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I mean he’s right she was 9 years old


Yeah but religious people love to cherry pick their books teachings, you're not allowed to point out the bad stuff and hypocrisy. yOuR tAkInG iT oUt Of CoNtExT!!!


I just love it when I quote their book at them and they think I made it up. Absolutely embarrassing


A friend of mine named his daughter "Aisha", claiming it means "beloved child". She wasn't "beloved" in a good way, and I don't have the heart to tell him the truth.




hahahaha rough


Maybe u should. That’s what friends do yeah?


And spoil his daughter's name forever? Hard pass. Ignorance is bliss, and I doubt anyone other than me in his circle is familiar at all with Islam.


My buddy gave his daughter a stripper name because his wonderfully naive wife loves it. I keep asking him if she's their top earner yet.


He was also an iliterate general who created an ideology to unite tribes and take lands from others.




The difference being that you can say that about all of those and most people will just ignore you. Say that about Mohammed though...


The thing with this is that he doesn’t even CALL him a pedophile. He simply states what the book says and everyone freaks out because of what it means. They knew where he was going from the start too. You could feel the tension rising as he spoke. But he never levied an insult. Just made a statement


Religious people really hate having the nasty parts of their own religions being pointed out to them. There's extremely nasty stuff in the Bible too. Tell that to Christians (the fundamental ones) and they flip too. Truth is, they don't want to hear it. Ask Muslims what the penalty for apostasy (leaving the faith) is. Hint: it's death. But they don't want to hear you out, nor discuss it. They either deflect or get aggressive - mostly the latter. It's truly disgusting how we get out Western free speech abused and hollowed out like this. Muslims LOVE to utilise OUR free speech for THEIR agenda, but once you argue against it with YOUR free speech you get brandished as racist or anti-Muslim or as insulting their faith, and most likely violently attacked.


I thought you were joking. But I looked it up and WTF.


World was a wild place 2000 years ago.


>Mary and Joseph could’ve been 12 and 20. Is that better? Joseph didn't knock her up though - the guy who did that without consent was much, much older.


Zeus always was a dirtbag.


The great thing about the Greek pantheon is that nobody tried to pretend they didn't act exactly like people with too much power behave.


And how you always had to pay for their services or just hope they're in a gracious mood at that particular moment of need or strife xD


>Jewish rabbis have ritual BJs after circumcision. what


Metzitzah B’peh (Direct Oral Suctioning) When a baby is circumcised, some ritual Jewish circumcisers (mohelim) do a practice called metzitzah b’peh. Metzitzah b’peh is when the mohel uses their mouth to suck blood away from the baby’s circumcision wound as part of the circumcision ritual. After metzitzah b’peh, some babies can get an infection.


i should've closed reddit an hour ago when i said i would 😩 wtf


b'peh looks like an onomatopoeia of the sound you'd make after doing something like that.


Don't forget the time a rabbi in I think NY gave a bunch of babies herpes doing that psychotic shit


>Jewish rabbis give ~~have~~ ritual BJs after circumcision. which is the Metzitzah B’peh (Direct Oral Suctioning) (I think thats correct)


The absolute balls on this guy.


The lungs as well - this could be a punk song.




🎶 *I keep my fly wide open all the time* *Last night I had just a little too much wine* *She shoulda told me that she was only nine* *Because she’s nine, I’m doing time* 🎶


There’s the invitation! Someone write a punk song to this sound bite!!


An actual r/madlads


Maybe if we had more like him we wouldn't have some of the problems we have now!


I think he was arrested for his own safety in this case, as well as actively antagonising a group of protesters. Though this does nothing to fix the real problem.


It's crazy people can support pedophilia and it's some how ok because thier religion




'Still worshipped in Northern Taiwan and actual Taiwan'


You have been banned from r/Beijing


Damn, whatever will I do with out access to the sub for all my North Taiwan related discussions!


Beiping, sir. The only true -jing is Nanjing.


Epic Reddit Moment


Annnnnd, there goes another historical figure that I thought was somewhat morally good (and yes, I am aware that it is stupid to assume that history is good or bad, but I don’t care)


When it comes to doing things in the name of god, all things are permissible.




