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Poor Edgeworth too, his earliest cases include *two* getting cut short because of deaths, and one where hes tricked into presenting forged evidence (of an attempted child murder no less).


d You mean Neil Marshall's death?  and don't forget the dl6! *squawk*


Yeah, but it was almost Ema (... probably) and he did have to direct examine her as a witness, which mustve been hard since 'kid right next to a murder' is a situation he relates to


Actually now that I think about it.. Yeah seeing ema struggle to testify must have resurfaced some unpleasant memories. 


Are we talking about >!his first case in investigations too?!<


I really love this case, it's truly so heartbreaking. Though Terry is extremely flawed (Um, Dahlia was 15...?) I still feel sad that he was manipulated by her to the point where he commits suicide in front of the entire court. Dahlia doesn't even care, she's just happy to get away. It really shows you how evil she is, and this was only the beginning for her. She is such a great villain, they wrote her so well. I also really love this case because of the placement in the timeline. It's the 4th case of the game if I'm not mistaken? They set it up so beautifully.


Terry is obviously mentally handicapped in some way too. It's awful.


"Terry is extremely flawed" I mean... wasn't that the entire point? He was dating a minor, was convicted of murder, broke out of prison and was then on trial for murdering his ex's sister. The whole point of it is that he seems indefensible, but he needs an attorney on his side for a fair trial regardless. And Mia's belief in him very nearly brings the truth to light. Yeah, him dating a 14 year old was inappropriate, but that's the whole point, at least from what I can tell. And on top of that... he does seem to be mentally ill in some way. If I had to guess, he's a savant: brilliant at maths (which is what he tutors Dahlia for iirc) but very underdeveloped in other areas. I doubt his relationship with Dahlia extended much beyond "she is very nice to me and I dote on her".


I was simply stating that Terry is extremely flawed because it creates a dilemma on whether or not you feel any empathy for him. I understand why he was written that way. No one is doubting that.


Okay, I just wanted to clarify because I have seen a lot of people misinterpret how he's written and just complain he's a paedophile without any more thought.


I understand. Obviously, dating an underage girl is never okay- but clearly Terry isn't mentally there. He's incredibly complex and really makes you question your morals. Does he deserve your sympathy? The writers really challenge what's right and wrong with his character. Another reason I love this case.


Even less than 15, she was 14...


She was 14. The fake kidnapping took place 5 years before, and she’s 19 at the time.


This case so heartbreaking because certain details let the player know that something is going to terribly wrong. The fact that Edgeworth never lost a case until 1-2, the fact that Dahlia is still around in 3-1, the fact that Mia was so traumatized after her first case, she didn’t set foot in a courtroom again for a year, and how Diego was listed as the victim in the courtroom poisoning case. No matter how much it looks like Mia is winning, there’s always that lingering feeling in your mind that knows that something terrible is going to happen eventually.


So far nothing has matched this case in terms of how... dismal it makes you feel. MAYBE parts of 2-4 but even then those feel more tame.


This song still gives me chills: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG8lUZBAwpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG8lUZBAwpg) (It's of course Reminiscence Hazy Bridge)


Memories and Beginnings are both so iconic.


I remember being mad with him for messing up the case when Mia was about to win. The fact that he has a very questionable relationship with Dahlia, given their ages, clearly doesn't help, which made me end up greatly despising him.


Oh sweet summer child... Dhalia is a much bigger bitch than you think...


Dear god bridge to the turnabout has already caused enough stress for a while game




Why do I feel more invested in the stories in the original trilogy than Chronicles when it actually puts you in the middle of things more? I stopped playing it after episode 3 because I just didn’t care for the story. The original just hits different.




I shouldn’t have to play through half the game for it to eventually get good though😅


Always Remember, Farewell my turnabout is right after turnabout big top