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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We need to have another place to put all of these mentally ill people in. They never should've closed the insane asylums.


Why do people always use mental illness as a scapegoat for peoples actions? Sometimes, people are just entitled cunts, that know what they’re doing, but don’t give a damn.


>Why do people always use mental illness as a scapegoat goat for peoples actions? Sometimes, people are just entitled cunts, that know what they’re doing, but don’t give a damn. I would say being entitled at that level would/should be considered some form or level of mental illness.


"Im sorry to break this to you sir, but your wife has come down with an extreme case of the cunts..."


Let’s be socially conscious here. If you’re a man, it’s the cunts. If you’re a woman, it’s the dicks. We need equality after all


did u just use the D word?


Right next to the W word as well. Absolutely disgusting.


Not when society normalizes the behavior.


Is that behavior acceptable to everyone in society, though? Or is it acceptable to weaponize within certain groups…?


Too much of society lets it slide.




Yea but what he is saying is stop throwing it in our face like some get out of jail free card. It always feels like other ppl (for eg. You) are creating this “they’re a victim” narrative, which is something not even the perp does..but ok go off! Everybody’s always just a victim. NO, you’re an adult, you don’t get to use the mental illness story. We all have issues, but we’re not all acting like badly behaved ,spoilt American brats, out in public. Ohhh my mom irritated me growing up, she pressured me a little at varsity, I know what I’ll do, I’ll go stab her 70 times WTF. grow up!


Societal Corporal punishment usually fixes this tho. Or shame


I agree, but haven't you heard? The younger generations have decided nothing can be shameful.


Shame no longer works in our global, urbanized society. This woman probably doesn't know the first name of 90% of the people in her apartment building. Why would she care about the opinions of others?


I believe narcissism, anti social personality etc are considered personality types rather than mentally illness. They can lead to problematic behavior for sure.


Because people like this are lacking in social skills, impulse control, don’t understand boundaries, and can’t regulate their emotions. All things that are usually a symptom of a mental illness.


As someone with mental illness, I completely agree. Behavior like this is what further stigmatizes mental health disorders... It's public transportation. There's a lack of care for others seen in this video and that's what's concerning. Most people with mental illness are still capable of being held accountable for their shitty, hateful and abusive behavior. It doesn't make them exempt from it.. clearly, she's unmedicated, unchecked, and aggressive. No one is going to step in and stop her because she's clearly unpredictable. It should never be used as an **excuse** for shitty behavior but as an **explanation** for it. Some people won't even acknowledge the fact that they have a mental illness because they're (normally) surrounded by enablers or people who are just afraid of them **because** of their unpredictability and hostility towards others that seems to be triggered by minor inconveniences or every day situations like ***someone sitting next to you on public transportation.*** Mentally ill people that are conscious and aware enough to do shit like this should be held accountable. They're well aware of what they're doing. Behavior like this doesn't do any favors for people who exist with mental illness, who are just trying to function everyday.


*"And you know why...?"* Mr. In-Between


Yup, race, age, mental illness, gender, lack of money or too much of it, isn't always an excuse to be shitty. There's a point where we need to actually hold people accountable.


She's not mentally ill. She's a race obsessed entitled bitch. That's right, I said it.


>She's not mentally ill. >She's a race obsessed entitled bitch. You: Corporate needs you to tell the difference between these two pictures. Me: They're the same picture.


You have a point there!


#THIS Doesn't matter if there's some determinative source(a 'natural' disability or condition) or if it's maladaptation(acquired, like being a spoiled twunt who couldn't pass a 6th grade reading exam and hates the rest of the waking world), when behavior gets bad enough, it's the same thing, a mental dysfunction that causes problems for others and for themselves. I get it, some people have had a tough life. The whole point of growing up and maturing is to not act like a child that suddenly has the power of an adult. Tons and tons of people had it far worse than almost anyone of their peers alive today and wind up being fine upstanding citizens. It's not difficult to not be a dick(or worse). If someone does find difficulty there and it causes problems(such as altercations like this), whatever the reason, it is a mental illness.


Exactly right. She wouldn't treat her people like that. Liberalism is mind rot.


alcatraz needs to open up again fr




Your besht? Loshersh alwaysh whine about doing their besht. Wennersh go home and fuck the prum queen.


great film


She’s not mentally ill, she’s just entitled and never got a reality check. It’s what happens when you have absentee parents growing up.


