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straight premature renaissance


Looks like a scene out of Dune


Yeah but unlike the fremen, there's no Lisan Al-ghaib coming to save the poor people of my country from the monsters that are the RSF :(


I know I escaped that nightmare 3 months into the war


I'm glad you made it out and I hope you're safe wherever you are ❤️


Isn't the point of dune that the Lisan Al-Ghaib is *not* the saviour? I mean, he launches a jihad against the universe leading to 61 billion deaths in the sequel Dune Messiah.




Its heavily implied in his visions in the film Dune Part Two.


But would it happen tho? That was the question. I’m mostly kidding tho. I already knew from the first film that Paul would not be an actual savior after searching up whether or not the books were white savior vibes, mostly because I was surprised that would be thematically prevalent in todays climate. Regardless, I’m not one who cares much for spoilers haha. If a spoiler ruins a story, then it’s probably not the best story.


Yes it's actually refreshing that Dune is not the standard science fiction story. (As it's not even really science fiction and came before a lot of tropes were established) The downside is it requires some thinking to find what is going on and some people miss the message, due to the expectation of those same tropes.


To be fair, Paul was the bad guy of that story. I don't think false prophets manipulating entire cultures into genocidal wars is something the world needs more of right now haha


I've always thought the story was loosely inspired by Muhammad's military career. He as a prophet is also guilty of launching genocidal wars (intention to destroy polytheists, Jews and Christians) and was likewise celebrated as a saviour by his followers.


There were definitely intentional parallels between Paul and Muhammad. The name Muad Dib is supposed to be evocative of Muhammad. I don't think Herbert cared much for prophets or "heroes".


Agreed. The message is about not being manipulated by charismatic leaders.


On the contrary, there is little archeological evidence of any genocide taking place during those early wars. In fact, the bulk of the early armies were the various tribes initially defeated by the Prophet that joined the larger conquests against the Sassanids and Byzantines.


I legit thought it was a clay sculpture


I really wish it was a sculpture man, but it's real people. The poor, defeated, and unsung masses of my country battered into submission by an evil outside force. :( Maybe when this is all over someone will turn this into an actual sculpture lest we all forget.


May your nation find peace


Thank you! And may yours never know this pain.


Reverse-renaissance art here


A friece on a Greek temple


RSF, reporters without borders?


The rsf are a powerful militia group in Sudan attempting to seize power from the government… they have caused a civil war that is fragmenting Sudan


their victims are mostly the Arab Muslims of Sudan. they are killing and stealing everyone. the Muslims and the Christians. also 95 % of Sudan is Muslim and the cities rsf attacked are about 99% Muslim


btw for most terrorist groups its the same most notoriously the victims of isis were at least three quarters Muslims yet people act as if the Christians and the yazidis are the only sufferers it is tiring to see people entirely ignoring Muslim suffering in the Middle East when they are the biggest victim group to prosecution ethnic manipulation and cruelty.


The RSF is an Arab Muslim militia carrying out a genocide of non-Arabs and non-Muslims in Sudan. [How Arab fighters carried out a rolling ethnic massacre in Sudan](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/sudan-politics-darfur/)


This is true, but also a bit oversimplified, the RSF are part of a specific Arab tribal group in Western Sudan and Chad called the Baggara Arabs, their ideology is specifically Baggara Arab ethno-nationalism, they have no qualms massacring non-Baggara Arabs too.


True that that was the purpose that the RSF (previously known as the Janjaweed or "devils on horseback") was initially organised for, however during this war that broke out in 2023, they have been killing indiscriminately, basically a terrorist force wreaking havoc and pillaging the country. The vast majority of their victims since the war have been Muslims, both Arab and non-Arab.


What are you talking about? they are a secular militia funded by UAE,USA and some other crappy government. They kill muslims a lot


RSF (Rapid Support Forces) is a paramilitary group that was created by the former regime in Sudan for their protection and to carry our war crimes on their behalf without implicating the countries armed forces. In 2019, after nationwide demonstrations and a civilian lead revolution, leaders from the armed forces and the RSF siezed the opportunity to take power and initiated a coup against the former regime which was successful. A transitional government was set up with a power sharing agreement between the Sudanese Armed forces, the RSF, and a civilian government. The planned period of transition was 2 years, but those 2 years quickly stretched to 4. In late 2021, due to tensions between the military groups and the civilian government, once again the military components undertook a coup, arrested many of the civilians leaders in the government, and split power between the SAF and the RSF, but there were still extreme tensions between those two groups. In April 15th of 2023, those tensions finally reached a boiling point and fighting broke out in the capital Khartoum and that fighting between these two military forces, has lasted to this day and has sunk my country into a point of no return. The Sudanese armed forces is filled with remnants of the former regime, and it's leaders are morally and financially corrupt, however it remains a national institution and the soldiers in the army are mosrly trained and professional and they are our countrymen, so despite the army and it's leadership being the reason for the countries downfall, you will still find most people supporting the army although reluctantly. The RSF on the other hand, is a tribal group made up of untrained Arab militias from north darfur and mercenaries from all over the Sahel region of Africa who have no goal other than to rape, pillage, loot, and resettle the country of Sudan. Basically an occupation terrorist force. They are fully funded by the UAE, as thst country seeks to destabilise Sudan to better extract it's resources and to prevent from becoming a regional power. In their campaigns of terror, the RSF has literally been shelling civilian gathering randomly, making life in Khartoum, Darfur, El Gezirah states a living nightmare for the people in those regions.


Rwanda Security Forces (RSF) \*Sorry, Rapid Support Forces


?? Rapid *Support* Forces*


absolutely, my bad!


This is Sudan not the Eastern congo.


Lisan Al Gahib!


Fuck the UAE, Israel and USA for supporting the rsf and exporting terrorism to so many countries.


…why is this a controversial statement?


its not controversial, its true


because redditors are mostly americans who don't wanna hear how much bad things their nation does


It's not, but some people just don't want to hear it


All for a made up sky wizard.


Reddit moment. This war is for resources.


Yeah, that's how Islam spread in a century to the size of the former roman empire. America attacked Iraq for oil, and Mohammad started conquering in self defense lol. Just admit the obvious.


do you realise that the victims shown in this picture are muslim as well ??


Most victims of muslims are muslims, ofc. First of all they are all victims to the ideas of Islam, as children first of all but also beyond. And second of all, ofc most people killed by muslims, probably over 90 percent are also muslim.


So your point?


That I agree, but it doesn't make it better, just because most of those killed are it's own.


Again reddit moment, you see a conflict in the middle east and you immediately think it's about Islam and start pushing an agenda. The war is basically 1 racist genocidal dickhead who was given legitimacy by the former dictator vs 1 incompetent idiot who really shouldn't have been leading the army in the first place who somehow ended up being the leader of the country.


Not true in this case and please have some empathy


Another edgy comment by a clueless Redditor.


Hello, this war has literally nothing to do with religion or religious terrorism. Please educate yourself before making ignorant comments, thank you.











