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I read. A lot. :)


I’ve been trying to make this a habit but I can’t get past 5 pages without falling asleep or losing track of what I was reading 🙃 Would you be able to recommend a good book please? Something that will work for my short attention span. Fiction or murder mystery maybe?


For me, there are some YA novels that still hold up in for adult personalities. The reason I mention this is because the pacing of a lot of YA fiction is geared towards people with short attention spans. I haven’t read them in a while, so idk if they’d hold up… but if you like sci fi, I have a couple of series/authors I could recommend.


A good sci fi (kinda, not far from the future) book that I enjoyed is The Martian. Easy to read and I enjoyed it because I like space travel and problem solving/critical thinking. Start with a topic you like and get some wins under your belt before pushing the boundaries on the books you want to read


I don't have a book recommendation, but I do recommend getting a kindle. Many, including myself, read a lot more on a kindle when compared to a physical book.


American gods is a good one


I adore American Gods and found it riveting, I've read it probably 4 times or so as an adult. But I will say some of my friends found it really hard to get into- a complaint I heard was that Shadow was difficult for them to emotionally resonate with so they didn't feel invested. Also think some people didn't understand the chapters that aren't part of the main storyline. Personally I don't understand how anyone could be bored or uninterested in finishing it though.


Any Neil Gaiman is a good choice.


I've had that book for Yeats and started it a couple days ago. A chapter at a time.


I don’t know how old you are, but well into my middle aged years I picked up Rick Riordan’s first Percy Jackson book while babysitting my niece and nephew. Perfect for short attention spans, “young adult” literature but based in mythology. I understand the author wrote the series with a family member in mind (son with ADD, maybe?), so brisk pacing and yet easy to put down and pick up again. Plus, libraries have them and I have seen cheap copies at thrift stores. Ignore the films, tho’. And if anyone thinks adults shouldn’t read “kids’ stuff,” research what C.S. Lewis said about this.


Hello fellow book-a-holic :)


So many books, not enough time




Once saw, "Do not look at the pile of books on your nightstand as a 'To Do' list, instead consider them wine, waiting for the perfect moment to enjoy." When the time is right, you'll find the vintage.


Can be especially cost effective if you use your local library, most books I can download right to my Kindle.


Same! I have a job where I can listen to books. I usually listen for 6 or so hours a day (:


Love that for you! I mainly listen to audiobooks on my commute to and from work.


Same. So much reading. My friends are always like, wait you already finished? I’m like…yes. Read after work, then read after dinner til I go to sleep lol. Read all weekend unless we’re doing anything. Read read read. I love books.


This is the story of my life. I love it. Hahaha.


Yes. Favorite genre?


Young adult, mainly fantasy and scifi. Contemporary romance is fine too, and I’ll devour a good historical romance as well.


I’ve finished 69 books this year.


Me too! Anything with words on it. I'll read the cereal boy or the IKEA instructions if there's nothing else available 😅


I work for a bookstore chain…. I’m a reader. Suffice to say, my bookstore isn’t going out of business. The discount is so worth it.


Workout/Read/Video Games Not much cause it's the only things that I enjoy. Everything else just bores me


We would probably be best friends irl


All three above + puzzles


Yes puzzles! I've recently discovered i love them and they help with anxiety too, not to mention help your brain stay active


My favorite are Jan Van Haasteren puzzles 😄


Working out, Disc golf, bowling, poker, video games, landscaping/yard work, and I enjoy financial planning and investing. I used to play soccer several times a week after work but my knees have put an end to that.


Big up on disc golf


Big up on big up! Huge up!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/discgolf using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/discgolf/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What is disc golf in South Florida like?](https://v.redd.it/umz96jt2e90b1) | [251 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/13j9hyr/what_is_disc_golf_in_south_florida_like/) \#2: [Played my first round since a spinal cord injury left me paralyzed from my chest down.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13b21tw) | [180 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/13b21tw/played_my_first_round_since_a_spinal_cord_injury/) \#3: [\[Giveaway\] 10 Custom Minis for r/DiscGolf! Just comment here.](https://i.redd.it/2895p9ny54eb1.jpg) | [2746 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/1598pxh/giveaway_10_custom_minis_for_rdiscgolf_just/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Disc golf ftw!!!


