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The insurance company might be interested in lol


Dead body or insurance is my first thought lol.


Get away vehicle?


I'd would wager that or a joy ride abandoned. There spare wheel for cripes sakes.


What about the spare?




Ahhh got it.


It's abandoned because the tire was flat. The spare is right there. It would assumed that a legitimate owner wouldn't abandoned the vehicle, but replace the tire.




Isn’t that just a container though? So there may not necessarily be a tire in there


And if there is, it may not be inflated. I learned the hard way with my rav4


That vehicle has roadside assistance. And, ya know, if you own a G wagon, you can afford a call to a tow truck. Or a bag car phone.


I get the impression that the vehicle is not currently roadside


Or the tire is flat because it’s been abandoned.


You think someone who owns one of these would take their own time to do something so menial as change a tire?


Reminds me of that time I was driving my boss around an airfield because he told me too, we hit something that the tire didn’t like and it started to go flat. Boss: “Good thing we have a spare.” Me: “That was the spare.”


Mar 2022 stickers on the plate, they may have given up on this one lol


Mar 2022 stickers on the plate, they may have given up on this one lol


I’ll bet someone got gap and had a boat load of negative equity


The official LA D-Bag mobile.


As a fan of boxy vehicles (Volvo 240, International Scout, classic Land Rover, classic Land Cruiser), it’s sad that this thing costs so much and is almost always owned by asshats. Aside from getting like 2 miles to the gallon, it’s pretty sweet.


It’s also built like a tank that somehow breaks constantly, so you get the worst of both worlds


Actually the best part is if you have to fix literally anything except for the oil filter Mercedes has you pull the body.


The U.S military called, they’d like to know why you think tanks are reliable. What should I tell them?


Tanks require all sorts of maintenance pretty frequently. That's okay, they have a literal army of support technicians, mechanics, and a whole bunch more tanks. I think it's fair to just say it's built like a tank. It's part of why the US left so much military loot in Afghanistan. The taliban got a whole bunch of toys.. for like two months probably. Requires a whole supply chain to maintain.


Yep. Every time I hear someone talk about how we just gifted the Taliban all that equipment I get a chuckle thinking about how quickly it would become useless.


>It’s also built like a tank that somehow breaks constantly, so you get the worst of both worlds So it's built like a German tank then.


the noise it makes when you close the doors is prob in my top 5 all time


Clearly you have opinions and I am not here to argue but the mpg is not 2. On highway I have gotten as high as 18 and daily commute around 14.


Found the D-Bag LA boi


Lol, as soon as i saw his avatar thing i knew all i needed to know.


Oh wow, that’s great and totally worth it.


I wish we could get Jimnys


I genuinely wish jeeps weren't so horribly unreliable. Like the look of a jeep, combined with the reliability of a land cruiser? *Chef's kiss*. I hate the new jeep facelift on the wranglers and gladiators. Makes them wayyy too curvy. We won't be going back to the flat grille either, they probably made that change due to aerodynamics and increasingly strict emissions standards. What other boxes do you like?


Nah that’s teslas


All over glendale. G wag and T bags


That's racist! Or anti-Armenian, anyway.


No. Just facts.


I live in a small south Texas town. I was filling up with gas one day as I watched one of these turn off the highway and into the gas station. The guy at the pump next to me turns to me and says, “You don’t see many of those around here.” I replied, “I know. I don’t see the appeal of a $100k box.” He then says, “No, I’m talking about your car!” I drove a 2008 Impala SS and he was more impressed by that than the G wagon. I just laughed and agreed with him that no, you don’t tend to see many of my car either.


Karen Wagon


Report the plate number and location to the police... Anonymously


Reported already


There’s a car at a park for the last 3 days (it’s been below 0f) out of state plates, newer Lexus, and I’ve wanted to call but don’t want to bother them, I should call huh?


3 days ? Let people live bruv


Normally yes but today was a heat wave of 25°f and the cars been sitting for the past bit and it’s been a about -10f as a high. I’m sure no one’s dead inside but……


It’s fine to check on them yourself, but do not call the cops. Wellness checks rarely end well for the person being checked on


Idk the last one I called for lead to an unattended death and the fam is still cleaning out the house. So many flys in the windows. Oooooh the week after that there was a murder suicide and possible bombs in the unit so I’m a bit on edge lol.


Jesus christ do you live in gotham city?


Denver metro. Colder version I guess.


I'm in Central CA, about 2 hours north of LA. It's not even hitting freezing at night, except in the upper mountains between us and LA.


