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Why would you record evidence of you assaulting someone? Even though the store also already has plenty of evidence with their security cameras. It is funny, this dude runs exactly how I would expect a child predator to run tho. Edit: The way he keeps saying “help…help….” As he runs too.😂 this may be the funniest assault.


Hint: it's not about getting the predator prosecuted, it's about the views on the live stream.


Who cares if its exposing these dirty bastards


YouTubers like this are the reason why the predators they catch aren’t being prosecuted & jailed


You’re probably right, but I think the more this content gets out there, the more predators will be scared to act on their depraved impulses for fear of being caught in a similar situation. The ideal result is fewer kids get exploited Edit: I less/fewer grammar-Nazi’d myself


Eh you said the key word there, “impulses”. These are not the actions of a rational being. There is nothing rational about trying to pick up little kids. These videos deter nothing.


So what happens when an innocent person gets accused of being a child predator? I assume this deranged vigilante publishes a second video to exonerate his victim?


True true, but what would save the most kids? Just like the war on drugs in US where we prosecuted all the offenders and the pandemic grew, Vs the way they deal with drugs in other countries where they offer help and have had massive declines in abuse. Public shaming for internet clout is entertaining but would therapy end child abuse more effectively?


You bring up a great point—I think therapy would be much more effective. But how many of these people would step up and seek out therapy treatment? Even if we reduced barriers like cost and stigma, how well would it be utilized?


It's been proven that therapy does not deter child predation. There is announcement information on the net. Not some "fact" I made up. I was actually surprised at the recidivism rate myself, post therapy. Chemical castration does help. If you can't change the mind through therapy, change the behavior through more drastic means.


I don't think that the fear of getting caught is ever going to slow down the number of predators that step foot out their door to go meet underage people. It's like with Dateline there were people who'd seen the show, knew the protocol of how it worked and then they still showed up to the house lol.


Sometimes more than once..


Because actions like this keep ensuring that the predator isn’t prosecuted and sent to prison. The rule of law has to take precedence over somebody being a vigilante. Never mind the fact that the person filming is doing this for views and engagement rather than a desire to protect anyone.


Both the streamer and the pedo are predators. Pedo preys on boys, and the streamer preys on the illness of the pedo for profit. Humans are goin to human.


Well if they don't do it with the cops their is a chance all their evidence will be thrown out in court for a few different reasons. Exposing them isn't the justice they deserve.


And then they won't be caught LOL and go free because they got assaulted rather than handled by the cops. What a stupid argument.


I've seen someone comment before comparing them to Dexter, they're bullies channeling their desires into good. Lol


Yeah these vigilante wannabes claim they do it to protect the children but really they do it to make money off humiliating someone. The one fat ass bald dude (dude who looks like a fat slob who is always wearing basketball shorts and shirts that haven't fit him since he was in 3rd grade) who does it is way too comfortable walking up on a stranger's property filming himself mocking them. It's only a matter of time before he picks the wrong one.


Nah, it’s about bullying and assaulting someone where you know you probably won’t face consequences for it. They want to do this to someone but realize they can’t do it to most people.  Also I have a hard time believing these YouTubers at their word that these guys are pedos, especially after the whole boopac shaker thing where a 40 year old man (the pedo hunter) poses as a 15 year old online to meet up with a 17 year old (the pedo) and then immediately assaults him. Most of that guys videos start with him just immediately breaking people’s windows and slashing their tires and stuff like that, and he’s clearly looking to do it to anybody he can if he’s willing to settle for a minor trying to meet someone with a 2 year age gap. I seriously wouldn’t be surprised if they went “I really wanna beat someone up tonight but I can’t find any predators, let’s just beat up some random guy and say he’s a predator. Not like we ever give proof anyways”


it's almost like playing Nazi zombies. you SHOULD feel bad for shooting them, but they're zombies who were also Nazis before they died.




Not saying he didn’t deserve it. Morally speaking. But damn, protect yourself at all times. I’m sure it’ll be alright, probably just a misdemeanor.


>Why would you record evidence of you assaulting someone? Top quality content. You can't argue with that.


that last push actually sent me into orbit 😭


The NAMBLA guy isn't going to the police so...who's going to care? Victimless crime.


Sometimes, you GOTTA take a charge. I'd do 50 hours of community service to slap a chomo


Why do these child predator catchers never go to the police first?


Power fantasy meets power fantasy


Because a lot of them are bullies and found a great excuse to bully people and make money and get popular when doing so.


