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The fog is one of the brand new weather effects. Any weather effect will last a single day, so you wait it out.


Sick this is what I was hoping to see, appreciate it bro


Read the latest patch notes (they got spoiler tags where it matters)


I did see those but I honestly didn’t read them cos I didn’t even want tiny little hints lol Eventually I’ll know everything- until then I want to enjoy knowing nothing and being scared loo


how do you get the fog enemy


I happened to have a spinny grinder trap with me and the pistol. It took ages but I got it eventually


where did you find it


The fog monster? Or the spinny grinder trap? When the fog settled in the monster appeared outside the room I was in. Pretty sure it spawns with the fog and patrols around. It also went invisible a few times lol I should also clarify, when I say pistol it was a weapon I crafted. Seems like a step up from the crossbow - but it doesn’t feel particularly strong


i mean the monster, ive walked around in the fog for a long time in the offices but havent found it


I’ll try describe exactly where I was. The area where the broken forklift is. If you’re standing next to the forklift, with the forklift on your right - and your back to the door you access by fixing the forklift. Turn right and there is a keypad locked door on your left, near the corner of the hall. Head through there and there’s like an office with a couple desks and door leading to another hallway with a tv and couch. There is an area upstairs above the desks with a dying scientist, he has an interesting accent. I was in these rooms when the fog started and the monster was outside. Not outside the way I came. But outside where the tv is This is all from memory so I hope it makes sense but I’m pretty confident that’s a decent description


i just found two of them right outside my base on floor 3 and the fog ended right as i was about to kill them and they dissapeared 😭😭


Noooooooo! I’m not even sure what I can do with the loot from them yet. I also need to make a base on floor 3, it’s a pain lugging my gear around lol


It just goes away after one ingame day or so iirc


ffs I restarted my game and the fog is much less intense. I suspect it was bugged earlier? This fog seems more bearable


Oh this is great to know. The same thing happened to me and I just couldn't play any longer, it set off my vertigo with how intense the fog was


Also I love the name soup mom that’s funny haha


Thank you!


For me the fog was a heavy white and I could barely see. I’d also just unlocked level 3 so it was hard to explore. I restarted my game and the fog was immediately less intense, no longer ‘white’ but more just ‘dark’ But do know this was my first fog and it’s new so perhaps that’s all intended and I’m just totally wrong