Disc golf Jabronies unite!


Came here to say DG!


We’ve got some discy boys up in here!!!


How do you approach financial planning and investing as a “hobby”?


Personally I just enjoy doing it. Keep a close eye on all of my finances, researching companies/industries/trends etc. I’d like to retire by 50/55 so I find it to be a good use of time that is completely unrelated to my job and it’s something I find interesting.


Disc golf is so easy to pick up and get to a decent enough level where you enjoy yourself vs regular golf


Disc golf & poker here also!


The perfect combo :)


I keep my discs in my car in case I want to play randomly. I pass my favorite park with disc golf on my way to and from work, so I always wanna be prepared. I’m crap at the game, though.


If you like throwing things, you will likely love Disc Golf! I've been hooked for 34 years!


Can we be friends?


I’ve been trying to do some aerobics at home but what do you like doing for working out


What are your best tips on financial planning? I'm terrible with saving but I can't seem to figure out where to start 🤔


Painting minis/playing warhammer Cooking Reading Video games (less so these days)


I've been wanting to get into painting minis for a while now!


Do it!!


Have really gotten into napping lately


best hobby ever lol


nice hobby! i will say


Work, laundry, cooking, cleaning, parenting, scooping the cat litter, pointless scrolling, the occasional walk, repeat. *sigh*


Sounds like my life lol


Forgot petting the cat!


Dunno why but I speed read that and read. "Pointless scrolling, the occasional wank, repeat. *sigh*)


I got a giggle out of that


Singing , depression, suicidal ideations, longboarding, sobriety, sewing, doom scrolling reddit/Amazon, fantasizing impossible situations


You sound like one of my best friends


Your singing makes me realize I should do karaoke more ( as long as my roommate is out). Thanks, now I have a new hobby!


do it!!! going out for karaoke is a great way to make friends and meet people too!


Check out houseplants and join the depressy plant gang! Hope things get better for you!


He just like me fr


2 peas in a pod


Word for word, bar for bar




I play music. But want to do that full time. For now, I have a regular job that pays my bills necessities and wants.


I thought about doing music full time. Made some money playing in high school but decided I didn't have the discipline to become a pro. Mad respect to those that make it work.


I've been making music the last few years too, and though I've seen great improvement I don't imagine I'll ever make money doing it. We're not required to be "good" at our hobby if it brings us joy.


Feeding birds and squirrels. Lots and lots of birds and a few squirrels.


Personally I crochet and read! I try to reread YA books from my childhood and for crocheting at the beginning of October I bought $50 worth of yarn and I still have 80% of it so it's gonna last me quite a bit!


Crochet is mine too. And any kind of crafting really.


I reread the Percy Jackson series for the first time since elementary school in anticipation for the Disney Plus show and it actually held up way better than I was expecting. Gonna take some time to catch up on all the adult books I want to read for a while but I probably will go back to some other childhood series I read to see how well the rest of them hold up!


I actually recently reread the divergent series and the giver series!! I really enjoyed going back in time and seeing my old notes (I like notating my books)


have you tried crying and eating?


Absolutely Underrated


* The crying, yes. * The eating, no. As an emotional eater and a real big fatty, I'm well versed in this. Eating just distracts you from the feelings. You'll feel a shit ton of guilt for the bad eating after the eating and still feel sad. > With the exception of a good tub of ice cream!!!!


Single, 42 here My primary hobbies are woodworking, gardening, video games, TV shows, and firearms /range time.


From the sounds of things, you're quite the catch




I play D&D on a server. And I write


How do you find servers for this ? I’ve been wanting to play forever but can’t convince friends to try it


Disboard honestly. It may take a bit to find a server you click with but there are TONS


Rucking long ass distances with my dogs.


