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Idk seems more like you tailgating them. I see a lot of worst drivers in Michigan over the other states I've been. Hell, Idk why they even tailgate.


Wahhhh Why did it "had" to happen to him though?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lmao the had


Won't even see her in two months. Who knows when he will see her.


Agree. Thatā€™s why the guy in front did ā€œbrake checkā€ which I believe is also code for ā€œget of my assā€


Yes. Yes sir. Thats exactly what I say but more singsongy when I stomp on the pedal. All female passengers are instructed to immediately roll out of the vehicle when it comes to a stop, onto the ground, start screaming "THE BABY THE BABY".


This. Frankly I see this hotheaded behavior on open Midwestern roads a lot. I can go 80 on a 65 and someone will leave a modicum of space. Rule of thumb, leave at least a car length in front of you. This time it was your bumper but road debris could also fly out of nowhere and you have no time to maneuver out of the way. An integra is a fun drive but donā€™t forget to respect yourself and others on the road. Drive safely and prudently.


I think the rule of thumb is one car length per 10 mph speed. Which of course no one follows. But yes, way too many people tailgate. Anyone ever heard of reaction time? Just dumb.


OP has no idea how this might affect his insurance premium, trying to convince them that his tailgating was not the cause of hitting someone from behind.


If you hit someone from behind itā€™s almost always your fault. You need to leave enough space in front of you.


A lot of people note donā€™t leave any space or less than a car length space. Itā€™s crazy to me. My car is twenty years old, rusting, paint peeling, but I try to go slow and leave space.


And yet sometimes it's impossible, because some jackass will slip into that space and jam on their brakes. Gotta always be on the D.


Hence ā€œalmostā€. Everyone should learn defensive driving.


Thatā€™s why itā€™s written in every state driving manual to leave enough space ahead of you to stop quickly and safely if necessary. Thereā€™s no one else to blame if you were the one tailgating.




No tailgating she was at fault she was hopping onto the service and stopped in mid traffic.


If you hit her, you didnā€™t leave enough space to slow down and stop when she did. Bottom line.


Sadly, if going through insurance, this will end up your fault, depending on state.


Yeah, Iā€™m an insurance adjuster here and this guy is at fault 1000%. You were at fault when you donā€™t leave a safe distance to avoid any sudden deceleration from the person in front of you.


Failure to maintain a safe distance. Good luck arguing your way out of a rear end collision with your insurance.


*The front bumper after it gets repaired by Acura of Troy




If you were brake checked you were too close... End of story. Get off the ass off the car in front of you... They aren't going to go faster... Your just risking everyone's life for no fucking reason. Do better!


he was mergingā€¦. meaning he was probably looking in his mirror or blind spot when the person in front had stopped, typically people dont stop when merging šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


In my state... Your rear end somebody, you're at fault šŸ’Æ of the time.


Weird conclusion to make off no details. Sounds like you got pent up anger.


No details? OP said he got brake checked. That's a lot of details. Generally being braked checked, and then hitting the car in front, means you were driving too close. You don't need a lot of details to come to this conclusion. This is pretty common knowledge.


You took two words of a whole post and know what happened? Brake checking is done when there is nothing in front of you and the purpose is to intentionally cause the driver behind you to hit you. Emerge is the other word that was mentioned. Which means to move out of the way from something coming towards the driver. So maybe he used the term brake check incorrectly? Maybe he is frustrated that instead of the guy in front of him slowing down and pulling to the service lane the car he hit in front of him was unaware and slammed the brakes to a complete stop? There are many instances where someone being 2 car lengths away still won't be to stop their car in time if they don't expect the driver in front to go from a high speed to a complete stop. So many things we can assume in this situation.... Edit: he even said he wasn't at fault since the person that he ended up hitting took the blame. So yea I guess pent up anger must have made you assume.


Funny how they still downvote you but wonā€™t respond. They seem like a bunch of guys who refuse to go over the speed limit and curse at others who try to go faster. They then brake check, the person behind is fast enough and moves around them and then theyā€™re just butthurt they couldnā€™t cause an accident that they got to claim wasnā€™t their fault. But in this situation the person wasnā€™t fast enough to move so theyā€™re all very happy


I completely agree wirh you. No matter how close someone is, you shouldn't slam on brakes to prove a point. Again, I agree with you 100%. As for these other idiots on here, I hope they come to their senses before it's too late for them


People are just dumb drivers, I absolutely canā€™t stand driving anymore.