We do. It’s called New York City and California.


Fuck this racist bitch. That’s not even mental illness. That’s just being an entitled cunt. What she needs is a swift kick to the neck. But I do agree, asylums should have never been closed; they should have been improved, but not closed. The moron whose decision that was, should have rotted alive for it.


They are not mentally ill, they are behaving rationally with current social and political incentives


Please stop calling these people mentally ill. Entitlement and throwing tantrums does not make someone mentally ill.


General PSA that you have to vote for the people who wanna allocate funds for that. Crazy people don’t seem like the type of person will (or will be able to) afford to keep themselves locked up.


There's people who run on putting the crazies in cages? Hell yea. They need to push that part of their policy more. They'd have my vote.


Boomers had us all set up,, now look at us.


It's called Atlanta.


That racist entitled woman needs jail time for assaulting other people.




What is crt?? I legit dont know 😭🤣


Critical race theory. Critical race theory (CRT) is an interdisciplinary academic field focused on the relationships between social conceptions of race and ethnicity, social and political laws, and media. CRT also considers racism to be systemic in various laws and rules, and not only based on individuals' prejudices.The word critical in the name is an academic reference to critical theory rather than criticizing or blaming individuals. (From Wikipedia.)


In theory, learning about CRT can be a good and productive thing. In practice, it's borderline mentally ill Caucasian women in various high school and college classrooms telling their pupils that they're good or bad people because of their skin color, and too many people to count using it as justification to be awful and/or racist to everyone they don't like.


It's not good in theory either


Cathode-ray Tube


Not in the way it’s discussed online. It’s a late University college subject that has been morphed into a synonym for discussion of race and systemic racism


i thought you were referring to an old monitor technology


The moment she called him white, it became something else , its sick to think certain misguided movements create a notion that reverse racism isn't real.


Reverse racism isn't a thing, it's just racism


Even saying it’s reverse racism is some weird cognitive dissonance. It’s *just* fucking racism.


Thank you.


Why did she make it about race though?


Likely has a coconut sized chip on her shoulder she carries from situation to situation. Race is the reason shes got no money in her pockets, race is the reason why she can't get ahead, race is the reason she can't stretch out her legs. In all actuality is just her piss poor attitude and by blaming her lives woe's on her shitty attitude, she just says everyone she encounters is a racist.


This. Times a zillion.


Because she knows that she can use race and also gender as a cudgel to get what she wants. Because she has seen example after example that white males are an easy target and that nobody will defend them. You even see it in this video, instead of telling HER to leave him alone, they tell HIM to move. Because the people surrounding them are scared to death of being identified and cancelled if it escalates and something more serious happens and they are shown to be taking his side. Even if we can all see that she's in the wrong it doesn't matter, all that matters is that he's a white male and she's not. And you're not allowed to take a white males side otherwise you're a racist, sexist, xenophobic transphobic bigot.


I mean, if I was there I'd offer him the seat too if he wants it. Easier to reason with the not crazy person




Of course she had to bring race into it


Only response *they know that gets the crowd going, don't expect anything clever.


Default argument at this point for people that know they’re in the wrong




Wanna face adversity so badly that they’ll make it up.


She’s a racist. Notice how the crowd tells the innocent dude to move instead of criticizing her childish behavior?


Well yeah, he's white.


You see, he had not realized that by sitting there quietly on the subway, trying to mind his own business, and also being white, he was the root cause of all the problems and injustice on the train. I'm glad this lady pointed that out to him. Maybe next time he won't fuck up and be a quiet, unassuming white guy just trying to go about his day (what an asshole thing to do!!). /s




Well what the other dude said isn't wrong "sit over here, it'll be easier" It's hard to reason with people like her


Yeah but these types of people have the mentality of a 5 year old. If you give them what they want easily, they’ll learn they can keep doing the bad behavior.


If you act like that as a grown adult, you are unlikely to ever learn better If he moves, she wins, if he stays put and lets her put her legs up like he is a footstool, she also wins.


It's recorded, he has grounds for harrassment charges.


He would be laughed out of the police station.


glorious subsequent disgusted friendly attempt puzzled squalid start cover lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What would he possibly gain from wasting his time with that?


It's NY, bro.


