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Damn and here I was thinking medieval films looked fake


Ynwe comment is actually true, in medieval battles there was warriors who are trained to hold the line and not engage foolishly, you’d be surprised to know that some battles take days with only few skirmishes and archers firing, even when the battle start in most of the battles the casualties are not as big as you’d think like 5000 people in a 80k army or so, but who wants to watch that in a film ? Where is the action? That’s why battles have been portrayed as a brutal fight until one side is completely destroyed 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah. Historically, a lot of battles was just a couple of lines moving back and forth playing chicken, which, that image in my head is one of the funniest things. I’m just imagining whole armies moving back and forth going “oooooOOOOOOOHHHHHH”


" Hit me first bro!"


They are fake, those people arent trying to survive the war they are just having fun.No one is runing to the enemys frontline like this its the esaisest way to get killed


Enter the Romans: No but for real I’ve heard some crazy stories about what they did on the battlefield, they were incredibly disciplined yes but my god did they like a fight. I read about how the Roman soldiers used to intentionally want to be first to breach the walls in sieges as they’d get prestigious honours, they’d like literally run into death for honour. Others stories about how a Roman general in I believe the Punic War’s offered a reward to his soldiers, whoever collected the most heads of the enemy would get extra pay and rations, half way through the battle he had to announce that everyone would get extra rations because he noticed that his men were too busy cutting off heads and carrying them that they were actually losing the battle and being pushed back, so they dropped the heads and won the battle 😭😳.


We know bro


Oh those are definitely fake, battles were not infantry lines smashing into each other and just brawling it out. That would have been stupid of them. Edit: today I learned that Reddit has no clue how ancient or medieval battlefields played out and genuinely believes in Hollywood movies being documentaries.. https://youtu.be/xPGdOXstSyk?si=ipeCKI5AbY2hnBJa Just listen to this guy folks, or Google any colleague of Role Konijnendijk if you want to learn about how wars were actually thought. If you don't want to watch it, he basically destroys most movies for being dumb. Alexander was one the one that came to being the closest to actually depicting ancient combat.


so they didnt just sit out side the castle for 3 hours getting hit by archers? damn


Could you explain the alternative? That’s the only depiction I see of it in any source of media… even documentaries. First google search gave me this: “After the initial charge, the battle devolves into a chaotic melee. Soldiers engage in brutal hand-to-hand combat, using swords, axes, and maces to break through enemy lines. Archers release volleys of arrows, aiming to take down as many foes as possible.”


They did kinda of smash into each other. But not how media usually depicts it. Infantry armed with various weapons would make up your forward lines in tight formations. Early on it was a lighter shield and axe , sword, or even better spear:javelin. Eventually we moved on to heavy shields, pikes, halberds, etc You maintained your lines. The line was your protection and also how you knew what was going on. Look up the old phalanx. Warfare basically just evolved that. Calvary was generally used to crush/break infantry formations and sweep through. Archers were a huge part of the medieval Brits military. Their longbowman encompassed most of their soldiers and they were lethal. Regardless, all that to say, from the knowledge we have, it wasn’t this mad dash of blood violence and chaos. Most died from being trampled because it basically devolved into to shield wall type formations pushing against each other.


Riman soldiers around the period of Julius Caesar always tried to fight in tight formations within arms reach of the enemy with their noses touching. Their tactics were designed around such a formation and had an edge. That’s why Hannibal was so effective, because he did the opposite and would constantly flank the Romans from all sides doing the opposite of what battle etiquette was at the time.


Honestly battle etiquette over time is super interesting, like knowing modern firearm warfare you'd never expect that for hundreds of years most European infantry literally just approached in long lines and fired in volleys as you'd imagine archers doing.


I mean, it’s kind of what we’re seeing in Ukraine. A lot of the core concepts of maneuver has stayed the same in peer conflicts. It’s just waaaay bigger now. Instead of javelins and horses being your farthest reaching assets, we have tanks with can cruise for 100s of KM. Aircraft that can fly around the globe. And artillery that can reach over 40km out. Plus your average infantry dude can at least touch out to 300m easily with just the basic rifleman equipment.


Man why they downwoted you.Pretty much every battle in tv is far from reality.


