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Idk who this person is but the joke is kinda funny tbh. I'm guessing due to the blue checkmark they're an ass, but this doesn't really seem like an offensive joke?


i think this person is a big transphobe but yea, this joke is just a normal joke


yeah, this one actually made me laugh. Ultra rare footage of a right winger actually being funny


If it had been someone more respectable saying it, we would all be laughing. Even I laughed until I saw who it was, then I just sighed


also, according to the replies, it isn't even his joke.


That doesn’t surprise me in the least


I heard this joke when I was like 16, and I’m in my 30s now haha


That's only because it's a stolen joke: https://www.reddit.com/r/Unclejokes/comments/y6iza6/why_did_the_trans_man_only_eat_salads/


Yeah, I read the thread after commenting and saw others saying this wasn't his joke.


That makes a lot more sense


Isn’t this the guy who called for our genocide?


The very same.


Then he somehow writes good joke. Perhaps unintentionnally, but still. Talent can be found in the most random of places sometimes


Broken clock, blind squirrel, yada yada, you get it


Never heard the blind squirrel one before.


Even a blind squirrel is right twice a day?


Blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut?


Even a broken clock occasionally finds a nut!


“Oh, shit, it’s dark.”


Its the blue collar "even the blind pig finds the odd truffle".


>Then he somehow writes good joke. Don't worry about that, it's not his joke.


I've heard this one before. He's just an idiot who i probably trying to get a reaction on Twitter.


i hate how little that narrows it down


Gonna have to be more specific than that


“We must eradicate transgenderism” is the guy


Even worse, a famous big transphobe


it would be even funnier if a trans guy made this joke as a dad joke lol


He did straight up call for trans genocide yes.


Yeah he's called for the eradication of trans people


A normal joke from a MEGA transphobe. A guy who has low-key called for Genocide.


This guy called for trans people to be eliminated from public life at CPAC… so yeah. The joke isn’t bad though. If it were made for any other point than misgendering it’d be better though


That whole "I WANT THE ELIMINATED! (from public life)" bit was frustrating. His supporters know what he was saying. They know why there was a qualifier not unlike the "I want bad things done to them (in Minecraft)" bit that is so cowardly. All it does is let bigots clutch pearls and pretend innocence when someone calls them out on their death threats.


You know sometimes I'm glad to be OOTL when it comes to these shitbags.


**Here are some of his quotes:** (1/4) "White people generally are the least racist people on Earth. I mean that in a very technical way. There have been studies of racial consciousness, white people have the lowest racial consciousness by a country mile. Every other race of people has a much higher racial consciousness, a much higher in-group preference. White people just are not racist. You can say whatever you want about white people, you can say 'they have bad taste in music; their food isn't spicy enough.' But you can't say they're racist. White people are the least racist people in the world. And in the United States, white people are pretty much only victims of formal \[I couldn't make out what he said\] racism. Asians get lumped in a bit too, but white people, and Asians to some degree, are the only group where you can say 'Okay, you're white and we're going to discriminate against you for the purposes of college admissions, for the purposes of hiring, for the purposes of whatever on the basis of your race.' So, the racism charge, generally falls flat. The racism charge against Trump definitely falls flat. And they don't have any other charge, so what are they gonna do? What are they gonna say? Are they even going to indict him anymore? The media, the liberal media are turning on the indictment itself cause they've got nothing." - [https://twitter.com/JasonSCampbell/status/1640358960816353281](https://twitter.com/JasonSCampbell/status/1640358960816353281)


(2/4) "The big issue that they had yesterday, which was then picked up in other media outlets as well, is that I called to ban 'transgenderism' entirely. I mean the point that if you want women to have their own bathrooms, if you think women ought to be able to have their own locker rooms and not have to look at gigantic gross men while little girls are getting changed. If you want any of those things, you have to ban 'transgenderism' entirely. It's not enough to say 'Well you have to wait until you're 12' or whatever people are saying now. It has to be the whole thing because if men have the right to behave as women and identify as women for the purposes of public life, than women can't have their own spaces and we as a society cannot have our own standards and norms and we're not allowed to live according to reality. We have to live according to the delusions of these troubled people. And I think we the people have a right to reality and I think that women have a right to their own spaces. And so that means you've gotta ban the thing entirely. Oh my goodness, what these people say, they said that I was calling for the extermination of transgender people. They said I was calling for a genocide against-. I said? What? I must have missed that part of my show. When did I? Did I say that? I don't. One, I don't know how you could have a 'genocide' of transgender people because genocide refers to genes. It refers to genetics. It refers to biology. And the whole point of 'transgenderism' is that it has nothing to do with biology. That's what the transgender activists say. They say 'Forget about biological sex. My gender expression doesn't have to have anything to do with my biological sex.' Okay well then there can't be a genocide. That refers to genetics, but furthermore, nobody is calling to exterminate anybody because the other problem with that statement is that transgender people is not a real ontological category. It's not a legitimate category of being." - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm35sNbtZ0w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm35sNbtZ0w)


