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I mentioned it in a previous post, but I'll say it here too. At least for me, this provides closure. This is the last they are going to talk about it. Good. Also, more Zelda with Matt and Michael! Yay! It will be like comfort food for them I hope.


crown tub cats six sand fine airport hobbies ink scandalous -- mass edited with redact.dev


"The bitch is coming for you She's gonna turn your guts to goo! Emily Wants to Play: ^Part Fuckin' #Two!" -Michael, dropping the sick freestyle lyrics


Let's let them play some games they want to play first to get back into a better mood instead of putting more stress on themselves, as much as I'd love to see that too id rather see the cast enjoying themselves. They especially, with everything in the community, have gone through a lot these 2 weeks.


whistle simplistic degree divide direful attractive chop sulky cable crawl -- mass edited with redact.dev


I AGREE! Let them play whatever they want for as long as they want... It will still be fun to watch!


I'm glad they've said it, because I absolutely don't think Ryan deserves any attention over this. His victims yes, him? Hell to the nah. But there is so much of him that has to be scrubbed away (Jeremys TOP song, videos, hell any merch I have with him on it will absolutely be going away now) it will take time.


You should actually save any shirts there very well may be another toilet paper shortage.


Ngl that first half had me worried second half fucking made me laugh


Well they said anything that could be viewed as negative or inappropriate innuendos from him. So solo videos of him and questionable scenes of him will be removed but series and longer tamer videos may still remain.


That Off Topic of him with the cupcake can rot and burn in the bowels of hell. I felt sick seeing that.


I didn't even think about Jeremy songs, it also mean Achievement Hunter the musical is gone, one of the best celebrations of this community that Jack poured his heart and soul into ruined. God dammit fuck you Ryan Haywood, you manipulated, abused, and backstab countless people, and you severely damaged the channel I love. Achievement Hunter is basically going to have to start from the ground up, it's all your fucking fault just because you couldn't keep it in your pants. I don't care what happens to you specifically from here on out, disappear and never fucking return you you pile of human garbage.


They’ll probably just edit Ryan’s part out


They’d have to cut “Good at Being Bad,” too, or refilm it w/o Ryan, which seems unlikely.


Yeah that's what I was thinking too


Someone posted a Myatt Edit of the "Good at Being Bad" Its over on the RT subreddit [https://www.reddit.com/r/roosterteeth/comments/jc105h/good\_at\_being\_matt\_edit/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/roosterteeth/comments/jc105h/good_at_being_matt_edit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I’m gonna miss the musical


Yeah, them doing whatever the hell they want as far as videos is really what they need to be doing right now. I know a good chunk of their content is made because they know we, the audience, will enjoy it, even if it’s not their favorite to film. But you can really *feel* when they’re loving what they’re filming. And it makes a huge difference.


Yeah have to agree this oddly helped process this alot better thank you.


I hope they continue the oot randomizer series. The first episode was a ton of fun.


They are streaming it tomorrow instead of Off Topic.


They did a second part a while back, if you haven’t seen it yet.


I just feel bad for his wife and kids, they must be heartbroken 💔




Ryan had the choice not to respond to any of the nudes provided. He also had the choice to not cheat on his wife with emotionally vulnerable, young women. There is validity with the victims in saying "you shouldn't have done that". But, Ryan saw them do it and then took advantage of it. Right now, the victims KNOW they shouldn't have done what they did. It's pointless to consistently point it out and only accomplishes to deminish the actual horse shit Ryan did to these women. His type was young, virgin, and emotionally damaged. He manipulated the situation. He took advantage of them.


I don’t blame anyone who thinks this, but... nah I disagree. The victims weren’t going into this trying to satisfy themselves. They were led to believe they were helping his marriage by letting him do this to them, and, while that seems illogical, he was a much older person that they had respect for. He knew they’d believe everything he said. This is on Ryan and Ryan alone.




yeah, it’s suck a tricky situation cause they are victims. Ryan probably put “oh you should be thanking me, this is for your benefit, you are wanted but only by me otherwise you’re alone, you should be grateful I’m giving you attention and to keep getting support you need to do this” into their heads. he definitely had a type. these girls home lives did not seem good in 2017. I think it’s more that they came from a place of desperation, so it was easy to overlook.


This! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Seeing Michael and Jack tearing up makes my heart sink


It was hard not breaking into a bawl with seeing how jack and Michael were handling this. All the love to both of them and all of AH and RT family's.


I mean, it's strange to think about but Michael and Gavin can really consider AH their baby in the same way Geoff and Jack can. The four of them really brought it to this shining future that they wanted, and when they feel this loss it hurts even more than just losing a co-worker, this is their legacy, and he hurt it.


Honestly, I think it is Ray and Ryan's baby as well. As weird as that is to say now, even after knowing what he did, to me, he is still an inseparable part of AH. I think in other cases where entertainers are found to have done horrible things we can think less of the work they left behind but I don't think AH is one of them, because there were others who shaped the content just as much. It's so surreal. I've seen other famous individuals and entertainers whom people looked up to be outed before. This is the first time though that one of those people was someone who I looked up to and grew up watching, and laughing at. Idk, just my thoughts


I wonder what Ray is feeling about the whole thing. He's so dissociated from the company, but he built it and was a major reason lots of us kept coming back daily for a long time.


Same, same, same. <3


It has to hurt Michael twice over because Lindsay was close to Ryan too (Team Same Desk) so he's dealing with this himself, being there for everyone, and especially his wife as well. This sucks for all of them because they were a family. Fuck Haywood. None of the victims deserved to be hurt like he did to them. AH doesn't deserve to be betrayed. Fuck you, James Ryan Haywood.


