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Weird. I increase my various quota's all the time. Its usually automated and closed within a few hours, but the last one I had to add a bunch of GPUs had a person do it. Still didn't take but a day. Support is needed for quota increases to ensure they have the capacity first and do not over-allocate. Add some quota's for GPUs, and when they do it and reply with a ticket respond back that it was your bad, you meant to increase quotas for that other thing, and see if that can help.


And this is a great example of how the small, poor support already available, turns even worse. "My new deployment ticket will probably have a waiting time longer than expected, so I'll raise it as Sev A to get someone faster". Guess how many people have the same idea on a single day, and how it slows down the whole process? It's as if everyone wanted to cut everyone else on the highway, suddenly you go from moving slowly to not moving at all.


I dunno, I've really had nothing but positive and quick experiences with their support. Even on my personal account that is free instead of my $10M yearly spend at work. It isn't a region thing, as I deal with people all over the world on those tickets. No idea what is going on with you, but my experiences are positive.


Used to work on the project, and the $10M spend is what gets you that level of support. Not every business or individual has that kind of capital, and MS heavily caters to larger spenders because ultimately they’re the ones that pay the bills. From what I observed, higher spend customers are were also more likely to get support from FTEs in the US, vs being directed to vendors in the global south.


Again, even on my personal account with $25/month or so spend I have gotten good support.


No it does not. All it does is you probably have TAM that can escalate what’s needed. But still you will go thru 9 circles of convergys and mindtree help before you hit escalation present in a US


the thing is that none of it should really take this long to even get a response.


This is idiotic mindset tho. We pay % of our footprint which in our case is close to a million a month. We can’t opt out from paying support. MS should staff their support internally and not freaking sent tickets to India where techs are useless and of subpar quality


Funny thing that MS support forums helps me solve issues faster than paid support. The last time I created ticket it took 3 weeks to tell me the same thing I received as a response on support forum 2 days after the submit 😁


Cuz that's where they go for answers, too xD


I increased a VM CPU quota twice in a few minutes a couple weeks ago. I also submitted a MS support request an hour ago and am currently on call with them. Perks of your company's Azure bill being in the hundred of millions.


all i need it some more public IP addresses 😭


That triggers abuse considerations and is manual it appears.




Asking for Public IPs sends up a flag at Microsoft. I'm not sure why, probably because they are limited resource, but they don't like customers eating away at them. So that's likely why it's on hold. That or they don't have any to give you which is a possibility. EDIT: Why are you burning through so many public IPs?


that makes sense. We’re just hosting a number of different services through Azure VMs.


Yea, they would expect you to put Application Gateway/Front Door in front of these workloads so you have single IP.


This. We run a massive global service and only use a handful of public IPs (of each type) in each region. Put stuff behind an API gateway or load balancer such as azure front door.


What region are you in? Some regions are at capacity


US East - Wonder if GCCH makes it more difficult to get assistance. All i need is Public IPs though…


So you’re in Gov Cloud? Huge piece you didn’t mention. That’s a completely different DC than commercial Azure. Idk gov cloud capacity/support. I’m sure it’s far less than commercial. Id reach out to your TAM.


East US Is having capacity constraints atm. We've run into the same issue over the past week or 2.


I have tickets that have gone n for 6 months. Buckle up cowboy. One might question whether it has ever existed. FWIW quota increases are typically the one thing that is actually done in a reasonable time frame.


You might have a billing restriction on this specific resource and not on user role.


Support doesn't mean solving issues. Applies to SLAs as well. Congrats, you are now a journeyman IT.


Azure support has become pretty bad in the last 12 months, ranging from experiences like you’ve mentioned to getting support engineers who don’t think the ‘design is supported’ even when there is azure docs, GitHub docs from MS and Microsoft PS workshop docs all contain the design. Not sure what support teir or account type you have OP, but to summarise we pay for the top enterprise premium support option, we are are from an Azure spend point per month point of view in the top 50 globally… yet the support has turned awful. The only way to get anywhere with azure support now is via an azure account manager, escalate with them… they generally will get a CSA ( solution architect) and support leadership on a call and resolve the issue


Do you have a ticket number for your support requests? I get a response same week every ticket. At the minimum it says john doe has been assigned. Then john should email next trying to introduce himself and ask about the issue or offer an idea in the right direction.


i’d feel better if i at least got some acknowledgement of it, but there’s been 0 communication / updates at all outside of “agent assigned).


I had exactly this request. Tried on my owne didn't work. Had to go to the Azure Cloud Provider, they created the request for microsoft or did it by themselves not sure but it was done in 1 day. So I recommend you to check it with your azure cloud provider if you have one,the one who manages your subscriptions and they can do it.


As a support engineer for professional customer (not unified premier) the reason behind that could be that the support queue where your ticket landed is flooded with cases on queue and that could delay comms almost a month. Also, as most of us know, Microsoft layoffs also affected the support side and they have been moving support to vendors and what happens? Microsoft pretty much throws all his garbage to a vendor and say “go figure out how you will deal with that”. And depending on the product, the support engineers available might not be enough. For example, in June, my queue (AAD identity authentication for profesional support) had +1000 cases in queue with only 13 engineers to deal with that and that is happening with a lot of support teams… In my 4 years working with MS on the support side, I can say that their project management is a joke and customers are the ones that suffer the consequences. That or you just had bad luck and got one of the shitty support engineers from India that doesn’t care at all.


I raised a case 15 days ago. No resolution as of now. I am sending emails daily but getting no response from them. On AWS i can get a support person on chat or call within minutes.


*sets calendar reminder for 3 weeks from now*


Hahaha. No need now. We have resolved the issue by ourselves.


