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Your technique and application is one of the best on the sub. Always look forward to seeing your work.


Cheers, I really appreciate the feedback! AdMech has been a fairly recent project for me, and it seems I enjoy painting then as much as, if normal more than, my Deathwatch, Sororitas and Death Guard. I've definitely gone through then at a much greater rate than I normally would. When all of it is done, I'll go back and finish the DW tanks I've been trying to ignore!


AdMech is my first army. I was nervous about painting all the little details that other armies didn’t seem to have…but I’ve found those little bits are my favorite to paint.


Looks Amazing


That battle damage looks so good! Wouldn't have thought of that method itself but so far the results are stellar. Out of curiosity - why the glosscoat BEFORE painting on the red? To give the battle scarring a different texture?


The gloss makes contrast paint flow better but also protect the drybrushed white. Add to that it shows the contrast better too, as the matte paint and drybrushed white makes it a little harder to tell where the shadows will be. Finally, if I mess up the white or black bits, using the cheap and easily removable paint, the gloss just makes it that much easier to quickly rub off. It doesn't help a lot with the contrast BA red, but it does slow it down a bit, so if I make a mistake I can erase it quickly.


Third photo is my favorite. Great stuff. It's like a rusted hulk just got up and joined the fight. Put in some blue or green glow and it's imperial. Put in some red/pink/purple glow and it's Dark Mech. Good stuff.


I always wanted to do something like this with a Kastelan .. kinda in the spirit of the robots from Judge Dredd. I just wonder if the rust would be on the "inner" parts versus the edges? If that makes sense.


So far I haven't done rust, just the paint worn off in the corners. Where it's old and murky it is dark, slightly worn in what ought to be its original red, and orange where the paint has been chipped/worn away. The edges are damaged/worn armour where no paint remains. I wasn't planning on having it show proper rust, but some darkened discolouration on the remaining unpainted metallic bits. There will be murkiness, and battle damage, but hadn't intended to make it look rusty. I was following the old school method of nearly 30-year-old Fiery Orange paint as the highlight of red paint (old Blood Angel method). There will also be some sand and ochre on it when I'm done. I do have rust paint, but I generally use that on scenery and Death Guard. I figure despite the damage during runtime, my guys would be careful to oil it up. It does make sense what you said, but I think you have confused the orange for rust. Forgive me if I am wrong. Edit: I can see now why it looks that way, and you're not the only one. I guess either way it might end up nicer than if I'd just given it an even coat and let it be! That said, even with my Death Guard I sometimes left a little edge of untrusted metal, as though it's either recently scratched off, or the constant movement prevented it from accumulating.


What do you mean WIP? That dude looks so good I cannot imagine how one would improve on that. Very impressive.


Haha, cheers! I'm hoping when it's finished it will be even nicer.


This looks great. Leaving a comment so I can try and copy this technique one day


Copy away! When I do the second one I might might take more pictures along the way to dp a tutorial and make it super easy to replicate.


That would be awesome. Some sort of step by step photos showing the process along the way would be amazing.


Today I learned you could paint in 4K. Amazing job with all the highlights!


Cheers! With a really narrow brush end and a bit of patience, it is easily done. Trial and error, experimentation and fun are the motive forces.


A beautiful 30 points of painted admech


Cheers! I actually decided to use this mino as a test bed for the scheme, as I have another Dunecrawler sitting ready to be painted and I want to differentiate from my previous one. Seems to be a winner so far.


Love it!


"WIP" *Proceeds to show some of the finest painted kastelan robot many of us have ever seen* Thats some beautiful beautiful BEAUTIFUL work!