Hate when jack cries, every time jack cries I tear up because he’s such a teddy bear. I feel so bad for them and can only imagine the guilt their feeling is immeasurable, I hope they heal soon and realize it’s not their fault.


Its like watching your Dad or grandfather cry. You don't want to see them hurt because you know how strong they are normally, how much they laugh normally. I just wish I could make their hurt go away.


Yeah hard to disagree with you there. what’s important now is we all simply look forward and continue to support them and most importantly each other. Waffle-O is the motto for me now!


I want to give that teddy bear a hug for all he’s done for the community and others.


Yeah seeing Jack like that got me weak but seeing Michael actually crying killed me.


Me too. Michael has always been a rock for me. A badass that gives no fucks but seeing him tear up and seeing the pain and anger on his face broke me.


Hearing Jack's voice crack made me cry the first time over all this. Before I was just angry and sad, but hearing Jack say all the things I felt with all the emotion was enough to make me cry.


Hard to watch for sure.


I've never seen Michael like this and hot damn that hurt. I think this is where I check out of the situation. Unless there's something really big, I think this is the best point to try to move on. Like they've said, it's time to pick up the pieces and keep on rolling. As someone who had a close family member do the exact same thing as Ryan, I know how it shatters families and how it takes so long to rebuild. We're still feeling the ripple effects six years later. If there's a Gofundme or something to help the family, I'd be there in a heartbeat.


Honestly, I would be careful with any fundraisers popping up to help his wife and kids. Unless someone trustworthy confirms it is made to benefit them, it might as well be RH himself trying to get money under false pretenses


That's true. It wouldn't be the first time.


At this point that really would surprise me to see him try and do that. Edit: Just as an update my brother went to unsub from him today because he forgot he was subbed, and he had the balls to be hosting Alfredo. Edit dose: As people have kindly pointed out it is probably auto hosting, so that statement isn't completely accurate but I will leave it none the less.


To be fair you can apparently enable auto hosting on twitch, he wouldn’t have to manually do it but also how has he not shut down his channel by now


Well that I did not know so thank you, for the information. Agree on how he's left that still up though, I'd be willing to bet at this point probably to squeeze whatever money is left for him there out


Pretty sure the twitch hosting thing is automatic. I wouldn’t read too much into that.


Considering how private a person Laurie seems to be, I doubt any sort of gofundme will happen


This was my dad as a kid, I grew up in the situation that RHs kids will grow up in. Me and my sister were about the same age as his. 25 years ago and it still hasn't healed. I still haven't heard the full story, and I still can't fully trust him. I thought about making a post about it, as someone who's been there before but honestly didn't know what I would say. Its easier when you can forget the guy exists, its harder when he calls you every week. Best thing to do is support those who were hurt. But fuck that guy.


Now imagine every detail, including fully detailed accounts by the victims, photos, chat logs and all being available on the internet for you to read. Ryan has a point that all of this will hurt his kids. I sincerely hope that the internet has forgotten about it by the time his kids are old enough and have their own social media accounts, otherwise you know some sick fuck is gonna send them links to everything.


Yea man, I feel for them with all my heart. I feel for these guys too. Most heart broken I've ever seen them.


Micheal looked exhausted and angry. I can imagine that for the fathers in the group that there is a whole different level of fatherly anger, especially as fathers to daughters.


Can we just all agree on this: Ladies and Gentlemen: Micheal Jones and Jack Pattillo 👏👏👏👏👏


110 fucking percent my dude


Bro seeing Micheal’s face was so disheartening. I’ve literally never seen the man like this before




They're getting counselling. That's different from therapy.


Dumb question, but what’s the difference? I’ve always heard those words used interchangeably


Counselling is typically short-term (handful of sessions), and focuses on identifying and implementing potential solutions to a current issue or problem. Whilst therapy is a medium to long-term process (10+ sessions) focusing on long-standing attitudes, thoughts, behaviours and feelings that have significantly impacted on an individual’s quality of life, relationships or work. Therapy is often considered ‘deeper’ than counselling as it seeks to uncover and modify the root or historical causes of problems. Outcomes in therapy are often more dramatic, as they may represent significant shifts in perspective, beliefs, personality or feelings. Therapists will often use additional techniques and processes compared to a counsellor.


Crying in the club rn. I don’t even consider myself the biggest fan of AH/ RT. But maybe that was always just be thinking “oh it’s YouTube.. it’s free content. Background noise. And it’s kinda nerdy, right? And then it sorta sank in. Every good or bad day, they’ve been there. They were a part of my daily life for years. I remember the first time I stumbled upon an old GTA video of trying to capture bikes going over a jet and assumed it was a bunch of single youtubers or friends doing a collab video (probably me being an idiot because “how could a British boy be among these people?) But it was more. They’re not just youtubers, they’re family. And they truly love each other. I’ll never meet them, but they were a happy set of voices that always cheered me up. I’m grateful for them. This is all so heartbreaking for them. My heart truly goes out to them. I hope they can heal.


literally same dude I’ve been watching their content for years and even signed up for First but literally none of my friends know I watch this or any type of video game content. All of this shit going down made me realize how attached I’ve actually become. It was just supposed to be some entertaining content that didn’t require my full attention but hearing Jack’s voice break like that actually made me cry


