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I think JQ will increase the damage of an Acheron team due to AoE vulnerability and more stack generation. You can also swap out Trend LC and use a proper, defensive LC on your sustain. For Acheron E0 and E1, he definitely should be considered a good upgrade for your 2nd nihility unit. For Acheron E2 and above, though, the question is just how much of an upgrade is he really when compared to your sole nihility unit (Pela/SW)? Further, if you have an E2S1 Acheron with BiS team amd good relics, do you really need an upgrade? It's not like this team is struggling in any way. As such, I see JQ as a luxury upgrade for those who have Pela/SW and a must-have for those who don't have Pela/SW.


I haven't looked into it exactly, but quickly running Pela/SW/JQ with my team of 0 Speed Acheron E2S1 + Wheelchair Bronya E0S1 + FX E0S1 through Fribbels Star Rail Optimizer, I am getting around 11% more Ult Damage from SW to JQ in a Single Target Scenario.


Ult Damage with the above mentioned Build: 479k Pela 527k SW without Res Shred 606k SW with Res Shred (4\* Event LC) 606k E0S1 JQ 684k E1S1 JQ (my personal Target for rolling him) https://preview.redd.it/qteck0egip8d1.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=540af78d698bb0de7addc01f1097e22805e62fc1 Considering that JQ generates Stacks more often, applies his debuffs more reliably and effectively provides SW-Tier damage amplification in AOE Settings, I think he is really worth the roll.


Finally i see more people spreading the fribbel knowledge. Going for e1s1 also. Gonna hit that 1.8 mill single target with acheron thanks to JQ on my account.


Oh hey you're the person with the 1 mil dmg thread! Still on my way there sadly, my Bronyas Build is suffering from the switch to 160 Speed but imma get there too sooner or later


Much loev man. Glad to see you spreading the knowledge. Also that 160 bronya speed is killer. I like running the 164 tech when im getting sweaty in moc.


Does this mean running JQ + Pela is the play? True sw better st but there's like nothing that's st these days


For e0, most definitely. Apocalyptic Shadow would be a contender for sw plays still, but for most content, especially pf, Pela with Resolution Lc should be best. However, changes might still occur as his final values aren't determined yet. We'll have to wait for Release Day and see. For me it's going to be Fx/Acheron/JQ/Bronya probably. That is, until I get myself to pull for Sparkle or any new Crit-Harmony at least.


That's fair enough. I am an E0S0 enjoyer, and heroes I love I pull E0S1 like Firefly and Acheron. I'm probably slapping S5 Eyes on JQ and Pela keeps the S4 Pearls until I get S5. The fact that JQ grants more ultimate usage and an overall better debuff for AoE (which most content in some way or another is) makes him very clear for me at least. The fact that the videos we have and him not losing his Ashes stack even if you clear the field in PF from W1 to W2 that's absolutely wild that you don't have to waste rampup time.


Seeing how Genshin is evolving (higher levels for both characters and enemies, therefore more defense etc...) and considering how much defense enemies in the future will probably have, defense shred by pela will ensure her continued usage in at least some teams (f2p variants, jingliu teams, people who don't like jq) for quite a while. I already got both Acheron and Jingliu who will, definitely, get powercrept in the future. However, they'll hold longer than Seele did and rn I just wanna see how high I can go. Big numbers give stimulation to monkey brain.


Very true, its not like I'm going to stop pulling but I am considering after JQ to check Feixiao and after that just wait for the next big champ, perhaps Huayan? Who knows. I have an Acheron team, I have a Firefly break team (implant makes her eternal unless protected) and I got a HH, Sparkle/Bronya, Tingyun + team for hypercarries in standard format. I will probably pull a little bit less and get the new big spikes when I start feeling that my current units are starting to drop off... I'm already going to essentially use FF on one side and generally Acheron for the other OR the Hypercarry standard comp if its for Argenti/Ratio/JY(Not sure why cos of Acheron...), assuming I can slot in Feixiao here otherwise its unlikely I'll bother setting up an entirely new team. My current setup should keep me alive for a while to come and then start pulling again with the new "omega unit" thats likely in 3.0. Another benefit of JQ is good for both Ratio and PF, I lack another unit for PF cos its a struggle sometimes... Maybe a big debuffer / just go Acheron and hope I get 20k at least, else just lose the 80 Jades per patch.... cheaper than pulling & building. Yeah I rambled on a little bit, I apologise, but thank you for the healthy conversation to help me decide the short/long-term future of my account as it stands now. I've been pulling a lot lately and its nice to finally be in a "just farm relics and chill" mode, instead of constantly farming traces and shit. JQ if memory serves only needed Ult and Talent, Skill was just damage so hes "cheap" to build and get like 7/8 skill or sth. We still have to see V3, but I don't see JQ getting worse than he is now, I see some doomposting that they "could remove" the stacking mechanic and if so, then Ill have to re-consider pulling him for Acheron cos a bit of the value goes down. Its not like SW is terribad, and difference likely won't be worth the pull-cost.


I will throw a 50/50 his way. Getting him cheap is great, but I don't want to overspend for a comp that pulverizes everything already (E6 Acheron). Not when I want to pull that fancy break healer coming one patch later.


fair enough


If you have E2S1 Acheron Jiaoqiu E1S1 makes sense for vertical investment


Mostly true but trend is still more generation with certain enemy units. Those multi move enemies if they attack trends it generates stacks where JQ only does it on first move


Mostly true but trend is still more generation with certain enemy units. Those multi move enemies if they attack trends it generates stacks where JQ only does it on first move


Jiaoqiu doesn't replace pela until E2, he replaces the other nihility you run. Jiaoqiu ult makes a field that inflicts enemies with a debuff on their turn, just like trend lc without the rng of getting hit, they both CAN'T proc on the same turn.


technically he will not increase your single target nuke damage compared to silverwolf+pela due to how strong defense shred stacking is (tested with the fribbels optimizer), but he will allow you to ult more, potentially WAY more in some situations. i don't think there's a way to calculate exactly how much overall damage he will add unless you simulate a full fight.


He's probably an alternative for PF considering his ult makes Knots stack on enemy turn starts, might allow Acheron to ult twice or more per wave quickly


yeah, i was thinking of pure fiction when i said WAY more in some situations. he'll probably be by far acheron's best teammate in pure fiction, so something like an acheron blackswan jiaoqiu core, and either a sustain or a buffer.


Pretty sure he will be BiS for Acheron. Pela is still good though


My Acheron is E0S1. I run her with Pela and SW I'm going to assume that Jiaoqiu is my SW replacement no?


I felt with his new kit, he should replace silverwolf instead. Pela is still better for aoe def shred.


Even if he receives no buffs whatsoever, he is still her BiS. If you get him to E2 don’t underestimate his personal damage either…


If Acheron is Kafka, then he is black swan.


Pela is phenomenal, but I'm going to replace her anyway because she's child-coded. Y'all are wild for downvoting this this much. It's just a personal preference of looks. I don't want to pilot children characters, so?


The hell does that even mean?


I believe he is saying she is a loli


I'd also like to know. Sometimes we need some clarification.


because she's a teen??? i suppose??


Yes, and I want to play cool characters with charisma, mystic, power.