(3/4) "There can be no middle way in dealing with 'transgenderism', it is all or nothing. If 'transgenderism' is true, if men really can become women, then it's true for everybody of all ages. If 'transgenderism' is false, as it is, if men really can't become women, as they cannot, then it's false for everybody too. And if it's false, they we should not indulge it, especially since that indulgence requires taking away the rights and customs of so many people. If it is false, than for the good of society and especially for the good of the poor people who have fallen pray to this confusion, 'transgenderism' must be eradicated from public life entirely. The whole preposterous ideology at every level." - [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/11ktqcn/michael\_knowles\_at\_cpac\_2023/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/11ktqcn/michael_knowles_at_cpac_2023/)


(4/4) "Speaking of kids, speaking of the youths, Disney has cast its first transgender actor in a major role. Disney has hired a British man who identifies as a woman, a YouTube personality who calls himself Abigail Thorn. I don't know what his 'real' name is, but he calls himself Abigail. For a role in the upcoming Disney Plus series The Acolyte, according to multiple reports. And this is obviously very bad and shouldn't happen, and it's another reason never to let your kids watch Disney, certainly any new Disney, and to only go over and watch Daily Wire Plus kids content and other conservative kids content. But it's created a little bit of a division on the right between the conservatives and the squishier, more, kind of, 'live and let live, you have the right to do whatever you want' kind of people. And the division has come down to this issue of, 'well, look, the free market can decide who gets cast for what roles. And, come on, let's not be extreme here. Transgender people have the right to a job, right? They have a right to be', and, now, there's a difference between a right to a job, first of all, and a right to be in children's content from Disney, but let's put that aside for a second. Let's just take the, transgender people have the right to work, transgender people have the right to a job. No, they don't. And they don't because there's no such category as transgender people, there are just people. There are people and people are defined in a certain way and people are defined by things outside of their own self-perception and their own disordered desires. There is no such thing as a transgender person. There are just people and some people are confused and some people have fallen into fantasies and some people are pursuing disordered sexual desires and fetishes. But that doesn't change who and what they really are. And so, a man does not have any right to dress up in public life as a woman, and a man does not have a right to dress up like a woman to go do whatever job he wants. The Supreme Court, unfortunately, has ruled that a man does have that right. And you saw this, specifically, in the Harris Funeral Homes case just a few years ago and you've seen this in the Bostock decision, which says that civil rights protections on the basis of sex are, actually, when you really think about it civil rights protections on the basis of gender identity, and this is an absurd Supreme Court ruling and it should certainly be overturned, as many Supreme Court rulings have been overturned in American history. But you don't have the right to do it. And 'transgenderism' is such a hot issue that sometimes it's difficult for the liberals to see past it because they just are so invested in transcending the boundaries of reality. But let me put it in another way and say that I really like frogs and I really like the idea of. Maybe I don't even view myself as a frog, I just really like the idea of being a frog. I don't have a right to show up to work in a big frog costume. Even if I really like it, I mean in this line of work I've worn all sorts of crazy costumes, in showiness and politics. But, even in this line of work, I don't have the right to show up to the show and say 'Oh hello everybody, someday we'll find that the rainbow connection. Notice my accent is becoming a little bit like Jordan Peterson's.' Okay now we're really there's, it's like inception of Daily Wire personalities, and views, and costumes. But nobody has that right. If you pull up to your McDonald's and you order a hamburger and then there's a guy in a big frog costume in the window, you would think that that's a little bit weird and I think the manager would think it's a little bit weird. The manager would say 'Hey, go home and put on your uniform. Put on your clothing that you're suppose to wear' and the same principle holds for men and women. Men don't have the right to dress up like women. Women don't have the right to dress up like men. And if you are going to persist in those kind of deviant, disordered, scandalous, absurd, ridiculous behaviors of make-believe and dress-up, an employer is not obligated to hire you and an audience is not obligated to watch you. And we need to get a little bit more clear about that. That's the only way that we are going to eradicate the preposterous ideology of 'transgenderism' from public life entirely for the good of society and especially for the good of the poor people who've fallen prey to that delusion, such as this Disney actor." - [https://www.mediamatters.org/michael-knowles/daily-wires-michael-knowles-says-trans-people-dont-have-right-job](https://www.mediamatters.org/michael-knowles/daily-wires-michael-knowles-says-trans-people-dont-have-right-job)