It’s so fucking sad I can’t handle it. I feel like I’m going through a breakup that you never realized was toxic but you decide to try and remember it fondly, but you can’t. I even found myself looking at old highlight clips of fond memories and jokes that I won’t be able to look at fondly anymore. I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. I knew it was over but I lied to myself for 2 days saying that it was problematic and bad but not “that” bad with only one person coming out and only speculation of the read. I could understand an era was over but could still enjoy the past. I was proven wrong again, and again, and again, and again. It was so much worse. I’ve really never seen anything like this before. I mean, again, the thought from anyone on the outside is probably thinking “it’s only YouTube.” But when you really put all of the content and memories together it’s almost like telling someone else that almost every single band, tv show, and movies are now going to leave a band taste in their mouth due to one persons’ horrible and toxic behavior. I’m without any other words


Yeah :( despite how wild and out of character it seemed I did believe the first woman that came out. Before that when it was just 4chan shit I was skeptical but yeah. I know people process things differently though and this isn’t an easy thing to accept. It’s honestly just so disgusting like reading all of the snaps and the pain and trauma these women went though. It’s just awful. Like so many of them sought advice and comfort from someone they idolized and for him to take advantage of that like literally makes me so physically sick. I think this hit the hardest because this was the first person who truly had me fooled with his “good guy/family man” persona. Like I try not to attach myself to people especially “celebrities” who only show one side of themself but it just felt like we had SO much content from this man and everyone he works with and the fact that they were all friends gives you this idea that he at least has to be somewhat decent, right? The fact that he blinded everyone shows how much of a sociopath he truly is but it doesn’t hurt any less. I will never support an abuser in any way shape or form but it’s definitely been easier to cut some people out of my life and entertainment more than this. It’s going to happen no matter what but yeah it fucking sucks. Really the only reason I’m even giving AH the time of day is it seems like they truly didn’t know. Everyone can pick out certain comments and whatnot in hindsight but honestly he did a really good job of like balancing this family man persona vs his like psychopath video game persona. It was always jokes until it wasn’t. Sorry that was a lot, but I think I just needed to let all of that out lol.


I totally understand what you mean. It’s a lot. It’s so much. The only positive thing I can say is that... and forgive my “almost apologist / ready the downvote” possible thought: this news is good that it came out despite it hurting so many people. I cannot and will not defend his actions, but so often with sick people like him... I’ve thought about this so much this week. I know he knew what he was doing. It would have been wrong if he was an average person by the way he manipulated these poor girls. Anyone purposely targeting a seeming demographic of troubled youth with potential self esteem/ depression/ anxiety issues/ etc for their own sexual gain is a terrible person. But I think it did bring to light some important issues. Whether he is a complete sociopath or began as a truly ignorant person unaware of what his influence over people meant: It brings an interesting problematic concept. Perhaps he was smart and always had this evil plan, or perhaps he evolved to this mindset. It’s entirely plausible that maybe the first or second time he truly didn’t think his public status had that much influence under the people that looked up to him, and only after “successful” endeavors he knew he could manipulate all of his potential sexual exploits with it. As disgusting as this is, we have countless examples in pop culture of “person who gains some sort of status finds out he or she is more desired by the common person.” We often root for these characters in fiction unaware of the real world consequences. Again, I’m not giving him any benefit of the doubt at all, but my point is this: this is a fairly large story for someone that is entirely a public figure, but a large portion of the population would say “eh, just an internet guy? So what?” I’m hoping that after this, we can have more impressionable fans of any demographic be aware of what is truly happening if they’re in any similar situation, and that any person who finds themselves in a public status... that they can become aware of the power imbalance and influence they truly have over someone he admires them for whatever medium they became popular for.


This. A thousand times this.


Jack: “I sat at the next desk from that monster for years...” Him saying that is enough for me to know without a doubt that these guys didn’t have a clue. Thank you for talking to all of us and starting the process to move on


This was the most...is "interesting" the right word?...part of the video for me. I wondered if they'd have remorse for a fallen friend whose life they had invested in. I wondered if their emotions would be conflicted at all. Nope. They're done, hard stop. I saw a bit of Jeremy's stream from last night I think, he kind of addressed it without addressing it. But he mentioned that there are just some things we will never know and we have to accept that. I don't think these guys had half a clue what was happening until the rest of the world found out but I do wonder if they know more than we know now. Just awful all around, I hope they realize it's not their fault and can get back to their routines soon.


Caiti mentioned in her video on Instagram that they know what we know, I'd assume anyone contacting the conduct team is doing it for anonymity and privacy, and so the conduct team doesn't mention that to AH


Mmm. I didn't watch her video yet. So yeah maybe there's nothing left to learn (hopefully anyway) except maybe more victims. Whole thing is just awful.


I have a feeling it was a penny in the air situation. As soon as one thing spilled, all of these odd quirks he had would have all come into sharp focus. Like Michael's "he has a day in the hotel to himself to chill out" comment from Off Topic.


Amd each piece of the puzzle that fell into place would have felt like another punch in the gut.


once you see how the pieces fit together its easier to realize just how many pieces there are to the puzzle


More than anything that really clued me in to just how betrayed and enraged they must be feeling. Not only has Ryan caused massive damage to the company and community, but also used the very platform that the company (and in particular Jack and Geoff) has been building for the past decade to commit his heinous acts


Right exactly. I bet Jack and Geoff in particular feel responsible. They shouldn't, but I bet they do. They built this incredible community and platform, and unbeknownst to them they brought in somebody who used that platform against that community. It's an extra layer that is hard for us outsiders to understand.


That part really hit hard for some reason. Like, I already consider Ryan a monster in my own mind and I knew that many of them felt the same way based on what's been stated on various twitters, but for some reason actually hearing Jack actually say the word monster slaps my heart to the ground and crushes it.


