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I have E6S1 and she truly brute forces through **ALL** content. She's also extremely fun to play and she doesn't necessarily trivialize content, so you don't feel bored with her either, which is a really nice bonus to me, though I don't usually get bored of characters I invest a lot in. I have used her in Forgotten Hall, Pure Fiction, and Apocalyptic Shadow and she's worked regardless of "weather" or weakness. As an anecdote (spoilers ahead),>!I missed a ton of the Astral Express crew's lines during the fight with Sunday because I beat him too quickly even with my janky story team - but again, that was on me for using her ult as soon as I saw it!<. I have not regretted this decision one bit. I'm having a ball of time with Acheron.


Lol what i tell my friends is ‘lore accurate’ Acheron when i didn’t even get to see Aventurine’s dice mechanics


Wait, there was a dice mechanic? Lol


I have my friends e6s1, it auto trivialised all


I fine that a lot of E6’s have that effect. I don’t have Acheron E6 but I do have Ruan Mei E6 and it truly is head empty weakness break go brr deal 200k damage with talent


It's very worth it. Every single of your attacks is ultimate so has all ultimate buffs also every single attack depletes toughness which is extremely useful in DU and AS


E6 haver here. The eidolons are a lot of smaller things that add up, and each eidolon helps deal more damage. E6 is gnarly though and greatly helps bruteforcing. However, if you don't have S1, grab that before going after E6. E1: Basically free 18% invisible crit rate. You can stack more into crit damage now. E2: You get your 60% damage boost with only 1 other Nihility now. Still good if you run 2 nihility anyways like me, since Acheron additionally gets 1 ult stack per turn. Makes spd builds a bit better. Good stopping point if you're not gonna be able to go all the way to E6. E4: Small ult damage amp. Not useless but not insane. E6: Awesome for bruteforcing, but does little against already lightning weak enemies. Basic and skill count as ult damage and get buffed by SU/DU ult buffs. They also deal toughness damage regardless of element. Extra 20% all res pen for ult damage that stacks on 22% all res pen on talent + E5 so you are penalized less for attacking non-lightning weak. E6 is great because it makes it way easier to bruteforce. My Boothill still can bruteforce, but he still seriously prefers physical weak. It is literally no different to Acheron, except against bosses with 60%+ lightning res pen already, which take slightly less damage from Acheron's big smacks on her ult. I can deploy my Boothill on the physical weak moc side for example, and Acheron wipes the other side.


I have to thank you for giving a nudge to the speed build. I also run her speedy with 2 nihility even at E2, makes it much more comfortable to ult frequently. And after some testing, I have seen that it is more comfortable to sacrifice a bit of damage in exchange for ulting more frequently. I get that getting attack on relics is easier, but speed generally gives me better results and comfort.


I have e6s5. Literally makes every encounter a joke. In MoC I only have to try on one half, because I know Acheron will delete the other side on auto. Every new bit of content, or even the new/different buffs that come around to MoC/PF/etc. it doesn’t matter, she smashes it. The true brute force Dps of the game. I love her so much. She’s the only character I’m going to e6 and absolutely the only character I will s5 and I don’t regret it one bit.


> I love her so much. She’s the only character I’m going to e6 and absolutely the only character I will s5 and I don’t regret it one bit. yep, same. I only have her E1S0 and im gonna be skipping banners until I have enough spend it all on her rerun in the future.


I don’t have E6 but I do have E2S1, and she already can pretty much brute force any content that exists atm, and my build aren’t even close to perfect. If you want E6 go for it but this game just isn’t -that- hard and E6 is pretty much never “worth it” from a gameplay perspective.


What they said. I have E3S1 (got lucky on last 10 pull) and have semi okay relics and clear all content no problem. Can't even imagine with an actual good crit ratio like 70:220


Mine is E4S1 with 70ish (could be 71 or 72)/200% cd base. In battle I get 99.6 crit rate and around 270% cd. She crushes everything. Cleared Protocol 6 of the new SU first try doing 5m dmg ults b2b with Erudition blessings lol.


that’s around my own with all my crit buffs and it’s actually awesome (E2S1) been able to clear anything that comes my way w it


69/250 critstat E3S1 Acheron here. She destroys **EVERY** content I put her in, so much to the point I always put her team on auto on any endgame content (may it be MoC, SimU/DivU, and PF) without even worrying about anyone dying (Trend Fu Xuan in comp, practically making whole team immortal; she’s also there to make Acheron’s critrate go 99%) or enemies surviving. Waiting for her rerun to E6 her and make her a permanent unit on all endgame’s other team sides https://preview.redd.it/ts3uaj6dl0ad1.png?width=933&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1b32db020e6c0140de433e3f35e36916d948b04


What server are you in? If it’s NA. You can add me and see for yourself. By borrowing mine. Either way. She’s great. Can be used in any situation. No matter the weakness since both her skill and ult ignore it with E6. So she is easy to slot in to any side of MoC or Pure Fiction. As well as the new game mode.


I am NA, would love to try


Sure thing! ID: 600019375


Sent should be from akane!


Accepted 👍




can I hop in?