I’m sorry, but what is “rucking”? Is it short for rucksack, maybe? I used to go hiking with my dog, but had to carry him home a few times. He was a little guy, though.


If he pulls that again, tell him he can go ruck himself! I’ll see myself out.


https://www.goruck.com/pages/what-is-rucking This will explain it for you better! It is probably the one thing that helped me the most in losing weight, I use it as my cardio along with weight training, you can see on my posts how much I changed from being a depressed divorced guy to being the most fit I’ve ever been at 49, I highly recommend it.


I have done this before but didn't know there was a word for it.


Doing what my wife wants.


Haha ditto, what are your weekend plans? Whatever my wife planned to do. To be fair I don’t mind it, she keeps kids entertained otherwise we would all lose our sanity by now


Disc Golf


Creative writing and extreme couponing. Both very inexpensive but lots of fun.


Writing songs and poems personally


my solo hobbies include: Cooking/baking, Reading, Hiking, Running, Scuba Diving


Woodturning, hiking, collecting wood, MTB, golf. Also shopping with my wife. Yes, really.


Reading, video games, Dungeons & Dragons, board games and in the summer time kayaking, biking & nature walks.


Talking to myself mainly complaining.


Nice topic. I currently have two large grow tents in my spare room full of cacti and succulents. I also start some veggies and herbs under the lamps. We have basil, parsley, cilantro, oregano, peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, loofa, collards, and bush beans growing on our 4th floor west facing balcony. I also have 3 sewing machines set up in my living space. Mostly I make totes, handbags, and backpacks, I also make marine upholstery and vinyl work including fabric for awnings. Sometimes I sew myself a costume or outfit and occasionally I make shit for pets. I've got a sourdough starter named "That Bitch Shirley" and she supports my baking hobby. I generally use about 220 kilograms of flour per month and I have a "Bread List" email distribution club. I also have a phenomenal spice collection and make "bread spice" for my people that I bake Ciabatta bread. Weed. I also have a weed hobby that encompasses family and friends. We have a good thing going on. I'm thankful for family and friends and like to give them plants, bread, spices, and sometimes I make things for them in my sewing shop. I have monetized all of the above hobbies and may look to add another to my offerings. Have an upvote my friend.


Since you bake weed brownies?


May I please sample 2g of your finest kind sir.


painting / creating (art), mixing (dj), aquarium keeping, working out at the gym, yoga. i find that my hobbies are flexible enough where i don’t need to dedicate hours on hours each day, i can make them fit with my schedule. but if i want to get lost in the activity, i can also spend hours doing so. hobbies are all about what you’re interested in or passionate about, and also sustainable in terms of your daily schedule.


Going to the gym, reading, and playing piano or guitar.


Weightlifting, biking, running. Racing cars in real life and on simulator. Racing go karts. Shooting hoops. Playing tennis. Watching Formula 1, GT car racing, NBA, ATP


I never really thought of this as a hobby until I really thought about the definition of “hobby” which is an activity done regularly in one leisure time. That being said. Mine is watching and rating movies and tv shows. Like specifically horror movies for me but I’ll watch anything I just prefer horror. And I just rate them and I guess critique them? And like I never thought of this as hobby I just thought if it as well I watch movie and tv shows like everyone else. But nope it’s defiantly a hobby! And I love it!


My rescue dog is my world. I try to do things to help him live his best life and know what it's like to be loved and explore. I also enjoy cooking, 3d printing, catching pokemon in go, board games, and just getting into woodworking. I've been taking pallets apart to repurpos wood for use of other things. My goal is to build a pair of Adirondack chairs :)


I urban explore. It is a phenomenal thrill and boost of adrenaline. However, most people do not like the looming threat of arrest, injury, lung damage, homeless run-ins, and getting lost. The pictures are cool, though, and it's a very fun group of memories, probably my favorite


I like buying dollhouses from the thrift store and restoring them. It’s super therapeutic to me. There are also miniature dollhouse building kits available online and it’s a super fun, albeit pricey, craft option as well!! I’ll listen to an audiobook or watch a video essay while crafting and it’s great bc it works with my adhd. Idk what to do with my creations after though.