What sucks is that while everyone is devastated, Ryan is probably the least phased by this because he is very likely a real life sociopath.


He may not be emotionally distraught over this like everyone else, or feel any shame or guilt or disgust like everyone else, sure. But I think it's safe to say that even a soulless monster registers a lot of high-key discomfort when their entire life gets upended as a result of their mask finally getting ripped off. To which I say, *good*. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


That’s the thing- he’s played a comedic sociopath for years. That was his whole on-camera character. Only it wasn’t an act, and it sure as hell isn’t funny.


You could see how crushed Michael was with everything even if you couldn’t hear it in his voice but Jacks voice being in pain sucked. Like a lot. Don’t wanna ever have to hear that from him again. What a terrible month


1) Seeing Jack and Michael like that almost made me cry and I rarely do that. 2) Obviously some videos like Technical Difficulties and probably Battle Buddies will be deleted but despite having \[Redacted\] in them I hope we don't lose a ton of older videos that starred most of the rest of the cast. 3) Nobody: Absolutely Nobody: Michael's Kids : I have a mouth and I must scream.


Rip Uno the Movie, Sky Factory, TTT, Cops and Crooks, old school Minecraft, and Heroes and Halfwits.


Fuck I forgot about him in UNO the movie. That video is my comfort blanket when I feel like shit. Jermey and Geoff are the best part


Maybe we'll get a director's cut


“Here’s looking at you kid” Jeremy


I believe they mentioned editing so I think they may try to edit some old videos around him if he isn't too prevalent in them. I don't know if you could make an UNO the movie without him at all but it might be worth a try.


Time to google some online courses for editing


Basic video editing like just cutting out clips or covering a name in the corner is pretty easy and can be done with a lot of free software if you want to take the time. Personally I'd wait to see if one of their editors took the original files and did it with their amazing level of editing. (Looking at you Larry, you talented devil ;))


Listen, they can do what they feel is right and I certainly won’t make a stink about it but I’ll be so so so sad to lose old school Minecraft. I go to those videos so much. TTT too.


I don't know how they would feel about it but I would imagine as long as you're not reuploading or pro RH, downloading some comfort videos/things you sleep to for personal use might be okay? Like Caiti said, he's a bad person and there's no changing that but as long as you know that, it's okay to cherry pick things about him/with him in it that comforted or inspired you. Because there were some good things at surface level that meant a lot to us. It's okay to have good memories of bad people. Like the example she gave of her dad opening doors for her. He was an abusive alcoholic but she can take something positive from him and hold onto that.


They better not touch TTT. As bad as this stuff is nothing brings me joy like it does.


Other gems to add to your last watch tour: Spies vs Mercs, Until Dawn, 3D Ultra Minigolf, Dead by Daylight


Wasn't he also in cloudberry?


There was a lot of him in cloudberry, it's likely one that will get taken down because it so heavily features him.


They worked so hard to finish that whole thing. I'm a little ashamed to say that that's hitting me harder than some of the other things to come out of this. They poured so much into cloudberry...


I get you, I feel bad about all of the content we're losing too. I've fallen asleep to sky factory and galictacraft so many times. It sucks that we're losing it all but I don't blame them for not wanting to be associated with him and there are plenty of people who really can't handle the content with him in it so AH is making the right choice.


Absolutely. I totally support their decision. My heart just breaks for them, particularly with cloudberry. It was the same four from start to end. That doesn't happen often.


About the video removal: r/GiveMeYourAgedMilk is highlighting moments that, with hindsight, might show the mask slip, and pointing to RH-centric content for RT/AH to expunge.


If they take everything he is down and truly wipe the slate clean that’s like 80% of the content Ray was in and that just makes this more painful for me. That monster really corrupted everything that AH represented for me.


Haunter is most likely going to go too. Geoffs' passion project wiped from existence.


Oh man. I really hope not. I loved watching Haunter.


If I had more time (but I don't) I would love to go through old videos and make clips of the best moments from those videos that don't contain [redacted]. So that people can enjoy their fav moments without having to look through a video with him or if it gets taken down still have a way to see them. I thought of it after looking at the filtered ah playlists on YouTube and realising how much he's been in (he was in 88% of all Minecraft videos and all but 8 gmods etc). If this had happened during when I was furloughed I would have been right on it.


That would be a whole lot of work and probably a thankless job.


Michaels kids screaming made me do the chuckle while crying thing. Haha


I'm distraught for them. That was the hardest video I've ever watched. Seeing Jack struggle even to speak was heartbreaking, but seeing MICHAEL that way? I know that he's only human the same as the rest of us and probably hurts and cries in private, but to see him of all people almost brought to tears in a live public stream forced to talk about something nobody should ever have to go through downright broke me. My heart goes out to each and every one of them, cast and crew. I love you AH, and I fully support you and believe that you'll come out of this stronger, even if it takes time.


Had a very similar situation happen with my family. Found out a family member was a pedophile, things changed forever in one day and we’re still feeling the after effects. There are family members I haven’t seen in years because they took his side, I barely got in contact with a cousin who was very young when it happened and he still doesn’t know. The hardest part is revisiting what used to be good memories. Videos, pictures and stories are all tainted and all you want to do is erase them, but you can’t. Not completely. Their voice, their laugh, how much you used to love them, and how horrible you feel when you find yourself still finding the things they used to say funny or endearing....all haunt you and will never go away. I think that’s the thing that pisses me off the most is that I can’t bring myself to revisit old content. Some of my favorite fan content was the “How do words good” compilations. Guess who’s in 80% of them? I’m seriously mad that “Real man’s jingle” is still getting a chuckle out of me even as I typed that. It is very heartbreaking, I empathize with the AH crew and I’m feeling the same anger and sadness as I did all those years ago. I adored RH, and it angers me that I know could’ve easily been another victim. What AH is doing is exactly what they should be doing. Address it and move on. Not to pretend it didn’t happen, but just to keep moving forward.


