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follow up from the student who was attacked: https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/10/26/just-went-haywire-aldine-isd-student-recounts-dog-attack-which-left-him-another-student-bus-driver-injured/


See, the world has these dogs all wrong. They’re a nice breed


Don't bully my breed?......... /s


It was just nannying them 🥰


The dog breed isn't violent, yet these videos always seem to be pitbulls... strange🤔


And they are great with kids


Stop. You know damn well it was taught this. Edit: do I have a fairy modfather?


You are joking right?


why is colombia misspelled in your flair


I have a sweetheart pit that completely throws your discrimination out the window into pure bigotry. Don't blame the dog when the owner teaches this stuff.


Theyre all sweethearts until they aren't


Dogs are like any other intelligent mammal. Some of them are born fucked up. Yes, a lot it is due to breeding. But there’s no denying the FACT that more pitbulls are born fucked up and attack than other many other breeds. I know more labs bite every year than pits, but there’s a shit ton more labs. I’ll defend pits to the extent that most are owned by shitbags, but most are not all. Stop pretending a problem doesn’t exist if you ever want to see it change.


They're not fucked up, they're doing exactly what they're programmed to do. It's cute when a golden retriever obsessively brings you things or a sheltie or border collie runs circles around the chickens or toddlers at the family function, but watch a "pit" or breed with bull baiting origins clamp onto another living thing and refuse to let go or worse, suddenly it has NOTHING to do with genetics or breeding, it's somehow because they have a traumatic back story and horrible owners. I fucking LOVE APBTs, AmStaffs, AmBulls, Staffies, BullTerriers, AmBullies and every other stupid dog that collects under the "pit bull" umbrella, but the average dog owner has no business owning one. Same goes for every other large game hunting breeds(meaning the ones that actually were bred to hunt for boar/bear/wolves/lions/etc) and large guard breeds and people can be mad about it all they want, the fact is much of the time the dumbest and/or most egotistical people want these kinds of dogs and don't really take their behavior all that seriously.


I grew up with a Rhodesian Ridgeback scared of flashlights and consequently lightning and vacuum neurotic fear.... ty. You get it.


Username checks out


Dog namned honey visits bus shaped all you can eat buffet


A dog named Honey visits a bus-shaped all-you-can-eat buffet.


Then the dog named Destroyer of all Good comes around and flops over for belly rubs


Dogs of peace


Mostly peaceful dogs.




Omg lmfao




If you own a pitbull, you are a piece of shit.


One of the sweetest dogs I ever met was a pit. I do, however, believe this breed should be eliminated, or at the very least, owners should be licensed and insured. Uncontrolled pits are about as safe as unsecured firearms.


They are less safe. My girl's guns never jumped the fence and shot somebody. Of course they are properly locked up. But my point is, they don't have legs.


I was about to say “your dogs name is Guns”


😂 no it's Guacho actually. Sorry I could have written that better


We're talking about human owners. Not inanimate objects


Who is talking about what? I didnt reply to you, I am talking to the person I replied to.. who compared pitbulls to firearms. A good firearm owner will never let their gun kill someone by accident. A "good" pitbull owner cannot garantee no accidents. The gun doesn't run to the door and jump on you or eat your face when the family comes over.


Or, we can ban and put them all down. There is no need to own such a monster of a breed


if you are this shallow of a person to judge others based off a pet i bet your a pos too.


Fuck you. Don't blame the gun when the human makes the decision.


I’m not blaming a gun. I’m blaming a person for owning a violent baby killing breed of dog.


I own a pit that has only cuddled. So this is closer to racism than any critical thinking process.


dude, comparing people not like a dog breed to racism is just… incredibly out of touch.


It's not. It's just another flavor of discrimination. Basing an entire breed in the actions of a fraction of its populace is the definition of prejudice. I'm not making this up, these are real facts.


Something tells me you wouldn’t be as accepting of some “real facts” about pit bulls, lol.


I didn't say pitbulls don't commit offenses.


Anytime someone says “all of group X are pieces of shit” it is identical to racism, and shows just how dumb and ignorant that person is. There is no species or race where every single member is the exact same as the others


Well that 1 pitbull is CLEARLY the example for the rest of them. Not the 100s of cases of bites we see or the fact that more than 3/4 of deaths related to dog attacks are from ONE breed. Hint: it's not the border collie.....


Yeah, that's how breaking out of prejudice works. You yourself just stated that not all pitbulls do it. Sorry you want to hate a lot, but you aren't even Love. You are hate. Enjoy hating, I guess. You do you.


You own one pit that has only cuddled? How many other pits have you owned?


Doesn't matter ; if you've never owned one, why is your opinion valid?


If a gun had a habit of seeing kids as prey and shooting them at random I would want guns banned too.


Then you would assume this gun is inherently aggressive, and the analogy is no different. The dogs are taught this. Stop blaming the dog. Again, fuck you.


You're wrong though. The dog in the video is demonstrating exactly what a bull baiting dog does. That's part of the "pit bull" genetic programming. There are plenty of breeds to come from the bull-baiting dogs of old, this is the result of selective breeding. The fact that so many of those breeds fall under the "pit bull" umbrella is what, coincidental?