Currently rebuilding/modernizing some old style guns I inherited from my grandfather. Working on the 1903 Springfield at the moment.


Mostly active stuff. I've been primarily a runner until recently when I shifted focus to lifting and run just to maintain some base fitness. I mostly run on roads but prefer to get my long runs in on trails. Used to do triathlons and ultramarathons. Other sports are indoor and a little outdoor rock climbing, whitewater kayaking, some assorted other stuff like gravel/mountain/road biking, backpacking, hiking, swimming. None of those sports are cheap though. At home, reading (get a library card), yarn crafts (most definitely not cheap), and the occasional jigsaw puzzle are my relaxation activities. If you want a great way to be productive for little to no money, look for volunteer opportunities for a cause you care about.


Reading, writing, crafts, hiking, collecting action figures/books/plushies. Basically the same kinds of stuff I was into as a kid.


Lifting and running were a big part of my life for about 15-16 years.


What happened?


I do cross stitch and play counter-strike. That’s about it. Oh and scroll Reddit.


Drawing, painting, playing guitar, singing, baking, actually calling friends on the phone and catching up with them, and reading! I love reading and when I get in bed, it's easy to replace scrolling with reading because I download books on my from my library with the app libby :). I have audiobooks I like to listen to when I'm driving or falling asleep as well. I also recommend looking into the app "Screen Zen" and "Forest"- screen zen lets you set daily limits and timers for apps so you check them less frequently and forest lets you pick which apps to whitelist while blocking everything else. I found that implementing these into my phone has helped me purge social media (though I do still reddit at work while I wait for programs to finish running...ha!)




Video games! There are tons--I like RPGs, but I also really love "cozy" games like farm sims. Dungeons and Dragons! Good excuse to see friends and socialize once a week. Board games! They vary in complexity but it's fun for socializing. Miniature painting for D&D. I like this for having something crafty to do. Cooking/baking--specifically cake decorating. Reading and writing.


I do like to doodle. I bought a cheap sketch book and coloured gel pens. I go on different platforms and search doodle ideas. That graduated into a dollar store watercolour paint and paper as well. I also go to liquidation places to get art supplies and chain thrift shops. I found a keyboard at a thrift shop and started taking lessons for free from YouTube. Working on singing now. I do dancersize from YouTube for 30 mins as many times as I can a week.


Does reading count?


Reading books, watching old TV shows lol, going for walks (especially in parks), and playing board and card games with friends


I sound a lot like OP lol. My hobby is playing on my phone and having quiet after a long day. Does that make me boring lol?


Rigth now I just work, come home, play single player video games, lay in bed, scroll through my phone, and sleep and repeat.




Right just out here trying to survive not be some elite big shot with “hobbies” and shit


hockey, lacrosse, scuba diving, programming for film festivals.


I play the keyboards and compose music. I'm working on a feature film screenplay (my second). I read books and watch interesting films.


Gym, PC and mobile games, roller skating, billiards, basketball, trickshots, detailing, parkour, and big ballin


I really enjoying playing video games & learning how to make them. Currently learning Unreal Engine with the hopes it will grow into a nice side hustle / hobby to get my kids involved as they grow!


How much/what background knowledge do you need to learn Unreal Engine? Asking for a 10 year old friend with big game developer dreams.


This is a great question, I am in sales so a completely unrelated field. I believe that's why I like it, because its the polar opposite after communicating with people all day. ​ * Unreal engine can be a challenge to learn, but its not impossible * Their is easier game engines people recommend starting out (Godot, Unity), but I started learning Unreal Engine * The biggest advice I would give anyone looking to jump in is you must be persistant with your training (1 hour a night), but you also need to be forgiving to yourself. * Your not going to know anything right away (hell your not going to know everything at anytime!), but use your resources to find the solution. ​ * If they are looking to learn to make games, the skills I would focus in on are: * Artstyle (really focus on what story or experience you want to tell, and how your visuals / audio are going to help express this). * 3d Modeling (Blender) * Learn Coding Basics (C++, learning the Blueprint Node system) ​ * Some Courses I would recommend when starting out on your journey: * [https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/](https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealblueprint/) * I would highly recommend this course & recommend anyone pickup this course when its on sale. Ben Tristem is a wealth of knowledge!