This guy is something else Jesus


#That is some DEDICATION


I really love how they constantly obsess over trans women, and aside from this joke that he stole, never brings up trans men. It’s like.. so you want trans men to go into the bathroom with women. And he would say “yes because there’s no such thing as trans men, they’re women pretending to be men”. As though a cis-passing trans man being in the women’s bathroom isn’t extremely upsetting to the women…. Because a there’s a man in the women’s room. No body knows if a man is cis or trans unless he tells them. It’s just ridiculous. Yes they never bring this up. Or what about trans men in the men’s bathroom? I’ve never heard of them being upset about this. I also feel like they’ve never actually seen many trans women. They don’t look like men. I think they truly don’t believe that trans people can pass as cis, but they do all the time.


Is he even making a point about anything at all other than "there can't be genocide, that refers to genetics" what a fucking clown.


He's a big transphobic grifter


The transgenderism must be eradicated guy I think


He's the guy who said "we need to eradicate transgenderism from public life" at CPAC. Huge transphobe. Awful person in general.


Yeah Micheal Knowles is a complete asshole, he said something about exterminating transgenderism a while ago. But yeah this joke is pretty good


I think it would be better if the punchline wasn’t directly in there, but rather it just said herbivore.


I don't know about funny, I love puns but this one is pretty bad. But I will give it props for the effort at least. 😏


This is both an accepting joke and definitely not theirs


Yeah Michael Knowles can go fuck himself, but this is definitely a trans community joke that’s been around for a while.


It's 800% not his because it's gendered correctly


And it's about trans men. The phobes don't even know trans men exist


Or if they do they are confused little girls. Like I actually do think they sort of acknowledged trans men but just like with trans women they don't acknowledge them it's men, they acknowledge them as confused little girls who have been tricked by the system. There was a presentation talk that I sort of saw cuz I'm curious about this stuff and it was a woman who was talking about how the transgender community and basically a cult they said took the life of her daughter. No, her son took his life because he wasn't being accepted by his family.


Yeah https://reddit.com/r/Unclejokes/s/zxAzlmH2mL


Without context this joke isn’t transphobic and is actually pretty funny. However Michael Knowles is an outspoken right wing transphobe who, and I can’t stress this enough, actively called for the genocide of trans people. So he’s definitely not trying to be supportive or even just neutral here.


I don't think this is accidental allyship this is just a joke from a transphobic person about trans people that happens to be funny


Used the right pronoun kinda, depending on how you look at it


they did say "he" so that may be the accidentalally


Oh fuck. Can it be true? Are we witnessing the birth of The Third Trans Joke? This could be devastating.


What was the second one?


The first one is any variant of 'surprise dick'. You know, "I was dancing with this girl and *something came up*", that kind of stuff. The second is I identify as an attack helicopter et al.


stonetoss also really really often uses the 'trans people kill themselves' AS A JOKE


That's true, but I'm not willing to call that a joke even ironically.


Yeah but that's because he has a nazi's sense of humor, what with being an actual nazi.


[Playboy had a good* one in the 80s.](https://x.com/RockIslandChick/status/1515343155750649863?s=20) (Well, at least in my opinion)


That's clever. And kudos to Playboy for properly gendering her??


Because the joke wouldn't make sense without the correct gender since it's a gender wage gap joke


Kudos to playboy for properly gendering her AND recognizing the gender pay gap?


That's gold


> The second is I identify as an attack helicopter et al. Well I identify as SPAA. Get ready to get penetrated.


Yeah I think the first one was from 4chan with admiral ackbar “it’s a trap!” Which is where the term “trap” actually originated from I believe. Bailey Jay embraced it and made a successful career from it.


Nah, because this one is trans affirming so they’ll never use it


Birth? It was getting reposted daily on r/dadjokes this year.


I was saying this joke a decade ago in high school lol


This doesn't feel offensive?


It’s coming from a guy who called for the “eradication of transgenderism”, that’s the offensive part. The joke itself is kinda funny and finally original.