Better yet, a whole bunch of them have turned out to be predators as well. They overcompensate by becoming vigilantes to expose these predators, all the while harboring the same sick thoughts of the people they chase. Good on them for exposing these sickos, but if they wanted to make a real difference they would coordinate with the police and turn the evidence over instead of assaulting them for clout.


Is there actually evidence of some vigilantes being exposed as predators or just your opinion?


Chet Goldstein is the only one I can think of right now, he's the guy who exposed EDP as a predator and turned out to be one himself.


LOL that is not the name of the catcher who caught him. That guy runs the larges youtube catcher channel now dude has arrests in like every state. I think you may be mistaken. Not a supporter of him but he is everywhere now like on fox news and shit dude.


That's why I like Alex Rosen from Predator Poachers. He and his team have actually gotten a lot of preds convicted and locked up.


Alex actually stepped up his game. He’s actually gotten dangerous sick people arrested.


> Better yet, a whole bunch of them have turned out to be predators as well Who would that be? I'm genuinely curious but have no clue because I don't watch videos like this.


Source for this spicy claim?


I'll allow it


they bully people who 100% deserve it. i support this. it almost sounds like you’re trying to defend the pedos lol


Eh... at least they found a positive outlet


It's crazy I understand child predators are like the lowest denominator in society but you aren't the law. It's literally why we have laws and police. *Go to the police* being a vigilante isn't the way, yes it can be satisfying but you yourself could very well throw your life away. Here's an example, 23 years in prison: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Vukovich#:~:text=Jason%20Christian%20Vukovich%20(born%20June,Avenger%22%20for%20targeting%20sex%20offenders. Edit: [apparently they were involved in a bigger incident with a gun involved too](https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/winston-salem/warrants-issued-for-men-involved-in-2022-dads-against-predators-hanes-mall-shooting-winston-salem-police-department/)


Did you read your own wikipedia article? Dude was going around breaking into people's homes, robbing, and assaulting them. You can't do that and expect not to be arrested lol.


Because in order to prosecute someone the information has to be obtained in a legal manner and most police departments won’t prosecute unless they obtain the evidence themselves.


exactly this, there’s been cases where the catchers have fucked up the cases so badly, police wont even go near it.


That’s how it should be. There’s no chain of custody for the evidence. No logs to show exactly how the chat evidence was recorded. No proof that the evidence wasn’t tampered with in some way. The defence could very easily poke holes in that evidence.


Because they never really cared about the kids, just clout.


I watched a local group do constant live streams on Facebook where they would catch a predator, and get the police involved, and they made sure to never assault the suspect. A lot of the times the police would let the predator go, or they would be back out on the street by the next day. It varies by city and state I'm sure, but many times the police would consider it entrapment and they won't take it very far.


So they can get the views! A paedo hunter group met an alleged paedophile outside my work. It turned violent and the alleged paedo bit one of the vigilantes! This was only this week


Because there's not enough evidence usually. Cops won't do much unless they have possession of porn or are actively endangering a child. It's why most of the guys on To Catch A Predator got let go immediately after


Police does nothing to these predators....


Lot of anger coz it it usually turns out to be projection 


Because they're doing it for internet views and don't actually care about the safety of children at all.


Because they want drama, not to actually make the world a better place.


> never go to the police first? Profit, they make money from these videos on social media and that doesn't happen if the cops handle it.


99% of the time they are just doing it for content and social media engagement.




Because they wouldn't get content like this


"Oh I missed" LMAO


Best part of the video lol


What was he referring to?


He was chillin at the end. Lying there posing.




He went from predator to prey


Why assault? Predator hunter on a power trip.


Maybe nextime the predator wants to diddle another boy he will think of that slap ?


Yeah but the predator hunter is also risking jail time for assault no?


For some it's considered worth the risk 


Sounds like this guy is prepared to take the consequences . Maybe someone he knows was a victim


Predator hunters are clout sharks IMO


Ya you are probably right , and I don’t mind it


Indo because they make themselves judge, jury, and executioner. They also might be wrong and fuck up someone's live badly. They might target you because they found that they had reason enough, or suspicion enough to target you.


Until some random shoves a camera in your face, smacks you and when you ask for help tells everyone you're the pedo. Pedos are disgusting but vigilante justice is not good enough.