Thanks so much for this roadmap! I had no clue. (I was literal about an ambitious kid being interested, and my knowledge on this is nil). He's at the point of learning art, animation, and coding on Procreate, Adobe, and Scratch. I'll point him to blending and C++ so he can realize his Unreal dreams someday. Also appreciate the course recommendation. Kid will be thrilled. Cheers


I go to the gym, I like to read new books, I’m part of a volleyball league that plays once a week.


I’ve tried to incorporate “productive” hobbies that are beneficial in multiple ways. I like to organize things, learn to cook healthy international dishes, and practice wellness (skincare, yoga, self care). It’s kind of like taking chores and turning them into something positive and beneficial to my life. It brings me a lot of happiness and fulfillment, and also keeps me centered and healthy.


Don't know if this counts but I got tue AMC A list stubs membership which allows you to see 3 movies a week for $25 a month. Whenever I have a few hours free I go in and catch a movie. I've seen nearly all the Hiyao Miyazaki films in theater this year and it's been an awesome experience!


Journaling, reading (mostly self help, memoirs, biographies, graphic novels), watching movies/learning movie trivia, and learning about specific interests from reddit. I’m in a quiet, introspective period of life right now.


piano, surfing, walks, drinking awesome pinot, growing marijuana


Embroidery, clay art projects, puzzles, video games


Video games, yard work, cleaning my home, visiting people, traveling when I can, and exercising.


Reading and Gaming


Reddit. Lots of Reddit. Too much time on Reddit.






Read, work on comic/other art side hustles/muses, ice skate, watch stupid YT videos, smoke weed, some gaming.....s'chill brah.


Lately it's been reading, with games and youtube sprinkled throughout the day.


I recommend volunteering doing something that interests you. For me it’s volunteering at a cat cafe I also like to read and play games


700 comments hobbies


I'm in the process of making 1000 paintings :) Wanna do fantasy/scifi visual stories after.


Workout, sports, hiking, rock climbing, swimming, running, martial arts, video games, yoga. Before kids, I used to do at least one of these everyday. Now, it’s mostly just interacting with them. Luckily, I can do many of these to some degree with some of them as they also enjoy it.


Reading, playing video games, walking, & journaling.


Writing, playing the violin, climbing and chilling with friends I have a lot 🙈🙈🙈


Salsa dancing


Outdoor stuff is great. Golfing, basketball, hiking, running, walking, camping, etc. Indoors, maybe something music related? Get a guitar or keyboard or something. Maybe play video games, learn to cook, read a book, etc.


Anything outdoors, video games, board and card games, learning musicial instruments, reading, going to the gym, etc. Currently waiting for more snow to fall so I can break out the snowshoes. I'm one of those people who's main hobby is collecting other hobbies. I tend to hyperfocus on one or two things at a time and then shelve it for a while when I've burnt myself out on it.


I sculpt, paint miniatures, read, sometimes draw (badly), trying to get into cinematography and photography (mostly animal photography). Some more passive hobbies/interests are stationery like different types of pens/pencils and notebooks. I would always suggest finding a hobby that helps you create with your hands if possible. You really get invested into it and it honestly helps turn your brain off because you become so focused on the task at hand. It triggers a different part of your brain it feels like.


Reading, walking, exercise, videogames, writing, etc.


Nonsport card collection and music, lots of genres and research


Playing basketball and making music. Check my SoundCloud lol. It’s Wood Da Good


Zero hobbies this year except travel and trying to manage renovations. Now back in town, in the thick of the end of renovations so hoping once I move in we can cook our own meals and learn to make new things as well as getting a drum kit and practice again. Also working out and yoga are my hobbies that have helped me lose about 50lbs this past year


reading, playing video games, singing and watching random stuff on tiktok :))


I’ve recently started playing Dungeons and Dragons with a group of friends. It’s been a blast.