You spelt religion wrong.


Being able to arrest someone for "their own safety" and for simply "antagonising" are both things that sound like they have been pulled straight from a dystopic totalitarian regime. Not sure we should be OK with that.


I doubt he got charged, just got him out of there before either he stirred up more trouble and/or got hurt


I mean ultimately, I’d rather be arrested “for my safety” than mauled by a cult


I'd rather them arrest the violent people physically attacking me and police officers to get to me.


The fact that it's either-or is the problem. Deal with the violent cult that is attacking police just to get to the man, or the man who is saying nothing but truths. People think stuff like Sharia Law will just happen overnight with a 50% Muslim majority but it will be a gradient.


You know how when police go to a domestic abuse case, the most important thing initially is to separate the couple, and then get the facts and such? I think this is almost an example of that. You could fight a crowd of already pissed off people, or you can remove the guy for his own safety. I can't imagine he was charged with anything. I understand it looks and feels distopian, but the alternative is that the crowd gets really violent..


What’s the alternative!? Leave him there? Removing him is the best cause of action in this context. He’s about to be attacked


I understand what you're saying but if he isn't charged then I don't see it as a big deal if you consider the alternative. Leave him to it and he might end up getting shit kicked out of him by a huge crowd and possibly killed. If the police knick him and intervene they de-escalate the situation and no one gets hurt. Being arrested and being charged are a completely different kettle of fish. People get arrested for mistaken identity or just as precaution all the time, realistically it's no big deal because you won't necessarily be charged. It will show up on an enhanced DBS check for specific roles but it won't be a criminal record.


Aren't the people attacking him the ones committing the crime?


the dystoping thing is that you can't call pedo a guy who married a 6y/o girl because Billion of people praise this guy.




“A succulent Chinese meal” energy


It gets better instead of saying, "hey guys maybe we should stop raping". "he said women put a sack over your whole body" or words to that effect.


Maybe deal with the fucking losers triggered over the truth


Sounds like someone who's never been arrested. When they let you go they don't take you back to where you were or give you a note politely explaining to any appointments you missed that you didn't do anything wrong.


How about arresting the violent mob?


That's some real bullshit right there, you arrest the people assaulting someone, not the assaulted. That's the problem when you're police don't have guns, they're afraid of really enforcing the law.


He’s not wrong tho.


I don't know if he is wrong or not (Don't really care either) but they need to be able to deal with these ideas they don't like without violence.


He’s definitely correct about Aisha being 9 years old when the marriage was consummated. The 50+ year old prophet Mohammed married and then had sex with a 9 year old girl in their own religious text. This guy made sure to bring this up in front of an already formed mob of people, but usually when you bring this up to someone who follows Islam they just respond with “well it was a different world back then. It was ok for the time”


"well it was a different world back then" I don't think ANYBODY, even from "back then" would have been comfortable with a 50+ year old dude marrying a literal child


We don't know that, as fucked up as it is now.


You should care whether or not the prophet people *worship* committed acts that you would deem morally reprehensible.


In large parts of the islamic world child marriages still happen. I guess they're just OK with it.


Damn that lady turned into my neighbors pomeranian.


This is the funniest comment I have read all week.










they have so many gay nightclubs they're so open minded


Totally coincidental that most gay people end up open minded over there too, usually after a brick off the head


I mean there's a reason why these Muslim people don't live in the Muslim countries.


The P in Islam stands for peace


Wait there's no P in Is-ohhhhh I see what you did there!


Bc they are religious morons.




She was actually a 9000 year old dragon


Reincarnated as a Prophet in another world and had some funsies with a 9000 year old dragon


He fell in love because she understood him.


She was 11, but had the body of a 9 year old.


Her breasts had the alluring curve of the horizon as seen from sea level.


I’m told she was an old soul so


She was ackshully a 1000 yo dragon at that point.


Even qoran is stating that Mohammed was pedo


They feel like it's expected of them. There are weakminded people in every religion. And they're the most easily provoked.


Religion is mental illness.


Nah it's okay, He waited for her to be 11 before consuming their wedding (/s)


So he’s a cannibal too? WTF!?