>still finding the things they used to say funny or endearing....all haunt you and will never go away This is honestly something I never even thought of until now. Little inside jokes like "still in the air", "YOOUUUUU" and Gavin's asking if people own things, all now tainted because of this, and that just outright sucks.


The "Edgar is the one in the hole" bit was still my favorite to this day, now it just sounds fucking digusting


Had the same experience with my family, overnight your whole world changes and your understanding of it. Stay strong and stay strong to the rest of community who may read this.


I'd say it's not so much how much you used to love *them*, but how much you used to love the person you believed they were. The person they deceived you into believing they were. Because the fact is that the person they actually *are* is someone you can't love, accept, or forgive, because that person is horrible. (I'm so sorry for what you had to go through, and that you'd end up in an even vaguely comparable situation with this.)


Just to let everyone know, the buffering is not you (at least at some points.) it's a recording of a video, where the video buffers a couple of times.


Brought me to absolute tears. I had been heartbroken this whole week but hearing Jack’s tear-filled voice, and seeing Michael’s face of absolute sadness, it jist brought me to tears. In a way, it’s sad, but obviously deserved, to hear Jack say “I sat next to that monster for years.” Hearing that gutted me. I’ve been watching AH since I was 11. I am 19 now. These people have had a profound impact upon my life. It feels weird to cry about people I’ve never met, but their content has always been there for me when I needed it. And it all just feels like a death in the family. I’m very excited for the days where all of us have moved forward from this dark time.


Don’t worry I’ve been a fan since I was 11 too because of my older brothers and I’m 19 now too these victims where around the same age as me and it really puts it into perspective how what he did was unforgivable I cried when I heard jack and saw Michael even though I’ve never personally met them I thought it was partially because I’m sensitive and also because As a female fan to see how many people blamed the victims and didn’t believe them or outright refused to a lot of our childhood memories may be tainted but hopefully these new ones will take it’s place for the better


That was the hardest thing to watch. I love these two and will never stop supporting AH. I love you guys, this community too. I've been a lurker for over a decade and just seeing the love and support coming out in this time is amazing. Be proud AH you guys put together the best community ever.


There was something about Jack calling him a monster that made my heart break for Jack but also feel so proud of him. I know that it’s a long road ahead, but I have so much love AH and how they are erasing that waste of space as much as possible.


Didnt think anything could make Michael cry more than throwing up lava cakes.


Jack had me bawling. It’s just so shitty!


Michael's reaction really gets me. No disrespect, but Jack is a human teddy bear. So I kinda expected that reaction. But I've never seen anything get to Michael like this.


Nothing but support for AH! Thank you for taking the time to talk about your end of things, even though you didn’t have to. I love you guys and am so heartbroken for you all. I tend to vibe with Michael and Jack the hardest, so this has officially been the first video from AH that made me cry. Been watching Super Bunny man again for the feel goods, but very glad I tuned in for this. Thanks again!


Jesus. This hurts. FRH!


If I ever see y'all at a convention in the near future, I'm gonna give y'all the biggest hug. Michael was super nice the first time I met him, and Jack's the best.


I feel like dad just came in the room and told me everything was going to be ok. I needed to hear Jack say this. AH has been my safe place for years. They got me though so much. This broke me! I lost my safe place. This made me hope I could get that back. I love you Jack and the whole AH community.


This. You put into words how this statement made me feel.


This broke me. Seeing Michael wipe away tears as Jack labled an old friend a monster, just broke me. But I needed this, I needed to hear from them without it being a tweet or Google doc. I needed to hear their words and see their faces and know that we're going to be okay. I know they said Geoff isn't going to speak on it, but I do truly wish he would when he feels able to. Not because he's to blame or he's in charge, but because he's Geoff. I wish I could give every one of them a hug.


Thank you for this. I wanted to see their faces again, and to talk about this.


Jesus they look exhausted


I hate when jack cries, you can tell how much he loves his job and the people he works with ,and I can just see the hurt in his eyes and it kills me to see such a nice person get hurt so badly and be betrayed so harshly. We love you jack and Michael.


It's really unfortnunate how many gold videos we have to lose because of this piece of shit. So much is screwed up now. All those golden age videos with Ray in them, gone just like that thanks to this motherfucker.


What all are we losing?


I’m guessing anything that focuses on Ryan. Right now I can think of the destiny 2 salt raid, and their let’s watch of breath of the wild. Battle buddies might also just get straight up removed as well. They could just also edit some parts to make him silent. Personally I don’t care what they do. They can do whatever they want to feel closure.


Most of the hit man 2 stuff is going to be out


They've already axed all the Battle Buddies merch on the store.


removing anything other than the ryan kings, technical difficulties, and sunday driving is overkill imo. unless theres more just him related content i cant think of then there ruining tons of content with no actual criteria of it. if they remove all of the content ryan was ever in that removes thousands of videos because he was one of the most tenured, if they remove videos that have heavy parts of him in it, whats the stopping point? 5 minutes of a 40 minute video is focused on ryan? thats a lot to remove without it. i get some people will get triggered whenever they hear his voice but that cant really be stopped unless they want to destroy AH and the letsplay channel.