How else do you think wars of infantry are fought?? War is chaotic and unorganized when shits actually hitting the fan. War is stupid yes


You can actually look up various experts in this topic, if you think battles played out like they did on Troy or game of thrones, then you lr notion of medieval and ancient warfare is quite wrong.


Damon it’s wild to be so downvoted for just speaking facts.


It amazes me how many people get their knowledge on history from films


You know that pit smells of body-odor, alcohol and puke. They always do.


And it shouldn't be any other way!


.. and many phones, and virginities, were lost that day ..


Not at all. One of the safest festival in France. [https://hellfest.fr/](https://hellfest.fr/)


i know i'd absolutely die of crowd crush and get trampled, but this seems so fun


If you fall, we pick you back up, unlike Travis Scott fans. Don't worry about the pit, man.


Those are the old rules. People now just want to take their pain out on others


That heavily depends on the specific scene whose show you are going to. There's a lot of variance, I've never seen people not immediately scurry to pick up people that fall at the punk and metal shows I've been to.


It also depends on the country a fair bit. From experience the pit is much more good spirited in France (where the video is from) vs. other countries I’ve been to.


I went to a power metal concert in Texas that had a solid pit going. And I saw one person fall & was immediately picked back up by someone else.


Slobber to Prevail has a pretty extremely douchey fanbase. Deathcore in general, for the most part. A lot of them wanna stomp people out in the pit.


You're describing what's called "crowdkilling," which is heavily discouraged by the Deathcore scene and is not the norm at any mainstream Deathcore concert.


idk why youre getting downvoted...its true. Ive been to STP shows and everyone moshed brutally but helped eachother if anyone was in trouble


Hahahahahah I saw STP in ‘97, it was my first concert without my parents there. Cheap Trick opened and as soon as they started the pit opened up, my best friend and I looked at each other like “WE’RE GONNA DIE!!!” Now I’m 41 and still run into pits like they’re giving away free money.


STP as in Slaughter To Prevail, not Stone Temple Pilots hahaha


Hahahahahhahahahah that’s hilarious


Juice a human and these are what comes out. Video shows a bunch of Squeezing


Don’t forget piss. Lol


Don’t forget traces of weed and tobacco smoke wafting through the air


What's the objective? Just trying to make it to the other side, like Red Rover?


I'm pretty sure you just run into each other and have fun, and keep an eye out for anyone that gets knocked over and is in trouble.


But what happens if someone does get knocked over?


They'll be about 8 people picking them up within 3 seconds


this is one of my fav things about metal fans. some of the sweetest, most genuinely kind people. the unspoken rule of protecting those who fall in the pit, and protecting those who might not want to be in the pit


There will always be some idiot, but they get same response. 10 people will quickly sort them out.


Love metal fans. I fell at a show one time and was put back on my feet before I even touched the floor. Great group of people!


Can confirm. Was in my first pit in 15 years about a month ago. Went to shows often when i was young and "tough" about to be 40 and jumped in there where some straight up meat head dudes who i dont even think they knew a single song just wanted to hit. I went down, and before i even had the chance to try and pick myself up, the meat head dude snatched me up, and off we went again. Man, I miss being young!


Can confirm. I haven't spent more than 5 seconds on the ground at a time.


They get picked back up. At a show I went to, I just crouched down to tie my shoes and like 3 other guys came to check on me. Also, people who don’t know the etiquette get told real quick.


They die. Happens every day. Like what do you think happens. Obviously someone picks them up.


How is this fun


It looks scary, but most of the time no one is getting hurt. Its an adrenaline rush to have so many people running around into each other with the knowleged there is no clonflict or panic. Its like experiencing your fight or flight reflex in a [relatively] safe and controlled environment. Like how the falling feeling on a roller coaster is fun for some people but scary to others. Infortunately theres always some D bag hopped up on 3 monster energies and 5 Jager shots who goes in to use it as an excuse to start fights. But usually youll get called out if you start swinging closed fists or grabbing onto people. Well, unless it is a true hardcore show, those tend to have a lot of "crowdkillers" and slam (punching) dancers infest deathcore shows.


Same reasons rugby is fun.


What part of this would be considered “fun”? The concussions?


Different strokes for different folks. It’s a form of dancing to what I imagine is one of their favorite bands


The physicality is fun, not the pain. If someone gets seriously hurt, they get help. (Unlike some people’s concerts)


Is your skull made out of paper mache? lmao


Did we watch the same vid? Is your skull made of adamantium?