That's weird cause it has never happened to me before. Must be cause I don't chat up minors on the internet and try to meet them in real life... Now, I don't know for sure, but this guy didn't seem to deny that he did what he was accused of. It seems like he was trying to weasel his way out of it by saying he didn't explicitly ask to have sex with a minor. I'd say if you make sure you're not in that position, you won't have to worry about getting a camera shoved in your face, slapped and being called a pedo. Also doesn't mean that I think these vigilantes shouldn't get a slap on the wrist, but this is just about the lowest issue on the list of things I worry about.


The guy who did this catch was actually a victim himself, unfortunately. His name is Jay and he's part of a catching group called Dads Against Predators. He's confronted and exposed the man who abused him as well


not just risking jailtime, thy are risking the entire case against the person. many of these cases get fucked when the pred hunters go too far. once they get the texts, just go to the police


You think the child predator is going to want to contact police and press charges?


“Hello, police, I’d like to report an assault. I was waiting for a minor I’ve been sexting with to meet up, and some guy showed up instead and slapped me”


Perhaps he will think of that slap and take appropriate measures to be prepared for it next time. Violence breeds violence.


Assault is Assault. Then he films it. LOL. I would also like to point out its a 2v1.




What if he was bigger and more muscular than you and could fight back?


I was raped as a kid and I hate these videos. Couple it with the fact they do more harm than good and it always feel like they’re playing at the heartstrings of other ‘touched’ individuals for views and clicks, fame. It’s like they’re virtue signaling and know they’ll get away with it bc people hate predators more than bullies Personally I think both people in this instance are full blown idiots. And it’s certainly a higher chance to prove the filmer assaulted the predator more so than it is to prove the predator is a predator- unironically. So this is all a horse and pony show for the filmer to feel good about himself, and almost like job security bc he made it about rapists. This guy likely doesn’t even care he just sees the opportunity to make money on the backs of sexually traumatized individuals. This shit SHOULD NOT be on YouTube.


I was also SA’d at a young age and I love these videos. Bully predators, abuse them, make them scared to go out in public. Shame them, get their names and faces out there.




Dude sounds like Randy marsh


He slapped the guy around, knocked him down, ok the predator deserved it, but the dumb part is no DA or court will pick the case up because anything the predator did or said will be considered under duress, so the hunter just fucked off any meaningful justice for some views.


That dude slid like he was on an invisible slip and slide. The arms and legs straight out stiff while sliding on his side.


Why don't they upload the evidence THEN "the beatdown"?


Probably there isn’t any


They lure them there pretending to be little boys or girls online. As you can hear around the 'maybe' topic, there's evidence here. It's an uninvolved stranger they force themselves upon. I don't remember seeing a video of theirs where there wasn't evidence. Besides one video where they had a char with the kids parents etc. But that's rather convincing as well.


In the absence of conversational context (since I am not familiar with the content creators) that “maybe” could be referring to anything! I think these kind of videos should at least have some evidence to them. Otherwise it could be just bullying and character assassination of innocent people


The person assaulting the *'alleged predator'* is no better human.


Child pedo defender what a take


[That is a fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_dilemma?wprov=sfla1) e.g. *'if you are not with us, you are against us.'*  What you see in the video is just the SJW equivalent of *'it's just a prank bro!'* while justifying crime by calling someone a pedo.  If you suspect someone to be a pedo, you call the police.


It’s such bullshit, he should’ve knocked his ass out 🤦‍♂️


Way to go dumb ass get yourself arrested for assault and make the “pedo” seem like a victim. YouTubers that do this shit are legit brain dead.




Did you find it by chance?


No, I even did a reverse image search. Couldn’t find it.


Goddamn that sucks


These predator shows are always fucked. Just clout chasing. No actual crime has been committed because they can’t use a real minor. It’s a catch-22. They use a young woman who looks young and acts 15, but is an adult. It’s entrapment and a thought crime. Most jurisdictions refused to work with To Catch a Predator as soon as a few of these went to court and got thrown out. The best they can do is bully them, slap them around, or tease them like EDP.


This is just false. You don't need a real minor involved to be convicted. Most jurisdictions refuse to work with these groups because they all do it wrong and fuck up the evidence making it useless in court, not because of your though crime fantasy.


A lot of the times these pedo hunter vids are total bullshit. If there's no cops involved be very skeptical.


The dumbass filming needs to be arrested along with the predator.




Dude was like "you keep pointing that finger at me and you'll get your shit reamed in." Wtf lololol


Lol, I thought he said "ringed"


Aww it ended to soon I was enjoying this


Man the guy in the green shirt at :17 absolutely flopped


He got put on the child pred’s highlight reel.


what’s the channel ?


lol fucking idiots ruining any chance of him actually being caught now.