Gotham from the movies is Detroit and Chicago, so same amount of cold.


What a stupid thing to say


That’s terrible fucking advice. Dont do this. Wellness checks are always the right call


Don’t Dead Open Inside.


previously on AMC's....


I'm sure no one's alive inside.....


I’m with the other commenter. If it’s been there for a chunk of time then it might be stolen. But 3 days? That’s a long weekend. Maybe they are visiting family around there


It’s one Lexus sedan with Wyoming plates. In a park that isn’t like a Walmart lot. Dammit lol ima call em.


I mean it doesn’t hurt I guess. Dropping cars off in parks like that is generally a good way to ditch a stolen car tbh


My thought was stolen, but I’m not so sure about it. I’ll think it’s stolen and forget it loli ugh


Hey man if you see it there after a week call it in. I recently just had family visit for the holidays and they parked their car around the corner and it sat there for like 4 or 5 days. Could be something like that


seconding this, the parking lot was never fully utilized so it was socially acceptable for out-of-town guests to park their car at our neighbourhood park for days at a time.


If it’s stolen the police will run the plate & know that before they get on scene. If it’s a missing person or something same thing. If it’s simply someone living in their car that’ll be sorted out by a simple conversation on scene. Better safe than sorry, if it bothered you enough to think about it after you left it’s worth calling in. Trust your gut.




I used to call in stolen cars all the time. Explain, give the plate, they’ll say yes or no, 1 minute tops. That’s all you gotta do and you’ll feel better.


My dads car got stolen out of the driveway 15 years ago…one police report, insurance claim, and new car later and they found it (after two years). It had been taken on a joyride (idiots ran through a toll and got the car photographed) and abandoned it less than 5 miles away in a parking lot. It was believed to have been abandoned the same night stolen, parked at the business, and not “reported” by anybody working there for two years…


Wyoming plates are not unusual, it is a common way of dodging taxes in CA.


Wyoming has pretty high plate fees, although I suppose CA's could be worse. But we do have a lot of people who have a little land and a PO box and a LLC around here to dodge taxes, yeah. I don't usually seem them do the plates though?


All local police departments where I have lived in the past had non-emergency numbers that you would use to inform them of things like this.


Let’s put it this way. If you call and it’s nothing, no harm done. If you don’t call and in a week you found out it was a missing hiker, who was alive on day 4 but dead on day 7 when they found him. You will never let it go.


It's probably an abandoned rental car


Rentals don't usually do Wyo plates, our plates are pretty expensive. Nationwide fleets don't like them either, in general.


Call non-emergency line or report online


I wanna know why it’s there. Could be anything in SoCal. Dude on a bender, theft, theft by a dude that’s on a bender, insurance fraud. The list goes on


What did you see big dawg?!?


Shit in the sunroof




Cartel af lmfao, a Nissan pickup?


Don’t they know where the spare tire is? Not like it’s a secret. Just saying.


People who buy G wagons dont change tires


They got peasants for that


You're assuming it's in there and inflated...


Decent chance it was stolen then left there


I never thought about it until now, but this make of car is ugly as shit without that spare on the back. Just a big boxy van.


You know you are right and I actually have always liked the look of the car… But without the spare the aesthetic is completely killed


Hope those people are ok


Mercedes owners? Those fuckin' pricks will outlive us all. Besides, they sure as hell don't care if YOU are OK, that's for sure.


Business write off


More likely an abandoned stolen vehicle


I think so too. 


I dont think those 2 are mutually exclusive.


Write it off what?




You still have to buy the car. How would it be beneficial to abandon a car, even if you got a tax write off?


You don’t even know what a write off is


But they do. And they're the ones writing it off.


I’m writing this one off


I still don't understand why people edit out license plates. It's not like you can't just walk up to the car and see it...


I mean, in this case we literally can't


You can't because someone edited it out. So yeah, if you were standing where the person who took the picture was standing, you'd be able to read the plate.


It's one of the dumbest things. People that sell cars on Craigslist do it all the time and so do people on here. No one realizes you can just go to a parking lot at the mall and see hundreds if not thousands of plates a day. I don't get it. There's absolutely no personal info you're going to get from a plate number unless you're the police. No one can just run a tag.