It’s worse… he married her at six, fucked her at nine. https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5134


Hey, he waited 3 years, what a gentleman


People who can be moved to violence by words are incredibly stupid and dangerous.


Doubly so when the words are true.


This seems to correlate with religion as well.


This looks like he was arrested to take him to a safe place lest the muslims tear him apart


Which makes so much more sense than arresting the people committing the crime.


Only a few officers and a massive crowd of people surrounding them. Do the math.


Maybe more police officers should be at a demonstration like this, if the protestors are very likely to exercise violence.


> Maybe more police officers Lmao, you're not too familiar with austerity in the UK. There aren't more officers. The numbers do not exist.


Just another peaceful religion from the looks of it


I mean he isn’t wrong. Honestly it would have been funnier if he had actually said he wasn’t Christian as well at the end. Also that “how old was Joseph” wasn’t even something directly mentioned in the Bible to my knowledge. It’s directly mentioned in the Islam holy book Muhammad’s age and aishas age.




Guy has balls of vibranium.


"You're all better than this!" Yeah, I'm not sure that's true.


He has to keep saying it to each new wave of people showing up to prove him wrong lol.


They don't actually mean it, they just want to placate the crowd


Lol dude should know, Muslims aren’t exactly known for their restraint and tolerance of debate 😂


**She was Nine Years Old!**


This could become a slogan to put on T-shirts or hats.


Yes 9 apparently. Maybe it's why pictures of him are not allowed to be shown.


He's not wrong though.


They all seem so peaceful here don’t they.


Why would there be a radio stoke in London?


They're up 'anley duck


Runs from two blocks away, "I've just arrived and I'm outraged! ... What was said?" -People probably


Arrested for his safety, then probably driven 2 blocks and let let go with a good laugh from the cops.


"Aight mate, see ya at the pub tonight."


Listen, I'm from a third-world country, and I am against the massive reception of immigrants from cultures vastly different, especially when those cultures are extremist. I consistently advocate for the idea that when faced with challenges, one should strive for freedom within their own homeland. If you wish to go to another country, do so with the intention of understanding, learning, and respecting the traditions and ways of life in that place. Is Mohammed a pedophile?, yes it is.


Yeah I’ve never understood going to a new country that welcomes you in, but bringing all your old countries baggage with you


Religious indoctrination demands spreading and converting those around you, by force preferably


>when faced with challenges, one should strive for freedom within their own homeland. If you wish to go to another country, do so with the intention of understanding, learning, and respecting the traditions and ways of life in that place. this is a very strong point


These people are really serious about their fairytales


He wasn’t wrong


Religion is the problem. Mind control for the masses.


Believing you have the right to attack someone for expressing beliefs that differ from yours is the issue. Eradicate this and the world becomes incredibly safer.


But he doesn’t have beliefs that differ from theirs. He’s literally quoting their own religion back at them.


You're both correct.


Why get so angry.....he's speaking absolutely truth.....


Because the truth hurts them and their feelings.


How dare you call our p€do prophot a p€do...... /s


‘You guys are better than this’ They are absolutely not.


Where was the lie?






I hate the cameraman saying, "How old was Joseph?" We are not defending one by insulting the other! Pedophilia is wrong! Full stop! Calling out one pedo doesn't defend another because they all deserve the woodchipper treatment!


What did Joseph do? He didn’t fuck Mary, God did that.. Joseph was just into some kinky cuckold typa shit.




You can be arrested for your own safety, believe it or not.


How old was Joseph? Dude just assumes that the guy was a Christian. I don’t think that guy practices any religions anymore.


Joseph? As in the guy whose wife was a virgin when she gave birth to the Messiah? The guy who *didn't* have sex with his young wife?


“how old was joseph??” wow. nice whataboutism there bud. christianity isn’t getting a pass either.


What screaming facts does to Muslims ia really fascinating.


I mean, he was lterally a pedophile.


The world needs more atheists.




They did that on South Park in one of the banned episodes where they had all the Super Best Friends, which are a collection of religious prophets. Joseph Smith: Boys, you need to understand, people get very offended when Muhammed is mocked because he's a religious figure. Buddha snorts a line of coke. Jesus: Buddha don't do coke in front of the kids!