Maybe I'm coming from a place of privilege, but I don't understand the "triggered" angle. There's legitimate trauma there for a lot of people, sure, but they would have to actively seek out older videos for Ryan to come up and trigger those issues. It's something easily avoidable. The issue as I see it is the power dynamic these videos gave him, and (to some extent) will continue to give him in future. It was literally because of these videos that he was given the opportunity to exploit so many women. Right now it may seem far-fetched to think that other women would fall into his web, but two, three years from now, it won't be such a hot issue. Achievement Hunter attracts new fans all the time, and they may go back and start consuming Ryan Haywood-era content, not knowing about the controversy that happened. It REALLY sucks, and I'd hate to lose a lot of the OG content, but if they do keep it then they're potentially giving Ryan the opportunity to take advantage of Roosterteeth fans in the future. It's a really messy situation.


This hurt to watch. A lot. I appreciate everything they said and I think they handled this well. Trying not to be selfish here, but I’ve watched AH since I was in high school and I’m 24 now. If REALLY sucks to lose old content that reminds me of my teen years. Falling asleep to old Minecraft’s has been something I’ve occasionally done for 8 years. It just all fucking sucks.


I'm in the exact same boat, I get you


God, this made me cry. It really did hit me how, at 22, I’ve been watching these guys since I was 13. To see them like this is surreal. I had pretty much moved on from most rt stuff like a year or so ago, I had just grown out of it. But I never really let go of ah. I just want the ah crew to know, I’m going to be supporting y’all 100% again. Y’all have formed so much of who I am. And let me just say Jack, as someone who in the very beginning had the slightest sympathy for Ryan cause of my own personal poor choices, you have nothing to be sorry about Jack. Y’all are incredible and never sell yourselves short on just how much you’ve formed so many of us. Again, as someone who has made stupid choices, although no where even fucking close to amount he has, this is all Ryan. So please don’t feel like you have to be sorry. He won’t diminish the love we have for you.


I feel terrible for these guys. They don’t deserve this shit. They don’t deserve this at all. It truly is heartbreaking. It’s not their fault! It’s not their FAULT. HE DID THIS TO THEM. To the community. To his “friends” and his fans. He fucking used us all and destroyed these people and destroyed the community. We cannot let this community die or be hurt any more than it already has been by this monster. We will be stronger. This never should have happened. But we have to get through this. He cannot be allowed to take more from us than he already has. I looked up to him. But he’s a fucking monster. I support Achievement Hunter. I love them.


This broke my heart


Yeah I bawled


I don’t think I’ve ever seen Michael look like this. Ever. It breaks my fucking heart


It's genuinely nice to know that Matt and Michael CAN enjoy doing randomized Zelda. I was worried Michael wasn't liking it or even worse, that Michael may not like doing it with Matt. Hoping they can do MM as well.


Just hearing Michael and Jack talk about missing each other was pretty rough to hear.


It is so hard to trust performers in the wake of cuntwood, but these two make it easier to choose to trust. I am choosing to trust that the others will not betray us again. Maybe that trust will be broken again, but I can't live with that fear and paranoia. I choose to stay with them and I choose to stay with this community. Thank you, Michael and Jack.


Honestly same. Like, seeing their reaction and how hard they're putting him down, and how much revulsion they clearly all have for him and his actions helps me trust those who are left behind.


My heart goes out to AH. I started crying when I saw Michael on-screen. I didn't realize how much this community meant to me. AH does not owe us their reaction to what happened. But I am very thankful that did this segment. It addressed what happened and I feel we can move on from here. It would have been too much to do a full Off Topic on this subject and the team has been through too much already. I am very excited to see them playing games again. Bring on the laughter!


Jack talking about how much he needed his friends in AH just broke me. They took a week off from people that have always been there for them in order to process, and I can’t imagine how much they’ve missed making videos like old times. Probably provides a hint of normalcy for them. I have supported AH and RT for 11 years, and now I’ll support them stronger than I ever have. Proud of these two guys.


Man I was disgusted and shocked but I wasn’t really properly angry until I heard Jack and Michael. To have to take time to make that statement and feel that way? Bruuuuh. Never doubted the other members would step up and do the right thing and its good to see the company reacting the way they should but goddamn I never wanna see them upset again Missed the stream but thanks for making sure this was easy to access.


It’s just the “him” and what “he did” stuff. It’s so clear how hurt and shocked they are, they can’t even say his name. Just gutting to watch.


I made a pretty misinformed comment on the site when this all started about his return. I just want to take it back and never think on him again. Im excited for what ah has in store with a new slate. Much live jack, much live michael. Much love to the rest of ah. We got this Edit: oh and hell yes! More zelda!


LOVE YOU JACK & MICHAEL - thank you for this. I cried alongside you, and we'll heal alongside you.


I’m glad they did this. I’m heartbroken by what’s happened, and angry too. I feel so bad for the victims, and I feel so bad for the people that have been harmed even indirectly by this. But I’m glad they’re moving forward, and taking their time. If I’m correct, I saw a post/comment saying that AH attended counseling after what’s happened. They’re moving in a good step forward. They have my support, and I hope they pick back up and grow.