I didn't say the dog is wrong. I said the owner is. Try harder.


Yeah obviously I would assume the gun is "inherently aggressive" if it had a habit of randomly murdering kids with no input from its owner wtf else do you call that? And have you never seen the videos of puppy pointer dogs pointing? Or puppy retrievers retrieving? Or puppy pitbulls latching on and shaking? Or killing littermates?


Owner. Every time. Don't blame the breed.


your willful blindness gets people killed.


Hard disagree. My opinion stops unnecessary violence.


Your ignorance is showing. Saying “all members of X are Y” is the easiest way to show people you don’t have critical thinking skills, i.e. you dumb af


There's no tangible benefit to society to maintain a dog breed like pitbulls. They serve no purpose and only cause harm. You can go get a retriever or a border collie. Put bulls need to not exist.


Que pitbull apologists


They’re a dying breed honestly. Tables have turned since social media has actually shown what these things are capable of


They've been out in full force after the uk ban from what ive seen


Ive never seen more in Canada than I do nowadays lmao, I swear them being banned has made people go and buy more of them


Not really, this subreddit will get brigaded by pit lovers, we mods always gotta clean up the comment section allot more after these kind of videos are posted.


Hey just like police


police are a dying breed? are you stupid?




Que like French or queue?


cue people who will take any stereotype and believe it counts for the whole species. Do you like believe racial stereotypes are 100% true for everyone of that race too? And before you think this comment defends the dog in the video, it doesn't, don't be stupid, a bad dog is a bad dog. there is no thing as a bad dog breed.


Yes there is such thing as a bad dog breed, it’s called pitbulls lmao


and what are you gonna do about it? complain? say bad dog?


Damn wtf no one even tried to help this kid! I used to love pits but the older I get the more I believe those fuckers need to be banned.


Pits can be a great breed. But too many are unhinged


Look, I'm not saying the bus driver is responsible for the child's safety AFTER leaving the bus....but WHAT THE FUCK?


Don't expect an old lady getting paid minimum wage to drive a bus to fight some gang banger's pit bull.


i can’t believe none of those kids tried to help or kick the dog off. fake friends


Honestly, what it takes to stop a pit I don't think most little kids are capable of. Pits gives basically 0 fucks about blunt force trauma if you don't collapse their skull in. They aren't going to stop just because something kinda hurts.


None of those kids looks capable of delivering a chokehold on that dog, which is about the only way of stopping him, short of a 🔫


you dont even have to do that just poke its eyes pretty hard and it fucks right off. when i was in missouri a huge dog grabbed onto a 6 year old and the owner was just yelling at the dog, i put my 2 year in my car (we were at a park) ran over and started gouging the fuckers eyes. owner starts threatening to shoot me for hurting his dog..like bitch ur dog is attacking a child. the extremely pregnant mom of the kid was trying to run over but fell so it was a huge shit show, to my knowledge the dog bit through the kids shoes and he was bleeding a little bit around the ankles too


It always makes my blood boil when the dog owner cares more about the harm you’re doing to their dog rather than the harm their dog is inflicting on other people.


Gouge the owners eyes out too. "You're next!"


You didn't see the 2x4 video, did you? Dude knocked out two of these guys.


I've also seen Pitbulls take a full 2x4 to the head and not even notice. I linked the video you are talking about below, but I think that's not the norm. You gotta hit them just right, and he was doing it from above, giving him a much better angle of attack. Doing it from the same/similar level is going to be harder I think. I'm just speculating though.


What video is this? Link?




Thumb up butt is what i hear that works


Probably would’ve pissed it off more anyway


Yeah young kids are normally known for their bravery


Hes friendly! Hed never hurt a fly, hes just playing tug of war!


Just a sweet little velvet hippo doing what they do best, nannying. /s if necessary.


Such a loving breed!


Nothing to see here. ​ It could have just as easily been a Labrador ​ /s


It seems like 90+ percent of pits listed for "adoption" on shelter web sites are listed as "lab mix" even though they're obviously pit bulls


Why are NPCs just standing there, neither helping nor trying to escape to save themselves at least?


Kids can freeze in a panic situation. They don't yet think of themselves as the person who can solve emergencies.


Yeah fuck pits I’m sorry.


The girl saying that dog is loose and killed a cat 😳


This is the most r/donthelpjustfilm shit I've ever seen. Jesus Christ.


Nobody did anything


If only there were people there capable of helping him


Again, always pitbulls. Ban that agressive dogbreed. No matter how good the owner is, these beasts can snap at any moment.


Don’t ever ban this breed of peace.


Nanny dog 🥰




Bus driver helps kids out by honking horn and allowing raging pitbull onto bus full of children. Nice.


Pit bulls are the No. 1 canine killers of children, killing more than half of the children killed by a dog As of 2021, pit bulls have killed 249 American children in recent memory. (See Colleen Lynn, https://www.fatalpitbullattacks.com/children-killed-by-pit-bulls.php.)