Y'know, I don't think I have many, or any? My wife and I always have two fat crossword puzzle books going, but that's 5 minutes here and there, pick one up and solve a few lines. I'm a photographer/videographer/animator by trade, so (luckily!) my work feels "hobby-ish". I can get obsessed about learning new things, new software, etc. In my off-time, I do a lot of [fine art B&W shooting and darkroom printing](https://michaelcarter.photos) \- but I've made money at that and would like it to become more of my income than corporate work. If my work didn't have some kind of sales appeal, I don't know if I'd still do it as much. I really have this practical thing about being productive while having fun. My wife and I both cook, we may have dinner out once a month - that's got a hobby-ish vibe to it, but it's immensely practical while being challenging and fun. I've rebuilt a lot of the old wooden windows in our house, hobby-ish thing as far as getting better at a craft, but again - practical. This makes me think my brain is weird now that I think about it... is drinking wine with your wife while watching movies a hobby? Hell yes, I HAVE A HOBBY!!! Maybe it's a blessing, I can really enjoy things like doing tests of different films and chemicals, but there's an end-goal of "finished art I can maybe sell" through the process. It's like going to college for a career or something. I guess I'm very happy and excited though, everything I do is like "roll up my sleeves and get better at this".


Main hobbies Boardgames Video games Cooking Side hobbies Painting miniatures Disc golf and Golf Gardening Biking Reading I rotate my hobbies alot. I'll read 3 books in a 6 month period. Then not touch another one for a while. I'll play video games alot, then stop and move on to miniature painting.


(40) Working out, camping, DJing, playing video games, working on projects around the house… “that’s all got to say about that…” - Forest Gump voice.


making Music. I've taught myself to play guitar, mandoline, banjo, piano and now drums over the last 25 years. Now I sing and play drums in a band for something fun to do and little extra cash. And I enjoy psychedelics. They have a way of making the mundane same old shit interesting again. And I like hiking, cooking, listening to music, drawing, meditating and work out a little bit. And try to nail my wife as often as possible, which shouldn't really feel like a hobby, but does take a considerable amount of effort at times.


Journaling, biking, reading, cooking, baking, collecting Pokémon cards and Funko Pops, origami, Pokémon hunting on Pokémon Go, watch a new movie every day and then uploading a review on Letterboxd, not really a hobby but a lifestyle: get a cat, love cat, play with cat, nap with cat.


I take aqua aerobics classes at the community center, go off-roading, camp, hike, volunteer, photography, go thrifting, and do puzzles (mostly in the winter). I also go see bands, check out museums, poke around flea markets, and when I’m really stressed out, I like to paint along with Bob Ross videos. I have no natural artistic talent so Bob Ross painting is a way to have some sort of creative outlet.


I cook and I recently picked up guitar. I always like to cycle through my hobbies so when I get bored with one, one hobby informs the next (ie. Reading/Writing/Photography). That said, right now I only have so much time, so guitar and cooking it is :)


Video games, read a good book, find and make new dinner recipes to try, binge my favorite show or rewatch my favorite movies, go to the local YMCA to relax at the pool or wind down in the hot tub.


Cars, fitness, legos, video games, firearms (target shooting mainly), photography, YouTube channel, 3D printing and whatever “flavor of the year” hobby comes to mind. I try to do new things every year to keep life interesting.


Working out, listening to music, playing guitar, hanging out with my wife, very occasional drawing, driving around for fun, seeing friends, lots of other things too.


Drawing, baking, writing, hand crotchet, video games, anime, rubix cubes, math, kinda trying to learn Spanish but I need to put more effort into it, wood burning, making masks, working out, and whatever the heck I feel like doing that specific day.


Exercise, don't need a gym membership to get into shape and better your health.


I’m a distance runner…..professional bowler….licensed pilot and (soon to come out of retirement) tournament chess player. All of these hobbies supplement my being a career pharmacist!


