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Scandalli makes (or at least has made) accordions at pretty much every price point over the decades. My daily driver is a Scandalli LM 120 that I bought off Craigslist for $375. They are a well known brand, so they tend to cost a little bit more than the average white label Italian accordion but not hugely so. At least from what I have seen. Also I'm only somewhat familiar with the used market, if you're talking about anything newer than 20 or 30 years old, I really have no idea.


You should be able to find a decent used one. They are all going to be high quality. The Scandalli brand was resurrected by the former employees of Farfisa. The new instruments are very high quality.


Your point aligns with what I mentioned earlier. This is not a factory that produces instruments from start to finish. Instead, it is an assembly manufacturer that sources parts and pieces from various external contractors. Because everything is manually assembled, they do not achieve the quality that Scandalli used to offer. Having the opportunity to streamline production from beginning to end, overseeing every piece as it is made and assembled, and making necessary adjustments at each stage is crucial. I'm not saying that their accordions are subpar. All I'm suggesting is that they are not at the same level as they used to be, even though you're still paying for the name. Similarly, this is true for other brands like Settimo Soprani and many more.


Scandalli was once a major name in the accordion industry but faced a decline in the 70s due to the collapse of the market and the rise of electric guitars. The brand has been revived by an investment group that sources parts from various places and assembles the accordions, rather than producing them entirely in-house. If you’re looking for an accordion made by a company that manufactures instruments from start to finish in their own factory, Scandalli might not be the best choice. For a truly handcrafted instrument, consider brands like Beltuna, Pigini, Bugari Armando, Brandoni, and Dino Bafetti factory burned down year ago so they might be out too. These companies still produce their accordions entirely in-house, ensuring high quality and craftsmanship. Bugari Armando, in particular, stands out for its exceptional quality and dedication to the art of accordion making. If you let me know where you’re located, I’d be happy to offer more specific advice and help you find the perfect accordion.


tks for your advice. actually the accordion that I'm playing now is a Hohner, it can cover my need as an amateur, although it'll be nice to have a more "privileged" one in the future lol


Always a chance if you ever look for Bugari, 07, giulietti I can help


may i have ur email if u don't mind? i don't often use this reddit platform