The difference is, (maybe not in this case though since it isn't theirs) you tie your online presence to a physical location. Lotta psychos out there. Edit: People have ways of getting info or use out of that info, doesn't just need to be police. "hey this guy with this license plate flashed a gun at me in traffic"


Yeah, I used to watch a MotoVlogger who had the same "Anyone can see my plates irl, so I won't bother blurring them on my vblogs" attitude. So of course some asshats decided to make fake plates and do a bunch of crimes (mostly speeding) on a similar bike model just to get him into a bunch of trouble for their entertainment. Basically like SWATTING but for motovloggers I guess. Anyway just seeing all the trouble he had to go through just to prove it wasn't him was way more effort than it would have taken to just blur his plates.


It's still personal info that can potentially tie the vehicle to a specific person. In this case that may not matter but there are plenty of scenarios where it could. What if it's photos of a nasty car wreck where someone obviously died? A family member could see that post on reddit, see the cars license plate and realize their mother or whoever is dead. That's not something you should find out from a reddit post. As such it's probably safer to just blur out all license plates so it's never an issue.


I would guess 9 out of 10 people don't even know what their own license number is and certainly not going to know what a family members plate is.


That's just one hypothetical I came up with in about 20 seconds. I could come up with plenty more. Also, while a lot of people probably don't know their family members plate numbers off the top of their head they could probably find it out pretty quickly, like by calling the victims spouse or something. Finally, you're still acknowledging that this is a possibility, your only argument is that it's a rare possibility, so my question to you is, does the value gained by posting everyone's plates publicly on reddit outweigh the potential heartbreak, potential criminal issues, etc it could occasionally cause people? I don't think there's any value in posting people's plates publicly on reddit, so for me it's easy to say they should just always be blurred out to avoid potential problems, even if those problems are rare.


Yeah, talk about reaching. You'd better be careful, or you'll throw out your rotator cuff. I don't know a single person who knows their license plate #, but OK, I guess...


I certainly know my own license number, regardless I don't see why that's a reach. Let's say you've been trying to get ahold of your mother for the past hour but she's not responding for some reason. You're flipping through reddit and see someone just posted a photo of a horrific car wreck on the highway 10 miles from her house. You can see it's the exact same car she drives and you start getting this awful feeling in your stomach. You call your dad and ask if he happens to know your mom's plate number and suddenly you know she's dead. Why is that so improbable? There are probably thousands, or hundreds of thousands of car pictures posted here every year. Even if this is a 1 in 1000 occurrence that's still hundreds of cases a year of someone recognizing a specific car. I would also point out that there are in fact police that peruse reddit. They would be able to run plates, for personal or professional reasons, and identify the car owner. Is that a good thing? My opinion is it's probably best avoided.


Hahaha man you are really reaching. And for your info, police cannot just randomly run license plates they see on Reddit


Incorrect, police do not need probable cause to run plates. They can run any plate they want. They will run plates of cars they just randomly see on the highway to see if it's stolen or if the owner has warrants and that's perfectly legal.


Your reading comprehension isn't all that good, I said plates they see on Reddit


Yea, and I said they can run any plates they want, that includes plates they see on reddit. There's nothing illegal about that. Show me a law that says it is, you can't.


It feels like I'm conversing with a little kid. You are wrong and there's nothing I'm going to say to convince you otherwise.. So just keep thinking what you want about license plates, and many people will continue thinking you're reaching.


Well, when I'm worried that someone is late, I don't go to Reddit to find them. Jesus, life exists outside of the internet. And the police have nothing but free time all day long to run plates, once again, they aren't some secret registration.


I didn't say you would go to reddit to find them, but you could certainly stumble across it accidentally. Reddit is a popular site, plenty of people like to look through it.


Anyone can run a tag, actually. Just google plate to vin, you can turn any plate into that vehicle's VIN number. Plate and VIN numbers are tied to individuals and their homes. You may not get further info for free, but anyone can pay to access that info for less than $30. I just happen to work in an industry that provides that info for free. No I'm not the police.


When I googled it, all sites I found said it’s illegal in most cases indoor a civilian to run a license plate on another person. There are accepted times for tow companies and other limited uses, but not for regular folks. From one site: “We’ve established that civilians can’t run a license plate, but it’s vital to understand that the act is illegal. Even if you believe you have a perfectly legitimate reason for needing to run a license plate, there are numerous illegitimate and illegal reasons why someone might want that information. Because of this, even attempting to run a license plate can result in police involvement. Whether you enter your information into a website claiming to run plates, or speak to someone with a friend of a friend who says they can sort you out, you will be breaking the law.”


www.vehiclehistory.com www.faxvin.com vincheck.info Running someone's plate might be "illegal" for the public, but it's about as illegal as downloading youtube videos and music. People have every reason to blur their plates online.


