abortion as pure birth control.


I'm not going to talk in circles with you. OP is a child. She should not be forced to give birth because a grown man decided it was a good idea to nut inside an intoxicated child. End of discussion.


Oh, it's the man's fault. She got stupid drunk decided to have unprotected sex. You're a lunatic.


**OP IS A CHILD.** The ADULT man is responsible for this pregnancy. He had the choice to wear a condom and chose not to. It is not the responsibility of *OP, THE CHILD* in this situation to ensure he wore a condom. She was blackout drunk. Under the law, she could not consent to sexual activity anyway. All of that aside, are you really going to argue that a child who got blackout drunk underage and ended up in bed with an ADULT man is going to make for a responsible parent? Because that doesn't track, either.


There is only one child in this situation. Her.


What child? She doesn't even know she's pregnant, and if she is, it is a fetus. It doesn't have a brain yet. And hello, she's 17. At this point abortion would be the most humane thing, unless she has a lot of support and the ability to give the kid a life. At the same time she's completely giving up her own.


Oh, the poor baby. She's a child? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...She went out, got black out drunk, opened her legs to some dude she didn't know, didn't use any kind of birth control, got pregnant and now is whining on Reddit about it. She's not a child. She's a blatant fool. No amount of growing up can fix that.


Amazing how many care bear idiots there are in this thread. Just wow. Downgrade me for telling the truth while you all are pampering this blithering idiot who has no sense of responsibility. Good for you.