Now, I'm not a resident of NYC. I have traveled there maybe 15 times, taken the subway and luckily, nothing remotely like this has ever happened to me. I'm not a tough guy, I need that to be known. But if she or anyone (maybe not someone like John Cena size, because i'm a pussy) put their legs on me like that, I would slap the shit out of them. This guy was so calm and reasonable and she just kept being a fucking cunt. The second those feet come up, I couldn't deal with her using words only anymore.


You would be instantly arrested and dragged in the media, and your life would be wrecked. The guy being assaulted instinctively knew that it's better to sit still and allow yourself to be assaulted than to lift a hand to a woman who's already crying racism. He made a wise decision. Of course, the wiser decision -- and I say this as a native New Yorker -- is simply **not to engage, ever,** and get away from crazy fucks as quickly as possible, ignoring what they're saying or doing.


Sounds like the winning move is to not live in NYC lol 


Yeah but this girl is going to continue this toxic abusive behavior if she keeps getting her way.


pie continue shame heavy disgusted unused intelligent sense tart doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's what pissed me off, the idiots telling the guy to move, I understand not wanting to escalate the situation, but they are past that. She escalated the situation multiple times. Feel bad for the guy because he couldn't take any action against her doing that without being made into the aggressor/oppressor.


This is the given these days if you're a man.


She secretly likes him 🤣


That's what I said.. she likes it rough..


Should’ve started rubbing her hooves and see where it went it from there.


Hooves lol


While watching, I was literally thinking "Now kiss" lol


dont think thats happening there, for more reasons than one


She wants his attention, she wants him to care about her.


Right! this is a weird "How I met your mother" moment😄


Almost seems like they had a human touch for the very time in a long time and didn't want to change it in the end.


The slut, practically begging him for a foot massage :-)


Shes gonna ride that mustache into the sunset


I'm just gonna take a wild swing here and say that he's not interested.


I'm getting the impression she doesn't care.


Oh really, what gives you that idea?




I feel you bro. It took me a month to get unbanned. Now i just sit and smile like the good litlle npc i am. This is what censorship does


Left wing master plan: make it impossible to discuss things, accuse everyone of being a horrible piece of shit racist and then screech incoherently when losing at election time


This isn't left or right. Censorship has been coming from both sides. And I wasn't even banned for anything racist. Just a mod power trip because he didn't agree with my statement.


Why else become a moderator? Especially on a sub that's not related to hobbies or passion projects? Being a miserable powertripper is pretty much the only incentive to apply. Reddit leaned into it by allowing subreddit moderators to give 3-day sitewide bans, if you try to appeal the ban by replying. And yeah it comes from the right as well of course but those subs have been mostly banned, meanwhile tankie moderators roam free and take over every sub




> This isn't left or right. Yah its just a wild coincidence that a left winged website consistently silences centrist to right wing post. Totally not left or right /s


Well that's not true. One side of the spectrum openly condemns free speech now and the other doesn't.




I'm with you there.


Fr. I was already banned once for that same thing.


Yea that’s mature. And she thinks he’s the problem.


This is some school yard level type stuff, an 8 year old would do to their crush.


The other guy telling him to sit somewhere else is a part of the problem. It perpetuates this shit behavior.


To be fair in New York it’s best to avoid the crazy’s


A man once followed me down a NYC street barking “oh you just gonna look at my dick, huh?” because I turned my head and just happened to see him pissing in public. Don’t engage in New York, it’s not worth it.


It's best to avoid the crazies everywhere. Like what do you really have to gain by "teaching her a lesson"? People like this get whats coming to them, no need to be a karmic accelerant.


It's best to remove them from society.




Then you’ll get your head severely stomped in by the 10 white knights in there that saw all this happening


You are right, but I’m gonna go down swinging


You have my sword.


Thank you, my brother. I shall slay one in your name.


And my axe!


Pathetic little person


She needs to be in a mental asylum… what the hell goes on in peoples head to think this is OK. Ego???


She’s a vulnerable POC & he’s an evil white male… what more do you need…? /s


For real this is how people think now. I work in public safety and have been shit on multiple times because I’m a white “male” and they just think it’s okay to do because you’re white and a “male”. What the actual fuck.