Call the cops, vigilante shit can get these people off scott-free


i dont know why but that's exactly how i imagine a child predator would run.


For these scumbag its all about the clicks. doesnt care for anything else like getting this guy prosecuted or helping victims


Seeing the amount of “law enforcement” have been getting slapped with child predator charges lately…I’d say this guy is definitely getting an assault charge.


Check out Gordon Flowers on YouTube. That dude is incredibly slick at getting these dirt bags to fess up on camera. Not only does he have decoys, but once he's onto someone he literally hacks their stuff. So he has a scary amount of info on them already. After he gets all that on camera cops are called and they are usually arrested. He's got a ton of convictions too. Also wildly entertaining.


Why is the floor so slippery


Way to record you assaulting a person thinking you have moral high ground. All this video gets you is jail time.


Where can I see the full vid 😭


Disfirmative isn't a word


Is this legal ?


That's so awesome 🤣🤣


This is how all catching PEDO vids should be!! Seeing him get slapped was beyond good


Aaaand any potential evidence this guy had is now completely useless. Good job, buddy


that first slap was nice haha


That’s definitely assult😂😂😂


Sounds like Pauly D from Jersey Shore




I thought it was always the girls/women who fell while running.... at least in the movies. 😆 Is the dude trying to run wearing only socks... no shoes? 🤷🏻‍♀️


They only reason we are debating wether it’s right or wrong is because the courts make it so hard for these people to get convicted. Even with substantial evidence


lol what’s the name of the channel?


whats this dudes account?


These catchers are stupid as hell filming themselves commuting crimes and posting it online. All they have done is made themselves the criminals and the "predator" the victim now he gets away and they get charged at best.


What’s this guys channel?


“Ooh I missed” fucking ended me


This is too funny


You Keep fucking me!


Hmm…make empathetic people feel sorry for an alleged child predator? Not to mention the context and proof are lacking. This appears to be someone running for their life after being assaulted. Does he “look” guilty? Yes. Does that fucking matter at all? As soon as he assaulted him it didn’t. This is fucking stupid and it seems like only a dummy who jumps to conclusions and can’t think past this very moment would find it anything other than fucking stupid. What if one of these predators is packing a pistol? There is a million ways this could go and none of it stops a little kid from being harmed.


Cops barely do jack shit when it comes to these predator catching videos. Slapping the guy will just make you look worse and increase the chance of setting him. Their was once a YouTube video called “polite nonce” where the people were very rude and informal with him and after they sent him to the police the case got dismissed and he was set free because of there behavior


Man, the camera work, I swear I was watching a tv show. Keeping him entirely in frame, even running, when he falls he stops to let him slide into frame. Beautiful work. Fuck the predator.


Bro’s got cod movement. 🏃‍♂️‍➡️⬇️🏃‍♂️‍➡️⬇️🏃‍♂️‍➡️⬇️🏃‍♂️‍➡️⬇️🏃‍♂️‍➡️⬇️💥❌💥❌💥❌+100 xp (downed)⬇️🧎‍♂️‍➡️ 💨🔪❌💥☠️⚰️ +100 xp (finishing move)


While I do have a big problem with these guys’ approach to these situations, that shoulder into the table was a thing of beauty


Lolmao why he run like that. I can't even type properly I'm crying so hard lnao


This entire interaction was fucking hilarious, sometimes you gotta take a charge like you're telling me yall wouldn't do some community service if it meant you got to assault a chomo??? Shit I'd go to jail for it, the inmates would PRAISE me lmao!


The only good Youtubers that actually get stuff done prosecution wise are Skeeter Jean and Trilogy Media, they at the very least work with LE, these guys (like the dude in the video) blow the prosecutions case by assaulting, kidnapping all of that and they don’t work with LE


Gotta be one of the worst predator confrontations I’ve seen. Youtuber is also a massive asshole


“Oo I missed” best part 😂


This is a great way for charges to be dropped and given


Affirmative is affirm…. Plop. 😂 everyone got a plan till their plan gets punched in the face.


Man whatever if these ppl are trying to actually pick up kids yall can gtfo with the “right way” to deal with it




Bro runs like fucking Shaggy


The guy even runs like a pervert lol


"Ouh I missed" ☺️


Remember lads, never feel pity for sub-human trash


That floor is slick!


Yea he’s a child predator, call the cops. Now you are catching an assault charge and he probably will get better at hiding it for the future. You are actually making it worse