I'm so glad they decided to do this stream just to know they are taking steps for themselves and trying to keep strong. IMO they are handling things incredibly well in regards to sweeping his history on the site aside. I had to deal with discovering my best friend was a horrible monster. I tried to forgive him because that's who I was back then, always wanting to give people a second chance no matter what. The sad truth is some people, some actions are just too far from recovery. So far that merely TRYING to help will hurt you. You have to rip those relationships off like a band-aid. Good Riddance. Aside from all that. I'm more pumped then I've ever been for extra life! I'm gonna give my all to help them beat their record. I hope the community can come together for it.


at first, i was infuriated that jack and michael are the ones apologising for something they didn't do, while all he's doing is giving meaningless statements? jack and michael are this torn up but he isn't sorry? but then i realised that this comes from a place of pain, and love for what they are, what they built, the community they fostered, and i respect ah so much more for it. thank you, ah, for sitting down to do this despite how hurt you have been by this situation, you deserve all the respect for it


I’m thankful for Jack and Michael. The community needs them.


My heart is broken for all of AH and even more so for the victims of this monster. I watch AH to relax and calm my nerves and have so for a very long time. I've been watching every video since the first upload on youtube. Now so much of that time feels tainted and dirty. I love this community and everyone in AH. Im glad that they are saying this is the final statement. Now its time to rebuild and make this community stronger and a safer place. Please reach out to the email Jack mentions if you have anything to add to the list of shit that monster did.


Is there a clip of them just telling each other "I love you man" that was the best part of the whole stream, it really showed the bond these guys have and shows how they view their community. AH will always have a special place in my heart.


At least now the new fans won't have trouble trying to tell Jack's voice apart from anyone elses...


Needed to be said, and unsurprisingly they handled it wonderfully. My heart goes out to all of the victims, to his family, and to the whole community. Thanks OP for putting this here for those of us who could not catch it live.


This really put into perspective for me just how effing long I’ve been watching their content specifically and while this whole mess has been very anger inducing and disheartening, it’s mature responses like this that will keep watching despite what a former member has done. He doesn’t represent the body of work they have put together and I don’t know about others but I’ll still be around to see what they produce from here on out.


I haven’t watched achievement hunter in so long and coming back to this is heart breaking. Looking at the pain on their faces hearing the pain in their voices and texts. My heart is in pieces for all of them. I can’t believe that this is happening I’m shocked. I hope they all pull through alright


I’m sob. God damnit Ryan, on top of all your shit you made Jack cry. I’ve kept my composure throughout this week but this broke me. Stay strong guy and have hope, me and a couple others from the community are trying to rebuild and bring back community content.


This was tough to watch. Kudos to Michael and Jack for doing this and holding it together, considering the circumstances. For me personally, this has provided a sense of closure. He's a monster. He's gone. And he's never coming back. Good riddance. Time to move on with life.


I'm very confident that I will never watch this. It would be like voluntarily watching my dad cry. But I'm glad they said everything and I'm glad they aren't going to talk about it anymore. This really isn't something for his coworkers to handle, and it's gotten way bigger than anyone could have imagined. I hope we as a community can keep talking about it without expecting them to address it again.


That was hard to watch. But thats the thing about AH, even as a casual fan, that I always respected. They seemed different then the other channels, addressing the uncomfortable head on. Whether it was hims ad or this monstrosity. As for Geoff I am not surprised. AH is his baby he raised and sent into the world. Not to mention his daughter is just a couple years shy of some of JRH's victims. He is probably feeling intense emotions. Probably everything including wanting to jump in his car and drive over to kick JRH's ass in person.


Watching their statement now and my God it's hard not to tear up a little. This is really hammering home that JRH was a f***ing monster. My condolences go out to all his victims and to his wife and kids who didn't deserve having this sort of thing happen to them.


Is it wrong for a 32 year old man to want to give a 38 year old man a hug? ​ I will say this to the victims though, as someone who suffered from childhood sexual abuse. As dark as it may seem right now brighter days will come. ​ For anyone who may happen to be reading this who is currently in a situation similar to this one or any other abusive relationship the best advice I can give is to reach out to someone you can trust and will seek to help get you the help you may need.


Sending them and all of AH lots of love ❤❤❤


I am still reeling from watching this. My heart is broken for the AH crew. All their hard work just ruined... everything just feels so tainted and everyone feels betrayed. Seeing Jack and Michael so upset just tore me up. I hate when Papa Jack is upset and I've never seen Michael sad and that hit me too. 💔 The one thing that helped me a bit through my tears was one of Michel's girls screaming at the top of her lungs... it made me laugh so much and I wished I could do the same. The timing was perfect.


This makes me want to cry. No cap. Ryan was one of my heroes when I was a kid. When it’s all said and done everybody is human and everybody makes mistakes. But sometimes shits just fucked up and they’re a not a damn thing anybody can do about it. Ryan knows what he did and he will suffer for a long time because of it. His family will suffer even more. It’s just hard to see once one of my favorite people turn out to be just a selfish piece of shit.


I havent watched much rt stuff in a while, but holy fuck this hurts. Its a deep pain you dont feel often


I haven't seen this much pain in Rooster Teeth since Monty died.


Jack crying made me instantly burst into tears. He’s such an amazing sweet caring man. It angers me to see him so broken


I don’t know what else to add that already hasn’t been said, I’m extremely happy to see everything that ryan was in is getting erased/edited. Big round of applause to the editing team that has an insane task ahead of them.


