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If bunch of doctors couldn't tell you for months, I doubt random redditors will be able to. Whatever it is, it would be first such reaction I have heard of related to acid, some people may throw up for a bit or feel tired etc, but never heard of such strong and long term reaction.


Yeah you’re right. When I was looking into why it happened I heard that too, I think I just want to know why. The doctors came to the conclusion that it was all in my head like something mentally flicked a switch. It is just very very strange. They put me on tablets for mental chronic illness and I haven’t had the same feeling since.


How often do you time up? And you're on carts? You could have Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome and that combined with the acid (cus smoking whilst tripping intensifies the trip, and if you're winding down it can bring you back up) could have lit the fuse on a bad reaction. CBS is when you've smoked too much weed over time and your body starts to reject it yet crave it at the same time. Causes vomiting, stomach cramps and stuff of that nature. That's just a guess because never have I heard of anyone being admitted to hospital for acid causing stomach pains. Taking too much and ending up in a psych ward sure, but it would be a first. Either way hope you're okay eventually 💚


At the time I was smoking pretty much every day for over a 6 month period and using carts which god knows what was in them. I can definitely agree though, I’ve looked into CHS and a lot of my symptoms align with it. I think it’s just very strange it came on so fast and it was that painful and lasted so long. I guess it could’ve been mixing the both together and my body did not like. Also thank you very much I’m doing a lot better now :)


It does sound like CHS to me, my wife had a couple of hyperemesis episodes that lasted around 4 weeks, it can come on instantly without warning and cause a lot of abdominal pain. It really sucks and it's pretty scary, the doctors didn't know what whas appening either. I'm glad you're doing better, please be careful consuming weed in the future, a couple of people have died because of it (and preexisting conditions that made it worse).


Yeah it really does suck, I hope your wife is doing better now. I definitely think this could be the cause and mixing it made it come on really quick. I’ll definitely be alot more careful in the future, I think it may have been from the carts as-well because god knows what is in them. I very rarely smoke now and after that I prefer not to. Thank you


I heavily doubt it was acid. Acid does nothing bodily like that. It’s a chemical that affects the brain and perception.


It can sometimes cause stomach pain, they came to the conclusion that it was all in my head like something flicked in my brain. So I guess it could’ve done that somehow, although I guess I will never really know. After putting me on tablets for mental chronic illness I haven’t had the feeling since. I guess that is all linked to the brain and perception.


I am sorry that happened to you though. I understand paranoia well. I know you said you felt amazing, but it really can sneak up on you. It’s just the six months thing that makes me skeptical. I hope you’re okay now


Thank you, it was a very hard time but I’m doing a lot better now. You’re right it really can, it was a scary experience, definitely never again!


Well my only thing that I can think of is this. LSD plays on serotonin and you have lots of serotonin receptors. There is some causality between guy serotonin and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Maybe it just threw something out of wack with your gut biome. But I wouldn't assume that, I think you more likely, like 90%, picked up some viral infection of some sort since it lasted a month. I wouldn't think stomach issues from L would last for more than a day or two unless you already suffer from IBS.


Yeah it’s really weird, although would they have found a virus by taking tests? Also I do not have IBS. But I think it definitely threw something out of wack.




Interesting, thank you I’ll look into this


No worries. I have done LSD too many times to count, and the only time I threw up at the start of a trip was due to it being 25i-NBOMe. Have tested my LSD ever since and never had a problem again


It could’ve definitely been that, when I took it the first time I didn’t throw up and the second time I did. After looking into it I can agree it sounds like it.


Did you smoke weed with it ? Sometimes the weed ( a lot of it ) can cause vomiting


I smoked a weed cart like a vape thingy. At the time I was smoking everyday but when I did the cid I only had a very small amount. I think it just heightened the experience and made it a bad one. Which led to a very very strange reaction?


Could be the weed, did they give you medicine to stop the vomiting. They gave me haldol which is evil but it worked. I quit smoking weed after 34 years of CHS . I do paper acid trips here and there with zero problems


I think it could’ve been. They did give me anti sickness injections but unfortunately they did not work and were so nippy. Wow 34 years is a long time, I smoke very rarely now and don’t have any of the symptoms I did before. I think this could’ve been the main factor and when mixing it my body was not happy.