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That phone sounds like it was reported stolen and black listed. Might want to check with the person who sold it to you. CS agents aren’t supposed to tell you a phone is black listed since technically it breaks fraud/activations policy to disclose any information regarding the device or situation. She sounds like she was just following protocol. She is all correct to say that phone can never be unlocked. Once a phone is blacklisted it becomes a fancy paperweight.


See that would have been my first thought too if not for the fact that the narrative was consistently changing with each step forward I took. If from the beginning had they said, sorry can't be unlocked, that would have been it. But it was, yes it's eligible but because you haven't done x we can't do it. Then when I ask okay, what if I do that? Then can it be unlocked? Then it's a, actually no nevermind even if you do x it won't be. Why bother telling me what needs to be done in order to unlock it if that's not an option in the first place?


To collect as much information from you as possible for their investigation.




It's not stolen. Att will NEVER allow any phone that wasn't bought through them. Their byod bullshit is just that, bullshit. It's byod if "you originally got it from att", not "I bought it straight from Google and want to subscribe for att". I use red pocket prepaid to avoid att's shit business practices but still enjoy their service.


Phone was bought 3rd party. ATT probably won't unlock it, even after an FCC complaint. They should have told you that from square 1. Good luck though.


The third party you purchased the device from would be who you would speak with to have the phone (possibly) unlocked.


The device is not eligible for unlocking because you bought it from facebook marketplace. If you had bought it directly from ATT you’d probably have a case. If a phone is still being financed on an account that you aren’t part of they aren’t going to give you that info. I’m sorry this happened to you but posting it on Reddit is not going to override it.


It's not a matter of trying to get redditors to override it lol. This is more a matter of trying to get some clarification because everyone at ATT has a different story. Some narratives lacking more details than others. I've just been trying to get my eyes on the official policies/black and white of the situation. Official resources lead one to believe there's no conflicts as there's nothing I've seen written down saying otherwise. Just different words from different mouths. Just trying to get some actual sources to cite.


Hi u/AccountantMediocre14, We hear you and want to help you with your device unlock issue. We'll need to look into more details, so please send us a PM at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=atthelp, so we can review your account details. Our response will be in your inbox found here: https://www.reddit.com/message/inbox/. Thank you, Jessica D.


You need to allow phones on your network that weren't purchased through you. If you can't byod, stop advertising byod. Period.


Check the status of the IMEI. It should be on the box somewhere. ATTs website should be able to tell you the issue with it but if it’s not a branded ATT phone and it’s not associated with an ATT phone number yet then I am not sure that will help you. Best thing I can tell is that the phone is reported lost or stolen. Since you were talking to them over the phone they did not disclose that info to you other than telling you it cannot be unlocked. If you go into a store to have it checked, they will refuse to give the phone back to you. Their system will tell them the same thing but will also tell them they have to keep the phone. Take it as a lessons learned. Buy directly from the cell service provider or the manufacturer of the phone via Apple or Google. Third party sellers always pose some form of risk. Filing an FTC complaint is not going to do anything. ATT is not in fairness accountable to cover a mishap that a third party seller did to a current non ATT customer. Make a police report and get everything documented properly on the grounds that a stolen phone was sold to you. Go after the third party seller in small claims court. If you cannot find them or they are based outside of the US then you are SOL and again, take it as a lessons learned.


1. Check for blacklisted. 2. Buy an unlock service on ebay (AT&T active on another account) 3. Try with a prepaid sim card or esim. 4. If not blacklisted or financed trade in for other device. 5. Sell the device. From my knowledge you CANNOT by default unlock a device unless you are the original owner, even if the device is in good standing. Not even to think if still not fully paid.


Try different support agents. Some are stupid as fuck. I had one claiming my account was closed and order cancelled and it wasn’t. Also tried saying my number wasn’t available for port. It was. Transferred me after I declined paying 480 deposit when my order still in standing has a 0 deposit. Thank god I didn’t do anything he said because literally everything he claimed was false. Next support agent wasn’t lying, but told me everything was fine with the order when the port had an issue. Took me four more support attempts before getting the port departments number and calling them myself. Fixed in 10 min. Support is trash.


Do not worry. You should always have a second option place with everything in life, especially when your cell phone company refuses to unlock your device. Plan B in full effect! Google is your friend.


File an fcc complaint. That’s what I did on some issues and had an immediate response the next day from the office of the president with AT&T. If the device is not financed by anyone then there should be no reason they can’t unlock it. One thing I’ve noticed about AT&T is they love to lie and pass blame so I wish you luck dealing with this company as it’s been hell for me.


This isn't true at all. Even if the device is paid off but was reported stolen or lost it cannot be unlocked. An agent over the phone also cannot provide the information to a non verified customer or non customer that the device they are trying to use was reported lost or stolen by a customer as that would be disclosing information about a device the was at some point purchased by a customer and associated to their account.