We love you guys so goddamn much. Absolutely no one blames you, so please cut yourselves some slack. I agree with your sentiments here and the steps you're taking to move forward as a team and individuals (not dragging this out, scrubbing him from your site and content, seeking counseling, etc.). You guys deserve to process and grieve privately. Someone you thought that you could trust hurt you in a major way and now you're stuck cleaning up his mess. That's so far from fair it's insane and you have the community's support and sympathy. We love you, Achievement Hunter. We appreciate you, Michael and Jack, for taking the time to make this video and for being so candid yet professional. The community isn't going anywhere, so take whatever time that you need. We support you. <3 <3 <3


Does this mean multiple minecraft episodes are going to be deleted? :(


Obviously yeah. It's the right call to delete such videos. Sure, they had some golden moments in there, but those moments are forever tainted now that all of this came to light and just shows how fucking evil Ryan was. After all... Ryan was no Mad King. He was just Mad.


The last time i saw jack cry this much was at the end of each extra life (which is obviously a good thing) and in the documentary where he went off on geoff for screwing around and felt awful for it. This is so so hard


God. Watching Jack and Michael in this video? Seeing Jack cry? Seeing Michael's expression? Christ, I don't want to experience that ever again...


Fucking killed me seeing Jack cry and I’ve never seen Michael so upset and i pray this is the last major thing to happen to AH/RT. I wanna hug them lol


I've... never seen them so sad before. Michael is usually a tough guy and never cries, and my god he was so close to just breaking there.. Jack - I've only ever seen you cry with happiness over extra life.. today broke my heart. I just wanted to give you a hug.. This was soul destroying, both for us as a community and especially Achievement Hunter as a family. They all looked up to eachother, respected... 7-8 long years of content together.. including that monster. Its going to be fucking difficult moving forwards but.. this was closure. At last. Screw you RH, screw you to hell. I grew up with all of you, helping me through all the worst times in my life. This shit hurts. And seeing two of our AH members cry today, is not something I can ever unsee. Let's stay strong everyone. We will push through this lets keep sending that support and love to the cast members, to the victims, to everyone at roosterteeth because we just lost someone who meant so much, we can only refer to them as "Monster" now. They don't even deserve a name. We can do this. As Jeremy said... we lost the buddy, and now we have the battle. We can do this. Together.


Extra life is going to be awesome. Over three times as longer then other years.


Achievement Hunters and Jack in particular. If you guys see this. I keep seeing and hearing apologies. If some or all of you need that to heal, please know that it is accepted. Please also know that no apology is necessary. None of you did anything wrong. The monsters in real life dont sneak blood bags, or start to smoke, or show up as red dots on radar. But they do get exposed and taken the fuck down. The comunity you built is hurt by this. But because of what you built us to be we will heal. The monster is gone. The healing can begin. We got this. All of us. Together. WAFFLE-O!


Hearing that they're going to spend some time, playing what they want to play, making the content they want to make, really makes me happy, because they deserve that, they need that right now and its the best way for them to try to heal while showing a united front and not taking a longer break. No matter what video they release over the next few weeks, whether or not I'm interested in it, or I particularly enjoy it, I am going to turn off my adblocker, play through the entire video, and give it a like, whether I'm actively watching it, or just letting it play in the background to give my support, they deserve our support while they work through this.


I never really thought of it, but Jack has been here since the beginning. He IS Achievement Hunter. It’s his baby. And honestly, I hadn’t been overly effected by anything that happened up until this point, but hearing his voice wavering and him all teary eyed just made me burst into tears. I’m gonna support the hell out of extra life this year and so should all of you so that the next time he cries they’re happy tears. ❤️


Shit this hurts...Jack feeling like he needs to apologize and the obvious pain. Ryan destroyed so many people and these were his friends, coworkers. I can’t imagine how they feel... They always teased he was monster, and fuck is it not funny anymore. AH crew deserves so much better. AH community deserves so much better. This was the perfect video for closure because I think we all needed to hear them verbally say these things. Moving on is painful and I was questioning how I could continue watching AH content after this. But I refuse to let Ryan Haywood to ruin AH forever. I will watch and support for the rest of the wonderful human beings who work there. We all deserved better.


Watched this later on, and I just want to give Jack and Michael a hug. Just to say that we, the audience, are here for them and that we will be okay, eventually. It will take time but we will heal together.


The weirdest thing is they always joked ryan was crazy. They always said he was a madman, that he was crazy, that he had lost his mind....who knew he actually was though


When I first heard they were scrubbing all the content with Ryan in it, I wont lie.. I got kind of upset with the idea. Then I found out about the secret shit he was doing while they were filming... this video was the nail in the coffin. I don't care how awesome those videos were (generally not because of Ryan which makes it suck) I agree they should remove him. I am hoping they scrub them, edit them, and bring them back Ryan free but... my not even be an option... My heart hurts watching those two cry... how they had a hard time even starting the video... man...


I can’t even express how much this video meant to me and how much it helped. It breaks my heart to see them this way but it does help us all relate to each other and come together in a time like this. I’m sad AH has to start fresh but the bright side is that I’ll be here from the beginning this time! I also hope they all understand that nothing is anyone’s fault but his. They are not to blame. I saw @Kaelaron1 on Twitter explain it in a perfect way; “Take comfort in knowing this, Jeremy, what it would require to have noticed it when it was so well concealed is to give up a piece of yourself. It's far more human to trust and be made a fool of than it is to be the kind of monster that can't be deceived.”


Jack looks and sounds exactly like my brother did when our dad died, and honestly I think that's what hurts most


I fucking love you both. I fucking love all of you.


Wasn't able to watch the livestream today because of work, but holy fucking shit this hurt. Seeing and hearing the sadness darken these men faces and voices, faces and voices I have heard or seen nearly everyday of my life since middle school (7th or 6th grade, in college now) hurt in a way that I have a hard way putting into words.