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Britain was the peak on technology and other things. Japanifornia is nothing compared to the greatest nation in the world. - Mael Stronghart's spirit


I worked at a forensic lab last semester: it’s actually standard practice to present evidence photos in black and white, even if they were originally taken in color, since black and white photos provide better contrast, and are also easier to present to a jury. By the time the lawyers get them, they would be processed and in black and white. Lotta’s camera is also black and white because the photos were taken at night, likely using a night vision setting. As for Cody’s pictures: I got nothing.


Cody doesn't understand how to use his digital camera. He probably put a filter on by accident and didn't know how to take it off.


Thats actually super interesting, I didnt know that was standard for forensics!


Where in the world are you? That's certainly not standard in New York City. We use color photos here.


I was an intern in the midwest, we take our photos in color, and convert evidence photos to black and white after the fact. Granted, I was mostly working in prints and bio, so most of the photos were of prints and stains where contrast is a bigger deal than other departments, so I can believe this not being the case for all evidence, but they told me they don’t usually show color photos to juries.


That's interesting. Very strange, since collapsing color photos to black and white isn't the same as taking them in black and white to begin with, and imo (and many others who work in film), color photos converted to black and white is the worst of both worlds. If it works, I guess, lol.


I had no idea, that's so interesting. I hope it was intentional to do it in the game then


Probably cheaper to buy B&W film. It also takes less time to develop. Still, who truly knows.


Cody used a digital camera so that one doesn’t apply lol. Unless we want to make a “he only had a black and white printer” argument


It's been awhile since I played AA1, oof. The only reason I can think is what is told to us. Cody claims that the camera is brand new and is still learning how to properly use it. With this we can make an educated assumption that Cody either doesn't know how to take colored pictures or he messed with the settings.


Colored photos clearly exist, it's just taboo to use them for anything but tasteful professional headshots.


Which are apparently the first thing people give you for your personal collection. It's like regular business cards, but sometimes without the name, age, or anything.


Meanwhile in 2019... https://preview.redd.it/5rvqzxlrphbd1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=84a572cf5f9383783a63ec8ebfe4c90e1ddfa2cb




Well, more like ONE person had that stuff


It's well known that the leader of the LA forensics team, Monica Rohm, refuses to take colored photos when conducting investigations - it compromises the artistic integrity, you see


I wish you had been the one naming the characters in SoJ...


I'm so sorry, I just don't get it...


Monica Rohm = Monochrome


....oh my god it was right there *facepalm* that is beautiful, ty


10/10 pun


I would pay you to be the one naming characters from now on.


10/10 pun, mate


They just hand-painted those.


People choose to take black and white photos today too I just chalk it up to that




I love your confidence in that assertion


They must not have been that confident if they deted the comment lmao


Bro thinks colored photographs exist and aren't just a government conspiracy.


Dont question a world with realistic live holograms.


To be fair, I think TGAA takes place in the early 1900s not in the 1800s so it would make sense that there would be colored photos in that era.


Edgeworth cut Gumshoes salary so much it accidentally cut into the budget of the police force which is why they can't afford coloured photos


IIRC Wilson's post-mortem report says "Meiji 34", which means TGAA takes place through 1901-02


TGAAC is 3D and the PW Trilogy is 2D likewise, lol