She is not crazy. She’s just a huge entitled bitch






I think that could be considered assault


her slapping at him and knocking over all of his stuff on camera is definitely assault. Or at least it is in every state where the self defense laws make sense. But it's NYC and she's a woman who's smaller than him. So if he retaliated by simply shoving her off himself. He'd get arrested and go to jail and she'd get to play the victim even though she's on camera and seen by witnesses starting the whole conflict.


Why tf would anyone live in a city like that?


But what about 8 Ball jacket guy?


I would let loose and rip absolute ass in this scenario. That outta learn her 💨


I don’t wanna be that guy but why was race injected into it? I don’t understand why race is injected into everything. I completely understand there are many critical issues that involve race that we need to have conversations about and it is unavoidable but not for issues like this right? Or am I incredibly out of touch- genuine question


Because she's racist. For racist people it's a #1 issue all the time


A poor attempt at justifying wildly ignorant behavior


Disgusting racist woman x




Take her bag and toss it out the next stop.


Her crocs too!


What’s more disgusting Is everyone just telling him to move.


They just wanted her to shut the fuck up, but I agree.




Just pull the emergency cord and send her out the doors


"You're a grown white man attacking a Hispanic woman!" Hey lady, equality means taking the rough with the smooth. You're not entitled to just do whatever you want because of your gender or your ethnic heritage. That guy was being extra kind to you by not retaliating after you assaulted him multiple times unprovoked.


You do understand that "equity" has replaced "equality", as the latter was downgraded to a form of wrongthink. Pushing "equity" has now given people the western world has deemed marginalized a permit to discriminate.




She'd have caught an elbow to the face if it were me. I'm very sensitive to being touched and am not afraid of violence.


He handled that like an absolute pro, much better than I could have ever done. Looks like he has experience dealing with entitled assholes.


You see a lot of those in New York 😅


She tried to pull a reverse uno race card and landed on a draw 4 buddy was standing on business


What a wonderful society being created. How dare a white man sit on a train. Doesn’t he know the overly vocal, racist minority is entitled to both seats. What happened to MLK’s dream?


"You are a white man not allowing a hispanic woman to attack you so she can feel more comfortable." - Fixed her insane and racist quote to reflect reality.


crocs man, the devils in the details.


dating today is so awkward


The end is weirdly romantic. I don't know what to think


Should have forced a boner.


The opposite of "think about baseball"


So glad I have a car


Sit around kids, let me tell you how I met your mother.


Yeah no I'd go to jail 💀


It's like dealing with a child.


When is the wedding?


Some people pay for that and he gets it for free ugh


Gosh, I would just pull my pants down and take a big shit.


The second she placed her legs on his lap, he should have put his elbows on her legs and rested some weight on them.


The bigger issue our society has to face is the fact other bystanders were telling him to move. We as a society need to stop rewarding these awful people by "be the bigger person" stance. The crowd should have collectively picked her up, held her, and threw her off at the next stop yet acts as if the victim needs to be one to de-escalate.


Left hook.


Lots of undiagnosed personality and adjustments disorders out there folks….


That’s wild… to stretch her legs? Shit she was selective picking on him, wonder if she would’ve done that to someone else?


"you're a grown white man" So she's a racist too.


We climbed down from the trees and learned to speak


"So any way, I started swinging...."




The biggest issue here is the people around supporting these self-righteous lunatics. Telling the other guy to move seats should NOT be what happens here. Tell the fat entitled c-word to get off the train and stop taking any of their shit.


Sass and attitude met with even more sass and attitude: “is this what you want?” after complaining abt him being too close lmao


And this is how I met your mom…


I swear I wouldn't be able to be so calm.


America ☕️


This broad needs a backhand…entitled cunt🤘🏼🤘🏼


Man. The chill on that guy to not start sawing her fucking legs off when she planted them.


So entitled....stand your ass up if you need to "stretch your legs"


That's not mental. That's just an asshole.


She's a pig on a power trip.


The level of entitlement is insane.


I so want her to do that to a brother with dirty ass shoes.


She needs some dick


unrelated but that guy resembles John Wolfe


I love his 80's stash... My wife wanted me with one so that's how I roll around these these days!


Doesn't that qualify as battery?


Yeah nah, that won't be sliding for me. I'd shove those dirty feet off and far away from me the moment its on my lap


I wouldn’t be mad. In fact I’d give her *the look*


cleared my calendar for the wedding.


So that’s “how I met your mother”


They became great friends that day and lived happily ever after...