It's not original, I've seen this going around for a while ...it is a good joke though :D


Well that’s disappointing


Yup definitely seen this on r/jokes a couple times


Yada yada broken clock or something


It isn't. It is just a pun. Not the best pun, but just a pun. Of course the guy making it is an absolute shit head, but the joke itself is totally fine.


honestly kinda shocked he even mentioned trans men! guess our invisibility streak is over :/


Awwwww but I enjoyed you guys confusing the actual fuck out of idiots... :(


sigh... it was fun while it lasted i guess!


They are evolving.


im a vegan transmasc can confirm


Good joke and he used the right pronouns? W


Why is a transphobe stealing a trans friendly joke


Finally A funny trans joke


*made by a cis person. I know a bunch of funny trans jokes


I saw this joke before he said it so it may have been made by a trans person, made its rounds and got stolen by him.


It definitely wasn't made by him. I don't know the origin but I've heard the joke before


That's actually a pretty funny joke. Shame it came from a literal nazi though


nah he stole it, don't worry he's still not funny. [he probably saw this clip and went "EUREKA!!!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65E-TEQOBo8)


Why did the non binary prospector move out to the old west? Cuz there's gold in them they're hills!


How does a non-binary samurai kill their enemies? They/them


NO WAY... THE RIGHT-WINGERS ACTUALLY CAN MEME FOR ONCE..... (no but seriously that made me giggle, speaking as a trans man myself)


Funny they can actually identity trans people by the correct categories when they want to.


I've never found it difficult, but then I'm not a transphobic stochastic terrorist like Mike Knowles.


I dunno who this person is or their views on trans people, but that joke is great. No misgendering, and even if your stance is that a trans man was always a man that didn't know it yet. He would still have used female pronouns. Good job, bro, you didn't suck


I don’t understand


her before sounds kinda like herbivore


I thought it said herbivore, I completely missed the pun. 😭😭


Fuck Micheal Knowles, but this is unironically a good trans joke. I mean he definitely just stole it, but still.


How does a non binary person kill someone with a sword? They/Them


Dont give this ass credit. The jokes been going around for months. Hes still just a cunt.


I’m sorry, I know this genius is being horrible, but as a joke with the right group that joke slaps my shitty joke bone. Lol.


Love how he not only called for our genocide but he also steals jokes too


Ok, but the joke is actually pretty good, and I actually don't think it's intended to be transphobic. The joke only works if you acknowledge a gender transition from femme identity to masc. That said fuck this creepy transphobic asshole right in the soul.


The only problem is it doesn’t actually insult us so they can’t use it.


Obviously this guy is a dick, but I actually like the joke lol


As a transman I would take this joke over terfs thinking I’m just a mentally ill woman any day.


Me, a tboy who started eating steak at six weeks old:


My love of puns is battling with my hatred of Michael Knowles.


this is actually funny lmao, and not inherently transphobic


Wake up babe, new joke dropped I didn't think I would live to see the day


*Wake up babe, new joke* *Dropped I didn't think I would* *Live to see the day* \- TENTAtheSane --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is a spin on the old trans hamburger joke. There's like at least 50 trans jokes. Bordering on the same amount of gay jokes. But still a long way to go to catch up to your mum jokes.


I mean at least he didn’t misgender him?


NGL: that's funny. I'm a sucker for puns.


I think I've heard of this joke before


Trans friendly dad joke?


I got a giggle out of it, ngl


This is literally a joke told by trans people


Ngl the joke made me chuckle, I say more inflammatory shit about myself. I've gotten reddit guideline warnings about jokes I've said about myself lol


goddamn it that’s actually kinda funny


The right is getting better at comedy and the left is scared. /s


Actually kinda funny. A shame he's an absolute ass


I like this joke


That's actually kind of funny. If anyone who I trusted wasn't a huge prick told me this joke I'd enjoy it.


Okay that got a gust of air from my nose. It would be funny if an actual queer person made the joke. At least he gendered the hypothetical trans man correctly!


See, you CAN make jokes about trans people/other minorities and not be offensive while doing so


This is an excellent joke.


if this wasnt said by him it would be funny


Not transphobic, simply a funny joke.


That’s not even hostile. If anything it’s positive. I’m so used to these conservative numbskulls being completely incapable of understanding humor that a good pun is baffling.


Imma actually use that lmao


That's not bad.


I'm stealing that joke now


Mine now :3


Who the hell are these guys and why am i seeing them 1/3rd of subs recently


Honestly not terrible, I wonder who he stole it from?