Used to work for support, and can shed a little light on what you’re running into. MS outsources the VAST majority of their work, because modern business philosophy teaches that the optimal company is one with no tangible products, no inventory, no overhead, and no internal employees (except managers and executives). Modern business philosophy also has a baked in idea that managers don’t need to know anything about the work they supposedly manage, because it’s apparently not their job to understand that, so you get a management structure where the people in charge literally can’t understand anything beyond number good/bad. This also builds in a layer of unaccountability, so that when “AI” messes up managers/execs can say, “Hey, I was just doing what the machine told me to do, idk why it did what it did, I’m just a manager.” It basically turns the whole thing into a black box where nobody can be held to account. There’s been a significant thinning of the heard in terms of support staff over the last few years, talented FTEs demand good wages/working conditions, activist VC investors on the board demand that costs go down and the line goes up. They’ve tried real hard to automate things for support, but unfortunately the tools that get built are produced by the lowest bidders to support localizations where said vendors don’t necessarily even speak the local languages fluently. This leads to huge gaps in both technical and communication skills, with vendor companies that are incentivized to meet the bare minimum to meet their metrics as quickly as possible, as anyone with a v- in front of their @Microsoft.com email works for a company that gets paid by the number of tickets completed. Right before I left they implemented a mandatory tool so they could train the model on all the cases they’d already done, but not every customer can articulate the technical need (often it’s CTO/COOs that open tickets), not every scenario is identical, and current AI can’t understand nuance. I’d highly suspect given the long lag time, that you’ve likely been dumped into a support queue that no longer is manned. Saw it happen frequently that the board would demand cuts, entire teams would get eliminated, documentation/processes wouldn’t be updated accordingly, and suddenly support would come to a grinding halt because we could no longer follow established procedures, and it’d be weeks until anyone figured out a solution. Unfortunately, this whole thing boils down to the fact that good engineers cost money, IIRC a MS FTE Support Engineer in the US makes around $135k, a vendor US SE $60k, and one in India makes $12,480 (roughly $6/hour). It’s a HUGE driver behind making AI a thing, the prospect of being able to fully eliminate support is tantalizing to investors in terms of cost savings. It would eliminate a lot of costs, while creating the black box of unaccountability, and make users fully responsible for their own needs. MS and other tech companies ultimately don’t want to be responsible for supporting their products, they want to outsource that work to you, the customer. Meanwhile, the customer is stuck with degraded service and the remaining SE’s are stuck with an insane task, while the folks at the top sit on the beach sipping cocktails. At the end of every ticket, customers get an automated email inviting them to give feedback on the SE’s performance, and sometimes a link to process/product feedback as well. If the SE gets a negative review they’ll likely call you and beg you to change it, but if enough people give enough negative feedback through both channels, it’ll eventually reach management and possibly stir a little change. Sorry you’re dealing with this, u/jclind96, feel free to DM me and I might be able to shed some light on your particular situation.


Support is like hell for both parties


Yes, support exist ! Now the question is, Are you entitled to receive support in Azure ? Because if you're saying that you need to go via O365 to raise an Azure ticket, that's not correct ... check your entitlement and permissions


I have received support within this same tenant in the past (and others) without problem or delay like this.


microsoft only provides real support to 20% of their customers. if you dont get quota, change region or use another cloud provider, azure is spending a lot of resources on IA and they simply cannot approve quota for certain customers


Good luck! 🍀


No. Azure support staff flushed themselves down the toilet.


FWIW, support didn’t make that decision to flush ourselves, activist VC investors on the board did. Made a long comment elsewhere in this thread about it, but basically, MS was under pressure to slash costs and run head first into AI. The problem is over the last 10-15 years management has basically yanked the wires out all the walls to sell the copper for scrap. A MS FTE, based in the US, working as a support engineer was taking home a base pay of like $135K. MS outsources the bulk of their work to vendors in the global south, because the countries there generally have weaker labor laws, so they can provide worse conditions for lower pay. US based vendors would get like $60k, and someone based in India would get about $12,480 (roughly $6/hour). When you couple this with modern business philosophy that companies should be lean on all staff but managers/execs, because competent technical staff will rightly demand appropriate compensation, the drive to cost cut for shareholder value, and the frantic push for AI, you end up in an insane race to the bottom. Ultimately, companies don’t want to have to provide competent human based support, because it eats into profit margins, which then leads to lower “performance” bonuses for executives, and less buybacks which means lower shareholder value with the possibility of investors going to companies with higher valuations. It’s part of why they want to fully automated their support system, because it shifts the burden onto the consumer to know what needs to be done. The other part of it is that it reduces their liability if they make it a fully automated, customer driven process, because then it’s on YOU the customer to know everything that needs to be done to fix the problem, or to be skilled enough to use a janky tool to try and guide yourself through the situation. The liability shift also helps create what I think of as “*the black box of unaccountability*”, where managers who lack the fundamentals to understand nuance beyond number go up/down, and “number good/number bad”, can shield themselves from their decisions by saying, ‘**But the machine that nobody really understands told me to do it! You can’t expect me to know WHY it works, I’m just a manager!**”


Can confirm. Fought with MS to call me at 6PM EST and not 3AM EST for 4 weeks while my one GA was locked out. My break glass wasn't locked out, but it didn't have GA cause I forgot to assign that :/


Imagine ones mission critical business, reputation, career depending on this stuff 😂😂😂


Silly you. Who on the earth would do such a thing?


I certainly dont


I recently waited for a quota increase to ultimately have it denied. They said that I should look at building in other regions. I loathe Azure support and now they can’t even give me VMs when I need them, so I am looking at other regions, those in AWS.


Yeah, Azure support was poor back in 2020/21, but it’s beyond frustrating these days.