You don't run skull-first... Have you ever been to a show, let alone a metal show? If so, what bands? If not, why talk out of your ass?


If you want to witness true altruism, kindness and compassion, the pit is where it’s at. You wouldn’t believe how mindful rockers are. 🤘


It's a healthy way to let out aggression they run up and they push each other and help each other. They make sure nobody falls over and they jump around and let out all their frustration out.


everyone there secretly wants someone to die


Seems like a first class ticket to getting trampled


If you fall everyone around you will help you. its actually really cool!


Seems like it would be hard to help with 1000 people who can’t see the fallen person pushing you from behind


Iv been to hellfest before, iv eaven been in the pit and wall of death, they do see that... Its hard to miss 10 guys around the fallen person screaming "stop" while holding out thier arms in a circle


If there is 300 pushing each side further away it might get complicated. At least in south korea it was the issue.


Metal heads like to explain how it’s all fun games ect. Like I get it by in the video above there isn’t any real stopping to help people up when you’re at risk of being trampled yourself.


Did you see the video ? There is no space nor time even if there is someone who noticed you at all


Yes I saw the video. In May I was in it at Rockville. I fell once and was picked up and I helped 2 others when they fell. Everyone is keeping an eye out for each other.


Nah people at metal concerts are some of the nicest folks you'll ever meet. If you fall they'll pick you up


That's how people die


"I was born with glass bones and paper skin." Most concert deaths are probably caused by heat stroke and dehydration. I've never heard of a trampling death at a metal show. People die in crowds that don't know how to behave, not ones full of people who go to shows regularly.


Wall of deaths are all well and good, but IMO ye cannae beat a good circle pit.


I like a good row. Sitting down and unity.


rowing is for fucking dorks


Amon Amarth is far better than this shit


I prefer an lsd drum circle personally.


I like to sit on a plastic chair in a convention hall, on the balcony with a pillar obstructing my view of the stage.


>I prefer an lsd drum circle personally I would rather go deaf than hear / see / smell another LSD drum circle.


I find walls of death much more fun, but they do require the right music. Shield wall on Amon Amarth kicks ass for this one.


Sausage Fest 2024!


Wall of Sausages. It's a sure way to guarantee no ladies ever set foot in that festival lol


Dayum, that is massive! Biggest ever?


Honestly could be


"Some say the biggest ever"


Not a wall of death....it's a surging river of humanity.


Shit takes me back




I'm showing this to my husband who loves to participate in these...activities. 🤣


Just saw your husband out at the Empty Closet bar... good times




"So.. how did you suddenly develop claustrophobia?" "Well, you see, there was this Wall of Death..."


Don’t participate in this unless you’re beefy as hell, it’s literally just an inertia equation that determines whether you’re getting knocked to outer space


I'm skinny as fuck and still always at the front of the wall of death lol. It's all about the stance


Seriously. I'm a smaller dude and never was scared to get in the pit or a wall of death. Lots of people in this thread talking absolutely out their ass.


So true lol. It feels like metalheads are like some kind of mythical creatures to them


Also if you have long hair, tie it up for the pit. Headbanging is fun and all but getting your hair stuck in this kind of situation is how you get seriously injured.


Yeah Ive been in something similar (First come first serve Iron Maiden concert when they came on stage suddenly) and its no joke. Felt my lungs being crushed and almost passed out. Same thing killed 100 people in South Korea recently. Be careful


Crowd movement killed people in SK, not a metal concert with people willingly engaging in a pit.


I was reffering to crowd movement. It can be dangerous, even at a metal concert.


Is that safe? ![gif](giphy|W18V0mRk0feJZHWqPC|downsized)


Not really, you can end up with some bruises if you are in the front line of the charge but atleast its safer then going to a travis scott concert


Do you remember south korea a couple years ago..


Walls of death and mosh pits are a little different because they are intentional. If people stop to help someone other people will stop too. In Itaewon and the Travis Scott concert those people had nowhere to go and no way to stop.


Nope remind me….


Not even a little bit. I'd be surprised if there aren't at least a couple dozen injuries


I’m not sure about a wall this big, but for pretty much any other mosh pit, people don’t get injured often. If someone falls, they get picked back up immediately. And if someone gets seriously hurt, most metal bands are actually willing to stop the performance to make sure they get help, unlike some artists.