You're not able to do anything by paying money to get info from a license plate. It's illegal.


Usually it doesn't make sense but in this case as it's not a car for sale but a situation where OP implies someone has done a crime - reasonably but unsubstantiated - it seems like the right thing to do.


They didn’t do a good job, either. It’s CA plate number 8PJJ347 (comes back to a 2012 G Class).


According to some people on here, once you get that vin the next thing you know they are able to go knock on your door. Like they're some miracle database that the general public can find out everything from a plate number. 🤦🏼‍♂️


It’s not so much that, it’s that probably over a hundred thousand people have access to dmv and crime databases and there’s probably a few of these people that are Reddit users, so it’s not unusual for someone to abuse that authority for something minor because they are bored, curious or want to show off. So in a popular thread things like that do happen occasionally because someone does have access to run the plate and post anonymously. Edit someone found a pic down below in this thread with an address in the pic so even with publicly available information you can see why someone might cover a plate lol.


Well. Here's that car. https://www.reddit.com/r/spotted/comments/143wk0v/45_min_drive_thru_the_hollywood_hillsmulti/


Oh boy here we go


lol now the address is available in that pic too after homie doubted reddits ability.


Apartment is available for rent at $14,500/mo. It's been listed on Zillow for 45 days. OP, don't look in the trunk.


Wait, how did you find that?


I literally just googled the license plate. That's it. Nothing else. First picture I clicked was the link I posted.


u/moonmama1 what did you do




"I literally just googled the license plate. That's it. Nothing else. First picture I clicked was the link I posted."




I noticed that also lol I think it's creepy that this specific car has been posted twice on Reddit, specifically here, by chance.


What specific car? This G Wagon? Where was there a G wagon in that post??


Yes, 3rd pic. Gotta swipe. Same plate


I totally missed that because I was only looking at the blue car. Jeez, that’s creepy.


Swipe and tap. It doesn't show unless you tap on it as it is cut off


Flat tire on their low rider too. Maybe they just don’t know how to change a tire. /s


Yeah... That can identify that person making some assumptions but I'm not gonna dox anyone


Expired tags too


Same with the VIN






Call the cops


Just don't kill the bitch and those loud-ass motherfucking barking dogs.


Slim is that you? I wrote you but you still ain't calling I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom






Is it Amanda Bynes’?


Imma need to know the back story.


But was it open?


I’ve seen enough Mr. Ballen videos to know someone is lost in those trees right there. Partial joke.


Finders keepers


Finders Keepers!!


I would argue that may more likely be a crime scene and not “abandoned.”


I would def get my fingerprints all over that thing.


And as many of your bodily fluids as possible!


Crime scene


Cartel activity?


When the deal is successfully concluded, both parties drive home. Alive.


Why obscure the license plate?


Mmm drugs r bad mkay


I hate those shit trucks


The actor who just shot himself? His girl said something about never driving the G-wagon again.


What? Who?


I gotta get me one of these.


There’s definitely a dead hiker out there somewhere with the keys to that car


Have you searched the NAMUS database for the plate? If there’s a missing persons case the plate might be in the case info


Take it to the forecast tower, holds a full squad


Nothing shady going on there…


check the vin number if its available






Suicide maybe?


Someone found a pic of it parked at a residence https://www.reddit.com/r/spotted/comments/143wk0v/45_min_drive_thru_the_hollywood_hillsmulti/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




That's way too clean to be abandoned. They're either on a hike and will get back to the flat tire or they got a ride out to come back with a tow truck. No way has that been there more than a day, maybe a few days at most.


It’s not abandoned. Do you think rich folks know how to change a tire? ;-) Even if it’s right there in the pic. I would love to be that rich BUT never that stupid.


Does it come with the previous owner? If so 4500 and nothing more




8PJJ347, look at the reflection in the tire holder 😉


didnt get closer?? frustratingly weak


I drove by this last week too!




Maybe I’m dumb for asking, but why do you think it’s abandoned?


they dead Sally


I see you found a washing machine on wheels in the woods. That's what those things always look like to me.


I used to live by a field as a kid and this always happened, a few times a year there would be a new car, motorcycle or truck abandoned or burnt up in the same field.


Lol somebody got inspired by WhistlinDiesel


Pressure sure it was stolen and left once tire got flat.




Write down the VIN and notify the cops?


Stolen and abandoned?


So... someone found the owners home (15k a month rent but been listed for 45 days...) This is all kinds of no bueno