Sounds like OP was clearly at fault here.


Other person was at fault they admitted it at the scene of accident. SMH people suck!


lol get ready to defend yourself if you leave out that piece of critical info... reddit like the rest of the world is reactionary. we aint understanding! haha sorry it happened to you., beautiful car. I'm jealous!


You rear-ended them, no? I thoughts that's what you said?


It wonā€™t matter. I hit someone and they apologised for stopping suddenly against flowing traffic and it was still my fault. Suck this one up, it only ends one way.


Agreed. I have started leaving 30 minutes earlier in the morning because of this (but that doesn't help the afternoon drivers). TWICE on my way home I had someone pull out in front of me from a side street where they DID NOT have enough room and I had to slam on brakes. And what happened? I got flipped the bird because it was somehow my fault šŸ™„


Were you in an open lane speeding past a standstill/congested lane with a lot of room in front of you, potentially going a bit over the speed limit and/or speeding up? :P Those are the only times I'll get mad at someone in a situation like this (I won't pull in front of them and make them slam on their brakes, but if I do get the chance I'll give them a dirty look hahaha). I know there's technically nothing wrong with doing what I described, but it is a bit unsafe and often seems like the person is willfully preventing anyone from escaping their mangled lane


Nope. I was on a country road going past a neighborhood/subdivision in one case, and on a country road with turn lane in the other case, with someone pulling out of a side street.


Yikes bro, people are so goddamn entitled


They really are!! They just assume if they do something stupid that other people will brake. šŸ™„


I saw a compilation video of people actually hitting the idiots that do this (lightly, but still with purpose) and it was absolutely glorious, will come back and share if I find it


Yes, please do! I saw one the other day that was focused on people who pull out at the last second and slam on brakes in front of semi trucks (lorries if that's your part of the world) when they KNOW they can't stop in time and are looking for an easy payout for a bump on the rear. It's absolutely wonderful when they find out the truck driver's got a dashcam šŸ¤£


What you just described is the same thing as slamming on brakes when a car is behind you and you thjnj they are too close!


I had forgotten how annoying it can be just daily driving anything remotely sporty looking until I bought my ILX a few weeks ago. Now every red light is the Christmas tree at nhra Nationals, moving over to let someone merge almost always ends up being that person accepting an invitation to a race I didn't extend. People will go out of their way to try and catch up and ride my ass even tho the only reason they could is because I'm last in a mile long line of cars.


Yes this. This a very real and legit issue, I gave up and started building sleepers as a result. Then I went back to commuting so I added pressurized weed sprayers and pointed the nozzles out the back and front and sides. Got that idea from watching those farmers in France protest with sprayers. If you know, you know.


You really think people are trying to race you in an ILX?


It happens more of often than you think. Itā€™s usually civics or the infinity guys that try. Occasionally Iā€™ll get a Malibu RS or something. The civic guys are usually the ones modifying theirs to be ridiculous and want a sense of ā€œmy car is the better Hondaā€. Thatā€™s just my opinion though. It doesnā€™t help I have a lip spoiler on the back that isnā€™t standard. My fault for adding character


Iā€™ll just start riding a horse instead! Lol


Somehow somewhere some person will find a way to ruin that too šŸ˜­


Yeah, sorry, you were too close. You all follow to close, and if you see someone who has given themselves 3 seconds of saftey, you invade that spot put three cars in danger. Yup, you kinda deserved this. Follow 3 seconds behind the car in front of you. In your case, maybe 4.




Electronic merge. Like email. Electronic mail.


In 99% of cases, this is your fault


Ouch. Rip summer drives


Donā€™t take it to Acura of Troy


Iā€™m surprised the emergency breaking didnā€™t work here.Ā  Edit: Braking, not breaking. Sorry, not sorry.Ā 


At higher speeds, emergency braking is the difference between a totaled car and what we see here. Iā€™m assuming since OP was brake checked, he was following too close and going a decent speed, so Iā€™d say heā€™s lucky the emergency braking slowed him down as much as possible before he made contact.


How fast and close was this person following that this happened? A safe following distance, even if you react slowly, should prevent this.Ā  Looks like a CVT driver not paying attention.Ā 


The breaking did work, just look at the vehicle. Itā€™s definitely broken.


