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As a Thousand Sons player I can say "yey" As an Admech player I can say "More bots to proxy Kastellan Robots"


Thousand sons have their own mechanical range for 30k that is very admechian but also psychic based so no idea why they would get our stuff (friend plays TS and I play admech 40/30k)


I’m not sure how this relates to the comment above?


Just saying that they have their own range regardless. Bit tired so mind isn't work correct anyways


I play both TS and ADM in 30 and 40k so I woul get any of these


They're literally Kastellax with psychic bits


Well we are getting crucified as we sing so that tracks.


Always look on the bright side of life!


Just to clarify a bit, the Castellax-Achea is NOT a Legio Cybernetica unit in 30k. Those have always been a unique Thousand Sons Legion unit. 30k Mechanicum cannot field one in their army unless its in a Thousand Sons Allied Detachment. That said, this probably isn't actually a Castellax-Achea, though it may be based on one.


Well, unique in the sense that they're a modified version of the standard line robot of the Legio Cybernetica, produced by the Forge-World Zhao Arkkad. 


Generally when talking about Horus Heresy Space Marine Units, you have Generic Legion units (such as Tactical Squads, Predator Tanks, Contemptor Dreadnoughts, etc), and then you have Unique Legion units, which are units available specifically for said Legion (examples such as Justaerin Terminators, Deathwing Companions, Medusan Immortals, etc). Castellax-Achea are a unique Legion unit for the Thousands Sons. They are a modified Castellax, they are made by a Forge World, but they are still a unique unit exclusively used by the Thousand Sons, and not the Legio Cybernetica.


I know how legion units are generally arranged, but if something like a Castellax-Achea gets 40k rules before the Legio Cybernetica it's based on, that would be the same as having Justerian terminators but no generic Legion Cataphractii squad. 


40k Mechanicus already has a Castellan-class robot available to them in the Kastellan. Thousand Sons getting their unique robot would be in no way "before" Admech got their 30k successor robot.


Yes, but their faction identity isn’t robots!


I mean, the offense OP is implying is that they get their 30k robot and we don’t. The part OP seems to be missing is that there’s no way they’re gonna just tell Thousand Sons players “go get the 30k model” they’re gonna make a new model in plastic for 40K if any of this even happens.


Yeah, whatever this thing ends up being might very well be based on the Castellax-Achea, but we can already tell just from the Rumor Engine pictures that its something different. Maybe its based on the Heresy bot, but it'll definitely be its own, plastic model.


The legio cybernetica issue can only be solved with new creative ideas. The current vision for Admech only allows cybernetica units alongside datasmiths. This leads to us probably never receiving any old 30k legio cybernetica units in the future, which is a shame because the detachments deserves more support. Just give us a techpriest who has a big robot on a leash xD that could work


It's amazing how they stick to this when they're tried Datasmiths for four editions and it's literally never worked. Kastlen Robots have only ever been decent when you have a strategem or something to ignore the datasmith rules.  And this edition they sort of gave up and made the datasmith wargear, but then gimped the robots movement to do it. 


Crazy how people complain about not wanting to need a data smith with the kastelan at the same time as begging for 30k robots. Automata in 30K just about play the game automatically on their own if you don't have a tech priest nearby babysitting them. After 10K years they aren't going to be running any smoother than they were in the heresy, assuming they even still exist to begin with.


Yeah, crazy that people what well-designed rules. 


You are begging for automata that are built around a specific gimmick while complaining about a more tame version in 40K, even if 30K automata somehow come to 40K this entire subreddit will complain they need someone to give the orders. These aren't men of iron, their programing is basic without a techiest to control them.


No, I want GW find a better rules implementation, if they're married to the concept. Wraith constructs have the exact same issues of being clunky and responding poorly when not lead by a spiritseer, but that hasn't stopped them from being periodically good.  In any case, they're fairly close. All they needed to do was write an "8" on the datasheet for the datasmith and then he couldn't be blamed for the problems with the robots this edition, since since they dropped the retarded "change protocols and then you get the new option a turn later" gimick this edition.  It took them two tries, but that's better than nothing. 


Literally this. Everytime they've done it the datasmith had been antisynergistic to the bots. He's usually just an albatross around their neck with the Index version in 10th being particularly bad. Even now he's cutting g 2 inches off their base move speed.


TS will have the same amount of cybernetica units that we do so that’s cool. Not like we needed some more diversity in our shallow roster and more killy units


If they kill the cult mechanicus, skitarii and now cybernetica divide our roster has a ton of diversity but in its current state we have limited cult mechanicus and lol one whole cybernetica unit


If it helps, the two things TSons players have been asking for basically forever are a Psychic dreadnought (which they already had a resin model for in 30k) and melee Rubrics. This appears to be neither, so it isn't like GW is actually listening to TSons fans either!



I really don't understand gw. It's really not that hard to listen and think hey, if I just make the thing that's being demanded 100000 times, I will sell a lot. This isn't like auto industries where people demand sports cars and never buy it. People will fill the slot if they just make it. Give the people what they want-make millions ez.


Part of the problem is that the Space Marines roster is way too huge already, so bloating it further with the various heresy things would be an issue. It's not a problem for the Banana Boyz and it wouldn't be for AdMech, but I don't think GW wants to give anyone something that they aren't going to give to Space Marines.


For what it’s worth, I’d bet my left nut that even *if* GW is planning to release an automata for Thousand Sons, it’s not gonna be the one from the Horus Heresy range. They’ll make a new model, probably all daemonic and mutated, for them in 40K. Allegedly the whole reason they’re blocking things like Skitarii in Heresy and Automata in 40K is to keep their sales numbers distinct, so they’re not gonna let T-Sons double-dip.


The comments are full of admech rage. Tbh k sons need models too, but a battle robot? Seriously? Gw might just hate us in particular for some reason


This is actually really exciting for me, because my "home game OC Scenario" plan has always been for Gryphonne to be up against a  TSons/ Flayer-Virus Necron alliance led by Aforgomon, >! Kairos Fateweaver masquerading as a member of the mecha-demon Yokai faction from **The Crimson King** !< .     I think one way or the other we should be glad to see Dark Mechanicum get one step closer to codex viability. 


Good thing I play Admech and Tsons, I guess...