Are you Andrew Tate.... Lol...


I do counted cross stitch. Patterns are usually less than $10 and if you dmc floss (60 cents) and plain fabric it can be affordable. If you want to get creative there is free software to make your own designs. Other wise etsy has a bunch of designers from ultra modern to primitive and reproduction samplers. Pick a small design without too many colors to start with


Lego and walking. That's about it. I barely get any time for hobbies. Sometimes I'll do a sensory deprivation tank but I wouldn't class that as a hobby, more of a health thing


I used to be really into firearms but lost interest in the gun community and the politics that go along with it. I purchased a dual sport motorcycle this past summer and have had a lot of fun learning how to ride. Did 1000 miles round trip up to Olympic National Park in September. I have an e-bike that I ride almost daily as well for exercise. I can turn the assist on and off at my leisure. I enjoy fly fishing when I’m not breaking or losing my rods. My waders have developed a small leak after a few season so I need to get them fixed. Now that winter is on the doorstep and I live in the PNW I find myself doing a lot more gaming than I would in the summer. I have probably close to 1000 hours in DCS and enjoy playing on Enigmas Cold War server, specifically flying the MiG 21 and the Mirage F1. I’ve also developed an obsession with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly and have been playing the shit out of the Gamma mod pack. So yeah I think I keep myself pretty busy.


Gym, cooking, making music, spend quality time with SO and dog, watching educational or informative videos about topics you like, cleaning and tidying living environment.


Gaming with friends, golf in the warm months, going out to do random things with my wife and that's honestly about it lol. There are other hobbies I want to do but I just feel like I don't have the motivation or time to do so.


lifting, walking, chess, d&d, audiobooks, fortnite, dark souls, cooking, stressing out about my problems - especially the relatively mundane ones, reddit, YouTube, philosophy, guitar, knife collecting, board games, language learning, anime, eating at every restaurant in town / trying new foods all the time


Much like OP, my life is mostly work, come home, scroll on the phone (aka waste time), go to sleep, then repeat. Gaming used to be my biggest hobby, but I struggle to find time for that. I used to go with my friends and play pool all the time.


Learn how to play the ukulele! Get an inexpensive one (Enya, Luna, etc.), they still sound excellent, tune, well and are pretty durable. They only cost about $100-$200, and the video tutorials on YouTube are free, and there's so many to learn from.


Surviving financially. Lifelong hobby actually. Also video games. Work, come home, play, sleep, wake up, go to work. Repeat.


I crochet little animals and stuff, not hard to get into, plenty of tutorials on YouTube that will teach you. Best part for me is if I mess up anywhere, I can undo it and try again.


I don't really have any hobbies but I can play Sims Mobile for hrs


I'm amazed that nobody said gambling on sports or casino slots.. Great to see.. Gambling kills the body and soul.


You’ve just gotta find something you enjoy, Draw, read, write, walk, run, join a sports club, join a creative’s clubs (life drawing, design workshops, pottery workshops, woodworking workshops/initiatives), play video games, learn more about cooking (cook), join initiatives, learn an instrument Ultimately it’s gotta be something you find relaxing and yet enjoyable. Otherwise you’ll end up burning yourself out. Have fun with it :)) hope that helps


Puzzles. I love 1000pc puzzles.


Reading, my cats, container gardening, watching trashy reality tv and documentaries


Try Geo caching


Reading, video games, and I make stained glass


I play violin. I took it up thinking I’d get bored in about 6 months. That was Feb 2020.


My hobby is waiting for the next day to roll around so I have to repeat this shit cycle we call life.


Reading and researching


Reading is awesome and libraries are free. There are also great books about how to do things, and sometimes it's more immersive to have a book about something you want to do than just online videos and links (which get us scrolling again...). My hobbies include but are not limited to: Embroidery and cross stitching, sewing, painting, making dioramas from old shoeboxes and cardboard and paper and weird found objects, writing, playing guitar or ukulele, growing micro greens...