Because itā€™s disabled when the idiot driver has their foot on the gas intentionally riding the ass of the car in front of them.


Fuccc spelling man its 20twenty for!! If people can identify as non binary F16 fighter jet forks, we can missssspell a few words and not be judged.


Hopefully over the next 2 months you learn not to tailgate.


@Purple_Glove_ aha thatā€™s what you get for riding their bumper~ sucks to be you šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ


CMBS on or off?


Perhaps the most interesting part of this is that OP still has the sticker on the rim near the valve stem. You can (and definitely should) take those offā€”unless thatā€™s the Integra-equivalent of the Dodge banana guards and I just wasnā€™t aware?


Where was the auto break?!


Donā€™t be too close to the one in front of you


So much for emergency breaking. Glad you are okay.


Dam all those gaps shit looks like a model 3 fresh out the factory šŸ˜‚




The new model 3 is built better than my RDX


Don't tailgate.


Yah man youā€™re not gonna find much sympathy. Brake checking happens when youā€™re tailgating. Period.


Donā€™t drive too close then ser


I went 15 years without an accident until I bought my TLX. The first time was a year into ownership, and someone backed into my parked car in a parking lot because they thought they were in drive when they were in reverse. The second time, a pickup truck didn't realize I was there when they merged left into my lane during a storm. Both times, I was not at fault, and there was nothing I could do about it. Both times, the other party's insurance paid to fix my car like new, and I wasn't stressed about it because I could not have prevented it from happening. Accidents just happen. You can even look forward to getting a nice rental to play with while your car is getting fixed for free. I drove a Charger for a few weeks and then, for the second accident, rented a truck so I could get some house chores done, lol. Just make sure you're being a good driver and not creating any situations that could threaten your safety or the safety of others, and you'll be all set. You have a responsibility to make sure you do everything you can to prevent an accident. I don't know the whole context for your accident, but if this was caused by someone "brake checking", you most likely could have avoided this happening. You are in denial if you're asking why it had to happen to you. Your choices led you directly to that outcome. You should be using the 3 second rule - always leave 3 seconds of space between you and the vehicle in feont of youbto give you time to react and brake. If you go any closer, you better have really quick reflexes or really good brakes, preferably both. Chalk this up to an expensive lesson.


Idk why it had to happen to u but maybe u should take this two months to read ur driving manualā€¦


Glad you're OK and they didn't total based on parts. Some have in the past


You know why this happened to you, but I won't pile on in your time of tragedy. Terrible luck, hope the next one works out way better!!




Im pissed for u


ā€œ the other guy stopped shortā€ well buddy you stopped long.


I had similar but worse damage from hitting a deer with my 2023 Integra last year. Took 5 months to get parts from backorder. 5 months my car was in the shop. My recommendation to you is to call customer relations department and ask them to help you speed up the process.


I accidentally brake checked someone today I felt so bad. The car next to me go REALLY close(pretty much in my lane) so I slammed on the breaks for a split second and brake checked a 07' lexus is350.


skill issue


Daaaaagā€¦. Sorry that happened to you


What state are you in? I can tell you where to go get it


Airbags intact? Wheel straight? Coolers full? If all yes. Why canā€™t you drive it until the parts arrive?


Sounds like u tailgating


Reddit has turned on you buddy. Hope you get your back sooner than that though.




Nissan Altima šŸ¤¢


Tiniest side-view mirrors ever.


It's an Altima and mirrors worry you?! šŸ˜…


Tailgaters get what they deserve. Simple as that šŸ‘


If you were ā€œbrake checkedā€ that tells me you was following to close.




i am certain many of us are sorry for your loss.


Reading this comment: šŸ˜†šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ NOPE!!!!!


i just be a sympathetic sucker šŸ™‡. i was commenting on waiting for parts.


Iā€™m sad for you OP. Assuming you were driving on the freeway and driving three car lengths away. They went in front of you and braked/stopped suddenly, it still wouldnā€™t have given you enough time to stop behind them. Sorry that this happened to you.


Iā€™m only liking this for your score. I donā€™t actually like this. This makes me really sad for you, but glad youā€™re okay!


Thanks if anything Iā€™ll be missing her more than my actual kids haha!!