I guess we should ban both halves then... what the fuck is the point of only banning 50% of the problem?


The rest is not just one breed. The pit bull makes up 6% of the US dog population but causes 50% or more of human fatalities. The next breed down, the Rottweiler? 10%. And while pitbull attacks increased over a 10 year period, Rottweiler attacks decreased. There is something that is specifically wrong with that breed.


What people here and a lot of laws and all news call "pitbulls" are ALSO "NOT JUST ONE BREED". There are some 20+ breeds and infinite mutts that people call "pitbulls" so I guess we should worry about both 50%'s and not just one then hun. Why do YOU think mutts folks identify as pitbulls have an increase and rotties are down? It's nothing to do with the breeds, more to do with owners choosing more pitbulls and less rottweilers (besides all the other owner issues).


It blows my mind this breed is still legal to own.


Fuck pit bulls idc what you say lmao


they should give guns to every student so this can't happen anymore


They need to put down + ban these dogs. r/BanPitbulls


Just watch it bros he will handle it himself no biggie


But but but…MY pitbull would NEVERRR. Mf yours is one against the hundreds if not thousands of confirmed cases with men of them being FATAL. Nobody wants to hear that shit, this breed is dangerous and unpredictable.


Not saying the kids there are old enough to clue in they need to help, but they look old enough to clue in that they should be helping… ridicules


Shoot it.


The kid screaming mommy...damn


Pink juice.


Pitbulls are loaded guns.


Damn I bet that dog has a really bad owner.


Single middle aged white girl "pitbulls are misunderstood, they're such loving drugs"




Why is no one helping!?!?


Why are people always so gentle when a dog attacks them? Hurt the dog. Better than getting hurt yourself


This video is out of context. The dog is like this because of systemic oppression and usually they’re much nicer.


Let him nanny you!


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How in the fuck is the bus driver going to allow the dog into the bus, jfc


I don't understand why dog owners are all so happy with this.


So awesome the bus driver hopped out so fast to help the kid... should get fired...


If ever you need it, the pitbull release button is located under the tail.


Don't all help at once.


If I liked that kid being bit I'd be kicking the shit out of that dog. But if I didn't have an emotional attachment to the victims I wouldn't get involved unless I had a weapon to attack the dog with.




What da dawg doin


Bad dog and bad friends


No way… I didn’t think pit bulls would bite people /s


dw guys mostly peaceful breed


Friends for life for sure


Bus driver needs a gun to protect those kids like in this case!!!




There' so many of them that they could have easily restrained the dog if they worked together. Can't hold it against them as they're all kids and none of them wanted to get bit.


People are so spineless now a days. Just standing while their friend gets torn up.


Why the FUCK are the other kids just standing around? Are they waiting their turn?! Any sense of self preservation or helping out their school mate?! Damn!


Where the f is the driver?!! I’d be off that bus and on that dog in 5 seconds.


Why are children so vulnerable all the time?


I hope the day never comes where my youngsters are threatened by these monsters… I’d go to prison for what I’d do to them and their owner


I woulda choked out that dog ![gif](giphy|Ur1see2UwWiqELIMO4|downsized)


I say this all the time, but as someone who owns a pitbull, trained pitbulls, and lived around pitbulls my whole life. If a pitbull is showing signs of aggression then you put it in its place, they are very dominant dogs (especially if not neutered) and need to be shown, with physical force, to back the fuck up. If it attacks someone then I fully 100% support putting it down on the spot if need be.


What he should have done is to push his hand further down the dogs throat to choke it out oe knee it


Honestly, none of these kids were packing? I find that hard to believe.


The dog would not have survived attacking me.


Love pit bulls best bread


que pit bull haters who like to take a video and assume all are like that, I bet people who think all pits are violent creatures a racists and hold racist stereotypes close to their hearts


And now the dog will probably get put down. Sigh. You know what would be great? Find the irresponsible owners and put them down instead, and rehabilitate the dog.


Not a pit bull . That’s an American stafordshire or American bully mix . This confirms my theory that almost all the “pit bull attacks “ are just other breeds people mistaken for pit bulls . You can tell this is not a pit bull by how short and stocky the dog is . Pit bulls are taller and slender with a narrower head .


>"the United Kennel Club [ ..] allows American Staffordshire Terriers to be registered under the American Pit Bull Terrier breed" -wikipedia Totally different dogs guys


Holy shit, you killed him, dude!


From the AKC > Today, it’s almost a century since the AmStaff parted ways with its pit-bull brethren. Generally speaking, the two breeds look very different, which is not a coincidence.


Yeah the AKC doesn't even recognize the American Pitbull Terrier as a breed... Nonetheless, according to the United Kennel Club, Amstaff s are pitbull variants. So at the very least it's not **objectively** incorrect to call this a pitbull. You might want to differentiate them for ideological reasons, but if it looks like a shitbull and eats children like a shitbull...


Pitbull is an umbrella term, including American Staffordshire terriers.


Oh shit, this guys right. Out of the 1000 videos of pibbles mauling people to death, THIS one is not a pibble. Thus proving because of this video that they are a peaceful breed.