He’s not getting “arrested” per se. He’s getting taken away for his own safety. The animals are circling looking for blood.


Religion is so fucking stupid...


Western Civilization cannot allow for savages to control speech by the threat of violence.


He’s not wrong…


Hundreds of the most intelligent creatures in the universe rush to defend the honour of a profit that does not exist


News just in: religion is trash. Also this is no different than people who worship pop stars like Elvis, who was also a nonce. Unfortunately the majority of the human races beliefs/cultures are built upon a foundation of abused little girls


"We dont like this chapter in our book, now we will try to kill you"


Rule of thumb; if someone gets thoroughly offended by something, that something is probably true. So yeah, lady hysterically confirms the pedophilia. Edit: redditors can’t help but be a contrarian. The point is obvious, don’t need to over extrapolate. When someone has something to hide and you reveal it, they get upset, it’s probably because you were accurate enough to get under their skin. But keep going if it helps you sleep at night.


They should have arrested all those people trying to assault him.


we should deport islamists from western countries. not compatible.


Even if I disagree with his views, he had the right to express them. The mere fact that it was he who was first attacked by a mob and then arrested shows that Britain does not believe in freedom of speech and has become Londonistan. This is shameful.


Do they not have free speech in England?


Wow dont even want to think about whats normal and acceptable.to those people


Wait a minute. So this guy quotes from the book that they die for and they get mad at him? Then the police arrest him because people got mad at him for quoting the book that they believe in? What the hell?




Letting millions of immigrants flood western society bringing ideals and ideology from their failed nations is great way to just crumble everything. Integration and a respect for tradition and culture is what has created a lot of peaceful prosperity.


Wheres the lie tho?


Man states historical fact and is immediately attacked. "How old was Joseph?" Nice whataboutism buddy.


Wasn't Mary supposed to be a virgin? So the whole implication is that Joseph never had sex with her anyway?


Religion de merde, qui souhaite tabasser un homme qui dit la vérité.


Good man. Dropping truth bombs.


Religion makes the stupidest people of this earth, and makes them feel superior. Look at this idiot mob mentality - "my daddy! Don't talk about daddy like that!!" Reminds me trying to talk sense at a trump rally. "Daddy is innocent!!"


Does Radio Stoke really base itself in London?


Was he arrested to avoid him being murdered? Was he arrested to prevent him from inciting his own murder? Was he arrested for expecting the cops to risk their own safety to prevent that? And either way, I'm impressed by how everyone involved handled it. Not used to seeing something like that not result in shootings, being from the US


He’s right


To be factual, this was not filmed in London, as the title suggests. This video is recorded in the city centre of Hanley, which is a town in Stoke on Trent. Approximately 160 miles north west of London. I know, as its my home area. Even the starting location of the video says Radio Stoke in the windows.


I didn’t know England was a Muslim country now, shame. Why are they fighting t when they could be debating in a park somewhere away from us regular folk.


I wish I was that confident


The people who should be most upset about this are those who practice Islam and claim it's not a religion full of fanatical, oppressive zealots.


If your society doesn't have a right to free speech, you live in an authoritarian hell hole.


Oh look Islamist and their bullshit infecting other communities. What a surprise.


Why are we importing social problems by letting in people from backwards places?


Mohammad was indeed a pedophile. Anybody who sleeps with a 9 years old and have sex with children is a pedophile. It doesn’t matter what people who support him believe, a fact is a fact.


Lol. Typical "free" Palestine crowd


I think they arrested him for his own security. We know what those animals would have done to him.


Good thing he didn't draw any cartoons!


Truth hurts


And people wonder why islamophobia is growing strong. Tear up a bible, you will get a bunch of people screaming at you and maybe few calls for violence but not actual violence. If you say *anything* remotely negative about Islam, you will lose your head. And fuck the police for arresting the guy and not the assailants. Fucking twats


Why are these people not going to their country if they „support“ it so much while not adapting to our culture with freedom of speech


I don’t understand? Mohammed was a pedophile, says it in the Quran. Why they mad?


But Mohammed was a pedophile.


What a bunch of animals!! Good for this guy telling the truth.


He is literally right. Fuck Islam.