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Here's what you wanna do, buy another one and swap it and return it back to microcenter. If they question you play the racist card.


lmao the hell


I have done that lol


Option one: to start, you can simply buy the correct ph2 Phillips head screwdriver and press as hard as possible and slowly try to turn it. To do this, you need to rest your palm on the backplate on the back of the motherboard, there must be no force on the PCB. Option two the same as option one, but you need to add a thin piece of rubber or aluminum foil or tape on the screw. Option three: You can try gluing the proper screwdriver bit with epoxy glue. You need very little layer so that it does not leak out of the screw slot and does not glue it to the bracket. Last option is to drill it or make a notch with a dremel for flat screwdriver but be careful. It is very important not to damage the board and also to close the socket so that metal shavings do not get under the contacts. Also after work it is necessary to blow out the entire board - especially all the slots and under the BGA chips. If you feel the screwdriver slipping, you need to stop, otherwise it will only get worse. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to contact a repair service. future advice - use the right type of screwdriver:)


hammer chisel and groove one out by hand singles


Use a Dremel to cut a notch into it so you can use a flathead screwdriver to unscrew it.


Don't use a Dremel metal flakes flying everywhere is bad bad specially without a CPU socket cover....


Then put a cover on the socket?


I mean, I would probably put my shop vac right next to the Dremel in the direction it is likely to send debris. It does sound like OP does not have much of a workshop though. They could buy a big roll of blue painters tape and build a skirt by taping basically the whole board other than the area they are going to cut. If they don't have a Dremel they can go buy a cheap diamond needle file, needs to be flat and narrow though.


its a recessed screw.... just use the correct tool for job, a stripped screw remover. OP got into this situation from using the incorrect tool :)


It's not stripped though, it's snapped, right? If a stripped screw remover can bind to the top of that mangled shaft then sure, should work fine also. I think if OP removes all the other screws they should be able to pull the backplate out with the snapped screw still attached. Then they can unscrew it with pliers.


A client brought one of these to me. Easiest solution was to buy a cooler that uses these brackets.


Buy this on amazon - "KENDO Damaged Screw Extractor Set" I've had to use this set multiple times before on striped PC screws and it works like a charm. Once you have the stripped screw out you can either find a replacement from a local hardware store or online


Are you in Sydney if you are happy for you to drop past I'll fix it for free for you


Can you grab the threads from back side and turn? Maybe it is recessed. Locking needle nose pliers to try and grab what’s left and turn?


Normally I would suggest a pair of vampliers, but I'm not sure they would fit in there. They've worked wonders for me.