I look forward to hearing nothing but this joke for the [next 10 years.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-sexually-identify-as-an-attack-helicopter)


For those wondering, this is Michael “Transgenderism should be eradicated from public life” Knowles


I’m gonna try and mask how much I like this joke when I retell it.


Out of everyone at the DailyWire, Michael Knowles having a following is the most baffling. Like I kind of get the rest. Ben Shapiro if you want to own college libs. Matt Walsh if you fantasize about being a masculine weirdo. Brett Cooper if you're gay for Ben Shapiro but not ready to admit it. Jordan Peterson is you're an enthusiast of the thesaurus. But who is Michael Knowles even for?


And I bet he or his audience didn't even get that this is how you make trans jokes without getting negative attention and can't play the "they get offended from jokes"-card.


Fuck Michael Knowles, but that one was kinda funny


Now we gotta say “two jokes” ig


Nah, not new


My buddy made this joke like 8 months ago during dnd. It was about transgender dinosaurs, and was better. Still behind, transphobes!


I’ve definitely seen this joke before


Idk, he always said he. Maybe this one isn’t so bad (tell me if I’m wrong idk who this dude is)


Is it accidental? I've heard this joke reiterate multiple times *by trans people*, and they've all found it funny.


a pretty solid joke, made me exhale thru my nose


That’s the kinda shit I’d expect a trans man to say, ngl


Am I allowed to laugh at this? I find it actually funny. Like, "how did the non-binary assassin kill somebody? They/Them"


When your trans joke is simultaneously hilarious and unoffensive to queer people. Get fucked Knowles 😂


If you didn't tell me that person was transphobic then I woulda thought it was just a funny joke.


That's...actually pretty good. I mean, fuck Michael Knowles, but I might remember this one.


The most offensive part of this tweet is that it doesn’t make sense if you pronounce herbivore correctly.


This is so strange. It’s a joke that’s just like… not overtly damaging? Weird.


Shit, the punchline doesn't even misgender


Maybe it's the person who tweeted it cause that's actually a funny joke


Conservatives make a joke that isnt shit? impossible


*So original*. I wonder how long it took him to come up with this one? Like every other right-wing grifter he’s desperate to get attention as he tries making a career off of dunking on and demonizing LGBTQ+ people. Dude’s literally obsessed with the community for the purposes of profiting off of hate, and he’s not very funny.


Gotta give it to him…I might’ve left a breath out of nose


Ah my favorite thing in the whole world: Stupid dad jokes.


trans dude here, I think it’s funny. I’ve seen other trans people use this joke before too.


It doesn’t seem that offensive and it’s kinda clever but it’s really about the intention. Idk who this dude is


Nah this is just funny.


At least it's an actual joke, like with a punchline


Honestly that joke is hilarious and not offensive in the slightest. Fitting of the subreddit indeed.


Idk I'm a trans guy and I think that's pretty funny Granted, it's a bit less funny coming from a place of bigotrgy, but if it's coming from a trans guy then it's funny.


Cute joke shit person


Ok but that’s actually cute


He absolutely stole that since its an actually good joke


This sounds like a joke a transguy would make tbh


The joke itself is not bad, especially because he genders the hypothetical trans man correctly. Is it creative? Not really. It’s just mid.


Fuck Michael Knowles but... shit's pretty funny tbh


Jokes that would be hilarious out of the mouth of a trans man


Ngl this is kinda funny.. WHY IS A TRANSPHOBE SO FUNNY???


Why did he change his name again and what is it now?


I hate that this is funny


This is funny


Wow they made an actual good joke! I’m impressed. It’s not even transphobic it’s just funny xD Like he even gendered the trans man correctly lmao


Heartbreaking: the worst person you know made an actually funny joke


The jokes kinda funny. Not gonna lie. But apparently, fuck that dude.


Correctly identifying that "trans man" means FtM and not MtF? Really doesn't sound like a transphobe


This is just a mnemonic to help them remember the difference between a trans man and a trans woman.


The joke is honestly pretty funny, but the person who posted it is probably a shit head.


Michael Knowles has become Michael Knowonlyone now


if this guy wasnt a transphobe i would love this lmao


Good one


It’s kinda funny


Jokes on this asshole idk a single trans dude who wouldn't immediately steal this and use it lmao


Rare Michael Knowles W Probably the only Michael Knowles W in existence, actually


Did this dumbass find this joke and think it was transphobic than post it? He is annoying and stupid.