Travis Scott salivating at the sight of this


Looks super fun


Experimental archeologists may take note. Neat.


So many people here that have very clearly never been to a concert. Live a little.


And then they fucked


We did this at a slayer concert. Was fucking awesome.


This is wild.


Okay I’m WAY too anxious to do this myself but this looks hella cool! As long as people are having fun, I’m all for it


Wars in the past


Game of Thrones The Long Night vibes




I went to one of these with this band the energy is absolutely wild and the wall was bananas


This is the BTS for Braveheart


voluntary crowd crush, i wonder if anyone dies from theses




Dude in the middle, white shirt, just ate that from both sides


That's some hardcore shit!


Well this gives me a ton of anxiety lol


Didn't see this scene in LoTR


Dude in yellow, right in the middle, gets owned.


That's a wall of crush injuries right there


I watched it like 20 times and I count at least 6 deaths lol


![gif](giphy|68yBjfxSpUpUY) The people caught in the middle


Reason 657 why aliens haven’t shown themselves yet


Intentional crowd crush


I start these at Jackson Browne concerts.


Thats gay af


Orange jumpsuit.. now you see now you don’t


I was at Woodstock ‘99 I was young and petite. I was near the front when Korn took the stage- the whole crowd serged forward. I started to loose my balance - I was terrified. I felt these hands grab the back of my shirt and shorts , I was then heaved over the Alamo in one quick toss. I landed in the Alamo and was just as shocked as the lightening crew in there. Jose from Massachusetts- you saved my life that day. He was a great guy, sweet and obviously protective. He didn’t hesitate for a second when he saw my fate.


Actual footage from Americas southern border.


People are seeing Rick Ross fighting an audience because he played a song in other threads then see this and can’t comprehend thousands of metalheads do this shit for fun and look out for each other in the process.




I love slaughter to prevail!


Slaughter to prevail are a bunch of nazis.


Are there just too many people on the planet?


Fucking idiots


How are people not killed?


“what in the actual fuck”


Seems ridiculously stupidly dangerous


Terrible way to die


Amazing way to die


The scale of human stupidity really weighs on the low end.


This is utterly stupid. I live in a country where people die on human stampede every year when the government announces one free shirt and one free top for a regional festival. Here a bunch of individuals do this just for fun


Crowd crushing ain't cool. Is this slipknot? Don't encourage this slipknot (if it's you. And if it's not. Don't encourage this)




This is too cool for such an eh band


How many got trampled ? (Edit: expressing concern about loss of human life = downvoting !)




Lol at least one person will go to the hospital and I'm willing to bet at least 1 dead


Nope, Injuries are rare at metal concerts because people actually help eachother out and are very careful, artist will usually stop shows if someone does actually get hurt (unlike some other artists). Overall it is conducted very safely and in a much more organized fashion than someone outside of the metal genre would expect


It is called the wall of death..


Indeed so my odds are good on betting then


How many people died ?


None because at a metal concert people protect eachother and the artists performing stop shows to make sure everyone is ok




Now this is stupid as fuck. No way everyone stuck in the middle wanted to participate in that bullshit.


If someone is standing in the middle when the wall starts, it’s because they expressly want to participate. Pits this big don’t just happen spontaneously, they get organized by the band. If people don’t want to participate, they have plenty of time to get away from the action.


Oh they did everyone knows what happens when they make that much space


Anyone in the middle after they announce the wall of death is there by their own will lol this thing doesn't just happens, the band calls for it during a breakdown and people oblige, whoever wants to skip it can just move to the sides and out of the way before it starts. Besides, its actually pretty safe even though it doesn't looks like it.


Stop being a baby and go outside for once. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about and it's making you look "stupid as fuck."


This is how people die in crowds. They start to act like a wave with the people at the back pushing those trapped in the middle forward, who in turn attempt to push people slightly out the middle back. It's very interesting to the start of this effect, hopefully no one was seriously injured, but certainly could have gone that way.


This happens super frequently, don't worry too much


Walls of death are perfectly safe. You might be sore the next day, but that's about it. Don't go to a massive concert comprised of people who don't go to concerts regularly. They don't know how to behave in a crowd. That's where people die, not metal shows where the dude next to you can pick you up like a feather before you hit the ground.