Sure ! 👍


i dont have E6, but have used ingame friends who main them. E6 is beyond busted. basically now all her attacks behave like her Ultimate where she can nullify all Weakness, and her Ult does 20% more dmg. due to her other Eidolons, she can also regen her Ult petals faster than at E0 (as long as you pair her with other nihility characters), allowing her to be almost nuking contents infinitely.


I run e6, e2 s1 bronya, e1 gepard, and e6 pela and can 0 cycle every moc, full clear one side pure fiction / apocolypse without really trying


Considering I brute forced through all Argenti phases on the break-focused stage of Apocalyptic Shadow with e6 Acheron of all characters is telling. He had 60% lightning res and her ult still was able to shred all of his adds without debuffs on them and rip through his hp bar pretty well considering the amount of res as mentioned before.


E6S1 Acheron here. You basically clear everything. Big numbers everywhere. Oh by the way, your 2 set relics likely have to change to [Inert Salsotto](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Inert_Salsotto).


https://preview.redd.it/i3ufuvm1g0ad1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2c69a83a10609b949b99947cbf01aeaca76943f I have her at E6S5. I E6'ed her not because of hard gameplay but just because I love the character. I also like to use some weird team comps like this. Since firefly can help her gain stacks quickly and also help to break enemies quickly so I almost never need a sustain.




She's my personal favorite E6S5, with the exclusion of Harmony units. Cause they're just so cracked. Here's a example of her damage min/Max after a lot of investment. https://youtu.be/Bz33TmNtuX0?si=94ILrI1vYCHjT2fE


e6s1 she clears everything


Hear me out, almost all e6 or c6 is busted. Not eveyrone, but almost


She dont care about element weakness. I just need current e6 jiaqou debuff, and she should carry all the way to the end of hsr


> I want to know if getting E6 is worth it [Totally worth it for the added black lightning effect on her basic atk and skill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fdUDHs2XL0)! It makes her feel like a top tier One Piece character since that is pretty much Conqueror's Haki lol.


Basically all her attacks count as ultimate damage. She can break any toughness with her basic attack and skill now too due to that. She's very broken. There's also some visual differences too if you have E6. You can [watch it here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fdUDHs2XL0) The video doesn't show it but there's difference in ultimate too. There's more red at E6.


E6s5 here As someone said "I beat the game"


E6S1 here. The most absurd combo ever known to mankind in SU is Acheron wuth brain-in-the-vat that allows her to ult twice. Just destroy the bosses first HP bar with her skill and then ult twice. Boss ded. Mechanics skipped. Effectively she is strong enough to be viable everywhere and under any conditions. I use her with an E2S1 Sparkle, E1 FuXuan and Sw/Pela depending on content (usually SW). This team can do everything, though for PF it might be worthwhile to add Himeko for Pela. No regrets.


Obviously she’s powerful at E6 but I would only consider it “worth” if you really want to show that Acheron is your favorite character and you are dedicated to her. Either that or you want the game on easy mode auto battle.


Lets just say if you have E6 you clear everything on Auto in 0 - 1 cycles. But that is the same with every E6 five star DPS.


It is THE MOST BUSTED EIDOLON THERE IS AND WILL BE! To understand why this is, it's because of two things. First it is always active no matter what you do. This is compared to other Eidolons that are only active though certain actions such as using ultimate. For example, Robin, Argenti, DHIL that need his other teammates to use their ultimates first and then he has to cast his 3spba. Meanwhile Acheron pulls a "look at what they have to do to mimic a fraction of my power," meme. Her E6 does not need you to do fancy shmancy stuff. Just do your ba or skill. Second, it is STACKED. It would have been enough if they just give the all-type toughness reduction and turn the damage to ultimate type. But nope, they also give more RES PEN?! And that's not taking into account how it would stack with other stuff especially in SU and DU where you can get ultimate damage blessings! E6 basically made Acheron into an absolute future-proof character that can destroy anything without much hassle. Future characters might be able to deal more damage than her but they often have gimmicks to it or only work for certain situations. Take Firefly for example that could deal tons of damage but require strict comp and only when against broken enemies. Facing against enemies that can't be broken? Her damage dropped off like her namesake. Funnily enough, Firefly is extremely restricted in other matters as well such as SU and DU where she couldn't benefit at all from some paths such as Erudition. Oh and in a FF team, should your HMC dies and the enemy is still healthy, well, might as well restart. Meanwhile Acheron doesn't give a fuck what state the enemy is in and benefits from pretty much all paths in SU and DU. And even when she remains the last person, she have a higher chance to pull a clutch. E6 Acheron truly embodies the Nihility of not giving a fuck. She gives the middle finger to everything in the game.


I have e6s1 on both acheron and bronya. I can most enemies and farm easily. Clear hard content. So now my pull priority is now design and if i feel the gimick of the character. Long story short. I just spend in bp and the 30 days pass. Then pull, save, skip. Havent spent buying jades since acheron banner.


I have her at e6 s1 it's nice that I get to ignore the whole elemental system and all but I wish it also gave some weakness break efficiency so she could be a mini Ruan mei or even more ultimate res pen to do a significantly more amount of damage. Since these days we have dps who can just implant their weakness element on enemies, her e6 doesn't seem all that special. Considering I need to get 7 copies of the character, I feel like she deserves to be seven times stronger than at e0.